
I will be number 1!!!!

"Taehyung!? get up..." Jongdae burst into the room to get his lazy brother up again but saw that Taehyung was already awake, he just sat at his desk, on his laptop. "This is a first, what you doing?" Jongdae asks walking over to take a peak at his brothers laptop. Taehyung imediatly closed the laptop so as his brother couldn't see, "Nothing to do with you, i'm going to school early today" He stood up and took his bag and went out.

Jongdae was left in Taehyungs room, 'something happened, the last time he got up early was when he quit basketball' he thought to  himself before leaving himself to head to work.

On the way to school Taehyung madde sure to go a different way, he wasn't in the mood to talk about basketball, and if Jimin was here thats all he would hear. He felt bad for leaving his friend, but what can you do, having a best  friend who loves the sport you absolutly hate. "Tae? is that you?" a passing boy came over. Taehyung smiled when he saw who it was, and ran up to him and pulled him into a hug. "Jungkookieee! its been awhile, i've missed you" "Tae, people are staring at us?" Jungkook said pushing his hyung off him. 

"But, but..." Taehyung whined getting a playful kick to his shin by the younger. "Listen Tae! we're meant to be keeping are relationship a secret remember, we're near your school, what if someone saw us?" Jungkook warned. "I know, I know, but your just too cute and innocent, I couldn't help myself, plus I havn't seen you for so long" Taehyung said, pinching Jungkooks face. "Hyung, stop, I have to go know, see you around" and without waiting for Taehyung's reply he left.

"Bye then, I love you" Taehyung shouted, but he doubted that Jungkook heard. 

He arrived at school early, even with getting distracted by Jungkook, and he headed straight to his class. He hoped there could be another way to his form, instead of having to walk past the sports hall, but looking at the school map, there didn't seem to be any other way. As he approached the sports hall, he could hear the squeaking of a pair of shoes, curiousity took over him and he peered in through the gap in the door.


As he peered in he saw a familiar figure, working on his footwork, "Jimin?" Taehyung spoke entering the sports hall more checking to make sure no one else is around. "Woah! Taehyung? you made me jump, wait what are you doing here?" Jimin asked, "That should be my question?" Taehyung replied. "Ah, right, yes, sorry, after practice yesterday Suga told me that I needed to work on my footing when moving with and without the ball, oh Taehyung please help me?" Jimin whined. "You know I don't like basketball,so why would I help you?" "Because i'm your best friend, and this isn't techniqualy basketball." He made a good point Taehyung thought to himself and decided to help him at least once, to make up for him leaving yesterday.

Jimin was worse then what Taehyung first thought. In dance they call this two left feet, but in basketball its just absolute no idea how your supposed to move with the ball. "God! how can you be so bad at something so easy? let me show you." Jimin was amazed, Taehyung moved so fluently, of course he's seen him play before but he never focused on his feet, it was so graceful for such a tough sport. "Did you see, its easy!" Taehyung asked as Jimin came out of his daydream, "Yeah, you where amazing Tae!."

"Wow that was pretty darn good" they heard someone clap, they turned to see who it was, Yoongi stood there smiling. "You know you should join our club, with movement like that, you'd be useful" Taehyung threw the ball back to Jimin and walked towards the door "I won't join, I hate basketball" "So you keep saying" Yoongi whispered as he watched Taehyung leave.

In the classroom Taehyung threw his bag down and slumped in his seat. "I have got to stop getting dragged into things, I told myself I've given up on Basketball, its not fun anymore" Taehyung spoke to himself not realising that there was a person listening. "Why give up on basketball?" Yano interupted causing Taehyung to jump. "Wah! you heard me?" "Well you weren't exactly speaking quietly" Taehyung went red and turned to look out the window "If I told you you wouldn't understand." "What i'f I told you I know why and that your being pathetic" Yano snapped back. Taehyung turned to look at Yano "WHAT!? how do you know? why?" "Because I know everything" Yano winked at Taehyung and went at sat at his desk.

Through out the rest of the day Taehyung found it really hard to concentrate, he was too focused on what Yano said, 'was he being pathetic, and how does Yano know it's not like I know him'  where the thoughts going through his head. "Yah, Tae snap out of it" Jimin shouted in Taehyungs ear, "What is it Jimin, if it's about basketball don't bother asking" Taehyung rudely replied "Actually I was going to ask if you wanted to eat lunch with me, but clearly your not in the mood" Jimin looked somewhat hurt, guilt built up in Taehyung "Oh god, Jimin sorry, I'll have lunch with you" Taehyung put on a big smile which cheered Jimin up. "Come on then, before the food goes, i'm starving."


Jimin decided to walk home with Taehyung today, as there was a meeting for the basketball team memebers only, and he figured Taehyung proberally felt hurt because he hasn't been with him alot of the time anymore. "Taehyung your not mad at me are you? Taehyung are you even listening to me?" Jimin asked. Taehyung flinched "sorry what did you say?" "are you alright, you seem to be out of it?" Jimin looked at Taehyung worriedly, "I'm ok i've just had alot on my mind" Taehyung said and smiled so he wouldn't have to worry.

"Guy's hold up!!!!!!!!" at the sudden shout the two turned around and noticed Suga running up to them. "You have to come quick, Taehyung you too!" wihtout even giving them a chance to reply, he grabbed both there arms and ran back to the school. 

"Hyung? where you taking us?" Jimin asked trying not to trip, he was running faster then he had ever run before. "Let me go!" Taehyung on the other was trying to worm out of Suga's grip, but he held to strong. "You'll see!."

They reached the sports hall and they all went in. Everyone was gathered infront of the drop down screen, a video seemed to be playing. Taehyung froze, the video was of him agaisnt the 3 boys that he challenged yesterday. 'who the hell recorded this?' Taehyung thought to himself. He could hear people whispering, 'woah that player is awesome' 'who is that guy' 'he's wearing our uniform, he must be from our school' 'but I don't recognize him.' I suppose that was the good part, the video wasn't good quality and it was hard to tell who the person is, as long  as Taehyung keeps quiet no one will know it was him, or so he thought.

"OMG! OMG! OMG! Taehyung! isn't that you?" Jimin blurted out, jumping up and down from excitement. Yes of course Jimin was there, of course he would recognise the person. At Jimin's sudden outburst everyone in the room turned to face Taehyung, whispering amongst themselves. Taehyung went to leave, escaping being the centre of attention but was caught by someone. 

"Yah! let me go! so what if it's me! I'm not going to be apart of any club" Taehyung shouted wiggling his arm to get it free from the persons grip. Without letting go the person spoke "So this is the person in the video, nice to meet you, i'm Seokjin, also known as Jin, also the ex-captin of the team, and also the one who filmed you, i must say you are an excently player." Taehyung had enough, so he swung his leg around and kicked Jin directly in the crotch, thus causing Jin to let go and fall the ground in pain.

"ow, ow, ow, ow, ow" Jin cried, clutching his crotch. "I don't care who you are, but to show a video of someone without there permission is Illigal, your lucky I don't call the police" He turned to face everyone in the room "Yes, the person who is playing in that video is me. Yes I did play basketball, the best on my ex-team, but this is the last time i'm going to say this, I stop playing basketball for reasons which you all won't understand, and thus I hate basketball, so don't bother me anymore, because i'm never going to play seriously again." and with that he stormed out the hall slamming the door behind him, the sound resonating in the room. Everyone was left in stunned silence.

"Woah Jin are you okay!?" Suga asked as he ran over to help him up. Jin laughed "Aha, yeah i'm fine, but something really bad must of happened to him, it's a shame to let such talent go to waste." Suga turned to Jimin, who looked a little upset. "Say Jimin, by any chance do you know what happened?" Jimin nodded "Yer, I do, but it's not really my place to say" he turned to video "Say, can you send you me this video, I miss Taehyung's basketball" Jin nodded "yeah of course, and your a good friend, don't let him go." 

Everyone watched the video one more time, before calling it day and heading home themselves. Looks like Jimins wwalking home alone afterall. After everyone left, Yano was the only one who remained, he watched the video again, "How long are you going to be like this, I've waited for too long."


Taehyung walked pretty fast, he wanted to get home, and forget all this, but he was stopped once again, but this time by someone who he really loved. 

Over on the same basketball court he played on yesterday Jungkook stood with a ball in his hands, as soon as he saw Taehyung he called him over. Worried Taehyung went over straight away, why would Jungkook be hear of all places. "Jungkook? what are you doing here" Taehyung asked, as he reached Jungkook, he kissed the boys forehead. "Taehyung! your here, play a match with me?"


Waahh next chapter ^^ oooh a new person appeard, seems he has a close relationship with Taehyung ;) *coughs Vkook* ;) 

this is still a vhope fanfic, for those who are wondering :) 

Yano seems to be a quite mystierious person, how does he know so much about Taehyung? 

ahaha why does Jungkook want to play with Taehyung? lets all find out in the next chapter, go, go, go

lots of questions I seem to leave open, hehe

Thanks all you guys who are reading, and my new and regualr subscribers, I love you all, the next chapter should be up tommorow, hopefully, I can do this:)

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sang2gisa #1
ah~ kuroko no basuke. i love this anime. and thats why im curios abt this ff ><
Chapter 17: oh my god, this is so cute. Can't wait..
Chapter 17: Yeayy great cause yeah i need more chapters!
Chapter 16: You definitely need to write an epilogue dude
Update soon
KoariAndHerCoctail #5
Chapter 16: epilogue!! epilogue!! Please! :D I want them to be happy couple forever! TT-TT i beg you :DD and i really love you :D I like basketball and so i really love your story :)
Chapter 13: I bet the one who called the staff was chen and baekhyun lol

And they saw the whole scene thats why chen called tae!!!

Update soon
Chapter 13: They kissed!!! I like their date moment :D
ochakenchao #8
Chapter 13: it's so sweet
i want to stalk their date
Chapter 11: Tae you so lucky... Hoseok really love you! Lol at Jongdae and Baek!!!
Chapter 11: It was so cute at first i mean their date

And lol for baek and chen,what the hell they are doing at the cinema lololol

Im curious about that shop and everything

Update soon