Epilogue Part 1 - 4 years later.

I will be number 1!!!!

Hoseok was busy making coffee in the kitchen, whilst Yoongi, Jimin, Namjoon, Jin and Jungkook, were sat messing about with each other in the living room.

It was the time for Taehyung’s big match, which if he won this match would make him number 1 in the world, and everyone all gathered at Hoseok’s to watch it.

“Woah guys, shhh it’s starting” Namjoon clapped his hands to get everyone’s attention.

“Wah! Hoseok come on its starting” Jimin shouted into the kitchen.

“I’m coming!” Hoseok shouted back.

Hoseok entered the living room with a tray of coffee and smiled at everyone sitting smiling at the TV, he place the tray down on the coffee table and took a seat next to Jimin.

“Ahhh its Taehyung, everyone look its Taehyung, omg he’s on the screen, wahhhh!” Jungkook started fangirling, reciving a ‘shut the hell up look’ and a pillow thrown to his head by Hoseok.

“Please, let’s be quiet and watch the match.”



After Taehyung left to go to America, and with Yoongi’s graduation the basketball team became low on members, if they didn’t get any more by the end of the first term the basketball club would be disbanded.

They finally gathered enough people so that they wouldn’t get disbanded. One of which was Taehyung’s ex, and former captin Jin’s boyfriend Jungkook.

Jungkook, transferred to this school because he wanted to join the basketball club here, well bothe his ex and current boyfriend were on this team, and well he just had to not be the only one. He was well welcomed onto the team, although at first tention was high between him and Hoseok, knowing each other’s relationship with Taehyung.

Jimin was the one who stop the tension between them. He couldn’t take it for much longer and just had to do something. So he ‘accidently’ locked the two of them topgether in the store cuboard, and with Jimin getting punished afterwords, Hoseok and Jungkook became good friends.

A year passed and a surprise came before the basketball club, a sudden joining request from their opposing player Namjoon. Apperently after the match with Taehyung, Namjoon realised there was more to the sport than playing basketball, so he left his club, transferred schools and joined taehyung’s team. Only to find Taehyung wasn’t there.

Still he decided to change and Hoseok welcomed him, knowing that if Taehyung was here, he would be pleased to see Namjoon having a change of heart.

They never heard anything from Taehyung in America, but they figured that he was busy training and with the time difference, there wasn’t any time for Taehyung to contact home.

Soon the basketball club became the favourite high school team. They won nearly every match and had many supporters. But it was soon be time for Hoseok and Namjoon to graduate, leaving the team alone with Jimin, Yano and Jungkook.

Unfortunately the year Hoseok and Namjoon left, Yano got into a terrible car accident and died the following day. Being struck with shock, Jimin couldn’t play Basketball anymore, and with Jungkook being alone on the team, it finally got disbanded at the end of Jimin’s and Yano third year at high school.

4 years went by fast and everyone had graduated high school, the members of the basketball team, although they all went separate ways still kept in contact every now and then.

Hoseok left High School and went on to studying the art of dance at university, whatever made him choose that decision was after watching an episode of strictly come dancing.

Yoongi became a sports TV reporter and proposed to Jimin on one of his live broadcasted shows. An embarrassment for Jimin who was a playschool teacher and all the kids where watching at that time.

Jin became a famous baker and released his first recipe book, which in two weeks of its release became a best seller.

Jungkook continued to play basketball in university, but his major was in English, hoping to be an English teacher in the near future. He and Jin we’re still dating but none had decided to take the next step.

Namjoon became a policeman after going through his training after high school. He hope he could attended for his awful behaviour by catching those who also have bad behaviour.

It came to October 4 years after Taehyung went to study in America, when an announcement was made on national TV. With the words Former Korean high school student Kim Taehyung is to make his debut in a match to decide the world’s number one basketball player.

And thus here they all are Hoseok, Jimin, Jungkook, Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi all gathered at Hoseok ready to watch their friend play this big match.



“whoa Taehyung looks so good playing amongst the member on his team, don’t you think?” Yoongi said captivated by the smooth movement of Taehyung.

“Yeah, he’s an amazing player, he deserves to win” Jimin beamed

“Guys quiet I want to watch my Taehyung in silence” Hoseok moaned.

“Your Taehyung eh!” The others teased, but Hoseok couldn’t take his eyes of the match, or more precisely his boyfriend Taehyung.

1 hour passed and the match had finally ended.

“YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Everyone jumped up screaming and cheering for Taehyung’s team had won the match.

“I knew he could it”

“Taehyung you’re the best, I love you!”

Hoseok burst into tears “Ahh Tae Tae’s dream had finally come true, he became the number one player.”

“Wait guys, calm down, we have to listen to Taehyung’s winning speech.” Namjoon requested for everyone to quiet down and listen.

“Wow, I don’t know what to say, I’m speechless, I would never have imagined this. It’s been my dream since I was child to become the number 1 player, and for a while I gave up that dream, but I’m thankful to my friends over in Korea, who I miss so much, for they helped me to come this far. I’m also thankful to my wonderful coach who scouted me for his team, and thank you to my fellow team members who had to put up with me, when I could barely speak English. I’m really grateful to have gained this title, and I’m really the happiest person alive. Oh and I have a message for my friends back home, who I know they are watching this, could you all turn around for me. Thank you everyone, I Love you all!”

Just as Taehyung said Hoseok and everyone turned around where they were sitting, and there stood Taehyung smiling at them just like he had done 4 years ago, when they won the match against Namjoon.

“OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD, OH MY ING GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!” Jimin shouted over and over again, too much in shock.

“TAEHYUNG is that really you? But how? You’re on the screen? And…and here?” Yoongi asked trying not to stutter his words. Jungkook and Jin looked at each other and then at Taehyung and then to each other before screaming.

Namjoon just passed out.

And Hoseok stood staring a Taehyung, tears streamed down his cheeks, he was too much in shock to say anything.

“Yo! Guy’s, did you miss me?” Taehyung smiled. Upon Taehyung’s words everyone jumped up and ran to Taehyung all giving him one big hug, except Hoseok who was still stood frozen.

“Ahh it’s so good to see you”

“Taehyung I missed you so much!”

“Tell us about your experience?”

“Guys, Guys, Guys, please I can’t breathe” Taehyung gasped for air, and everyone released Taehyung. Jimin turned to Hoseok

“Hoseok-ah? What are you doing stood there, aren’t you going to say anything?”

Taehyung looked at Hoseok and smiled, he missed Hoseok so much. Taehyung made his way over to Hoseok, “Hoseokiee?...” But Taehyung never did finish what he was going to say, as Hoseok pulled him into a big hug, sobbing into his shoulder.

“I *sniff* missed *sniff* you so *sniff* much!”

“I missed you too” and Taehyung also burst into tears.

“Come on guy’s I think we should give them some time alone” Yoongi said wiping away a stray tear.

“But I have so much to tell him?” Jimin complained

“Tell him another time, Taehyung probably came back for Hoseok, come on all lets go,”

“Bye Taehyung, see you next time” and everyone left leaving Hoseok and Taehyung alone.


Wah, guy's i'm finally back, from after a long time, and I finally got round to writing to epilogue to this fanfic after people had requested it. I have decided to make it into 2 or 3 parts as i'm just that evil ;) ahahaa...

Sorry that I havn't been updating anything recently, but with college starting, i've been too exhausted to think up of anything good, I'm struggling to even continue to write the rest of my other fanfics, but I will make sure to finish the epilogue of this for you all, and then seee where that leaves me.

I thank you for your paitence and I hope you will wait for the next parts :)

your evil author ~chibifish4~


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sang2gisa #1
ah~ kuroko no basuke. i love this anime. and thats why im curios abt this ff ><
Chapter 17: oh my god, this is so cute. Can't wait..
Chapter 17: Yeayy great cause yeah i need more chapters!
Chapter 16: You definitely need to write an epilogue dude
Update soon
KoariAndHerCoctail #5
Chapter 16: epilogue!! epilogue!! Please! :D I want them to be happy couple forever! TT-TT i beg you :DD and i really love you :D I like basketball and so i really love your story :)
Chapter 13: I bet the one who called the staff was chen and baekhyun lol

And they saw the whole scene thats why chen called tae!!!

Update soon
Chapter 13: They kissed!!! I like their date moment :D
ochakenchao #8
Chapter 13: it's so sweet
i want to stalk their date
Chapter 11: Tae you so lucky... Hoseok really love you! Lol at Jongdae and Baek!!!
Chapter 11: It was so cute at first i mean their date

And lol for baek and chen,what the hell they are doing at the cinema lololol

Im curious about that shop and everything

Update soon