The Dreaded Match

I will be number 1!!!!

Today was the day of the dreaded match against Rap Monster. They couldn’t afford to lose this match, otherwise Taehyung would have to transfer schools in his next year. So tensions were high.

Yoongi woke up with a banging headache “Oh ! This isn’t good” he complained hitting the wall, and then moaned at the pain he caused. He got up slowly and gathered his things, and headed out the door to the school, where they are all meeting for the match.

He decided to keep it a secret from the others that he is ill, so as they won’t worry, and that he has to play this match, no way is he going to let them take away his teammate.

He was the last to arrive at school and waved to everyone putting on a smile.

“Hey everyone, you all ready for today, lets all do our best”

“Ayeeeeee!” the members shouted and they all boarded the bus to take them to the place where the match was being held.

When they arrived they Rap Monsters team were ready and waiting, Taehyung got off the bus and looked at Rap Monster seeing a smirk on his face.

“Looking forward to today’s match, been awhile since we played.”

“Yeah, hasn’t been, oh saw Byungjoo the other day by the way”

“Oh really? How is he doing?”

“He’s fine now by the looks of things, lucky that that’s the case isn’t it”

“Yeah that’s great news” but something in Rap Mons tone was a little unconvincing.

The members looked to one another in confusion they had no idea what happened between these two but by the sound of things it didn’t look good, this is going one tense match.

Rap monster team waved at them and walked into the building, Taehyung watched till they disappeared.

Hoseok walked up to Taehyung and patted his shoulder “You ok? It will be fine, don’t worry”

“Yes I know!! Let’s just get this over and done with” Taehyung rudely spoke back and stormed into the building.

Hoseok was a little surprised by Taehyungs reaction but he couldn’t blame him, there really must have been something terrible that happened between them.

Jimin walked in with Yoongi who seemed to be getting worse and worse, he didn’t have a lot of colour in his face, but he still acted as nothing was wrong.

The all changed and arrived on the court for the match to commence.


The match started with Taehyung’s team with the ball from the throw in, good start and they already had made their first goal.

“Yoongi pass the ball” Taehyung shouted, but Yoongi wouldn’t pass the ball he was running towards the goal “Yoongi will you pass” but it was too late the ball got stolen by the opposing team.

Taehyung looked at Yoongi and noticed that he was sweating a lot more than usual for this early in the game, he went up to him.

“Are you alright, you don’t look so good?” Taehyung asked

“I’m…I’m fine, just a little slip up, sorry, let’s focus again” Yoongi replied trying to sound as well as possible, but Taehyung knew something was wrong, but decided to not push it.

The match continued and both the teams were equally matched, the score being level , everytime Taehyung scored, Rap monster would then score,  without yoongi being in top condition it was making the match difficult.

It was the end of the second quarter so it was time for a 10 minute break, Taehyung knew he had to say something.

Back in the changing rooms everyone was quite, it seemed they were all worried of the outcome, and why Yoongi wasn’t playing to his normal standard. Taehyung stood up a cleared his throat.

“Right, for the second half Yoongi will be switched out with Jimin”

“WHAATTTTT” Jimin said in shock

“No I’m fine, I have to play this match” Yoongi pleaded

“ that Yoongi, clearly you’re not fine, your face is pale as a ghost and you aren’t fully focused in the game, you need to go to the hospital, leave the team and match to us.”

“But I have to play this match, I…I want to destroy Rap monster”

“No, you’re not going to play, I’m not going to let you ruin your health, I’m not going to let what happened to me happen to you”

Yoongi went quiet and Hoseok stared at Taehyung in worry.

“Jimin you’re playing, Yano will take Yoongi to the hospital, and we will win this match.”

“But…” Jimin and Yoongi both said

“Suga I agree with Taehyung, you can leave this match to us, we won’t let Rap monster win!” Hoseok added.

“Fine, I’ll go to the hospital, Taehyung your in charge and please win this match” Yoongi regretfully spoke.

The members watched as Yano left with Yoongi to take to the hospital, they all prayed he would be alright, but they had to have their focus on this match.

“Ok so we ready for the second half, Jimin don’t look so paniced, Hoseok try to keep up with me, and everyone else keep the ball passing to me and Hoseok”

The teams arrived back onto the court and Rap Monster noticed the change in a member, “Heh, Taehyung what happened to your captain?” He laughed

“None of your business, you will lose today, and don’t try anything funny”

“Oh sure sure, don’t worry, I won’t”

The match started again and Taehyung received the ball first again immediately scoring a goal. But then Rap monster stole the ball of Jimin and scored a goal too.

“Hah, what kinda player is he, with him on the court you loose.” Rap monster said laughing in Jimins face.

‘’ Taehyung thought, this is where it starts, the cruel playing of Kim Namjoon.

As the third quarter progressed Taehyung’s team where loosing, the point gap was getting bigger and bigger, and not only that the other members where being affected by Rap Monsters words.

Addmitedly Taehyung felt nostalgic seeing Rap Monsters play, but he never experience happen to his team before, and he knew now how harsh he actually is. When Taehyung became in earshot with Rap Monster he heard him say “Heh, Taehyung how do you feel now, your experiencing my basketball, do you see why I want you on my team again, and that’s getting closer, just look at your teammates.”

Taehyung looked at his teammates, they all looked so down and hurt “You bastard, I’m not joining you, I guess it’s time for you to face my basketball, bye bye”  and with that the whistle blew for the end of the third quarter

At the bench everyone was silent, they all had harsh things said about them, Rap Monster could tell what they lacked and used that as his weapon.

“ sake guys, don’t look so depressed, this is what Rap monsters wants to happen, it’s how he plays basketball, you just got to not listen to what he says.” Taehyung said to each other the members

“But have you actually felt what it feels like hearing something like that, hell no, you were on the same team as him, you watched him do it” Hoseok harshly said to Taehyung.

“No your right I did, and at that time I saw it as a good thing as we won the match…” Taehyung was cut off by Hosoek again.

“How could you say that it’s ‘a good thing’, it’s aweful that kind of play shouldn’t be allowed”

“Your only saying this because your pissed off, you don’t mean it” Taehyung’s voice quivered a little

“No, I mean every word, you saw how it made the other players feel, hell you’ve also seen what it does to your teammates, and what you want us to ignore it, why don’t you try and feel what it’s like to be hurt about something in the sport you most love.” Hoseok suddenly realised what he said and watched as Taehyung dropped his head.

“Oh yeah sure your right, of course I don’t know how it feels to be hurt in the sport you love, it was always so great for me, wasn’t it” Taehyung voice shook

“Oh god, oh I’m so sorry Tae, I…I forgot”

Taehyung took a deep breath to calm himself down. “Forget it, let’s just win this match” The whistle went signalling the start of the forth and finally quarter.

“I overheard you know, your team is falling apart, just like what happened to the other teams, you liked it then you know!”

“ off Namjoon, you think I don’t know that? I’m going to trash you and your basketball playing, so you better be ready.”

The match started again but this time Rap Monster started with the ball, which didn’t help Taehyung’s team, and he scored another goal, and another, and another, infact Taehyung’s team had little handling of the ball.

“” Taehyung shouted and looked around to s who were all panting, he spotted Hoseok, looking like he was regretting something, he went over “Hey Hoseok you think you could keep up with me?”


“I’m going to do something I’ve only ever done once before, my true basketball playing.”

“But aren’t you mad at me?”

“I’m not mad, so you think you can?”

Hoseok smiled “Oh I’m sure I can”

“Fantastic, now let’s give Namjoon a taste of defeat.”


Jimin managed to get hold of the ball and passed it to Hoseok who was frantically waving suggesting he wanted the ball, he then tried to spot Taehyung, he had to make sure to not take his eyes off Taehyung.

Taehyung gestured a signal for Hoseok to pass the ball and as soon as Taehyung held onto the ball, he closed his eyes.

“Taehyung what are you doing!? They will steal the ball, opening oyur eyes” Hoseok shouted but Taehyung wasn’t listening he was focused, this was his true Basketball.

Just as the opposing team member reached his hand out for the ball, Taehyung opened his eyes, “Sorry too slow” and in the blink of an eyeTaehyung dogged him, and everyone else and scored a three pointer.

The players all stood in amazing at what just happened, no way could it be possible for someone to move that fast in that time. Taehyung smirked at Rap Monster who looked like he was about to kill someone.

“Now lets see who will win” and Taehyung jogged back his side of the court for it to start again.

“” Rap Monster muttered to himself “Your one freaky person Taehyung” but he found himself smiling, it’s been awhile since he saw Taehyung play like this.

“Damn that was amazing Taehyung how do you do it?” Hoseok asked

“Nothing special, just hearing the play, feeling play, being one with game, let finish him off” Jimin smiled seeing Taehyung playing like this again with that big grin on his face.

The match ended and both teams were exhausted, there was only one point difference in the score.

Rap monster was the first to stand up and he walked over to Taehyung extending his hand out for him, Taehyung grabbed the hand and Rap monster pulled him up.

“That was a good match, and I guess this will be the last time we will see of each other right?”

“Yes your right, I missed your style of play, being harsh with words, and I believe so.”

“You have a good team here, and I’m thankful for them because you are playing basketball again, I’m sorry about back then and I wished I could of done something.”

“No no it’s alright, whats past is past”

“Ok, goodbye Taehyung, and enjoy matches to come with your team”

"Bye bye” Taehyung watched Rap monster and his team leave, and then turned to s who all had a massive grin on their faces. “Guys, we won, we should go tell Yoongi the news.”


wa hey a double update.

the match agaisnt rap monster was pretty tense aye? 

oh guys as i said in the previous chapter that i've have no motivation for this story anymore i will be ending it with the next chapter, i know its sad and i'm really really sorry.

but i started on this new fanfic so I hope you will read that too,  i'm getting this one out of the way first.

well till the final chapter bye bye

thank you for all who read, subscribes and comments.

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sang2gisa #1
ah~ kuroko no basuke. i love this anime. and thats why im curios abt this ff ><
Chapter 17: oh my god, this is so cute. Can't wait..
Chapter 17: Yeayy great cause yeah i need more chapters!
Chapter 16: You definitely need to write an epilogue dude
Update soon
KoariAndHerCoctail #5
Chapter 16: epilogue!! epilogue!! Please! :D I want them to be happy couple forever! TT-TT i beg you :DD and i really love you :D I like basketball and so i really love your story :)
Chapter 13: I bet the one who called the staff was chen and baekhyun lol

And they saw the whole scene thats why chen called tae!!!

Update soon
Chapter 13: They kissed!!! I like their date moment :D
ochakenchao #8
Chapter 13: it's so sweet
i want to stalk their date
Chapter 11: Tae you so lucky... Hoseok really love you! Lol at Jongdae and Baek!!!
Chapter 11: It was so cute at first i mean their date

And lol for baek and chen,what the hell they are doing at the cinema lololol

Im curious about that shop and everything

Update soon