It's YOU?!

I Love You, My Rapper [Hiatus]

Ah~ Saturday is coming! How refreshing! I never thought that studying in art school will be this much of tiredness. Good thing that Saturday is holiday so i can enjoy myself without have to go to classes or doing some assignments. I can work on my composition too! I'm writing this song but it's not complete yet since we don't have piano here in Byunghee oppa's house. I usually use piano in the practice room but since it's holiday i can't do it. That's why today i'm going to Yong Ahjussi's instruments shop. I go there often when i'm still in High School, Yong Ahjussi is so nice to me, he even didn't charge me anymore.

"Ya, where are you going, little girl?" ask Byunghee oppa.

"You don't need to know! I'll be back before you know it!"

"Ya, this girl really.... Take care of yourself! Don't turn off your phone, understand?!"

"Yeah yeah whatever! I'm going!"

I go out of the house. Byunghee oppa is a bit annoying really. It's not like i'm 6 anymore.

"Beauty, ANNYEOOOOOONG!!!!!"

I startled. Mir is already in front of my eyes. I'm shock. Where the hell is this kid coming from? Wait, why is he always appear in front of me actually?!

"Ya, what do you want? I really need to go now!" i said coldly.

"Where? Can I go with you?!" ask Mir cheerfully.


I left him and continue walking to the train station. Ah who is he anyway? He's just MBLAQ member. Byunghee oppa's friend. See? He's Byunghee oppa's friend but why does he keeps appearing in front of me -__-;

Ah here's the train. I'm lucky i don't have to wait too long. But it's really crowded, well it's Saturday so people usually go back to their original house or maybe just take a walk. Ugh, i even can feel my leg. It's too crowded here. I feel uncomfortable. In front of me is a man and he's intentionally want to get closer to me. Ah this is scary, i kinda regret leaving Mir behind ahhh i'm going crazy. Oh no that man is getting closer!!! What should i do? Please help!

I close my eyes, suddenly i feel somebody is standing so close to me. Ah, what should i do?! Is he already this closer?? I open my eyes. Omo?! Wae?!

My heart beats so fast. The man who's standing so close to me's....Junhyung-ssi......

I look behind him, that man is looking at me and Junhyung sarcasticaly. I can't do anything, though it's really crowded, Junhyung's body already touched mine...and it feels like we're.....hugging? Hwaaa my heart beats so fast i can't control it ><

"Th...thank you oppa..." i stuttered. 

"Next time, bring your own oppa with you!" 

I'm shocked. Oh my, so he really knows that i'm Byunghee oppa's sister?

The train already stop at my destination's station. Surprisingly, Junhyung also get off the train with me.

"Oppa, i'm okay really, you don't have to accompany me to..."

"Yah, don't be non sense!" 

Junhyung leave me freeze there. What am i saying? Oh so embarrassing! Ah, ya so stupid Kira! I watched him until he dissapear from my eyes. Oh my God he's so warm....what am i thinking? Do i really like.....him or something?

Ah, whatever... I walk to Yong Ahjussi's instruments shop. Today is so crowded indeed. Many people take a walk. Maybe because the weather today's nice too.

Only took approximately 10 minutes walking to get to Yong Ahjussi's shop. I already stand in front of the shop's door before i knew it.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Yong Ahjussi! It's me Kira!"

A tall handsome man approaches me with a bright smile as usual. Eventough he already in his late 40 he's still look so fresh and healthy. Do you know Brad Pitt? Ah, Yong Ahjussi is exactly handsome like him, i even like him more than Brad Pitt haha.

"It's you! Ah how i miss you, it's been so long since you visit here!" said Yong Ahjussi, giving his bestest smile to everyone he meets.

"Yeah, i miss you too, Ahjussi! How's everything? Good?"

"Yeah, but not as good when you are here!" he said while asking me to sit on the bar chair. "I heard you go to your brother's school? It's my son's too you know!"

"Eeeeh, jinjja?! What's his name? Is he a sunbae?" i asked.

"Yeah, i think he's waay above you. I'm old so my son does to!" He laughs. "He's here by the way. Do you want to meet him?"

"Sure, Ahjussi! Maybe i can get more knowledge from him. Since he's the son of a prodigy like you!"

Yong Ahjussi laughing at my compliment. He sure does though. He can sing well, he plays instrument (doh, that's why he opens this shop in the first place haha) and he compose a few good songs!

"Here's my son. He's the oldest..."

I bowed. "Ah annyeonghas....." MWO?????!!!! It''s....

I can't move my legs when i saw the boy who's standing in front of me.... it's.... it's....



Ah how was it? >< I hope it's not lame heheh and sorry for the late update, kinda busy these days hiks. But i promise i'll update more soon!

Thanks A LOT for the subscribers! Thanks A LOT too for the comments =] I hope you'll keep giving comment so i know how you think about the story.

Thanks thanks thanks :) 

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Chapter 21: I love this so much I'm still waiting please Update soon
<3 <3
Mindstring #2
this is great!
B2UTY-K #3
Chapter 20: go for seungho ! FIGHTING ~ omo scary gyu
Karin_chan #4
Woaah! I loove it :)
MelonCandy #5
Nuuuuu!! Please be with MIr, Kira!! He really likes you!! :'(
Ahahaha... I read all the chapters.. XD<br />
junhyung so babo, if love just say love.. =P<br />
I like your writing style.. Update soon.. ^^
MelonCandy #7
CheolYongie......... *pouts*<br />
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ junhyung is so cue :DDD<br />
But I want her to be with Mir... No Junhyung... No Mir..... OH, I DON'T KNOOOOOOOWWW!!!!!!! xDDDDDDD
oh please please please.............. i want mir with kira........ please....... and update soon ok?? and merry christmas
MelonCandy #9
Aigooooooooo.... Cheolyong-ah, eodiggaaaa?? TT_TT Don't be sad, un? .__.
MelonCandy #10
Awww, Mir that's so swwweeeeeettt!!!!!!!!!!! So I guess he doesn't really like her that way? It could just be me, but i have a feeling he only sees her as a yeodongsaeng :) I kinda like that.. in a weird way ahahahaha