Cheolyong? Mir?

I Love You, My Rapper [Hiatus]

What???? I see a pair of eyes right in front of me. Mo.....mwoya? What happened? My lips.......


"YA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" i shouted as i pushed that boy from me. I get up from my bed and my lips. Who is he, huh? Stealing my first kiss like that! AAAAAAH~

"Ah, mianhae... i didn't mean to.... please forgive me!" he bows to me repeatedly. His face looks so shocked just like mine.

"Yah, what happen here?" Byunghee oppa rushed into my bedroom. "Hey Mir! Hahahaha how was it! She got it right?"

My eyes getting bigger. What was Byunghee oppa said just now? Got it? So....

"Ya, oppa! It's all your doing? How dare you so cruel!!!" i punch him repeatedly. I'm so mad. Is he mad or something? Telling unknown boy to kiss me like that?

"Hey, i just tell him to scare you! I just wanna play with it since it's so fun teasing you!" said Byunghee oppa while laughing.

Mwo? Scare me? So oppa didn't tell him to...

"Mianhae, yes i was here to scare you i didn't mean to...."

"STOP!" i shouted. "You both just go! I wanna go to sleep! I have morning class tomorrow!"


*Mir's POV*


"STOP!" Kira shouted. "You both just go! I wanna go to sleep! I have morning class tomorrow!"

G.O and I walked out from her bedroom. She seems so upset.'s my fault really. This curtain is too long and i got slipped and make her fall...and what? our lips kinda touched.

"Hey, what happer really? Back there?" asked G.O

"I kinda kiss her back there....." i said.

"MWO? Ya, Cheolyong~ how dare you!" G.O reached my shirt. 

"I slipped. Please, will i do that kind of thing to my hyung's lovely sister!" 

G.O let go of me. "Yeah you're right! Haha, how was it how was it?" ask G.O

"Haha....surprisingly....i like it! I like her, i think!"

G.O burst to laugh. "As long as you don't hurt her i don't mind. I know you, take care of her okay!"

I smiled. How can i hurt such a cute person like her....


*Back to Kira's POV*


Ah, it's my first time in college! Woohoo~ i look at myself in the mirror. "Today is gonna be a great day!" i said to myself. 

I go out from my bedroom and find that G.O's already off to campus. Ish, such a jerk, why he left his precious sister alone. He knows i'm new to this place. What will he do when someone kidnaps me? 

I grab a bread on the table and off to campus. Just when i turn around the corner i see those eyes again. It's him! The criminal who stole my precious first kiss, AAAAH~

"Morning, beauty!" said that boy, bowing 90degrees to me.

"What do you want?" i said coldly.

"Yaah, don't be so cold like that. I just want to apologize about yesterday's know...when i...."

"Just stop! Yeah, yeah i forgive you... now get lost, i wanna go to campus now, i got morning class!"

"Eits, wait.... G.O personally asked me to guide you to our campus. You're new right! You probably don't know which way is the fastest to get to campus. Me, Mir, ready to guide you, miss..."

I looked at him and raised my eyebrows. What did he say his name again? Mir? What kind of name is that anyway? What's wrong with people, G.O, Mir...oh my.....

"I can go by myself. Thanks for your consideration~"

I left him. Huh, who is he anyways? Is he one of MBLAQ's member? Uh, no....maybe he's just someone who fancies MBLAQ so oppa makes him his slave. Haha. Wow, how great is my oppa~

I walk and walk and walk but wait........where am i now?  Why's there only tall buildings? Ah~ did i miss a turn? Darn it. It's all because of you oppa, now i can get to my first class on time...

"See, i told you you would lost!" said Mir from behind.

"Yah! Don't scared me like that!"

Mir chuckled. "C'mon, you should take left turn over there... It's still 7am you still can catch your morning class.

I have no choice but to follow Mir. 

"Hi, I'm Mir, what's yours?" he offered me his hand. "Kira" i shake his hand.

"Look, i really sorry... I really didn't mean to do that...can we be friends? I'm your brother's boyband mate anyway" he said, smiling.

What? he's one of MBLAQ too~ "Well, yeah why not..... Just forget the other day, just pretend it never happen..."


I nods. Well, what the hell.... He's a nice guy anyway and i know he really didn't mean to do that to me....


How was it? Ah is it good? >< Please give me some comment, i really appreciate it and it may give me motivation to continue and make the story more interesting hehe ^^ thanks for you who read this and please leave a "footprint" ^___^ and again sorry for the bad english *bow*

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Chapter 21: I love this so much I'm still waiting please Update soon
<3 <3
Mindstring #2
this is great!
B2UTY-K #3
Chapter 20: go for seungho ! FIGHTING ~ omo scary gyu
Karin_chan #4
Woaah! I loove it :)
MelonCandy #5
Nuuuuu!! Please be with MIr, Kira!! He really likes you!! :'(
Ahahaha... I read all the chapters.. XD<br />
junhyung so babo, if love just say love.. =P<br />
I like your writing style.. Update soon.. ^^
MelonCandy #7
CheolYongie......... *pouts*<br />
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ junhyung is so cue :DDD<br />
But I want her to be with Mir... No Junhyung... No Mir..... OH, I DON'T KNOOOOOOOWWW!!!!!!! xDDDDDDD
oh please please please.............. i want mir with kira........ please....... and update soon ok?? and merry christmas
MelonCandy #9
Aigooooooooo.... Cheolyong-ah, eodiggaaaa?? TT_TT Don't be sad, un? .__.
MelonCandy #10
Awww, Mir that's so swwweeeeeettt!!!!!!!!!!! So I guess he doesn't really like her that way? It could just be me, but i have a feeling he only sees her as a yeodongsaeng :) I kinda like that.. in a weird way ahahahaha