Letting Go

I Love You, My Rapper [Hiatus]

Things have been so awkward between Kira and Junhyung. They didn't talk much since 'that' happened. She feel a bit sad, since she can't spend much time with him. Does he feel guilty or something? He's weird. Kira really can't read his mind at all. 

"Kira, i brought you this, Seungho told me you like sandwich. He's afraid you'll forget to eat since you've been busy because the musical will premiered soon!" said Gyu.

"Thanks." Kira smiled. 

Things have been pretty good with Kira and MBLAQ's new manager. He's so kind and caring. MBLAQ's members seems to like him a lot too. Well, Gyu is the kind of person who obeys you. A lot. And MBLAQ like people like him so much. Sometimes Kira pity him and always told him that he could've said no since he is the manager. But he always smile and said "Don't worry, i like doing it!" He's so kind and caring.

"Anyways, where're the boys? Practice?" 

"Yes. For the upcoming k-pop concert. They'll have a collaboration stage with BEAST! Will you come? I heard you're a good friend of one of BEAST's member too?"

Kira paused. No, she can't go there. How if things becoming more awkward. She slowly shook her head.

"Thanks, Gyu i think i'll pass. Got so many works to do, like you said the musical is getting closer..."

"Fine, then. Don't force yourself too hard, okay? And don't forget to eat the sandwich!" said Gyu, tapping her head.

"Arraseo! Say hi for all the members for me!"

Gyu replied with a smile and leave Kira alone. Kira didn't really enjoy being alone at home after the incident. But she doesn't want things becoming more awkward between her and Junhyung so she better stayed.

"Hmmmmmm alone again, what should I do?"



"That's a wrap. Thanks guys for today. You guys will rock the stage!"

Prepix, the choreographer of Beast and MBLAQ's joined stage ended their practice session. All of the both group members lay down on the floor. All of the full of sweat but they're satisfied with their practice today.

"Annyeonghaseyo." Gyu come inside the practice room and bring eleven cold mineral water.

"Thank you, Gyu! You're the best!"

Mir hurriedly "attack" the plastic bag with the cold mineral water. "Hey, Dongni you want some?"

Dongwoon give him the thumb sign and Mir throw the mineral water right to Dongwoon's hand. "Thanks, bro."

"Ahhh, now we can go home, right? I'm exhausted. I really want to have some sleep." Seungho laid down on the floor.

"Sadly, no. You still have to practice for your solo stage, guys." said Gyu, giving the mineral bottle to the rest of the members.

Mir chuged his water in a rush. He fixed his eyes on Junhyung, who's sitting on the corner looking a bit sad. They have to talk. If Junhyung really loves Kira, then he's ready to let her go. Eventhough his heart is broken, he can't stand seeing Kira sad because she can't see Junhyung. Kira's happiness is on his top priority. If she's happy then he's happy. Even if it means, he can't never be her lover.

"Hey, hyung. Mind if i join you?" Mir sat beside Junhyung. Junhyung didn't say anything, so Mir just began "I know what happened between you and Kira."

Junhyung looked at him in shocked, but then he just sighed.

"Hyung, if you love her, go get her." 

Junhyung didn't say a word about what Mir said. He himself was confused by his feelings. Does he really love Kira? And what about his feelings to Jiyoon? He promised himself to always love Jiyoon. But....

"Hyung, do not lie to your own feelings. You love Kira. Admit it!" Mir said. He patted Junhyung's shoulder. "Now go and tell her you love her!"

"But Mir, you ...."

"Kira doesn't love me, hyung. He just loves you. You're the one in her heart, not me."

With that, Junhyung ran out of the practice room to Kira's house.

"Ya yaah, where did Junhyung go?" asked Dujun.

"Pursuing his love ..." said Mir, smiling. It hurts, but Kira's happiness is the most important thing for Mir.




Kira throws herself on the couch. If she knew that this house will be this boring, she'd better come with Gyu to the practice room. At least she can talk to Mir there, eventhough she has to face Junhyung too.

"There is still no good program on the TV." she turned off the TV. "When are they going to finish practicing?"

Kira snorted.


That voice again! That voice again!

Kira's heart is pounding so fast. She's scared.

"Who's there?"

Clang. The voice again.

Kira ventured toward the front door with a baseball bat in her hands.

"Come out, you! Or I'll hit you with this bad!"

ERMH. Suddenly, someone cover up with a cloth from behind. Kira tried to rebel, but in the cloth over has been mixed with sleeping fluids. Kira passed out.

"It's so easy to catch this girl. Boss will surely be pleased with my work."


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Chapter 21: I love this so much I'm still waiting please Update soon
<3 <3
Mindstring #2
this is great!
B2UTY-K #3
Chapter 20: go for seungho ! FIGHTING ~ omo scary gyu
Karin_chan #4
Woaah! I loove it :)
MelonCandy #5
Nuuuuu!! Please be with MIr, Kira!! He really likes you!! :'(
Ahahaha... I read all the chapters.. XD<br />
junhyung so babo, if love just say love.. =P<br />
I like your writing style.. Update soon.. ^^
MelonCandy #7
CheolYongie......... *pouts*<br />
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ junhyung is so cue :DDD<br />
But I want her to be with Mir... No Junhyung... No Mir..... OH, I DON'T KNOOOOOOOWWW!!!!!!! xDDDDDDD
oh please please please.............. i want mir with kira........ please....... and update soon ok?? and merry christmas
MelonCandy #9
Aigooooooooo.... Cheolyong-ah, eodiggaaaa?? TT_TT Don't be sad, un? .__.
MelonCandy #10
Awww, Mir that's so swwweeeeeettt!!!!!!!!!!! So I guess he doesn't really like her that way? It could just be me, but i have a feeling he only sees her as a yeodongsaeng :) I kinda like that.. in a weird way ahahahaha