New Stranger

I Love You, My Rapper [Hiatus]

Kira throws herself on the sofa. The house still empty. Maybe Byunghee oppa still practicing with the boys. She touched her lips again. She still cannot believe what just happened. They...... kissed? Well, not a real kiss actually since their lips only touching and no movement whatsoever. She get up and sit on the sofa. She saw her reflection from the tv in front of her. Does this means..... they're dating... or something? 

"Arrrgggghhh molla!!!!" she ruffled her hair in frustration.

"Yaaaah what's with the yelling!" 

G.O come from the front door. The 4 boys following behind him and.... one boy Kira never saw before. Oh, he must be the new manager. He looks so young. Well, maybe in the same age as her oppa. His skin is white and he totally doesn't look ugly. At all. 

"Hey, don't look at him like that!" said Joon snapping his finger in front of Kira's face.

Kira back to her senses. Well, he's totally cute, it's not her fault she's frozen for a little bit.

"This is our new manager, his name is Gyu." said G.O.

"Hi, i'm Kim Gyu. Just call me Gyu, i don't mind..." he said shaking Kira's hand.

"I'm Jung Kira, Byunghee oppa's sister. Nice to know you!" 

"Well, our dorm is behind this house, you can use that door. I'll show you!" 

G.O asked Gyu and the boys to follow him to the dorm but Mir stay instead.

"Why are you not with them?" asked Kira.

"I want to be here with you, duh!" said Mir, embracing Kira. "So, how's the rehearsal? Why are you already home. It's still 4."

"Mir.... i want to tell you something but please, don't tell the boys okay? Especially my oppa. Promise?"

Mir nodded.

"Uh, um, well.... Junhyung and I um.... we.... we kinda kissed....."



"Wha,  what do you mean 'kinda'???"

"Well........ our lips just touched. So, what do you think?"

Mir paused. His heart hurt so bad. Sooo bad he can't even breath for a second there. But he don't wanna look weak in front of Kira. He knows how much Kira likes Junhyung. He just can't ruin everything now and making everything worse. It's a good thing that Kira accept him as her bestfriend.


"Uh um.... so did he say anything? I mean like, he confess to you?" asked Mir.

Kira shook her head. "He didn't say anything. I'm confused. Why did he do that?"

Mir shrugged. Kira sighed. Both of them really don't know what to say....




"So, this is our dorm. Joon and Cheondung's room is over there near the bathroom and right across it is Seungho's. I live on my own house, because i have to look after my sister. So you will stay on my room, over there near the kitchen." said G.O explaining the house situation to Gyu.

Gyu just nodded at everything G.O's said. 

"Well, we got schedule in thirty minutes. I will put my things then we will go, okay?" said Gyu.

"Okay, we will be at my house." said G.O

"Yeaah i wanna play with Kira for awhile." said Cheondung.

MBLAQ members leaving Gyu. Gyu walking to the room that G.O pointed before and sit on the bed.

"Hmm.... not bad...." he said. He opened his bag and take a frame with him and a girl in it. They both smiling happily.

"That night, i fail to hurt his sister because that bastard come to save her. Now that i already here, it will make me easier to hurt her and G.O..... Wait, Saeri-yaah... i will avange us... He must pay of what he did to you....."



Update~ So here's a little surprise hehe. Who's Gyu and Saeri? Well, wait for the next chapter okay... i'll reveal their secret soon hehe please leave your feedbacks by comment

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Chapter 21: I love this so much I'm still waiting please Update soon
<3 <3
Mindstring #2
this is great!
B2UTY-K #3
Chapter 20: go for seungho ! FIGHTING ~ omo scary gyu
Karin_chan #4
Woaah! I loove it :)
MelonCandy #5
Nuuuuu!! Please be with MIr, Kira!! He really likes you!! :'(
Ahahaha... I read all the chapters.. XD<br />
junhyung so babo, if love just say love.. =P<br />
I like your writing style.. Update soon.. ^^
MelonCandy #7
CheolYongie......... *pouts*<br />
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ junhyung is so cue :DDD<br />
But I want her to be with Mir... No Junhyung... No Mir..... OH, I DON'T KNOOOOOOOWWW!!!!!!! xDDDDDDD
oh please please please.............. i want mir with kira........ please....... and update soon ok?? and merry christmas
MelonCandy #9
Aigooooooooo.... Cheolyong-ah, eodiggaaaa?? TT_TT Don't be sad, un? .__.
MelonCandy #10
Awww, Mir that's so swwweeeeeettt!!!!!!!!!!! So I guess he doesn't really like her that way? It could just be me, but i have a feeling he only sees her as a yeodongsaeng :) I kinda like that.. in a weird way ahahahaha