
I Love You, My Rapper [Hiatus]

Two days already and i haven't see Mir anywhere. Byunghee oppa said he still come to practice but looks like he indeed skipping class, that's why i can't see him anywhere around campus. I'm wondering why. I hate to admit, but campus's been pretty dull without him around. But you know, surprisingly things going really well between me and Junhyung. He rarely mad at me. He even treat me lunch yesterday. What's with him?

Now i'm sitting in the cafetaria with him. He treats me again. Odd. Really odd. But i don't know, somehow i feel happy......

"Here's your lunch!"

Junhyung put my meal inf front of me. Hmm, it smells so good. I'm pretty hungry too, cuz i skip breakfast this morning.

"Yah, slowly. You eat like you haven't eat for days!" said Junhyung when he sees me "attacking" my lunch without any mercy.

"Whfagoe" ugh, my mouth is full i can't even say "whatever" in a proper way.

"Hey, Kira it's one month from Christmas. Do you have any plans?" asked Junhyung.

I shook my head. "Nope. Maybe i'll spend it with Byunghee oppa, and maybe s. I don't know. Why?"

"Nothing, just asking. I'm sure Jiyoon will be there too..."

Dup. My heart stop beating like a second when he said Jiyoon eonnie's name. It hurts. But less. Not as much as before.

"You still love her?" i asked.

Junhyung look surprised. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't pretend. I know already, Yoseob-ssi told me!"

"Yah, that little brat!"

"I know you hate my oppa, Junhyung.......i know he stole her from you.....but can i beg you not to hurt him?"


Junhyung's POV


"Yah, that little brat!"

Yoseob. I'll kill you, seriously.

"I know you hate my oppa, Junhyung.......i know he stole her from you.....but can i beg you not to hurt him?" she said in a serious tone.

I looked at her. What? Not hurting him? Are you kidding me? He STOLE Jiyoon away from me! But........seeing her eyes...... Oh my, what am I talking about?

"I'm not. Please, can we change subject?"

She nods. She smiles i little. I don't know why, but i feel so relieved seeing her smile just now. She reminds me of Jiyoon, beautiful smile. Just like Jiyoon's

"Anyway oppa, have you seen Mir? I mean, does by any chance he visited Dongwoon maybe? Cuz i haven't seen him in two days, and he won't return my call" she said while eating her meal again.

What? Why he asking about Mir all of the sudden? Does she have a crush on him or something. I clenched my fist.

"Nope. I haven't"

I lied. I actually seen him yesterday. He was with Dongwoon, as usual. 

"Oh, i see. Why would you anyway.... I better ask Dongwoon later."

I smiled, but i feel a little bit hurt. Why is she worried about Mir? Why isn't she worried about me? She knows Jiyoon leave me. Doesn't she know that my heart hurts???? Wait....what am I thinking? Uggggh I DON'T KNOW!!!! I even don't know why now i'm sitting here and treat her a meal!!! Does by any chance i'm....... no no no no no....

"Hey, Junhyungie-oppa!!! Let's go. My class will start soon, you said you wanna hear the new composition!" said Kira. She's waving her hand in front of my face.

"Oke, c'mon!"

I smiled. Oppa. Wait what? Why am I smiling? Ugh, Junhyung, what's wrong with you?



YEAY......... Finish it on the christmas' eve! Anyway MERRY CHRISTMAS all!!! My God bless us all ;] CHEERS! 

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Chapter 21: I love this so much I'm still waiting please Update soon
<3 <3
Mindstring #2
this is great!
B2UTY-K #3
Chapter 20: go for seungho ! FIGHTING ~ omo scary gyu
Karin_chan #4
Woaah! I loove it :)
MelonCandy #5
Nuuuuu!! Please be with MIr, Kira!! He really likes you!! :'(
Ahahaha... I read all the chapters.. XD<br />
junhyung so babo, if love just say love.. =P<br />
I like your writing style.. Update soon.. ^^
MelonCandy #7
CheolYongie......... *pouts*<br />
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ junhyung is so cue :DDD<br />
But I want her to be with Mir... No Junhyung... No Mir..... OH, I DON'T KNOOOOOOOWWW!!!!!!! xDDDDDDD
oh please please please.............. i want mir with kira........ please....... and update soon ok?? and merry christmas
MelonCandy #9
Aigooooooooo.... Cheolyong-ah, eodiggaaaa?? TT_TT Don't be sad, un? .__.
MelonCandy #10
Awww, Mir that's so swwweeeeeettt!!!!!!!!!!! So I guess he doesn't really like her that way? It could just be me, but i have a feeling he only sees her as a yeodongsaeng :) I kinda like that.. in a weird way ahahahaha