09 The Friendship Between Them

Game Over
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a/n : Bam! Double update as promised. <3



  "This stuff is heavy." I mutter, referring to the big plastic bag I hold in my hands. I bought food for Jina and I, as well as several cartons of strawberry milk. It was still far from noon, so I decided to buy a fresh set of clothes for Jina as well. I walk up to the door of Luhan's apartment unit. I punch in the code I had memorized in my head with ease. Luhan had always designated me to drop him off at home when he got too drunk to function rationally. Countless times I had to tuck him in. The boy never learns.   The moment I open the door, I hear a female voice.   "Come on, she's so ugly."   I know the voice well enough to know that it's not Jina. My eyes look up in shock and I see Krystal and Luhan standing in front of Jina, who looks as if she's been cornered. Krystal turns to Luhan and begins to laugh.   My insides twist in anger when I see Luhan laugh as well.   Jina doesn't say anything and just stares at the two. She smiles out of the blue and says something that I don't hear. I am too mad to hear anything. I watch her smile like a fool before running into the guest room. I quickly follow, and soon the two see me. I turn and glare at Luhan, who's looking right back at me. I walk into the guest room and shut the door behind me, dropping the plastic bag onto the floor before walking out onto the balcony where Jina's figure was, shaking. I stop behind her, realizing that she's crying.   No, she's sobbing.   I feel my insides burn with rage at the sight of her in front of me. She grips the railings with both hands so hard, draining all the color from her knuckles and she cries painfully. There has only been three times in my entire life that I have seen Jina cry. When Kris left for Korea, when I left for Korea and when she met me for the first time in Korea.    It almost scares me to see her cry.   I grab her shoulders and turn her around, pulling her smaller frame into mine. She doesn't move, but continues to cry into my chest, her sobs muffled into my shirt.    "Jina, don't cry." I say, wrapping my arms around her protectively. She doesn't say anything, but she doesn't stop crying either. Jina wraps her arms around me tightly and I pat her back, resting my chin on the top of her head gently. We stay like that for a long time, before she finally speaks.
"I was so embarrassed. It was horrible." She starts, but pauses, hyperventilating. "I've never felt that terrible in my entire life." She admits, her grip around my torso tightening.   "I know, but you
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softieisandroid #1
like it so far so good
sashav #2
Chapter 9: I really enjoy this story! Hope you'll update soon :)