03 The Arrangement

Game Over
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Luhan   [Earlier that morning.]   "You've really done it this time, Luhan."   I sit in my father's office in front of my mother. She looks genuinely disappointed, but hey, wasn't she always disappointed when it came to me? "I really don't know what I'm going to do with you, Luhan, I really don't. You've always wanted to cause trouble for your father and I when all we've done is taken care of you." She speaks in Chinese (she only does when she's really upset) and shakes her head as if full of remorse. Just then, the door opens and I turn just in time to see my father walk in with another man around his age. I make the assumption that he is also a businessman based on how he's dressed. I wouldn't be surprised if the man's wardrobe was found to be exactly the same as my dad's. It's a businessman thing I guess. It's when they walk over and I hear them conversing in Chinese, that I realize he's Chinese. My father drops his papers on his table and turns to look at me. "Luhan, this is going too far." He says. The man that he came in with sits down on the sofa next to the one my mother was sitting on. Why is he here anyway? Not that I care. "How are you gonna fix it?" I ask, pulling out my phone and unlocking the screen. At my reply, I hear my mother muttering more things in Chinese.  "Since you're so insistent on fixing things my way, then that makes things easy for me." My father says, walking up to the couch my mother was sitting on and resting his hand on the back. "You're getting married next week." He says. I nearly drop my phone out of shock. I turn to him and stare at him as if he had suddenly turned purple.  "Get married? Dad, I'm 21." I say.  "Well, being 21 didn't stop you from making the fiancee announcement yourself." He retorts. I look down at my phone to see a new message. I click it and see that it's from Kris.     From: Kris Dude, you're like all over the news. What is this?     I suppress a laugh and continue typing, not caring if I was being totally rude or not.     To: Kris My dad's telling me I have to get married. Hell to the no.     "Well since you're not putting up a fight, let's go over the details before our press conference in ten minutes." My dad says, placing a picture on the table. I notice that picture immediately. It's the girl from last night. After I got my memory back, the one thing that stuck in my head that kind of piqued my interest was the girl's hair. It was black with reddish copper highlights at the ends.  Seriously, who does that to their hair.
"That's the girl from last night." I say, pointing to the picture.  My dad nods. "Yes, and the thief who stole your wallet, which has already been tracked down." He says.  I purse my lips. Forgot to tell him about that one.  "Wait, if you found her, does that mean that I'm actually gonna marry her?" I asked. My father doesn't reply, and places another picture down.  He points. "That is your fiancee."  I look at it and see a girl who looks around my age, but definitely younger. My dad probably had someone stalk her and take the picture because she evidently didn't know the picture was being taken. She looked like she was talking to someone on the phone, oblivious to the fact she was being stalked. I also realize why they picked this girl to be my fiancee.  She had the same freakish hair; black with reddish copper highlights. I think this girl's hair was longer though, and I swear I saw a tattoo behind her ear peeking out from under her hair. She looked oddly familiar, though. Not the kind of familiar like I've seen her somewhere, but her face resembles someone that I know. I can't put my finger on it, though. I pick up the picture and stare at her and scrutinize it before tossing it back onto the table with a scoff. "She looks weird. Where did you find her? At some rock concert?" I let out a snort and wonder why I'm so clever. The mysterious aged man clears his throat and turns to me, speaking. "That is my daughter." Oops. "You probably don't recognize him, but this Mr. Wu Liu Qi, and also your friend Yi Fan's father, and also the father of your fiancee." My father says, gesturing towards the man. I tense up and turn to Mr. Wu. "You're Kris' dad, my best friend Kris." I ask for clarification. "Yes, Wu Yi Fan is my son." He replies. "You're my fiancee's dad, too."  "Yes, Wu Jina is my daughter." "So this Wu Jina that is now my fiancee.." I pause in fear of how the sentence ends.   The man smiles back at me. "You are marrying Yi Fan's sister."   Holy .   Right then, my phone beeps, alerting me of a new message. I open the message and feel a weight drop in my gut after I read it.     From: Kris   So tell me, who's your fiancee     I'm done for.           Wu Jina.   [Press Conference]   I am frozen on the spot.   Me? Luhan? Fiancee?   The cameras stop momentarily, all turning to me. Then all at once, the flashing began and the yelling of questions rang through my ears loudly.  I'm usually good at faking things, but I don't know if I can act okay right now. I feel suffocated. "Come here." My dad says, motioning with his hand for me to go over. I walk over, my thoughts still processing everything going on. He sits me down in a chair in between him and Luhan himself. He doesn't even give me a hi, or look at me. Royal bastard. "We know that the public was very confused with the events
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softieisandroid #1
like it so far so good
sashav #2
Chapter 9: I really enjoy this story! Hope you'll update soon :)