07 The Toast To Us

Game Over
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Luhan   "You're going to the family dinner thing, right?" Kris asks.    I let out a sigh.   "Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world." I reply sarcastically, flipping through a binder filled with pictures of tattoos. It was supposedly a portfolio of some sort with pictures of all the tattoos Tao's ever done. Despite only being nineteen, he's already done so many tattoos. I don't know of any laws about who can or can't do tattoos, but if there was, Tao would definitely be one of the few cases that were worth breaking the law for. The kid's talented, I have to say.   Letting out a sigh, I place the portfolio on the table and lean back into the couch in the back of Tao's shop on which I'm seated on. Before this whole engagement sham, I had never been nor ever thought of coming to Tao's shop. However, I've been frequenting the shop whenever I'm not doing anything more than ever.   "Where's Jina?" Kris asks Tao, who sits in the middle of the couch. He lazily points out the door in the direction of the working area of the shop. I snort, and the two of them immediately turn and glare at me.   I turn to Tao and wave my hands. "No, I'm surprised she came to work. I thought she would be too tired from yesterday's dinner." I say, looking Tao right in the eyes at the mention of the night before. His face drops and he grimaces at me before looking away bitterly.    But seriously, how did they even get in the club?   Kris eyes the two of us curiously, but doesn't say anything, taking a sip from the can of soda in his hands.   I lean to the side and look out the door and spot Jina, sitting with her signature needles.   "Does she really only use needles?" I ask Tao, still watching Jina with an uneasy look. In my peripheral vision, I see him nod as if it's the most normal thing in the world before propping his legs up on the coffee table in front of the couch. The doorbells jingle and I squint my eyes, trying to see the person who just entered the shop. Before I could catch a glimpse of the person, I hear Jina's irritable high pitched voice.   "Yixing?" She asks. I can hear the excitement in her voice that she tries to suppress, but fails to do so tremendously.    I snort. "Seriously?" I turn to Kris and Tao, jabbing a thumb in Jina's direction. "She calls him Yixing? No one calls him Yixing anymore."   Tao shrugs. "Well, now you know Jina."   I hear Jina's voice again. "Tao, Luhan and Gege are in the back." She says. I hear the two of them talking but they were too far for me to understand their conversation. After a minute or two, Lay walks in through the doorway and gives a small wave.
"Hey." He says coolly, making his way to sit in between Kris and Tao. I watch him closely and think about how Jina reacted to me calling her Lay's girlfriend.    Come to think of it, Lay isn't the type of person to tie himself down to one girl, so maybe they're not on "boyfriend-girlfriend" terms.    I know Lay knows that, but I fear Jina doesn't. Not my problem.   "So Luhan, what happened with that girl from the club the other night? She disappeared right after you went over to talk to her." Lay asks, arm comfortably resting on the back of the couch. His question brings me out of my thoughts and I quickly think of an answer.   I shrug nonchalantly. "Turns out the girl was younger than us."     And it also turned out my be my fiancee, also known as Kris' little sister and your "girlfriend."   I shudder at the thought of thinking Jina was pretty.    Obvious lapse in judgment. Must have been the alcohol.   Kris and Lay laugh and high five each other (for what, I have no idea) saying things about how I had lost my magic now that I've been tied down to an engagement. Tao forces a smile, but remains quiet.  I hear Jina's customer saying goodbye outside, followed by the faint doorbell sounds.   A few moments later, Jina pops in the doorway. "What's funny? I wanna laugh, too."    "Your fiancee was trying to check out another girl but she turned out to be really young." Lay says, looking over at me as if expecting me to react. I give a sarcastic smile and he laughs, his dimples all too apparent.    "Yeah, how did Krystal like that?" Tao asks. Almost immediately all the laughter in the room comes to a halt. Kris and Lay give Tao a scolding look, but the boy shrugs and leans back into the couch. Jina shakes her head and walks up in front of Tao and Lay, shrugging off all the tension in the room.
"I wanna sit in between you two." She says, pointing in the little space between the two.    "Sit there!" Tao points to the large unoccupied space on the couch in between Tao and I, staring up at Jina. Jina stares back and for about ten seconds, they don't break the eye contact, somehow communicating with their eyes. Tao gestures with his head for her to sit in the space next to me but she creases her eyebrows in distaste.   Not like I want to sit next to you, either.   Jina is the first to give up and moves to sit in between Tao and I. She pulls her hair over her left shoulder and crosses her arms, craning her head to look away from me. About to look away myself, I stop as her tattoo comes into sight. I stare at it for a while and try to think of what the tattoo probably meant to her. She doesn't have excessive tattoos and piercings like other people who do the same job, but I do notice a rebellious black earring at the top of her ear. Makes me wonder if she was a rebellious kid or not.   "Jina, isn't your school performance coming up soon?" Lay's voice pulls me out of my trance and when I look up, I see Tao eyeing me. He immediately looks away, as if trying not to look like he was looking at me, watching Lay as he talked. I also noticed that Lay was speaking to Jina in Chinese. It is our native language, but speaking in Chinese was something reserved for our parents and other elders. Kris, Tao, Lay and I never communicate in Chinese. Even Kris speaks Korean to his younger sister.   "It's next Tuesday." She says with a smile.    School performance? Come to think of it, I don't even know what Jina majors in. Nor do I really care.   Kris looks up. "That's a day before your wedding." He says.   My jaw drops.   Jina's eyes are also bugging out of t
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softieisandroid #1
like it so far so good
sashav #2
Chapter 9: I really enjoy this story! Hope you'll update soon :)