06 The Worst Of It

Game Over
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Wu Jina   “Oh. My. God.”    Tao’s words were practically inaudible compared to the deafening music in the club. “This is amazing.”   “Definitely something." I say, looking around the club with a mix of bewilderment and horror. Watching dozens of sweaty people dancing up against each other wasn't really my thing.   "So, I'm gonna go dance." Tao says, looking at me carefully.    "Are you asking me or telling me?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. He continues to stare at me, waiting for my answer. I let out a long sigh and look up at the sea of figures dancing to the music. I wave my hand, signaling for him to go.  

“Go. Don’t get too crazy and make good decisions.”

Tao suddenly beams and his eyes disappear into thin crescents.   "But." I say firmly. Tao stops and listens attentively.    I don't know why he's asking for my permission. He's older than me.   "We are out of here in an hour, you hear? We both have that art history test tomorrow." I say, pointing my finger at him. He nods like a little boy being given orders before disappearing into the flurry of sweaty bodies. I cringe a little and turn around, spotting several couches. I make my way over to an empty couch, giving the people making out on the couch next to it a weird look. I sit down and let out a long sigh and look up at the ceiling, staring at the laser lights moving across the ceiling.   I place my bag on my lap and fish my wallet out of it. I take out the fake ID I was given by Tao when he came and picked me up for "dinner." He used the excuse of dinner to get me out of the house and away from Kris, and as soon as I got into the car, he locked the doors and told me we were going to a club. He'd even bought a dress and a pair of heels that he forced me to wear. The finishing touch was a fake ID, so for a few hours tonight, I'm twenty-one years old, and I'll be back to nineteen when I wake up in the morning. I heave a sigh, trying to somehow enjoy the situation.   “Why the long sigh?”    I shut my eyes. Things will never get better.    “Go away.” I say to the male presence behind me, getting up and walking away. Suddenly, a hand grabs my wrist and pulls me back. I literally lost my balance, courtesy of these stupid heels that Tao got, and I backpedal in an attempt to regain balance.    But the hand on my wrist pulls me right up to the owner of the hand. I clumsily fall into the person, my hand on the guy's chest. I mentally curse and keep my eyes shut, trying to think of anything worse that could happen.   But then again, this is the worst, right? Nothing else could happen that could surpass this.   "I can't let a pretty girl get away."    At that, I open my eyes and I am met with the chest of the guy on which my hand is still awkwardly pressed on. I move my hand down and scrutinize the guy, avoiding his face. He's wearing a black V-neck with a pair of sunglasses hanging from the collar (It's night time, why the hell would you need sunglasses?) and he has what I assume to be a couple thousand dollar jeans. I look up, about to cuss the heck out him.   "Look, You should
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softieisandroid #1
like it so far so good
sashav #2
Chapter 9: I really enjoy this story! Hope you'll update soon :)