11 The Time That Will Pass

Game Over
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  Luhan   "Please remind me why I'm here again?" I ask for the nth time in the past fifteen minutes upon stepping into Jina's university. Lay and Tao drag me into the school auditorium and up to the seats reserved for the family and friends of the performers. Kris couldn't make it, saying he had some business to take care of with his dad. Also, judging by the normal attitude Lay's been giving me, I'm guessing he's let me go about the whole Krystal-Jina confrontation. Which I'm glad because the last thing I need right now is drama.   "Can you go look for our seats? It's gonna get really packed soon. We're gonna go see if we can see Jina before the show." Lay says, leaving without another word. Kris and Tao also follow him, disappearing into a huge crowd of people. I'm about to follow when a voice stops me.   "You're here to see Jina, right?" Asks a voice. I turn around and see a young girl wearing a white shirt and black pants. She also has a name tag so I assume she's working at the event, seating people. I want to answer her question as a "no" because I didn't come to see Jina, I was dragged. Before I could explain myself, the girl grins.   "I knew it was you. They usually give each performer three seats, but this year they only allowed one because there were so many performers. So she told me to save this seat for you." The girl says. Before I can even reply, she grabs my wrist and pulls me over to a seat.   "It's sweet that you're coming to see Jina dance. You know, being her fiancee and all. Although I thought I saw on the news that your name was Luhan? I was probably mistaken." The girl says with a smile as she points to a chair in the middle of the row. I look at the chair in confusion and notice a piece of paper taped onto the back of the chair that reads:   "Zhang Yixing."   "Uh, I'm not the one she saved the seat for, this seat is saved for Lay. He'll be right-" I stop mid-sentence, realizing that the girl was already gone. I turn, about to walk out, but I'm stopped by something else. I'm in the middle of the row, and everyone else in the row is already seated. To make things worse, the lights above us begin to dim, and the lights on the stage light up, signaling the start of the show.   I mutter to myself, sitting down in the seat not meant for me. I sit through the performances, not all too impressed with any of them.    Then, I see a boy and a girl walk out onto the stage and take their places across the stage, opposite from each other. The girl looks familiar, and when I squint to get a closer look, I realize that it's Jina. She's wearing a long black dress that goes down all the way to her toes. She goes to her side of the stage and sits down on her legs, practically turning into a turtle. She looks up and I see her eyes scanning the area I sit in, probably looking for Lay.    "Where is he?" I ask, impatient and irritated as I look around for any sign of Lay or Tao.    



Wu Jina

  "Jina, there's millions of people out there." Hyeri mutters, peeking through the curtains at the side of the stage. I'm not quite sure how Hyeri got back stage, because last time I heard, only performers and staff were allowed backstage.    And Hyeri doesn't fit into either category.   She just came to "cheer me on", and actually ended up freaking out more than me, the actual performer. I let out a soft chuckle, shaking my head.   "Hyeri, the school auditorium can't even accommodate a thousand people." I say, straightening out my dress.    It was the day of my school performance. It's an annual school event where all of the dance major students perform for professors, family and the school board. Even thought I was a visual art major, the contemporary dance department was short of dancers, and asked me to help out. Despite having taken up painting, I started out majoring in dance, a decision that was heavily influenced by Yixing. I had to switch majors by the end of my freshman year, though.   Apparently, dance was "only a hobby" to my parents.   So here I am, dressed in a long black dress with unbelievably long slits down both sides and barefoot, ready to dance on a big, lighted stage.   A dream I would be able to live more often if not for my parents.   "You're on next!" Hyeri says, giving me a big smile. I see Jimin, one of the guys from the contemporary dance department. He gives me a cute eye smile, calling me over with his hand. I glance back at Hyeri one last time before making my way on stage with Jimin.   "Now, from the Contemporary Dance Department, Park Jimin! He will be dancing with a special guest from the Visual Arts Deparment, Wu Jina!" The emcee's voice rings from the speakers, and the whole auditorium breaks into applause. I sit on my legs across the dark stage from Jimin, who turns and gives me a thumbs up. I smile back and lean over into a turtle-like position, lifting my head slightly and scanning the seats saved for family and friends of the performers. I look for Yixing, who promised me he would make it to se
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softieisandroid #1
like it so far so good
sashav #2
Chapter 9: I really enjoy this story! Hope you'll update soon :)