10 The Reality

Game Over
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Wu Jina   I take a couple steps back to examine my closet. Out of boredom, I spent the whole day arranging everything in my closet. First, I would arrange them by type, then by colors, then by thickness and material. The thing that upsets me even more is that none of these clothes are mine. Well, they were bought for me, but they're not mine. God knows what my mother did with all my other clothes before she went all out and bought all these skirts and dresses and had them shipped over to Luhan's instead of my clothes. She always fussed about how my closet was filled with printed t-shirts and jeans. I always constantly reminded her that it was my closet and not hers, but this time, she saw the chance and took it. So now, here I am with a closet full of clothes I'm unfamiliar with.    It was painful just staring at the clothes while arranging everything countless times.   I have to admit that I'm bored out of my mind living at Luhan's apartment. After my little encounter with the two teens of the apartment, I hardly left my room. Having my own bathroom, there weren't many things I needed outside, so I hardly left the room. If I wanted to watch TV, I could watch dramas and variety shows online on my laptop. The only times I left my room were to go to the shop and to go out to eat. I never ate at the apartment in dread of having to run into Luhan or Krystal. Of course, I had accidentally run into them two or three times, but it was always suffocatingly awkward. To top it all off, I couldn't go to school because of the Thanksgiving break. I had all my easel and all my paints and paintbrushes, but what was I supposed to paint? The extremely boring wall of Luhan's guest room?   It's only been a few days, but I'm already close to losing my mind.    "You can't imprison yourself in this room forever." Tao had said to me once when he came to visit. He and Yixing would take turns to come spend their days with me, locked up in the prison I made for myself. Kris was busy with work, but he would stop by whenever he could. They'd try to find ways to keep me entertained. They both knew that I got easily bored, and that I hated doing and seeing the same things on a daily basis. With much effort, I finally got Yixing and Tao to stop coming over to see me. I felt bad that they had to suffer and sacrifice their time just to be with me in my one-man prison.    So here I am, dying of boredom after arranging my entire closet at least twenty times. I let out a long sigh and sink into my bed, staring at the ceiling.   Today is Monday.   Tomorrow is Tuesday.   The day after that is Wednesday.   I get married on Wednesday.   Married.   I become someone else's wife.   How did my life get to this, I wonder.   All of a sudden, I hear my phone ring. I reach over to my table, and groan in annoyance. "I told Yixing and Tao to stop checking up on me."     I look at the caller ID and see my mom's name. My eyebrows knit in confusion as I slide the green tab, answering the call.   "Mom?" I ask.   "Jina, get ready and go downstairs. I'll be there in a few moments, okay?" She says. I'm about to ask her what this is all about, but I hear a click and the line goes silent. I bring my phone away from my ear and eye it weirdly. I get up and hesitantly pick out a pair of light blue denim shorts and a flow-ey black blouse after spending forever trying to pick out the least "barbie" clothes from my closet. I examine myself in the mirror after changing into the clothes, deciding with a long sigh  that the clothes can't kill me. Grabbing my phone, I walk up to the door and press my ear against it, listening for any sounds. It's silent, but I open my door slightly anyway and peek through the space just to be safe. After making sure the coast was clear, I let out a sigh in relief and stand up straighter, walking out of the room.    "Smooth escape." I say with a sly smile. I turn around, about to walk towards the door, and I almost let out a scream when I see Luhan standing there. I even drop my phone in shock, and I panic even more as I watch my phone hit the (thankfully) carpeted floor with a muffled thud.    "You scared the hell out of me." I deadpan, with a hand over my heart thats beating in shock.    "Clearly." Luhan replies with an "all-knowing" attitude and looks down at the floor where my phone landed after it's epic free fall. He leans down, picking it up and holding it in front of me. I snatch my phone from his hands and walk past him before I have to waste any more breath talking to the very person that I'd rather fry off the face of the planet. I leave the apartment and walk up to the elevator.
"Everything's gonna be okay. The worst of it has passed." I say to myself light-heartedly, pressing the down button on the elevator. I watch the numbers on the little screen above the elevator increase, and I realize why I hate living in the top floors of tall buildings. I hear a door close down the hall, the same direction where I came from, and unfortunately, I see Luhan walking towards the elevator. He walks up in front of the elevator beside me, and looks up at the floor count with a sigh. We stand there, enduring the awkward tension for a while. I'll take the stairs, I think to myself, and I turn towards the stairway exit.
But at the same moment I do, Luhan takes a step in the same direction as well.   Awkwardly, I try to turn back around as if I had no intention of using the stairs.   I feel my blood literally boil when I see Luhan do the exact same thing.   "You know?" I start, keeping my eyes shut and put into practice my anger management skills. "Let's just use the elevator. It'll save us time, and we can even ignore each other on the way down." I say, extremely miffed at the situation I got myself into. Luhan looks around, searching as if he heard a sound he didn't know the origin of. I watch him play stupid and flat-out pretend I was thin air   I let out a long sigh, which I find myself doing quite often as of lately. "Exactly like that."   After the silent and boring elevator ride down to the lobby, I walk to the sidewalk and immediately spot a familiar white Mercedes parked nearby. I walk over to the car and peek through the passenger window. My mom waves at me through the window and I open the door, getting in.   "Have you been waiting long? It took me a while to get down to the lobby because I'm trapped on the fifteenth floor." I say apathetically. My mom hums in question as she turns out into the
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softieisandroid #1
like it so far so good
sashav #2
Chapter 9: I really enjoy this story! Hope you'll update soon :)