13 The Day Has Come

Game Over
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Wu Jina   "Why the hell did I drink like that last night."    Jia stands beside me, shaking her head at my complaints. "Even I was shocked when you said you wanted to do the 101 cans of beer challenge."   I squint at my reflection in the mirror of the vanity in front of me, trying to shield my eyes from all of the sunlight streaming in. I'm in my wedding dress, sitting in the room they told me to wait inside. Jia is also in her maid of honor dress, leaning against the side of the vanity in front of me. "I don't remember any of- Wait, is that even possible?."   Jia guffaws. "101 cans of beer, or you tossing cookies after the first seven?"   I mentally face palm and squeeze my eyes shut.  I can hear voices outside, most likely the family and guests. I'm a good ten minutes away from getting married.     And I'm in here with the worst hangover of the century.     I've considered running away. I know Jia would be glad to help me as well. But then again, this was something I couldn't really escape from.   Hyeri walks into the room with a glass filled with a thick, dark green substance.   "Drink this. We can't have you hung over in there. The wedding hall is filled with streaming sunlight and they're using loud microphones today. You'll die in there if you don't do something about your hangover fast." Hyeri says, handing me the glass filled with the disgusting substance before pulling a pair of very dark sunglasses from her bag and placing them on my lap. 
"Yes, thank goodness." I sigh in relief, slipping the sunglasses on. A smile appears on my face as the darkness provided from the sunglasses dims the entire room. My eyes move to the drink in my hands.   My smile goes away.   "Nows not the time to be picky, miss 101 beer challenge." Hyeri scolds, giving me a reprimanding look. "Or should I say Mrs. 101 beer challenge."   "Good one." Jia says with a toothy grin, high fiving Hyeri.   I roll my eyes and pinch my nose before bringing the glass to my lips, taking a brave gulp of the weird hangover drink. I only manage to get two more gulps before I lower the glass, shaking my head.   "Time out." I say, trying to calm my insides down from puking. The door opens slowly from behind me and I see Kris, Lay and Tao walk in from the reflection in the mirror. I put up my hand, a signal for them to wait, before bringing the glass to my lips and tossing my head all the way back.   "One shot." Both Hyeri and Jia whistle, watching me down the rest of the contents of the glass. After the last mouthful of the horrid liquid, I slam the glass down on the table and get up. I let out a sigh of triumph and glance over at Hyeri.   "Was that really a hangover cure?" I ask bitterly.    She only shrugs.   I swear this girl.   "Your dress looks amazing, but you look horrible." Tao says, eyeing me while shaking his head in disapproval. I remove the sunglasses from my
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softieisandroid #1
like it so far so good
sashav #2
Chapter 9: I really enjoy this story! Hope you'll update soon :)