My Baby Doll

Punch Drunk Love

                “My baby!” Jinki shouts, running up to Key and hugging him tightly. “Onew, people are staring.” Key whines, burying his face into his older friend’s broad shoulder. “Let them stare. I’m so glad you’re okay.”

“I told you I was fine.”

They’re standing outside a local restaurant and it feels like everyone decided to hang out there today. Who could blame them? It’s the warmest it’s been in months.

“I was right to worry about my daughter.” Jinki smiles, running his fingers through Key’s soft black hair. “You really freaked me out. Never do that again.” He whines and punches him in the arm playfully, but Key knows that he’s being serious. “I’m sorry, Onew.” Key says as he looks down at his silver platforms shoes.

“It’s fine. You just scared me…really scared me. I can’t lose you, Key.” Jinki hugs him tighter. His hugs always made Key feel safe. Almost like no one could harm. “Can we go eat something now?”

“Sure.” Onew chirps as he grabs Key’s wrist and leads him into the restaurant.


                “Welcome to Tohoshinki.” A tall, tan man with dark brown hair greets them with a wave of his as they walk through the door.

“Yunho?” Onew looks the man up and down with a confused look on his face. The tall man smiles wide, “Hello Jinki.”

“Did someone say Jinki?” Another very tall man pops up from behind the kitchen. His hair is brown as well, at a median length with a part going down the middle, framing his face. Key never likes middle parts on really anyone, but he has to say that the hairstyle really works for the man better than anyone he has ever seen. The two men stand next to each other and link arms. They’re either brothers or uous lovers, Key concludes. They look too similar to be anything but.

“Yunho? Max? You two work here?” Onew asks, astonished at the sudden appearance of his college friends.

Oh, so the other, younger looking one, is Max.

“Uhh...Jinki, we own this place.” The one named Max chuckles. “Since when?” Onew asks, his mouth agape.

“Since about two months ago.” Yunho laughs wrapping an arm around Max’s waist. “, congradulations.” Onew says high-fiving Yunho.

“And who is this?” Yunho asks looking directly at Key making him feel self-conscious.

“Kim Kibum.”

The two men smile widely, “Is this your boyfriend, Jinks?” Key’s cheeks heat up bright red. “What? Ha, no.” Onew says, he’s blushing too.

“Ahh…so you’re still single.” Max whispers, smirking devilishly. “Shut up, we all can’t be lucky like you.” Onew retorts, punching him softly on the shoulder, “This is Max.” Onew sighs to Key.

“Ehem, Changmin. We aren’t that close just yet.” Max corrects and Key takes note of that. Onew rolls his eyes, “And this, as you probably have already figured out, is Yunho. We all went to college together.”

“Had some good times back then, am I right?” Yunho chuckles, nudging him jokingly.

“Hahaha, shut up.” Onew deadpans.

“Oh come on, JeeJee. You should have seen him during our college years,” Yunho smirks at Key, “Total Man-.”

“Shut. Up. Yunho.”

“Fine.” He surrenders, raising his hands in defeat.

“Go take a seat and we’ll get you two your orders shortly.” Changmin motions toward an empty table near the far back of the restaurant.

Finally, Key thinks to himself, Food.


                “You’re completely insane.” Key shrieks at Onew, hitting him lightly with one of his fists. They’re sitting in Jinki’s car, parked on a hill in an empty parking lot, blaring various CDs that he has hoarded within it. Onew keeps screaming every song that plays at the top of lungs and Key finds it utterly hilarious.  “What the hell is wrong with you?” He laughs, throwing his head back against the seat of the car.

Let’s get down to business-

To defeat

The Huns!”  Onew screams over the radio.

“Did they send me daughters,

When I asked for sons” Key joins in laughing his head off. He looks through Onew’s collection of CDs that are messily scattered all over the floor of his car. DBSK, BlockB, F(x) sounds like a math equation, Disney Soundtracks, Eminem and….Beyonce?

“Beyonce? Really, Onew?” Key chuckles, picking the CD up so that the older man can see. “It was a gift, from my mother.” Jinki looks over at Key’s judgmental expression and snatches the CD from his fingers.

“Shut up.” They both burst out into a fit of laughter.

                Time ticks by and it’s around 10pm. They’re still sitting in Jinki’s car looking up at the stars and down at the breathtaking view of the city below them. It’s so dark, Key thinks to himself.

“Are you okay?” Onew asks in a tone that Key is unfamiliar with. He’s staring intently at Key and his expression makes him feel suddenly uneasy. “Yeah,” Key chuckles trying to clear up the sudden tension, “Why?” He keeps his face forward, because Onew is staring at him and goddamnit he feels uncomfortable.

“Why aren’t you looking at me?” He asks with a smug look on his face. What is up with him all of a sudden? Onew leans his head back on the head of his car seat, “Look at me, Bummie.”

Key doesn’t budge, “Medusa” He says under his breath.

“Hmm?” Onew chuckles taking it upon himself to gently grab Key’s chin and turn his face toward his own. “Medusa, huh?” He mocks, cocking his head to the side. Key swallows hard finally staring back into his hyung’s eyes. They’re dark and sparkling under the dim moonlight. Jinki pokes his nose with his index finger and brushes his bangs out of his face. It oddly relaxes Key a bit but he blushes anyway.

“Are you seriously blushing right now?” He more states than asks. He says it so quiet  and soft that Key can barely hear it. Onew traces his finger over the outline of Key’s jaw. “You’re so tense, why is that?” He rubs his thumb from his ear to his cheek, cupping his face in one hand.

“Change in atmosphere.”  Key chokes out, averting his eyes away from him.

“It’s not like the Almighty Key to be tense.”

“I’m not.”

Onew’s stare intensifies. He leans in enough to leave a few inches between their faces. “What are you doing…” Key deadpans and glares at him. He can feel Onew’s hot breathe against his skin and it’s sending chills up his spine.

“Trust me…Just…Trust me…” Onew breathes looking into Key’s now closed eyes. The flutter open again and he realizes that their lips are now only a few centimeters and Key is literally breathing Onew in. He looks back at him with panic flickering in his eyes. “Onew….I –“ He quiets him by running his fingertips lightly over the back of Key’s neck sending chills throughout his entire body.

“Onew…” He should run, he should push him away and get out of the car running as far as his feet can take him. But, something is telling him to stay where he is and go with the flow.

Onew kisses his earlobe before biting down on it gently. “Onew…” Key breathes.

“How many times are you going to say my name?” Jinki sighs, pulling away from him.

“Onew…” Key sighs, breathing heavily and closing his eyes trying to collect his thoughts. Onew is the only word his brain is allowing him to say.

Onew cups Key’s face in his hands, not saying a word. “I-I…We –“


                He tilts his head and captures the younger man’s lips in his own. Key hesitates and Onew can feel that, but after a few seconds, he begins to kiss him back. He rests his hands on Onew’s thigh and sighs deeply after breaking away temporarily to catch his breath. Slightly panting, Key climbs into Onew’s lap, straddling him in the cramped car and staring deeply in his dark cloudy eyes. His breath hitches as Onew’s hands roam all over his clothed body. He stops momentarily to caress his cheeks and run his hands through his raven black hair, gently tugging at it, because god is it so soft.

                The car is silent except for the sounds of materials rubbing against each other and Key’s heavy breathing through his nose.

                Onew pulls away and looks up at the beautiful specimen that is Kim Kibum, taking in the entire situation and burning it to his memory. He rests all of his weight on Onew’s lap and lets out another sigh, holding his broad shoulders to steady himself.

He’s trying not to sit on the steering wheel not that it mattered either way, he just hated the sound of car horns.

Onew knows that Key could rethink this entire situation and push him away. He can’t go back now. Key opens his mouth to talk, “No” Onew says softly, “Whatever your about to say, no.” He tilts the raven haired man’s chin down and closes the small space between them. Lips colliding and tongues entangling. It’s a deeper, more passionate kiss this time and every little thought within both boy’s minds vanish comepletly.

Onew is relieved with Key’s reaction and continues to kiss him more and more, constantly feeling the need to feel the pressure of Key’s lips and body against his own. He’s wanted this for so long and he knows that he may have just ruined the most important friendship he has with anyone, but in this moment, he could care less.

“Touch Me”

The words are soft and breathless, but a plea nonetheless.  Onew is taken aback and hesitates to go any further than he already has.

“Jinki, plea –“ Onew attacks his neck and runs his hands all over Key, interrupting his train of thought. He hasn’t called him ‘Jinki’ in years, and the manner in which he called him- He couldn’t control his urges anymore. He continues to kiss and fondle him everywhere he could reach.



A/N: Hope you enjoyed the OnKey. /it was a spur of the moment decision and remember I wrote the first few chapters at the beginning of the year so if it is crap at first, I'm sorry/

And the Intro to Changmin and Yunho

May or may not make a side-story about them....

          This chapter might sound ridiculous (unless that's just me being self-concious of my writing,) but it'll make sense later on....I hope lmfao. I mean it makes sense to me since I've already written up to chapter 8, but I'm weird and twisted so I don't really know. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it! I honestly didn't expect to get any subscribers on this one, thank you so much <3


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Chapter 15: Now i can finally say that Onkey win me over.
I know it’s been AWHILE since its been updated but still hoping you continue this fic. <3

Tho kinda satisfying to see onkey here at the end. Kinda got a feeling that this was suppose to end as jongkey.
Chapter 13: Ok, Jinki had me in “i will win you”. <3 my heart sets to Onkey now. <3
Chapter 9: ASSFSJKQJDBDJSHA!!!! OMG yunho and changmin is so ing adorable!!! <3

But the jongkey is sinking and onkey seems not moving forward TT Jjong is way out of line there. :(
Chapter 4: THis is too good! I’m really torn between Onkey and Jongkey TT. I like both of their characters <3

But hot damn that ‘everywhere’ tho XD
Chapter 15: Bit of han solo and leia here in this chapter lol with the whole "i love you " " I know" lol
MissLocket #6
Chapter 13: Ohhhhhhh... I miss Onew so much that even if I am a delusional Jonkey fan I would rather an Onkey pair in this one. He is so sweet. And he waited, Jonghyun just appeared from no where but aisssssssss.... He is sweet and romantic too, Kibum had to be soooooo freaking confused.
Chapter 13: But I am still enjoying this story!
Chapter 13: I really want this to be onkey!
Onew never seems to win in these types of stories and he's left heartbroken but still understanding. (-_-) kills me every time.
LocketRaven #9
Chapter 13: Gaaaaaaah. Nuff' said.
Chapter 11: so sweet!!! can you do onkey couple ??? please please please their relationship is so sweet and fluffy!!!! i would hate to see it end :(