It's Not Unusual

Punch Drunk Love


        “Umm, can I ask you something?” Joonmyeon nudges Yunho gently, his voice a low. “Just did.” Yunho says not paying the shorter man any attention. Joonmyeon rolls his eyes, “Who’s the guy?” He motions his head toward a tall man standing awkwardly in the doorway of Tohoshinki. Yunho scratches the back of his head, “I don’t know…it’s 8AM and most people know that we won’t be opening for a while…”

“Umm, excuse me?” The young man calls softly, waving his hand. “Yes, what can we help you with?” Joonmyeon blurts out when Yunho kicks him in the shin. “I’m, uhh here for the job offer thingy?” The young man holds a crumpled piece of paper up so that they can see, “Somebody gave this to me.”

“When did you find time to make flyers?” Joonmyeon mutters to Yunho. The older man ignores him and smiles brightly at the stranger. “Of course, of course. Come this way, follow man please.” The man nods and follows behind Yunho. “You too, Joon.” Joonmyeon sighs and does as he’s told.


                “Okay, sir, Joonie here is going to interview you because I have prior engagements.” Yunho beams, grabbing Joonmyeon’s shoulders firmly. “I’m going to what? What prior engagements?”

“That is none of your business, Joon. Bye!”

“Yunho, I –“ The door slams and Joonmyeon is left alone to handle the interview by himself. He sighs and turns away from the door and toward the innocent man sitting awkwardly in the center of the room. “Man, they really need to fix up this so called ‘office.” He says trying to lighten the mood, “Okay.” He nods to himself before taking a seat in front of the man.

“Umm, is everything okay?”

“Yes, yeah, perfect.” Joonmyeon smiles, “Let’s get it on.” The man raises an eyebrow. “Yeah, I knew that was going to come out wrong,” Joonmyeon chuckles, “Anyway…” He runs his hand through his brown hair. “I don’t have anything to interview you with. Please excuse me for just a moment.” He quickly exits the room.

                He then returns with a small packet of paper and sits back down in his seat. “Okay, now we can start. So, sorry about how unprofessional this whole thing is.” Joonmyeon sighs. “No, no, it’s no problem. I don’t need to be anywhere anytime soon.” The man smiles genuinely, making Joonmyeon’s heartbeat just a bit faster than usual. He clears his throat, “Good, okay. First thing’s first, your name…since that would be important…”

The man laughs, “My name’s Lee Taemin.”

A/N: Hello, hello. I'm back. Sorry for such a long wait. I should be posting more regularly now for the time being. Sorry this chapter is so short and lackluster. 

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Chapter 15: Now i can finally say that Onkey win me over.
I know it’s been AWHILE since its been updated but still hoping you continue this fic. <3

Tho kinda satisfying to see onkey here at the end. Kinda got a feeling that this was suppose to end as jongkey.
Chapter 13: Ok, Jinki had me in “i will win you”. <3 my heart sets to Onkey now. <3
Chapter 9: ASSFSJKQJDBDJSHA!!!! OMG yunho and changmin is so ing adorable!!! <3

But the jongkey is sinking and onkey seems not moving forward TT Jjong is way out of line there. :(
Chapter 4: THis is too good! I’m really torn between Onkey and Jongkey TT. I like both of their characters <3

But hot damn that ‘everywhere’ tho XD
Chapter 15: Bit of han solo and leia here in this chapter lol with the whole "i love you " " I know" lol
MissLocket #6
Chapter 13: Ohhhhhhh... I miss Onew so much that even if I am a delusional Jonkey fan I would rather an Onkey pair in this one. He is so sweet. And he waited, Jonghyun just appeared from no where but aisssssssss.... He is sweet and romantic too, Kibum had to be soooooo freaking confused.
Chapter 13: But I am still enjoying this story!
Chapter 13: I really want this to be onkey!
Onew never seems to win in these types of stories and he's left heartbroken but still understanding. (-_-) kills me every time.
LocketRaven #9
Chapter 13: Gaaaaaaah. Nuff' said.
Chapter 11: so sweet!!! can you do onkey couple ??? please please please their relationship is so sweet and fluffy!!!! i would hate to see it end :(