The Morning After

Punch Drunk Love
         Key's eyes flutter open and he feels cold. The room he's in is unfamiliar, the ceiling isn't the same. His ceiling has sky blu paint splatters on it from when him and Minho tried to paint the walls and He dropped the can by accident.
       Everything from the previous night instantly comes back to him and the blood in his head pulses. He rubs his temple, groaning softly in pain.
       Right. Hangover. Onew warned him about that. Only thing he hates about alcohol; besides the forgetting basically everything. "Where am I?" Key questions, looking around the room. It's a nicer apartment room than his. It's neat with a nice blue color scheme. 
     There's a sudden draft Key feels down near his nether-regions and he feels his face turn bright red. Why is he ? Where are his clothes? What happened last night? He covers himself in embarrassment and sinks deeper into the bed. He turns onto his side and almost throws himself off of the bed. There's a guy. He's in bed....with a guy. He analyzes the man who is lying not even a few inches away from him. He has light blonde hair, really blonde, yet it looks so healthy and natural. It shimmers under the tiny ray of sunlight leaking from the curtain covered window above the bed. Why does he look so familiar? 
His bangs are matted to his face and just barely covers his eyes. Key hesitates, but then brushes his bangs out of his face to get a better look at him. He has a very sharp jaw. He could probably cut steel with it. He has a very boney face and muscular body...really muscular, Key must say. His lips are just the right amount of plump. Key lays there acknowledging the mysterious man's flawless features before he sees his eyes flutter open. He yawns a bit and rubs his face against his pillow making him look like a small child. He's adorable, Key thinks.
"Mmm~ Goodmorning." The man sighs, his voice husky and slurred. Key's eyes widen as he gets out of the bed, ignoring the man's adorable greeting, and grabs some jeans from the floor; Correction, the first jeans he sees on the floor. "You do realize that those are mine, right?" The man chuckles propping himself up on his elbow. He looks like a dinosaur. Key frowns at him, throwing his jeans across the room and searches for his own. 
"Over there." Dinosaur man points toward his dresser on the other side of the room. He grabs them and pulls them on. 
"No boxers?" The man raises an eyebrow, "How risqué." He smirks.
"I don't know where they are." Key glares, leaving the room and shutting it behind him harshly. He examines the living room. 
There's his boxers...
Key's face face flushes red and he contemplates whether he should take them with him.
Leave them there.
     Key wraps his hands around the knob of the door just as Dinosaur Man (wow, what's his name again?) walks out of the bedroom, fully clothed and confused. 
      Damnit, he looks just as hot with clothes on.
      "Where are you going?" He asks, cocking his head to the side.
Does he just naturally have dog-like aspects? He then leans on the door making it impossible for Key to open it.
Damn him.
"Home." Key deadpans. 
"That's not a good idea now is it?" Dinosaur man whispers. They stare at each other for a long time, the man's eyes dark and cold. Key can't take it anymore and caves.
     "Fine, FINE! I'll stay." He snaps, letting go of the door knob and walking over to the couch, where he sits down. He can feel the smirk on that stupid bastard's face and he glares at him again. Key leans back into the couch and watches as the man disappears back into the bedroom and reappears with a T-shirt balled up in his hand. "Here, he hands him the shirt. Key stares at it blankly and blinks a few times. "I kind of...ripped...yours."
Key gulps, "You ripped my of me?" 
"....Last night ya know...hehe..."
Key his head to the side, again. He hopes he isn't talking about what he thinks he's talking about. They didn't do that...did they? God he wishes he could remember. 
"Don't make me say it, Kibum." 
"Say what?" Don't say it. Don't say it. Please say that didn't happen.
"You don't remember do you?" He chuckles. " You probably don't even remember my name despite the fact you were screaming it last know you're really loud....I'm not complaining though" he smirks again. 
"I did what?" 
" it. Hello Kibum. My name is Kim Jonghyun and we had drunken last night."
Key almost chokes on the air that he's breathing.
"Yes, Kibum, . You, me, everywhere. The couch you're sitting on, the counter, the wall, the floor, the table, the bed.... Everywhere." He sounds pissed as he emphasizes on 'everywhere'.
           Not even a day after he gets dumped, he's already slept with some guy he doesn't even know. Key's face flushed red again and he covers his face with his hands and whimpers. He said it.
      " I'm so disgusting." Key cries. Jonghyun frowns at him and sits next to him hesitantly because ew the couch need to be disinfected. "You aren't disgusting. It's not your fault Minho cheated on you. It doesn't make you any less desirable or worthy. Your gorgeous and y. Your personality is gold-"
"Wait how do you know about Minho?"
"You talk alot after , especially since you were drunk; but forget about that for a minute, Kibum. You're perfect. the guy that broke your heart...not literally. I mean-" Key buries his face into the crook of Jonghyun's neck, interrupting him midsentence. He pauses for a minute and then continues,"You know, you were really sweet during know...'it'. You were more concerned about me than yourself. Kept asking if I was comfortable, even though I was the one on top and I should've been asking you that."
"That doesn't matter." Key says, his voice muffled against Jonghyun's neck, "Just because you're top doesn't mean that it can't be uncomfortable sometimes...It doesn't always feel good. I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable even if we barely know each other. You were just as sweet, too, you know..."
Jonghyun smirks, Key's coal black hair contently. 
" You shouldn't go home just yet." He says stiffly, "I demand you not to. I don't even care if we barely know each other. I'm not going to let you go home to that house with all of those memories within it. No."
"I know I shouldn't." Key says, playing with the other man's shirt. He feels pathetic for being so intimate with a complete stranger so fast, but he feels with him. "I-I just thought you'd treat me like another hook must have those alot." Key says standing up abruptly. This is insane, what is he doing here? "I shouldn't go...but I should go." He says suddenly averting his eyes away from the blonde's puppy dog ones. Jonghyun looks up at him confused. Key knows that he doesn't want him to go. He's made that clear, but what he's thinking is completely and utterly unrealistic and he knows that if he gets attached to this beautiful man, he may get hurt all over again. That's the last thing he wants, 
but he knows deep in the back of his mind that it's too late.
A/N: I apologize if I seem self conscious of my's because I am lmfao I'll get the hang of writing and posting soon enough.
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Chapter 15: Now i can finally say that Onkey win me over.
I know it’s been AWHILE since its been updated but still hoping you continue this fic. <3

Tho kinda satisfying to see onkey here at the end. Kinda got a feeling that this was suppose to end as jongkey.
Chapter 13: Ok, Jinki had me in “i will win you”. <3 my heart sets to Onkey now. <3
Chapter 9: ASSFSJKQJDBDJSHA!!!! OMG yunho and changmin is so ing adorable!!! <3

But the jongkey is sinking and onkey seems not moving forward TT Jjong is way out of line there. :(
Chapter 4: THis is too good! I’m really torn between Onkey and Jongkey TT. I like both of their characters <3

But hot damn that ‘everywhere’ tho XD
Chapter 15: Bit of han solo and leia here in this chapter lol with the whole "i love you " " I know" lol
MissLocket #6
Chapter 13: Ohhhhhhh... I miss Onew so much that even if I am a delusional Jonkey fan I would rather an Onkey pair in this one. He is so sweet. And he waited, Jonghyun just appeared from no where but aisssssssss.... He is sweet and romantic too, Kibum had to be soooooo freaking confused.
Chapter 13: But I am still enjoying this story!
Chapter 13: I really want this to be onkey!
Onew never seems to win in these types of stories and he's left heartbroken but still understanding. (-_-) kills me every time.
LocketRaven #9
Chapter 13: Gaaaaaaah. Nuff' said.
Chapter 11: so sweet!!! can you do onkey couple ??? please please please their relationship is so sweet and fluffy!!!! i would hate to see it end :(