How Dashing

Punch Drunk Love

                “You’re really something, Bummie.” Onew laughs, taking a bite of his third slice of pizza. “What? I just feel that biual people are so mistreated. They deserve more respect. At the end of the day, we’re all people, you know.” Key shrugs, chewing on a slice, too. “So, you call the waitress, on a school trip, a y horseradish who should choke on a cork and drown in stomach acid.”

“She told my friend that biuality wasn’t a thing. I thought it was perfectly appropriate.” He smirks. Onew raises an eyebrow, “Right.”

“Oh don’t be like that. I was 17. I wouldn’t have said that now.” Key rolls his eyes. Onew nods, continuing to gnaw on the crust of his almost finished slice of pizza. “I would tell her to drown in a pool of .” Onew chokes slightly, himself, “Really now? That’s not any more mature.”

“Who said I was mature?”

“No one…ever.”



                “Where to now?” Onew looks over at Key as he puts his key in the ignition. Key leans back in his seat, “Huh, no idea.”

“Well, there’s my place…your place…the mal –“

“How about the library?” Key says out of nowhere.

“The library?”

“Yeah, the 24 hour one.”

Onew makes a face at him.

“What? I like the library.”

“You, like the library.”

“Don’t mock me.”

“I’m not.” Onew grins, “To the library, then.”


                “Whoa.” Onew utters as he hops out of his car behind Key. “What, youv’e never been to the library?” He laughs. “Not this one in particular.” Onew says, his mouth still agape, “This looks like a bookstore.”

“Well, libraries are basically bookstores…only you don’t purchase the books.”

“I knew that, Bum. I meant the size. I’m not that stupid.”

“You’re not stupid at all.”


                “So, uhh, do we just look around? I’ve never hung out at the library before.” Onew walks awkwardly behind Key. “Relaxing isn’t it.” Key laughs, running his fingers along the binding of books neatly placed on the shelves. God help the people who work here. Onew, himself, works at a bookstore and this library, he knows for a fact, has twice the books that his bookstore has. Maybe even more. Thinking about work, he should be there, slaving over books and helping ungrateful customers with their literature needs. But, instead he’s here on the top floor of a 5 story, glass library, overlooking the city, accompanied by the most beautiful man in the world. He smiles to himself.

                Key looks over his shoulder and raises an eyebrow, “What are you smiling about?” Onew takes Key’s hand in his own and leads him to a secluded area (or as secluded as you can get when you’re in a building that is all windows.) “Is everything okay? You feeling okay?” Key giggles. “I’m perfectly fine.” Onew nods, reassuring him. “Then what is it?”

“It’s nothing really…You’re beautiful, you know that?”

Key rolls his eyes, “I’m not a teenaged girl, On. I –“

“No, Key, stop.” Onew grabs him by the shoulders.

“How dashing.” Key says making them both laugh.

“But you are.” Onew says, “It seems like compliments just go in one ear and then out the other when it comes to you. You never truly take the compliment.”

“Oh, come on. I do. I’m appreciative of everything people say to me.”

“That doesn’t mean you believe.”

“Like anybody does.” Key scoffs.

“You should.”

Key stares at Onew for a few seconds before shrugging. He turns away from him and rubs the back of his neck.


He sighs, “Yeah?”

“I love you.”

Key smiles, as he usually does whenever Onew says anything, “I know.”

Onew stays silent. “What? I love you, too, Onew. You know that.” Key leans against the bookshelf. “What more do you want fr –“

He leans forward, leaving barely a few centimeters between their faces before kissing him sensually. He presses Key harder against the bookshelf, cupping his face in his hands. He then pulls away and looks down at him. “That, that is what more I wanted.”

A/N: Please excuse the terrible excuse for a kiss scene lmao.

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Chapter 15: Now i can finally say that Onkey win me over.
I know it’s been AWHILE since its been updated but still hoping you continue this fic. <3

Tho kinda satisfying to see onkey here at the end. Kinda got a feeling that this was suppose to end as jongkey.
Chapter 13: Ok, Jinki had me in “i will win you”. <3 my heart sets to Onkey now. <3
Chapter 9: ASSFSJKQJDBDJSHA!!!! OMG yunho and changmin is so ing adorable!!! <3

But the jongkey is sinking and onkey seems not moving forward TT Jjong is way out of line there. :(
Chapter 4: THis is too good! I’m really torn between Onkey and Jongkey TT. I like both of their characters <3

But hot damn that ‘everywhere’ tho XD
Chapter 15: Bit of han solo and leia here in this chapter lol with the whole "i love you " " I know" lol
MissLocket #6
Chapter 13: Ohhhhhhh... I miss Onew so much that even if I am a delusional Jonkey fan I would rather an Onkey pair in this one. He is so sweet. And he waited, Jonghyun just appeared from no where but aisssssssss.... He is sweet and romantic too, Kibum had to be soooooo freaking confused.
Chapter 13: But I am still enjoying this story!
Chapter 13: I really want this to be onkey!
Onew never seems to win in these types of stories and he's left heartbroken but still understanding. (-_-) kills me every time.
LocketRaven #9
Chapter 13: Gaaaaaaah. Nuff' said.
Chapter 11: so sweet!!! can you do onkey couple ??? please please please their relationship is so sweet and fluffy!!!! i would hate to see it end :(