Chapter 8 Hold tight and look into my eyes

My Heart's Desire

L.A. was hectic.  It was hot and the sun was fierce.  The sky was so large and so intensely blue.  She had never seen so much sky without buildings crowding the view.  It was gorgeous and she wanted to go everywhere and see everything. 

She had decided for better or worse she would forget all the old feelings of anger she held toward Min Ho.   It was odd when she tried to think it through because she had no reason to feel the way she did so she pretended to wash the slate clean where he was concerned and start over.  She felt like a fresh spring breeze had just whipped through her life and she could start over with Min Ho.  Now if only he felt the same. 

There was a small gathering for the crew, stars and staff the first evening she arrived.  Min Ho was the hit of the party though.  So many women were gathered around him, touching his arms and making suggestive comments.  She smiled when she saw the panic in his eyes.  At least he wasn’t like some guys and get all big-headed over the attention.  She had noticed during their shoots before coming to LA that he was really shy.  He would smile his dorky grin and blush.  She didn’t know why but that dorky smile tugged at her more than anything else.

Should she rescue him? Or would he be upset with her?  He might want all the attention especially from one of the surfer girls.  She would slip away so he didn’t know she saw the exchanges.  He was a big boy and could handle himself.

She was sitting on the sidelines talking to several of the American crew when Choi Jin-Hyuk sat down next to her.  The American crew excused themselves and went to talk to other actors.  Jin-Hyuk asked how she was doing and she told him she was suffering from jet-lag.  He told her to hang-in-there it would be better in 2 days time.  He was telling her to wear sun block because the California sun was a burner for sure.  He started telling her funny stories of things that had happened to him since he arrived and she burst out laughing.  He grinned and told her he was glad she could still smile and laugh.  He had noticed her being too serious and wanted to lighten her mood.  She thanked him and they chatted happily for half an hour or so. 

Their exchanges did not go unnoticed. Min Ho heard her soft sweet laughter and he immediately searched the room for her.  She was sitting on a 2 person sofa and sitting too close.  He saw the soft look in her eyes as she laughed with Jin-Hyuk.  Isn’t he a little too old for you little one?  He’s 2 years older than I am.  So don’t look at him that way and don’t touch his arm that way.  Sigh – this is going to be a long filming experience.

Min-Hyuk had not arrived yet.  She was anxiously awaiting his arrival.  She had asked her manager for the umpteenth time if he was there yet.  Manager Jun smiled because he knew she loved the CNBlue Boys like her own brothers and Min-Hyuk was like a younger brother to her.  She always wanted to protect him but it usually ended up with Min-Hyuk protecting her.  She brought out the desire to protect in every man she came in contact with – young or old.  She spotted Min-Hyuk and started jumping up and down.  “Yah, Yah, Min-Hyuk – here! Here!” 

Min-Hyuk heard her and looking across the pavement saw her bright cheerful smile.  Ah, Noona I miss you so much! His hyung had warned him to make sure she was safe in L.A.  He knew hyung had more than just a friendship vibe with her but it wasn’t destined to be but he wanted her happy and safe also.  He waved so she could see him.  She came running toward him and grabbed his hands.  “Min-hyuk my little brother!”  When she was happy everyone around her could tell it.  Her face was like an open book and at that moment she was happy.  She put her arm around his waist and they walked toward the area he was to film.  “Noona are you filming too?”

“Not yet.  I just had to come and see you.  I miss you guys so much!  So fill me in on my CNBlue boys – is everyone doing well?  Is Jung Shin doing well?  I worry about him sometimes because he is so gangly but how is Oppa?  And you – how are you doing?”

She fired questions at him left and right.  He smiled down at her and put his arm around her shoulders pulling her close for a hug.  He whispered, “We all miss you Noona Shinnie!  We all miss you terribly.  Let’s have an adventure while we are here together, shall we?”

They were grinning and looking into each other’s eyes.  They got along so well and sometimes other people didn’t quite understand the feeling of camaraderie she shared with the 4 members of CNBlue.  They had been friends since YAB days when Yong Hwa introduced her to his band mates.  She was their first famous fan.  She had been vocal about supporting them from Day 1 and no one would ever change her feelings toward them.  Even if she had disagreements with them and that happened more than once she supported them.  She loved their music and encouraged them sincerely.  She went to the concerts every chance she got.  Most of the time she had to disguise herself because of antis but the boys always knew she was there and they loved her dearly.  She was their favorite actress and she had their full support. 

Someone else saw the exchange.  The excitement, the yelling of names, the hand-holding and the shoulder hug.  Well, he thought, all she needs to do now is kiss him.  Then as quickly, he thought, she better not!  He moved away from their line of vision as they moved in his direction.  He didn’t want her to see him for some reason.  Why? He thought.

She was waiting on him at the set.  It was hot and bright out.  The crew had umbrellas everywhere and everyone was slathering sun block on.  The sun was merciless as it beamed down.  If she were here too long she would be really brown.  She noticed Min Ho already had a tan.  He probably was tanning easily being in the water surfing all the time.  She had slipped over to watch him surf one day.  He was getting better and he seemed to enjoy what he was doing.  That was the day she caught him skateboarding.  He was like a little boy, all smiles and dimples, and she felt her heart pound as she watched him.  What on earth was that feeling, she thought.

One day they were by the equipment box trucks and he was joking with the staff.  He was looking at her and smiling.  She was quite taken back at his smile.  It was so genuine.  He was telling her a joke and she found herself laughing.  How did this happen?  She was enjoying standing here in the hot blazing sun talking to him.  Yah, she caught herself flirting with him.  What was she doing?  And then she poked his abs and made a joke.  He was grinning from ear-to-ear as if he was enjoying her joking with him.  He tickled her back.  She was doubled over in laughter.  They actually were looking into each other’s eyes and smiling, as if they enjoyed each other’s company.  Shin Hye was wondering if she were dreaming again.  Because she found she liked this feeling – whatever it was, she liked it.

They were filming a running scene and they were to hold hands.  His fingers were long and slim.  His grip on her hand was gentle and reassuring.  She wanted to continue holding his hand, she was disappointed when he let go.  She looked at him quizzically and he saw the look.  He wished he knew what was on her mind.  Their next scene to film was the house scene where she spends the night. 

He was enjoying these scenes too much.  He particularly liked the scene where he stalked her down the hallway and trapped her against the door.  He made sure he made small goofs several times so they could re-shoot the scene.  The director suggested they practice on their own before the last and final shot.  He went to shoot another scene with Ji Won leaving them alone to practice.  She swallowed hard when she saw the look in his eyes.  He was teasing her lightly as he stalked toward her – she was slowly moving backward – this felt too real to her as if he were really looking at her – Shin Hye and not the character Eun Sang.  She was seeing Min Ho and not Kim Tan.  She stopped when she felt the door behind her and looked up into those eyes that were too close.  He was less than 6 inches away.  He had bent down from his impressive height and his face was just an inch above hers but his eyes were drilling into her eyes.  She couldn’t look away – she was slowly drowning in those pools of black quicksilver.  She felt herself leaning slightly toward him despite her resolve not to – he was a magnet it seemed.  His eyes never blinked and he did not look away.  He leaned closer and his lips were the barest of spaces apart from her lips.  He murmured so softly, so quietly that she wasn’t sure she really heard him say it, “so beautiful and so desirable.”  And then he straightened up shaking his head as if to clear the image.  He apologized quickly saying he was sorry he should not have been so forward.

In the barest whisper of breath he heard, “So kissable.”  He reeled from the words but pretended he heard nothing because now was not the time to say anything.

He told her they should be alright when the scene was shot later and he appreciated her enthusiasm.  Then he did the most unexpected thing of all. He looked at her and then looked down at the ground.  He was smiling with his dimples out in full force and she felt her heart flip-flopping again.  He shyly said, “Would you like to go out to dinner with me tonight?”

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Chapter 26: A Very Beautiful Story.....
sarahsusanti #2
Chapter 26: Thank you for yhe whole story and the ending...^_^
mschase6 #3
Chapter 26: They say that love and hate are two sides of the same coin. With this story, you have proven that to be the case. Carefully interweaving career facts of the two characters with the beautifully descriptive story of two people choosing hate as a way of denying their passionate love for one another, you have written a truly romantic story. Thank you for this work of fiction. You are a gifted writer.
avrylle #4
Chapter 26: Thank you for a nice story...^_^
Chapter 26: Wow!Writer-nim,thanks for this wonderful story!Hoping it will come true,,,hehehehe^-^Waiting for your next story!
Chapter 16: Writer-nim,ur really good!:-P,
Chapter 26: Thank you for this wonderful story...
rackyvirgo #8
Chapter 26: Thanks for this wonderful story, hope it will become real.
ikak88 #9
Chapter 26: gomawo chingu~aah....
kenkat #10
Chapter 26: A beautiful wedding and a ever lasting love ending! How we wish that it could come true one day!!! Thank you musoukanomake for all your labor of love! We are so luck to have you and you are an amazing writer :)) will be looking forward to your next story xoxoxo.....