Chapter 2 Do I look like someone who cares?

My Heart's Desire

“Shin Hye, this is Lee Min Ho.  He is an aspiring actor also.  Min Ho, this is Park Shin Hye, she has been in this business since she was 11 years old with her first performance in Lee Seung-hwan’s music video, "Sarang Ha Na Yo - Do You Love?"  She acted as the young Han Jung-suh in Stairway to Heaven when she was just 13. She is quite an accomplished actress to be so young.”

Shin Hye, “II Woo Oppa that is very sweet of you to say all those nice things.  I am still learning my way around this business.  I have many sunbae who are nice enough to take care of me on set.  But thank you for those lovely words.”  She beamed at II Woo who was quite smitten by the transformation of her facial features when she smiled.

Min Ho felt like he wanted to throw up; it was just too much sweetener for such a small girl.  “Well, well, well now I remember who you are – you played the little rich girl on Goong S – the one who French kissed Se7en. Woooo girlie that was some kiss you preformed on screen.  So who else have you kissed?”  Take that little girl he thought with words meant to put her down - she just met II Woo and was calling him Oppa like it was the most natural thing in the world?  He was really sure he didn’t like her!  Nope – not at all and nothing could make him like her.

II Woo and Shin Hye’s faces registered the shock.  “Awwww, people come on, it’s not like you didn’t know you did it.  Anything else you been in that I might consider worth watching?”

Shin Hye bowed to II Woo and ignoring Min Ho completely she turned and left.  I wonder why he was so mean, she thought. Perhaps I caused one of his friends to lose a part they wanted.  But I think I should remember that name and avoid him in the future.  He definitely does not like me.  She shook her head to clear her thoughts and went in search of Sukkie.

Meanwhile, II Woo was looking at Min Ho like he had grown an extra head.  “What the hell was that all about?  I know you can be sarcastic but you usually direct it at people deserving it.  Why at Shin Hye?  She is a really nice girl.  Perhaps you will work with her one day and this moment will come back to haunt you.”  II Woo tsk tsked and left.

Min Ho was thinking I don’t know why I said those things.  Something about her just irks me.  I don’t want her around me.  Beautiful or not – no I just don’t like her.  Maybe I don’t trust her or something like that. Who cares anyway?  I am not working with her. He spied a nice looking target and headed toward her.

Shin Hye glanced around the room searching for Sukkie.  She saw him standing with several older men in deep discussion.  At that moment he saw her and flashing one of his bright stellar smiles he motioned her over.  She moved in the direction of the group Sukkie was standing among.  She was like a breath of fresh air in the room.  She did not have a cloying scent of over-perfumed air about her, her scent was light and fresh as if she had just walked in from the countryside and the fresh air came with her.  One of the men standing to the side of Sukkie was taking in the effect Shin Hye had on the men in the room.  She might be young and quite innocent he bet but she left an impression.  Sometimes seasoned actresses never made it to that point.  The man was not saying anything but he had an idea.  There was a drama coming up that called for a character with this sort of air about them exactly like the young actress moving toward them.  He would need to talk to his CEO but he thought he had found his actress.  He watched her interaction with Geun Suk.  He was another up and coming actor with some good projects under his belt.  He wondered about how well they meshed together.  There didn’t seem to be a romance but it seemed like natural chemistry between the two.  So he was thinking – I need to discuss this with my company before these two get signed to another drama. 

Sukkie took Shin Hye’s hand and introduced her to the group.  He mentioned her role in Stairway to Heaven and Tree of Heaven. The directors were impressed.  One director told her that his wife cried buckets of tears with each episode of Tree of Heaven.  He told her she was fantastic in the role and was so young.  He wished her luck in her coming career because he was sure she would be successful.  Shin Hye was blushing at all the praise.

Min Ho was flirting with a young model.  For some reason he kept glancing over at the impudent young starlet.  He remembered some of her roles now but would rather die than tell her he thought she was good.  I wonder why I care one way or the other?  Odd, he thought, but she rubs me the wrong way.  And what is with all the old guys fawning over her?  So he made a point to turn his back toward her so he wouldn’t watch the way she pouted her lips or flipped her hair.  He turned to the young model and smiled brightly making his adorable dimples show.

Shin Hye turned to glance around and saw the smile and the dimples.  She wondered why he was so mean.  Had she harmed him previously and didn’t remember?  She felt sad if she had.  He was so attractive but so mean.

Sukkie was searching for Shin Hye.  He needed to leave.  He saw her earlier heading toward the ladies room.  He went in that direction and as he rounded the corner she bumped into him causing her to bounce.  She fell backward and as she was falling a pair of strong arms caught her.  She looked up into the most mesmerizing pair of eyes she had ever seen.  The man holding her straightened her and helped her stand.  “For an almost accomplished actress you sure are clumsy.  Too bad that will show up as you act.  Maybe a crash course in etiquette and proper walking technique would be worth a try for you.”  Min Ho had a very satisfied smirk on his face as he left a startled Shin Hye standing looking after his retreating back.

“What was that all about?” asked a perplexed Sukkie.  “Do you know Lee Min Ho?”

“No, I just met him today but he has a cruel attitude.  I don’t know why but I feel like he thinks I harmed him in some way.”  Shin Hye sighed as she watched him walk away.  It was too much to think about and she didn’t have time to dwell on someone else’s problem right now.

Another person was watching the interaction between Geun Suk and Shin Hye.  Hong Jung Eun smiled and made a few notes in her notepad.  She had just found the 2 main characters for her new drama based on a manga.  She needed to discuss it with her sister Hong Mi Ran first.  You can’t make up that kind of chemistry or that kind of innocence.  Smiling as if she were the cat that found the cream she left the party.

Min Ho was in a foul mood.  He didn’t know why.  He received another call from the detective agency.  His agent assigned to the case had tracked down a limited amount of information.  The person he was looking for had left New York a week ago and was in South Korea now.  Her name was Alice Park and she should have been easy to find.  However, he informed Min Ho, she disappeared into thin air on the flight itself.  Her seat was empty when the plane landed and the original number of passengers was present.  It was a mystery but he was working on it.

People don’t just disappear into thin air unless someone very rich and powerful helps them disappear.  So Father, you want to play games when your precious Alice Park is concerned?  I will figure it out Father just give me time.  When I do figure it out I will crush her like a fly.  And when she is destroyed you too will fall.  Just you wait Father, just you wait.

That Monday Shin Hye and Geun Suk went to their casting call.  They were amazed that both were called for the same drama.  Geun Suk had been offered the role of the spoiled rich kid who falls in love with a poor girl he tortures constantly.  Then she found out she was up for the role of the poor girl who lives on the charity of others.  It was an intriguing role and she thought she would be able to show the emotions needed. 

She was asked to do a variety of skits.  The people behind the desk seemed to like her.  She was sure they did because she heard some comments she probably wasn’t meant to hear.  So she felt good about it.

Sukkie came out of a room and told her he had turned down the role of Goo Joon Pyo because he told her he wanted the role of Yoon Ji Ho.  He liked the character read of Yoon Ji Ho and thought he could portray that character much better than the character of Goo Joon Pyo.  He was now waiting for Group Eight to respond whether or not he would be given the role he wanted.  Shin Hye knew little of these sorts of competitions.  How complicated acting and competition can be she thought.  She hoped Sukkie got the part he wanted because he was such a cool actor. 

It had been a week and Sukkie called asking if she wanted to grab lunch.  Of course she did.  They were having fun discussing which actor got what role.  Sukkie told her he didn’t get the part of Yoon Ji Ho in Boys Over Flowers.  Too bad she told him because he would have made an excellent Ji Ho.  Sukkie laughed at her pouting lips.  He asked if she got the part of Jan Di.  She told him unfortunately not because the producer said she looked too rich and well-bred to play the part of a poor commoner.  Sukkie laughed at her comment, “I can be as common as the next girl, hummppfff.”

He thought I don’t think so Shin Hye.  There is definitely nothing common about you.

Sukkie told her he accepted a role in a new drama, Beethoven Virus.  She cheered him on.

They were in a small café located on the bottom floor of one of Seoul’s largest department stores.  The ground floor was comprised of many smaller shops along with some of the more exclusive shops of the Lee Ltd group.  Shin Hye and Sukkie were laughing over the way a certain female idol acted every time she came near Geun Suk.  Shin Hye was teasing him about his appeal when they noticed Lee Min Ho walking by the window of the café.  Sukkie told Shin Hye, “I heard my manager say that Min Ho got the part of Goo Joon Pyo. I believe he will do well with the part.”

Shin Hye said, “I bet he will because he has the mannerisms down pat already.”  Sukkie was pleased that she didn’t seem to be infatuated with Min Ho.

Min Ho saw them but pretended he didn’t.  He knew Geun Suk had been chosen for the part of Joon Pyo but turned it down.  So he sort of felt weird being around him.  But that part didn’t particularly bother him.  He found out Shin Hye had auditioned for the part of Jan Di but wasn’t chosen because of the part she played in Goong S.  The director said she was too classy and rich looking to play a poor girl’s part.  Ha! He thought, classy my foot.  Yeah ok she is cute, but classy?  It’s not like I care if she didn’t get picked for the part - although we would have looked good together.  I understand an older actress was chosen – I wonder what the director meant when he said because your audience will be made up of many noonas and they will love you playing opposite an older actress.  Sheesh, I wonder if it is different trying to pretend you are in love with someone years older or younger?  This was the thought he debated as he walked by the café and saw the friendly exchange between Shin Hye and Geun Suk.  He suddenly realized he didn’t really like Geun Suk.  Now he was wondering why? Could it be because he was up for the role of Goo Joon Pyo first or just because he was too confident?  A puzzle he needed to think about but the girl, forget it, he had decided he didn’t like her because she was too nice and too cute.

Min Ho’s career took off with his part as Goo Joon Pyo in Boys Over Flowers.  Everything changed for him.  He was suddenly in demand and his father saw the potential.  He was busy, very busy

He was in his office more or less goofing off.  He didn’t work anymore at Lee Ltd. But he did come by occasionally.  He could hide from the world here and study scripts.  He had the TV on and was flipping through the channels.  He saw a new commercial starring Kim Hyun Joong.  He looked like he was having fun.  The girl looked hot – long flowing hair and y little body until she turned and he saw it was Shin Hye.  Not two minutes before he saw the Etude House commercial with Geun Suk kissing Shin Hye and now Hyun Joong does an almost kiss?  Why is she always in my sight?  I do not like this girl.  And I could care less if she is in kissing commercials or not. 

His manager told him he had been chosen as the new male model for Etude House opposite Park Shin Hye.  No way he told his manager.  His manager was arguing with him over the commercial shoot. 

“Look, Min Ho, you don’t have a choice.  Your agency has signed the contract already and there are five commercials you have to do with Shin Hye.  Like it or not you have to do it.  And you have to look like you are enjoying yourself.  Get it?”

He felt like punching a wall.  Well perhaps he could have a little fun during these commercials. Maybe he would delve deeper into this person called Shin Hye and see why so many guys found her intriguing.

Shin Hye acted like she wanted to avoid him.  He heard her when she entered the commercial sound stage.  She was giggling and talking to one of the girls in the commercial.  She stopped when she saw him and bowed.  She said, “Hello Min Ho, ssi.  I hope you have a pleasant day.”  She hurried away after saying have a pleasant day?  What the hell.  So you want to play games, huh?  Let’s see who can cave first Ms. Park. 

The first commercial shoot was called, ‘the girl in the mirror’.  He was to play the part of a boyfriend asking his girlfriend to marry him.  He hated those kinds of roles.  He always looked like a fool.  But he was an actor and an act he would give them.

She was shy that was for sure.  He could tell by the blush on her cheeks every time he stared at her.  Staring at her was becoming a good way to pass time.  He loved watching the blush spread down over her neck.  Maybe she was as innocent as she seemed.  He didn’t know when it happened but he seemed to be less angry at her.  Maybe the grind of working with her made him forget he didn’t like girls like her.  Not that he knew any other girls like her but it was the thought that counted. 

He found she wasn’t really a stuck-up girl.  She was fun to be around but he tried to curb his instinct to join in on games they were playing on the set.  He liked to joke around as much as the next guy but something about this girl bugged him.

They were to film a set of two different Etude House commercials in March.  The second one was the one he called Pink.  They were dressed in pink.  He wasn’t happy being dressed head to toe in pink and thought he looked rather sissified.  When one of the assistant directors made a joke about Min Ho being a pink bunny he overheard Shin Hye come to his defense.  She was polite but told him in no uncertain terms that Min Ho was handsome in any color.  She told him if any man alive could pull off wearing the color pink and still be y it was Lee Min Ho.  Well, he thought, I don’t know.  Does she like me?

What he didn’t realize was every time Shin Hye was near Min Ho she got these funny feels in the pit of her stomach.  He was so handsome and she had seen him be nice to people when he didn’t know he was being watched.  He was sweet toward Grandmothers and little children.  She loved the look on his face when he was doing that sort of thing – he was all tender and nice.  But the minute he saw her, his face hardened and he acted like he wanted to be anywhere but where she was.  It broke her heart and she didn’t know why.

That day they were to do photo stills and act as if they liked each other.  Min Ho was standing next to Shin Hye.  The director was saying things to loosen the atmosphere up and he found himself laughing at some of Shin Hye’s antics.  She was funny and easy to be around.  But he still didn’t like her.  In fact he decided he despised her.  Then the director told him to look at her as if she was the most desirable female in his world. 

Hell, he thought, how do I do that?  Perhaps pretend she is someone else? Yes that is the clue to doing this successfully.  I will pretend she is another actress.  Let me think.  So Min Ho looked up and then down to complete the look the director wanted.  He looked down and stared at her face.  He forgot who he was going to think of because he was seeing her.  He was seeing Shin Hye and she was simply breath taking.  She was shy and very desirably y at that moment.  He was still looking at her as if he could eat her alive when the director called cut.  The director wanted to check some of the shots before they continued.  Min Ho moved away from Shin Hye because he needed the space to think.  He realized he couldn’t think or not clearly so he was going to have to do something totally out of character to make her stay the hell away from him.

The shoot was completed.  Min Ho and Shin Hye were finished for this round of commercials.  They were a success for the Etude House brand and had 3 more to shoot.  But for this month they were through.

Shin Hye was walking toward the back exit when she saw him standing in front of a window.  He was devastatingly handsome but he hated her so much.  It made her hurt to think of it. 

Min Ho saw her reflection in the glass and turned to walk toward her.  She was instantly aware of his movements.  He was like a sleek jungle cat - all powerful and oozing appeal.  She bit her lip to keep from saying something she would regret.  He was standing close enough to touch her and she felt threatened.  Not threatened as if he would hit her but threatened deep in her soul.  She had to move her eyes away from his or she was doomed.  But she couldn’t.  His eyes were hard, glittering with unseen and unfelt passions.  She was trying to force herself to look away but there was magnetism – some sort of unseen spark – between them that she felt.  She took an involuntary step forward and her hand went out of its own violation as if to touch his arm.  He looked down at her hand and back to her eyes.  There was an unmistakable smirk lurking deep in those eyes.  But she saw something else there – something she thought perhaps he didn’t want others to see.  She saw a vulnerable lost look.  She wanted suddenly to touch him and make that look disappear.  But she feared the consequences of falling into a trap.  A trap the cunning man before her was known to play.  His reputation as a womanizer and player was all over the internet.  He never fell into a relationship.  He didn’t have relationships he had fun and then was gone.  She did not want that sort of relationship.  She wanted soft kisses and soft touches with streaks of passion thrown in for good mixture.  Even as all this played in her mind she wanted to touch his hair and touch his face. 

She was afraid he would read these emotions on her face and in her eyes.  So she forced herself to look down.  To try to stop the thrill of thinking about how incredibly y and exciting it would be to kiss those lips.

What was that look he saw in her eyes? It was there for such a brief moment that he wasn’t sure but it wasn’t hate or avoidance.  It was as if she wanted to touch him.  He didn’t want to touch her and had no intentions of touching her but he put his hand out and his finger tilted her chin up so she had to look into his eyes.  He saw it then – a tiny flicker of passion – and he lowered his lips to hers in a soft tender kiss.  Nothing like the kisses he was accused of giving to women all the time.  No heated angry kisses; just a soft seeking tender kiss.  It was like soft rain during the spring.  She was waxing poetically about his kisses and she placed her hands palms down against his chest.  His hands found their way to her shoulders and he held tight.  He pulled her toward him till their chests met.  He could feel the soft womanly contours of her body and he suddenly had the urge to squash her tightly against him, to kiss her with a passion he would regret later.  He brought his hands down to each side of her face and deepened the kiss to let her know how hungry he was for her kiss.  He only felt the need, the passion and desire for the kiss he was sharing with her at that moment in time.  But he suddenly realized that he felt something more, something he didn’t want to feel, something he could not acknowledge.  But for a brief moment he kissed her with the passion of a man seeking the woman he desired.  What made it so difficult to pull away from her was the fact that she responded.  She was hesitant at first but then she let him guide her in the kiss and he knew if he didn’t back away he would be lost.  This was new for him, this feeling of losing himself in a kiss.  This feeling of wanting something indescribable, something that tugged at the heart and soul and he would not give in to those feelings.

He jerked back.  He looked down at her and saw this soft glow on her face, her lips were swollen from his kisses and her hand was still on his arm.  She had a dreamy far-away look in her eyes as she slowly opened them.

She opened her eyes to look into the hard glittering eyes above her.  He looked angry and unhappy.  She stepped back and the look on her face changed.  She looked confused and scared.  She took a step back.  Then she took another and then turned and ran.  He stood and watched her leave and his hand dropped to his side as his heart ached for some strange reason.

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Chapter 26: A Very Beautiful Story.....
sarahsusanti #2
Chapter 26: Thank you for yhe whole story and the ending...^_^
mschase6 #3
Chapter 26: They say that love and hate are two sides of the same coin. With this story, you have proven that to be the case. Carefully interweaving career facts of the two characters with the beautifully descriptive story of two people choosing hate as a way of denying their passionate love for one another, you have written a truly romantic story. Thank you for this work of fiction. You are a gifted writer.
avrylle #4
Chapter 26: Thank you for a nice story...^_^
Chapter 26: Wow!Writer-nim,thanks for this wonderful story!Hoping it will come true,,,hehehehe^-^Waiting for your next story!
Chapter 16: Writer-nim,ur really good!:-P,
Chapter 26: Thank you for this wonderful story...
rackyvirgo #8
Chapter 26: Thanks for this wonderful story, hope it will become real.
ikak88 #9
Chapter 26: gomawo chingu~aah....
kenkat #10
Chapter 26: A beautiful wedding and a ever lasting love ending! How we wish that it could come true one day!!! Thank you musoukanomake for all your labor of love! We are so luck to have you and you are an amazing writer :)) will be looking forward to your next story xoxoxo.....