Chapter 13 Balmy nights and hot days

My Heart's Desire

Shin Hye ran that morning.  It wasn’t something she could do in Seoul but here in LA no one recognized her.  She ran down the beach and back through one of the side neighborhoods to the hotel.  Their hotel was on the beach and she loved the feel of the breeze and sound of the sea birds.

Back at the hotel she checked her schedule for September 16 - filming today was at Universal City Walk with Min Hyuk.  She looked forward to spending time with Min Hyuk.  They had plans no one else knew about after filming today.  They were going on a fun evening adventure!  Min Hyuk told her to leave it to him but they were going to have fun before going back home.  She was anticipating his planning.  He was such a fun person and few people knew that about him. 

Shin Hye ran to hug Min Hyuk when she saw him standing by a palm tree.  He was trying to blend into the crowd so no one would recognize him as CNBlue’s drummer.   Shin Hye was so excited she couldn’t contain her laughter.  Min Hyuk saw her and stepped out to catch her hug.  “Minhyukkie!”  Shin Hye yelled.  Onlookers glanced at them but continued on their way.  There were signs warning that filming was ongoing.   Angelinos were use to actors filming.  They took it in stride. 

Shin Hye and Min Hyuk were walking arm in arm and chatting excitedly.   They rehearsed their scenes once and then filmed.   The lollipop scenes were the most fun for them.   They posed for fans and took selfies to post and for their scrap books. 

Min Hyuk and Shin Hye were supposed to be going back to the hotel to rest but they managed to slip away.  Min Hyuk grabbed Shin Hye’s hand and they walked away from the filming site.  Min Hyuk flagged a taxi and they headed to a local carnival by the sea.  Shin Hye was surprised and excited.  She hadn’t been on carnival rides in a long time and she missed the fun.  They rode everything.  They ate corn dogs and drank sodas.   They took pictures in the picture booth and finished the day with ice cream cones.   The two found a bench partially blocked from view by a row of blooming hedges and sank onto the bench to catch their breath.  While eating their ice creams, Min Hyuk was busy sending their selfies back to his team mates in Seoul.  The guys sent messages back telling Min Hyuk how unfair that he got to have a “date” with their Shin Hye.  The two were exhausted and were on their way back to the hotel.  They had given excuses to their managers and now had to figure how to slip back into the hotel without being seen.  Min Hyuk had the taxi drop them off a block away from the hotel.  They were walking as quietly as possible but could not stop joking and giggling.  They would giggle and then look at each other which resulted in guffaws of laughter.   They had made it into the hotel and to their floor with lots of “sshhhhhs” from Shin Hye and then a muffled burst of laughter from Min Hyuk.   Shin Hye was in room 2016 and Min Hyuk was in room 2019.  Min Hyuk and Shin Hye were supposed to meet their managers and most of the other actors for the LA filming for dinner at 6 pm.  It was now 5:25 pm.  Min Hyuk told her to hurry and change and he would meet her at the elevator at 5:45 pm.   She stood on tiptoe and gave him a kiss on the cheek.  “Thank you my dear friend for such a lovely normal day.”  She disappeared into her room and Min Hyuk touched his cheek and said, “Anything for you, Noona Shinnie.”  

Min Ho was in the lobby waiting on his stylist to bring his clothing for tonight.  She had to pick it up from the cleaners and he told her he would wait in the lobby for her.  He was tired and glanced toward the desk area to see the time.  As his gaze searched the room he saw Min Hyuk and Shin Hye slip into the lobby.  It was evident they were trying to not be seen by the way they acted.   Min Hyuk was slightly in the front and had hold of Shin Hye’s hand.  Min Ho knew they were friends but were they that close?  And come to think of it he had not seen either one all day.  He had been filming surfing scenes and had no idea where the two had been all day.  Wherever it was they didn’t look like they had been filming – they had the look of a couple just back from a date.  

Now what?  I never thought to inquire about Min Hyuk.  Hell.  The hand holding is not the way you enter a hotel little girl.  Not with a member of a rock band.  You, Shin Hye, are a bad girl.  I don’t like this feeling either.  I don’t like you holding hands with other men and I really don’t like the fact that you are slipping into the hotel after what looks like you have been up to no good.   This is not a good thing for me; I just know this is not good for me.

Min Hyuk and Shin Hye entered the banquet room together.  Their managers were suspicious that Min Hyuk and Shin Hye both had been out of touch during the same hours.  Manager Jun kept looking at Shin Hye and she would shrug her shoulders and say, “Huh?”  She would then look at Min Hyuk and both would burst into giggles.  Shin Hye and Min Hyuk were sitting beside each other.  Jin-hyuk was across from Shin Hye.  Min Ho was across from Min Hyuk.  He was not amused at either one of them. 

He could see Shin Hye poking Min Hyuk after Min Hyuk showed her something on his cell phone.  She exclaimed, “No way!”  He laughed out loud and she poked him again.  It was really beginning to get on his nerves.

Jin-Hyuk asked Min Ho about his filming schedule for the next day.  Min Ho told him he would be filming in San Diego and he looked forward to it.  He glanced over at Shin Hye but she was paying no attention to him because she was too busy reading text messages Min Hyuk was showing her on his phone.  Evidently they were from his band mates and from what he could understand they were giving him a hard time for being on a date with their Shin Hye that day.  Their Shin Hye?  And why did they have to talk so loud?  He sarcastically remarked under his breath that he really hoped she was in a happier mood tomorrow.  Jin Hyuk gave him a puzzled look.  He noticed Shin Hye and Min Hyuk’s exchanges at that point and looked from them to Min Ho.  He smiled and shook his head.

Shin Hye was in the van and ready to go.  They were waiting on Min Ho so they could go to San Diego.  She was excited because she couldn’t wait for today’s filming.  She was happy and full of energy today.  She hoped Min Ho was in a better mood today because he certainly seemed off-kilter last night at dinner.  She supposed he was tired from all the surfing lessons.  She was sure it was draining on a person physically. 

He entered the van saying good morning to the staff but nodded at her.  Great, she thought, he is mad at me again.  She kept looking at him and when he felt her gaze on him she smiled one of her big dimple beaming smiles.  He didn’t mean to smile back but he did.  Aiiissshhhh, why did I smile back?   Can’t she tell I am upset with her?  And if she can’t tell she should be able to.  It’s all her fault. 

So he sulked and she could tell he was sulking.  She was frowning until she thought of a plan and then she started beaming again.  She took her phone out, inserted her ear plugs and began to listen to music.  She was smiling and nodding along with the music all the way to the filming location.

She had decided that he was too gloomy.  She was going to make him her friend or at least she was going to try.  She didn’t want him to frown at her all the time and she didn’t want him to be mad at her.  He was fine two nights ago and then last night he was back to the grouch Min Ho.  Well she would get him to laugh today or her name wasn’t Park Shin Hye! 

They were standing in scenic historic Balboa Park.  It was a beautiful place full of cheerful people.  Shin Hye kept talking to him even when they weren’t supposed to be talking.  She would smile at him and he would grunt.  Finally she said, “Are you mad at me?”

He hadn’t expected her to blurt out such a question.  She really wasn’t like other women he knew.  He answered, “No, did you do something you shouldn’t have?  Something you think I would get mad at you over?”  He thought perhaps she will figure it out.

“No I haven’t done anything wrong.  I just thought we had decided to be friends and then you act like you are upset with me so I want to make sure I haven’t done anything to make you mad.  I am glad you aren’t mad at me.”  And she smiled at him with her big eyes and her dimples flashing.  He thought, I just can’t catch a break, I really can’t.

He closed his eyes.  He was sitting on a chair beside PD Kang.  He was discussing the scene with Min Ho and Shin Hye.  PD Kang said he really wanted to try and do as few re-takes as possible.  PD Kang figured if the two understood what he was trying to do in the scenes today there would be fewer out-takes.  PD Kang introduced an American-Korean girl who would be their ‘guide’ to Balboa Park during the day’s shooting.  She was young, spoke excellent English and Korean and she focused in on Lee Min Ho.  She smiled at him, she touched his sleeve, and she spoke to him when explaining the park and in general became Min Ho’s guide.  Shin Hye was following around and felt like a third wheel.  The purpose of the guide as PD Kang explained to them was to take them to the locations they would shoot and help them become familiarized with that area so it became natural when they began filming in that section. 

Shin Hye had been following them for a half hour.  They were standing at the famous Lily Pond.  The girl, Ms. Kei, was smiling at Min Ho and answering his question.  He seemed to enjoy her attention because Shin Hye noticed his eyes were boring a hole through Ms. Kei’s head.  Shin Hye asked a question and Ms. Kei went “hmmm?” and continued to smile and stare at Min Ho.  You dummy Min Ho, Shin Hye thought – big ole dummy!

Shin Hye thought this is really stupid.  She looked at the list of areas they would film and saw the Botanical Building.  Hmmmm, the map states it is exactly 200 feet from the Lily Pond - that would be 60.96 meters.  OK, Min Ho, stare holes in people’s heads if you want because I am going exploring without the flirtatious Ms. Kei! 

So she could say she did tell them where she was going, she said in a small voice, “Ohhhh, look the map shows the Botanical Building is 60 meters that-a-way.  I’m going there, see you two later. Bye.”  She watched and neither one looked at her.  So she started walking a step at a time backward.  She made about 30 feet backward and neither Min Ho nor Ms. Kei looked at her.  So she turned with a big grin on her face and taking her cell phone out of her pocket she clicked pictures of all the interesting sculpture or exhibits she saw.  And of course she immediately uploaded them to her media accounts.  She got lots of responses back but kept going.  She was at the Botanical Building in no time and was cheerfully exploring the grounds around it when her phone started ringing.  She glanced at the screen and saw the word “babo sonyeon”.  Ha, she thought, and she hit decline to answer.  Ha – go flirt with your Ms. Kei!!

She turned to leave, flipping her hair while rolling her eyes saying, “fool boy”.   She turned in one movement, taking a step forward and hit something hard.  She was looking at a man’s chest.  Will the bad luck just keep rolling toward me?  She sighed as she said, “I am so sorry.  Please excuse me.”  Not looking up into his face she side-stepped to go around him and he side-stepped with her. 

Aiiissshhhh -  “Yah, what are you doing? I said I’m sorry!”  She stepped backward and looked up into those eyes. 

“And just where did you think you were disappearing to?  While we are on a tight filming schedule you do not have the leisure to roam freely and cause the staff to worry.  Do you want to get mugged or kidnapped maybe?  Or did you have a more sinister plan like escaping for a date with one of your many admirers?  Inconsiderate little girl ….”

“And close your mouth before a bug flies in there!”  Min Ho said over his shoulder as he walked away from her; smirking as he went.

“Yah!  My mouth isn’t open!”  Oh for heaven’s sake Shin Hye.  You are an intelligent female; your IQ is proof so why do your conversations with fool boy sound like you are in primary school?  She mumbled as she followed making sure she didn’t get too close.

He stopped suddenly and she ran into his back.  “Hey little girl, pay attention to what you are doing!  We need to go back to the Lily Pond because PD wants to film there now!”  He walked away.  His day had suddenly gotten a lot more interesting and a lot more fun.

He could hear her a few feet behind him mumbling away like a crazy girl.  He was smiling with dimples showing and girls he met as he walked toward the Lily Pond were struck by his beauty.  One could hear a trail of sighs as he walked away.

Shin Hye was oblivious to all that was happening around her.  Why do I always react like an idiot when he talks?  Why can’t I just ignore him? Why? Why? Why? Why do I have no answers?  Her normally cheerful smiling face was sullen and scowling like someone ready to chew nails.  PD Kang saw this scenario as they came toward him and his one thought was, “How very interesting!”

We are filming at the Lily Pond.  She is rushing toward me with 2 coffees and she says her line “Here my treat!”

Then I say my line, “Did you go invent coffee?” 

Min Ho is thinking this is my line but I am trying to say this with all the sarcasm I feel right now at this moment.  HA – take that little girl.  But she is taking it in stride as if that is the way I should have said it – little girl how can you be so professional when we have this issue going on between us?  What if she isn’t aware there is an issue? 

I am supposed to look into her eyes as I say the line about her inventing coffee but I have to keep telling myself “Min Ho do not look too long into those eyes – turn away quickly – be careful of her eyes. 

My next line is to tell her to not over-react – but I am saying it because I feel that way and it has nothing to do with the script.  Look away again Min Ho – don’t stop at her eyes, look just above her eyes. 

Those eyes are so deep – but how can she look so innocent, so cute and still have the nerve to slip away with a rock band boy?  This girl – ahhhh this little girl.

She has such a wistful look on her face – is it acting or is she thinking of something else?

She has my cell phone and is typing in the name Writer Eun-sook is using for Min Hyuk’s character.  Why do I feel she is really thinking about Min Hyuk?  Why does this scene have the real feeling of sending Min Hyuk a message?  And why in the middle of filming a scene am I jealous? 

Why does the words ‘he is in my heart’ hurt my heart?  Is it because those words are really true?  What is going on with my head?  Am I sick?  Is the weather too hot?  This is crazy!!!

Why am I so serious when I am just acting?  The script states I am to ask her are you dating him?  But I am really serious – are you little girl?  I forgot to ask about him and you seem to enjoy way too much skinship with your MinHyukkie – way too much.  And what’s with the ‘ukkie’ part on all your guy friend’s names?  Are you some type of psycho girl?

Ahhh - I – don’t look into her eyes – look out the window - anything Min Ho – don’t gaze for too long into those big, soulful, caramel eyes.  Oh for goodness sake – stick to the script Min Ho – the script!!!

Thank goodness we are breaking so they can set-up the house scene when – ahhh what’s the young actress’ name?  Je Won?  Ji Won, that’s it.  Perhaps I will just use the name Rachel.  Let’s see, they are setting up Shin Hye’s run-in with her so I am through filming with her for an hour.  I need a break away from her – from her smile, her warmth, her dimples, her chin and god, her eyes.  If I could figure out what was going on in her mind maybe I – ahh!!  Get a grip, man, get a grip!!

While she is filming her scenes at the house with Rachel I will be filming the scene in the taxi where I go through her SNS account.  I am not sure why but it feels like these are real exchanges between her and Min Hyuk.  I am not pretending when I make my faces at her online conversation with Min Hyuk.  I feel that way.

Manager Hyung tells me I have an extra 35 minutes before I am due back on the set.  Wonder if little girl screwed something up?  She was probably MIA because she ran into another ‘guy friend’.  Well I am sleeping for that extra 35 minutes.

Shin Hye enjoyed working with Ji Won.  She was young and seemed eager to learn.  Ji Won asked many questions about Shin Hye’s experiences and Shin Hye was happy to help the younger actress.  One of her goals as she earned more experiences was to help younger actors and actresses to further their careers with more ease.  It was a hard business to be in and sometimes a very unforgiving business.

Min Ho was observing the filmed scenes and the new girl has a dislikable character in the story line.  Shin Hye’s character grabs your attention and holds it.  She makes you want to hold her and tell her everything will be alright.  I suppose that is good, right?   I know one thing, little girl’s crying makes everyone around her tear up.  Her tears are real and when I see her cry, even acting, I want to comfort her.  She’s good, little girl is really good.

Shin Hye was thinking how sad the character Eun Sang’s life is turning out to be.  Eun Sang’s tribulation is to be in the middle of a situation where only misunderstandings exist – how unfortunate.  She went to the front of the house because her next scene was with Min Ho and Ji Won focusing on the missing business card from the police officer.

Why on earth would I have this feeling seeing Min Ho act as the fiancée of the character Rachel?  This is all make-believe but everything he does seems so real to me.  I am definitely having a hard time differentiating between what is reel and real.  I have only done this once before and I didn’t do it on this scale so what gives with me?  How do I stop doing this? 

We are at the garbage containers and the taxi approaches.  Min Ho just grabbed my hand to pull me to safety and my whole body is tingling – why?  My hand has been held by so many celebrities – actually some of the hottest men in show business, so why now?  Why does this one infuriating man affect me like this? 

PD Kang is fussing about the fact that we are going to use a mish-mash of running scenes from three different areas.  One of the American actors said, “Man you can’t run from Malibu Beach to Hollywood to San Diego like this.  But I guess it don’t matter since it is a drama and most Asians won’t know the area.” 

PD Kang is aware that the final results will look like they ran from Malibu to Hollywood and it only took them about 10 minutes.  But his is not to reason why, his is to film a concept and editing will make it look good.  So they filmed the running scenes several times to get just the right look.  Min Ho held Shin Hye’s hand as they ran.  A curious thing happened while they were filming.  When PD Kang yelled, “Cut!” the action would stop and the actors would relax.  In a normal acting scenario any actors holding hands would stop holding hands and let go.  But PD Kang noticed along with a lot of other people that Min Ho did not release Shin Hye’s hand when filming stopped.  He continued to hold her hand and she continued to let him hold her hand.  They were oblivious to the fact that they held hands during and after filming.  It was turning out to be quite interesting in PD Kang’s view.  He was positive now that the two felt something more than as mere acquaintances. 

Min Ho saw the actor look at his hand.  He looked down and he was holding Shin Hye’s hand.  It seemed to be the most natural thing in the world.  He didn’t want to let go of her hand.   This feels right, he thought.  While they were running Min Ho noticed how beautiful she looked while running.  How many women could run like that and look good?  And still he held her hand.  She seems to not think anything wrong with it either.  She was the type of woman that would let you know in a second if what you were doing bothered her or crossed the line.  So why doesn’t she mind me holding her hand?

We have finished the ‘running away from the bad guys’ scenes and are ready to film inside the movie theatre.  I am studying my script and Shin Hye is helping me.  I am supposed to say lines that are very Kim Tan.  “Do I like you?”  Would I use those lines on a girl?  I don’t know.  Shin Hye seems to think those are rather romantic lines.  Sheesh - such lines.

We messed up filming in the theatre today.  I actually used some curse words and didn’t mean to.  I don’t want Shin Hye to get the wrong idea about me.  But then we had some takes that came across silly and we both laugh along with the crew and the extras in the theatre.  PD Kang is finally satisfied with how we are sitting and how the words sound so when we do the final take I suddenly find myself falling into her eyes.  I am looking – no I am staring into her eyes and I am trying to express my sincerity through my eyes.  I am trying to show her much I enjoy her company, how much I like her and how beautiful she is – I am trying to convey this to her so strongly that when Kim Tan asks Cha Eun Sang, “Do I like you?”  I find it is not Kim Tan asking but Lee Min Ho asking not Cha Eun Sang but Park Shin Hye.  I find I am just myself, Min Ho, looking into the eyes of the woman that has held my fascination for so long that I am sincerely telling her “Perhaps do I like you?”   The words Kim Tan says “If I’m going to trust you I need to know who you are” are not Kim Tan’s words but my words, my thoughts here and now because I realize if I am going to trust you with my heart then I need to know who you are.  I realize it is no longer a perhaps but “I find myself falling for you and I find myself helpless to not fall for you…”

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Chapter 26: A Very Beautiful Story.....
sarahsusanti #2
Chapter 26: Thank you for yhe whole story and the ending...^_^
mschase6 #3
Chapter 26: They say that love and hate are two sides of the same coin. With this story, you have proven that to be the case. Carefully interweaving career facts of the two characters with the beautifully descriptive story of two people choosing hate as a way of denying their passionate love for one another, you have written a truly romantic story. Thank you for this work of fiction. You are a gifted writer.
avrylle #4
Chapter 26: Thank you for a nice story...^_^
Chapter 26: Wow!Writer-nim,thanks for this wonderful story!Hoping it will come true,,,hehehehe^-^Waiting for your next story!
Chapter 16: Writer-nim,ur really good!:-P,
Chapter 26: Thank you for this wonderful story...
rackyvirgo #8
Chapter 26: Thanks for this wonderful story, hope it will become real.
ikak88 #9
Chapter 26: gomawo chingu~aah....
kenkat #10
Chapter 26: A beautiful wedding and a ever lasting love ending! How we wish that it could come true one day!!! Thank you musoukanomake for all your labor of love! We are so luck to have you and you are an amazing writer :)) will be looking forward to your next story xoxoxo.....