Chapter 4 If I ask you a question would you answer?

My Heart's Desire

His agency had signed a contract for a romantic comedy called ‘Personal Taste’.  He thought it would be a light hearted drama and very suited to his current age and experiences.  He liked the thoughts of playing a light and cheerful role.  Something that would bring laughter to his fans faces.  He disliked gloomy.

He was nosing around the records room and found the best places to look were in the very back of the room.  Evidently the last keeper for the room had shoved many boxes into the very back of the room.  The keeper had crammed old receipts and records into boxes, slapped lids on them, taped them shut and labeled with the year only.  He was currently shifting through year 1989.  So far no mention of Alice Park or any Park except one small hospital bill receipt for a Seon Yeon Park.  Finally a name he could check or have checked.  It was better than nothing he thought.  He pulled his phone out, took a picture of the receipt and forwarded it to the detective agency.  He put the receipt back where he found it and moved carefully so that the dust was not disturbed on box tops.  Who knew what clues his father looked for when keeping tabs on him?

Shin Hye was suddenly too busy.  Her popularity exploded with the release of Minamisineyo.  Shin Hye preferred to call it ‘He’s Beautiful’.  After ‘He’s Beautiful’ was released in Japan all of the ANJELL four became really popular.  There were fan clubs for all of them.  The embarrassing part was the shipping fan clubs pairing her up with Sukkie and then she was paired up with Yong Hwa.  That was really uncomfortable because she and Yong had become really good friends during filming.  She couldn’t explain it but she felt so close to Yong.  They could read each other’s thoughts and knew what the other was going to wear or do even when they weren’t together.  Yong told her he had a bit of a crush on her but he liked being her friend better and she felt the same way.  Hong Ki, who she called Hongstar, was like her brother and she was like his brother – haha they always laughed at being brothers.  But she seriously loved all three guys.  They were her extended family and she would do anything to help them or protect them.  She wondered why people didn’t understand that sort of friendship.  Sukkie would be her friend for life – she loved Sukkie but wasn’t in love with Sukkie.  It took her a couple of months after the end of their drama to sort through her feelings.  She definitely would give her life for those boys, her fellow musketeers!

Shin Hye was thinking back about the few crushes she had as she grew up.  It was more like infatuations but they were all learning experiences and she supposed her reluctance to become involved in a boyfriend – girlfriend relationship was because she had never quite figured it out.  She wanted those feelings she read about in novels to happen to her.  She wanted the catches of breath when her love walked into a room; the quickening of her pulse when she looked at him across a room; the fire in her veins and the desire in……maybe she should stop thinking about romance novels and concentrate on the script in her hand.

She had agreed to be one of the MC’s for the SBS Gayo Daejeon Awards Show on December 29.  She was excited because her co-host would be Yong Hwa and she would get to meet Kim Hee-chul of Super Junior – specifically Super Junior-T.  She wanted to fan girl all over the place but she knew she couldn’t but auckkkkk Hee-chul……fan girl fan girl….OK Shin Hye stop it she told herself.  He is a normal guy just like Yong Hwa so calm down and be cool.  Yes, she could be cool.  And then she realized – omg – the rest of Super Junior would be there… is sooooo good she thought!

Shin Hye POV: SBS Gayo Daejeon Awards Show

OMG!!! I am having so much fun!!! All the boy bands and girl bands and all are my favorites! Yes!

I laughed so hard at 2PM’s parody of He’s Beautiful!!!!! Haha – poor Oppas – I saw Yong’s face and he isn’t sure if he should cry or laugh – hahaha

Lee Seung Gi – ahhhh – such a gentleman – so sweet and courtly – and I get to do a dance number or two with him!!!! Excited!!!!

OMG – Seung Gi asked me to call him Oppa! And told me I looked beautiful in the wedding dress! I am such a lucky girl!!!

Can I just die and go to heaven now!!!  This has been the best awards show ever!!!

Min Ho did not go to the 2009 Gayo Daejeon Awards Show.  He had planned to go when Hee-chul asked him to come show his support.  He was going to and then Hee-chul told him his co-MC were Yong Hwa and Shin Hye.  Only Hee-chul said, “The beautiful and y Shin Hye.”  Nope not me – I ain’t on that wagon!  Got other things to do.

2010 was going to be busy.  Min Ho was preparing to shoot Personal Taste.  He had the script and they had started rehearsing.  He wanted to stay as busy as possible.

The detective agency sent a report for him to check.  He inserted the thumb drive into his laptop and opened the report. 

Alice Park – birth parents unknown

No known relatives

One known contact: Lee Hon Mun 

Phone contact:  02-312-6666 within Seoul 312-6666

No known siblings

Birthday February 1990 – exact day unknown

High School: attended private girl’s school New York, NY USA:  graduated early at age 15

College attended Barnard College 116th Street and Broadway New York, NY – private women’s liberal arts college - graduated with double major – Computer Science and Environmental Science – graduated summa laude within 3 years

IQ: 180   Mensa member

No known photos – high school and college yearbooks – picture/photos missing of Alice Park

Names of friends – unknown

Professor’s recognition – no photo –

Description: vague

Fair skin: dark brown hair: brown eyes: height 5’6” (170.7 cm): weight 105 lbs (47 kg):

Min Ho scanned the sketchy report.  Well, this could be anyone.  No, this isn’t what I want, although the phone contact number could come in useful.  So she is a genius? This is most interesting.

Shin Hye had been involved in several small projects.  She had landed a secondary role in the move ‘Cyrano Agency’ as the character Min-yeong.  She wanted projects to fill her time so she signed on to be the voice of Yi-rang in the animated ‘Green Days’.  While she was busy filling up her time, Uncle told her to fill in her Korean education.  So she was enrolled in Chung-Ang University.  This was more of the building up a background in her two separate identities.  Again she wondered why but since her earliest memories at 5 years of age, she knew her life and her father’s life would be forfeit if anyone ever found out who she was or what she stood for – strange, very strange she thought.  Unknown to her Uncle, she had been slowly gathering evidence and information.  It was for that purpose alone that she pursued computer science – information was the key to knowledge and she had found that no matter how small or insignificant the information might be it was recorded somewhere in the world and a smart girl could access it through the computer with or without consent.  It was a matter of time till she knew all the truth.

Shin Hye was busy, too busy and she forgot about the handsomely arrogant y male that plagued her dreams occasionally.  She didn’t have time to think about him anyway.

She had fun appearing in cameo shots in Seung-Gi Oppa’s drama, ‘My Girlfriend is a Nine-tailed Fox’ as her ‘He’s Beautiful’ character Go Mi-nyu.

It seemed that every time she turned around she was being asked about Geun Suk and Yong Hwa. Questions were mostly silly and dealt with was she in love with either Geun Suk or Yong Hwa?  Where they dating?  How long had they been dating?  Always those type of questions.  She sometimes got tired of it but all she could do was deny it because she wasn’t dating either one.  She had decided until the right man came along she would categorized all males as friends and keep them there.  She had yet to meet the man who could control her ability to friend-zone him.  Dating and romance in the world she lived in was dangerous.  Too many anti-fans if the man was famous.  Too much criticism if he wasn’t.  She did not want to live in someone else’s dream for her but to live in her own dream in her own world.

Min Ho’s agency informed him the date for the last two Etude House commercials had been scheduled.  He would need 2 days for the shoot and one free in case of re-dos.  Great, he thought, I will have to act like I am having fun again.  I can do this though, acting is all it is and I can do it.  Once these two commercials are completed that annoying actress will be out of my hair for good. 

Shin Hye’s manager told her the date had been finalized for the last two Etude House commercials.  Thank goodness she thought.  Once I get the Etude House commercials completed I will no longer have to see Min Ho or worry about his making my life miserable on set.

The set was quiet as Shin Hye and Min Ho were prodded and pulled into the positions the producer visualized in his head.  He had them doing some Iris themed shots that really looked good thought Shin Hye.  He kept telling them to let their bodies touch, to make it real let your bodies touch.  Shin Hye was getting flustered because the body parts he kept telling them to let touch were their butts.  Geez she kept thinking this is embarrassing. 

Finally the day was through and tomorrow would be the last day she had to look or listen to Min Ho.  He had been cranky all day.  Nothing she did was correct and he grumbled at her under his breath constantly.  She felt like knocking him into next week if he kept it up.  When the director yelled cut she stomped as loudly as she could off stage toward her dressing room.  She was so pissed at him.  She wasn’t sure why exactly but she was and wanted him to know it.

Min Ho was thinking why is she so upset?  I am the one who should be upset.  She acts all innocent and sweet while cussing me out under her breath.  Yeah, right, sweet as in a lighted fire-cracker.   And stomping her feet so I would get the point?  Huh, well two can play that game.  He made sure to slam his dressing room door as loudly as possible.  Since their dressing rooms were side-by-side he listened at the wall joining his room and couldn’t hear anything.  Hummm, he thought, perhaps she didn’t hear the door slam.  So he walked back and opened his door and slammed it hard.  Just to make sure, he thought.

She heard the slamming door.  Dumb flower boy, she thought.

Day two of the final Etude House commercial shoot started late.  Shin Hye didn’t mean to be late but she had been out with her boys the night before and time got away from them.  Sukkie and Hongstar ended up staying at her apartment but Yong had a flight to Japan after they left the noraebang.  Sukkie loved to go to noraebangs especially when single women recognized him and wanted to join.  But really, she couldn’t drink worth a damn and she had such a headache the next morning with an early call for Etude House and grouch man. 

For the eleventh hundred time she groaned and finally Min Ho had enough.  He used his most adult voice and said, “If you can’t drink little girl, why try?  Little girls get eaten by the hungry in this world so why do you try to be all grown up?”

She was leaning back on the seat waiting for her make-up eonni to fix her make-up.  She opened one eye and looked at him.  He looked all rested and relaxed.  She bet he never got drunk or did anything risky.  Mr. Perfect.  Geez almighty, she thought, can’t he just go and hassle some other poor soul?

He was chuckling to himself.  It wouldn’t do for her to see him laughing at her misery.  So she stayed out most of the night dancing, singing and drinking.  He overheard her talking to her make-up eonni and he was happy that she had a hang-over.  It really serves her right for being out with a bunch of men partying at all hours of the night and day.  Didn’t she know better than to act like that in Korea?

But he had to admit she was y looking.  Not just y looking but really y looking.  When she came in that morning she acted like she was fine and nothing was wrong.  He wondered why she was wearing sunglasses inside until he heard her talking to her eonni.  He couldn’t really help it but started laughing.  She frowned at him and pouted.  Her lips were really pouty and kissable looking.  Then he thought to himself, what am I thinking?  Why would I care if her lips are kissable looking?  Let’s just get this commercial shoot over and done with and I can scrape this irritating woman out of my sight.

He heard her eonni teasing her about being out with the guys.  She asked her which one was the iest, Yong Hwa, Hong Ki or Geun Suk?  Shin Hye laughed out loud at her eonni’s question.  Her laughter was light and sweet.  He liked to hear her laughter but would never admit it to anyone.  Then he heard her answer.  “Oh eonni, I think all of my guys are y handsome but Sukkie is the iest by far and I have always had the best chemistry with him so I would pick Sukkie!”

Bull, he thought.  Sukkie this and Sukkie that.  Why don’t you just marry your Sukkie?  Oh, for crying out loud is she an idiot?  Her Sukkie is a playboy and if she thinks he will marry her or settle down with her then she is more dumb than I thought.  Just as he was frowning at her again, her eonni said, “I saw Geun Suk on that program where he said you were his ideal woman.  Oh he was grinning so slyly and he looked at your picture like he could eat you alive!  Don’t you ever get afraid he will put the moves on you?”

Min Ho thought, put the moves on you?  Eat you alive?  Ideal woman?  Is she for real?

Then Shin Hye said, “Oh it isn’t anything to worry about.  I have kissed Sukkie plenty of times and even though his Eomma wants us to get married, I don’t think it is possible at this time in our lives.”

Her eonni squealed while saying, “You’ve kissed more than in the show? OMG! Shin Hye you bad girl you. Quick tell me what are his kisses like?  Is he a good kisser? I envy you so much.”

Min Ho didn’t think about his actions, he just walked around the partition and grabbed her arm pulling her toward his dressing room.  He pushed her inside, shut the door and locked it.  She was standing there looking at him like he was crazy.  He thought maybe I am.  He pulled her back toward him and shifted positions putting her back against the door.  He looked down at her incredibly huge eyes.  She had eyes a man could drown in and never realize it.

“What are you doing?”  He heard her say.

“Just shut up Shin Hye.  Now listen to me.  I don’t know why you think your Sukkie is so grand but you should be more careful.  You can’t be friendly like that with every guy in our business.  Someone is going to fall in love with you eventually and then what?  So stop playing with people’s hearts.  Stop being so y and beautiful because you are a dangerous woman – way too dangerous.”

He was looking at her lips and she was looking at his lips.   He had her wrist in each hand and holding them up against the door.  She was just looking, speechless for once.  He slowly ran his hands down her arms to her shoulders and playfully with a whisper touch ran his hands back down to finally hold each hand in one of his.  He held her like this – in a timeless scene – fragile and sweet, full of wants and wishes.  He leaned close to her and placed his lips against her lips.  He gave her the lightest of kisses.  It was so fragile and so promising that Shin Hye wanted to cry.  She looked in his eyes and felt herself drowning, falling and never stopping.  He looked at her like it would be the last time he would see her.  He looked at her as if he were memorizing each tiny detail.  He raised his hand and brushed her hair behind her neck, letting his fingertips dwell softly on her cheekbone before reluctantly falling down to his side.

He reached beside her and unlocked the door and stood back.  He beckoned her to leave and she fled.  She fled like the devil himself was after her soul.  She didn’t stop or look back.  She was afraid to look back because she felt it.  She felt the fluttering of her heart;  she felt her breath catch; she felt her pulse quicken; she felt the fire in her veins.  She felt it too much and was afraid of herself.

Min Ho sighed as he watched her run away.  Shin Hye why do you drive me to distraction?  Why do you drive me crazy?  Why do I always think of you?  Shin Hye you are far too dangerous for my heart.  So in my attempt to save my soul, I will avoid you as best I can. 

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Chapter 26: A Very Beautiful Story.....
sarahsusanti #2
Chapter 26: Thank you for yhe whole story and the ending...^_^
mschase6 #3
Chapter 26: They say that love and hate are two sides of the same coin. With this story, you have proven that to be the case. Carefully interweaving career facts of the two characters with the beautifully descriptive story of two people choosing hate as a way of denying their passionate love for one another, you have written a truly romantic story. Thank you for this work of fiction. You are a gifted writer.
avrylle #4
Chapter 26: Thank you for a nice story...^_^
Chapter 26: Wow!Writer-nim,thanks for this wonderful story!Hoping it will come true,,,hehehehe^-^Waiting for your next story!
Chapter 16: Writer-nim,ur really good!:-P,
Chapter 26: Thank you for this wonderful story...
rackyvirgo #8
Chapter 26: Thanks for this wonderful story, hope it will become real.
ikak88 #9
Chapter 26: gomawo chingu~aah....
kenkat #10
Chapter 26: A beautiful wedding and a ever lasting love ending! How we wish that it could come true one day!!! Thank you musoukanomake for all your labor of love! We are so luck to have you and you are an amazing writer :)) will be looking forward to your next story xoxoxo.....