Chapter 21 My heart to your heart and all things relevant

My Heart's Desire

He stopped outside his Father’s study and listened.  It was definitely bad manners to listen at doors but his life was literally on the line and he needed information more than proper etiquette.

He could hear his Father saying, “Alice, I have no idea.  Of course I am sure he doesn’t know.  We have been over this before, my dear, and Min Ho does not suspect.  Yes, that is very strange.  I will be waiting then.  Goodbye, my dear Alice.”

Min Ho had no idea exactly what his Father was talking about but he knew the name Alice and he knew his name.  His Father had just alluded to secrets insisting Min Ho didn’t know.  This was the time for him to find out.

He opened the door and walked into the study.  His Father did not seem in the slightest startled at his son’s entry and lack of knocking. 

“So I suppose you have a reason for looking so angry?”

Min Ho replied, “Why would I look angry?  I just found out that the person I was falling in love with, the person I wanted in my life, has been lying to me all along.  Would that make me look angry?”

“Why is this so difficult when it is meant to be the right thing to do?”  Min Ho’s Father quipped.

“Would you care to elaborate?  Father, I am about to upset you even more, so shall I just tell you and get it off my chest?  I need to make you aware of my feelings and what I am going to do about those feelings!”

“Father, for many years I have felt you cared more for a girl that existed elsewhere more than for your own family.  Why is that?  Why should you, furthermore, why would you?  Is she your daughter?  Or is she somehow connected to you in such a way that you have no choice but to protect her?  Please, you need to tell me what the connection is between you and her.  Because if you don’t I am at the point I will leave South Korea and never come back to this land or to our family.  So you choose Father, Alice or me.”

Min Ho’s voice had gotten more cold and distant as he talked.  He was in agony over his decision and whether it turned out to be for childish or selfish reasoning he no longer cared.  He wanted peace in his life and away from whatever demon he felt was chasing him.

His Father was shaken.  He had promised so long ago to protect her but now this dilemma was forcing him to do something he had sworn on a grave to never do.  He was torn between his promise to a dead woman and his living son.  Would Min Ho accept the reasoning or would he use it to further distance himself from his family?  His father sometimes felt as if his son did not wish to be part of this family.  He inhaled, held his breath for a few moments and then exhaled; a visual exercise for him to release his tension and try to relax.  He looked at his son standing so straight with such a stance of defiance and righteousness.  He realized Min Ho felt wronged and the only way to correct it was to tell him the whole story.  Should he call her to come and participate?  Which persona should appear?  In the middle of all this confusion, of course Alice would be his son’s nemesis.  He shook his head affirmatively as if he had made a profound decision.

“Min Ho, my son, I think it is time we laid this matter to rest.  I wish to tell you though, that real blood and bones people are involved in this and even though you have learnt to resent Alice Park over the years, she can die just like anyone else.  If you should repeat one word of what I tell you today, Alice Park will die at the hands of some very cruel characters.  That one motion will set into place a series of cruel events and many people will suffer needlessly.  I can list a few if you should be so callous as to disbelieve me.  Let’s see I can list those affected easily – Park Shin Hye, Park Shin Hye’s mother and father, her brother, her closest friends and myself, quite possibly you, your brother and your mother.  These are not your ordinary criminals, Min Ho, this is a well funded government organization that leaves no prisoner and never forgets a slight toward them.  So do you wish me to continue?”

Min Ho wanted more than anything to know what his Father knew but how could it be so dangerous?  Shin Hye was an innocent girl and he could figure no scenario that would put her at the mercy of government agents.  Was his Father getting senile and delusional also?  He was holding his Father’s gaze as if trying to determine to what extent he would go in controlling his son.  Would he lie to cover up his subterfuge? Or would he allow Min Ho to become wrapped up in a falsehood just to preserve his hold over his empire?  He dropped his gaze by closing his eyes briefly.  When he opened them again there was a new determination seated deep within.  He spoke softly but firmly, “Father, It is time to end this farce.  Let us hear what you have to tell – let me hear this tale of intrigue, government assassination squads and young innocent victims.  This should be a drama you are writing Father and not one you are trying to control me with.”  He seemed satisfied with the words he spoke for he deeply believed his Father was full of malarkey.  He sat on a sofa and said, “It’s your turn Father.  Now convince me.”

“Min Ho, my dear son, I have always loved you and no one will ever change my love for my son.  I have always admired your determination to go forward and get what you desire, to make your dream come true.  However, remember there are some actions that can never be undone once an action is set in motion.  This is such an action so be very sure you are capable of any and all consequences that may or may not befall those involved.  This will be no pretty fairy-tale but a tale of cruelty and demons.  And since you still want to continue, I must call for the one person whose life is most at stake.  Would you like to come back in 30 minutes or would you care to wait?”

“I will wait because I do not trust you to not rig the set against me Father.”  And Min Ho settled back onto the soft cushions of the sofa and appeared to fall asleep.

Lee Hon Mun dialed two numbers.  He dialed Nue Man Shik and speaking softly said, “It is time.  In 30 minutes – my study.  I won’t – don’t worry.  Yes, that one.  See you then.”

The second number he dialed was Shin Hye listed as Alice Park on his ID.  “Alice, please come to my study in 30 minutes.  Yes, very important.  It may well be the most important meeting of your life.”   Hon Mun walked out of the study so Min Ho would not hear the rest of his conversation with Alice.

“Alice, please come as Alice.  We have a crisis with Min Ho and I think he suspects strongly you are Shin Hye.  He is asking for answers and I do believe it is time for you to hear this story also.  It is the right time to set in motion the rest of the plan your Father and I started twenty years ago.  I will need your assistance and if Min Ho is willing we could use his assistance also.  This is a tricky time for you and me and it all hinges on Min Ho’s generosity of heart.  Please knock before entering the study otherwise come straight in and Alice, my dear, be careful about those who might follow.  My men will be there but you can never underestimate the cunning of this particular enemy.  I will see you in 30 minutes.”

Shin Hye was scared.  For the first time since she was a little girl, when told how to act to protect her Father and any and all people connected to her, she was afraid.  She knew she was about to give the performance of her life.  She had to make sure that Min Ho felt enough compassion toward her family to not destroy them.  She thought she knew him but realized that she didn’t – not really.  She knew the Min Ho she got along with, joked with, played with, hugged and kissed but she didn’t know the Min Ho who was angry, held resentment and closed off.   She knew in her heart that today was the defining day – she would either stay in his heart or he would reject her completely.  She prayed – she prayed for guidance to solve the puzzle of her family; for guidance to help reunite Min Ho and his Appa; for guidance to bring comfort and closure to her search for her Father.  She wanted to finally accept if she could not meet him; then she prayed for a small gift – since she asked for so little from God - she prayed that Min Ho would not hate her.  If he left or rejected her so be it but she prayed that he not hate her while leaving.

Min Ho was not asleep nor was he drowsy.  He kept his eyes shut so he would not have to communicate with his Father.  An older man entered the room and stood in front of a set of bookcases to the back of the room, his arms folded in a relaxed position.  Min Ho surmised he must be one of his Father’s guards.  A few minutes later his Father entered the room, looked at the man in the back and nodded his head.  Lee Hon Mun took a seat on the sofa facing Min Ho.  Min Ho raised his eyebrow at this attempt on his Father’s part to show some sort of connection. 

Min Ho was starting to get antsy and felt like he was wasting time waiting for something that might or might not happen.  He wanted some answers and now.  If his father refused to answer his questions he would leave and not come back.  He felt cheated of time and his Father.  He was at the point of demanding some sort of conversation when a knock sounded at the study door.  It opened and she walked in – a gorgeous, sensuous, y her.  Min Ho looked at her from head to toe.  He wasn’t completely positive but he thought how can this woman’s look and presence feel like Shin Hye? She had the same look as the last time he saw her only she was dressed in casual clothing.  She had a short white pencil skirt with a blood red blouse, red heels and a plain silver ring.  Her hair was short and black and her lips were red.  A light fragrance of crystal waters and mountain air came with her.  How does she do that he wondered?  How can she look so like Shin Hye but not look like her?  Are they cousins? Perhaps twins separated at birth?  What is the secret and how could it be dangerous? 

Min Ho’s musings were interrupted by his Father standing and taking Alice’s hand to lead her to the sofa next to him.  He looked at Alice and Min Ho and said, “The story I am about to tell you is a story of heartbreak and cruelty.  It is also a story that may still have a tragic ending.  That tragic ending is something I would like to avoid and the avoidance of that ending is what brings us here to this point of no-return.  Min Ho has said he either learns the truth or he will walk out of my life forever.  I would like to keep the son I love in my life.  I can’t break a promise I made over twenty years ago either.  So if you will excuse me for 5 seconds, I want to make sure no recording or listening devices are present.  Then I will tell you a story of tragedy and life.”

He punched numbers into his phone saying, “Now.”  Three of his security team entered and using electronic means thoroughly checked his study for listening, recording or filming devices.  The room was clear.  It was not by luck his study had no windows.  Long ago he decided industrial espionage was evolving to the stage that it would not be out of the realm of possibility that listening devices such as governments use might be deployed to ferret out secrets he would rather not have published or used against him.  The security team gave him the all-clear sign and left, closing the door.

Hon Mun signaled the man standing in front of the book case to come forward and take a seat across from Alice.  He did.  Min Ho was still not impressed with his Father’s show reinforcing the seriousness of the situation.  He did not take him seriously.

Lee Hon Mun started his story.  He recounted the struggle of Lieutenant No Kim Sok and his brief courtship of Nue Tu He.  He told of a baby son Nue Man Shik, his time in college in Seoul, his friendship with Hon Mun and his subsequent love affair with Park Seon Yeon.  Min Ho started at the name Park Seon Yeon.  He remembered finding the receipt for her hospital visit.  His Father continued, ignoring the fact that Min Ho recognized the name.  He told of North Korea’s efforts to destroy Man Shik, his flight to protect those he loved and his sacrifice leaving his love behind.  Park Seon Yeon’s story was told in stark words describing a quiet, happy and beautiful girl who had fallen in love with the man from North Korea who lived a double-life.  He told also a story that pained him of finally letting go of a girl so she could love the man she chose. 

Lee Hon Mun and Park Seon Yeon were childhood friends that grew up together.  Their fathers were the best of friends and Hon Mun and Seon Yeon called each other cousin.  Although they were not blood cousins they had such close ties that both families thought they would end up as a couple.  That was a possibility until business overrode all else and Lee Hon Mun was quickly engaged and just as quickly married to a business ally of Hon Mun’s father.   Lee Hon Mun never let go of his secret love for Park Seon Yeon until Nue Man Shik entered the picture.  Seon Yeon fell in love with him at first glance.  She adored him and would have gone wherever he asked but he didn’t ask.  He romanced her, told her he loved her and then one night he disappeared leaving her pregnant with their only child.  A daughter that looked very much like both of them. 

Lee Hon Mun helped Seon Yeon to cover up her pregnancy.  He feared for her life and no matter that she loved another he still loved her and some part of him always would even though he was married to the woman his father and company selected for him.  He already had two sons when Seon Yeon found out she was pregnant.  Seon Yeon was his first love and he would always honor her memory.  How could he callously turn his back on her tiny baby daughter when Seon Yeon was murdered so cruelly?  He told how his friend, Man Shik, contacted him a year after the baby’s birth.  He told of keeping that secret to protect Seon Yeon and her daughter.  He told of his feelings of guilt toward Man Shik and his feelings of love toward Seon Yeon and her baby daughter.   He told how he had come to terms with all these feelings and when given the chance he told Man Shik he was a father.  Man Shik’s daughter was five years-old at the time.  Unfortunately, Man Shik was still wanted by the North Korean government and by proxy, his daughter.  So Man Shik and Hon Mun devised and planned a way to protect a very precious girl.  A plan that was necessary to protect her very life - a plan that needed to be completed in the present day in order for the daughter to live a life free of worry or danger.  This he told them is what they were there for at that moment. 

Hon Mun held his hand up so that everyone would know he was not finished.  He continued his story telling the assemblage that the young girl at the age of five was sent away to a foreign country and trained how to become two people.  She was taught how to live, act, feel, see and do so that her Father would not be traced through her.  How to pretend to be someone other than a young carefree five year-old even though she was far too young for such a burden.  The five year-old surprised him by becoming the best at what she was doing.  She was a natural but it was something no child that young should ever have to do – no child should be the safety net for grown-ups.  But that small, defenseless child had taken on the role with a solemnest that surprised and impressed him.  He vowed to repay his debt to her mother by making sure she was safe. 

“And this is where we are today, at this moment in time.  Min Ho, now ask your questions.  I will answer all of them no matter how painful.”

Min Ho stared at his Father with a new look of understanding in his expression.  He didn’t fully understand everything but he understood enough to know this was no laughing matter.  He also fully understood that his surmise of Shin Hye and Alice being connected was true but he had no idea just how connected.  He wasn’t sure if he should be mad she never told him anything or admire her ability to act.  For now he would ask questions.

“Father, then is Shin Hye and Alice the same person?”

“Min Ho they are.  Shin Hye has been reluctant to keep you in the dark and this is something she can answer for you later if she wishes but for now know that her life and her Father’s life is dependent upon her not letting anyone find out the truth.  Can you understand this part?”

Alice aka Shin Hye turned her head to look at Min Ho.  He was not looking at her but rather at the man seated across from her.

Min Ho asked, “Who is this man?  I suspect but don’t know.”

Hon Mun looked at the man seated across from him and said, “This is your decision to make my friend.  Please say anything you would like to say.”

Shin Hye aka Alice turned to look at the man across from her.  She paid attention to the details and realized she should have recognized him from his features alone.  He had her chin and nose.   This man then was her Father.  The man she had searched for so earnestly since she was old enough to solve how to conduct searches manually and electronically.  She felt a great sense of relief yet she felt the urgency of the situation – he wasn’t safe out in the open like this – she felt the need to protect him.

Man Shik had been admiring his daughter.  She was beautiful and so like her Mother, the same beauty and warmth.  He was also watching Hon Mun’s son.  He seemed to be a level-headed young man except he could tell this young man is in love with my daughter.  He may not realize how much in love he is but I can see it in his eyes.  Is he the right choice for her? 

Man Shik looked at Shin Hye saying, “First I owe my apologies to you.  You are the most beautiful and the bravest of women.  You are very like your mother.  Someday I would like to tell you about her.  Next I would like to say I have always loved you.  I know it is hard to rationalize my not being in your life but such as it is, I love you.  I wish daily I could spend my time with you but it is not to be it seems.  The last thing I need to say is we need to complete this plan so that you can be free to love, marry and have children.  You need to be free of the North Korean threat.”

Shin Hye aka Alice stood.  She moved toward her father and knelt in front of him.  “Appa.”  She held her hand out to him and he took it.  He said, “I no longer go by the name Man Shik.  I assumed the name of a Canadian orphan that died of a heart attack.  We were the same age and general descriptions fit.  We worked together for an agricultural conglomerate and became friends when I fled South Korea to the wilds of Canada.  He is buried under my name and I assumed his.  Under his name I made a small fortune with several patents I sold dealing with agricultural ideas.  I had a small amount of facial reconstruction done so that my eyes and ears matched his passport.  The chin and nose I could not lose once I found out my daughter inherited those from me.  My old papers from North Korea were blurry with no distinguishing marks so the change of eyes and ears is enough to stop the North Koreans from suspecting me.   You may still be in danger so that is why Hon Mun and I set a plan in motion so many years ago.  It will require your cooperation my daughter but also if possible Min Ho’s cooperation and assistance.  Min Ho, would you forgive us long enough to help us save my daughter?  After that you can hate me if you wish.”

Min Ho was trying to sort all the information he had just learned.  He could visualize all the things that had happened in his father’s life, Shin Hye’s life and her father’s life.  It was really a horror story as his Father said.  He wanted Shin Hye to have that chance but whether they would still be able to make a go of it was not clear to him.  He decided.

“If I might ask Sir, what do we need to do to save Alice and Shin Hye?”

Shin Hye’s Father looked at Min Ho and unflinchingly said, “We need to murder Alice.”

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Chapter 26: A Very Beautiful Story.....
sarahsusanti #2
Chapter 26: Thank you for yhe whole story and the ending...^_^
mschase6 #3
Chapter 26: They say that love and hate are two sides of the same coin. With this story, you have proven that to be the case. Carefully interweaving career facts of the two characters with the beautifully descriptive story of two people choosing hate as a way of denying their passionate love for one another, you have written a truly romantic story. Thank you for this work of fiction. You are a gifted writer.
avrylle #4
Chapter 26: Thank you for a nice story...^_^
Chapter 26: Wow!Writer-nim,thanks for this wonderful story!Hoping it will come true,,,hehehehe^-^Waiting for your next story!
Chapter 16: Writer-nim,ur really good!:-P,
Chapter 26: Thank you for this wonderful story...
rackyvirgo #8
Chapter 26: Thanks for this wonderful story, hope it will become real.
ikak88 #9
Chapter 26: gomawo chingu~aah....
kenkat #10
Chapter 26: A beautiful wedding and a ever lasting love ending! How we wish that it could come true one day!!! Thank you musoukanomake for all your labor of love! We are so luck to have you and you are an amazing writer :)) will be looking forward to your next story xoxoxo.....