Chapter 6 Moments in time – February 2012 through December 31, 2012

My Heart's Desire

A/N:  Hopefully the way I have written this makes sense!  I wanted to present the summary as their thoughts – even though at times their thoughts will be jumbled still they are always on each other’s radar. 

Why do I wait till the last moment to check to make sure I have everything I need?  Why do I have such a hard time going to Japan?  I love everything about Japan so why does my heart feel like something is missing when I go to Japan? Shin Hye was trying to get ready for her ‘Angel’s Birth Fan Meeting.  It was her first solo fan meet and she was scared and excited.  She had been practicing a song while playing her guitar and she wanted to give her fans a great performance.  Breathe Shin Hye, breathe!

He was glancing through all the new fan videos for Korean stars on the internet when he happened to see a fan posting of a fan meet for little girl.  He couldn’t keep from laughing out loud.  It was called ‘Angel’s Birth Fan Meeting’.  It should be titled ‘Crazy devil girl holds fan meet.’  This is so funny.  He watched the video and thought, well maybe she can dance.  Humm, I suppose she is tolerable at this sort of thing.  But who cares?  Not me.  And who is her song “Falling in Love with a Friend” directed at? What’s his face Sukkie?  Stupid girl.

What the heck kind of short film has a fan title of ‘Fart Man’?  Maybe a funny take on something, Min Ho was thinking.  Olleh Smart Phone Festival with actor Ryu Deok Hwan directing his first short film and recorded using smart phone camera.  Cool.  Wait, wait, wait.

For heaven’s sake is everything I see about her? Does no one post anything but stuff about her? Does every commercial online or video online have the little girl in it – doesn’t she have anything else to do but guest star in stuff.  I don’t care if she wants to be in everything but does it have to be where I open it and see it when I don’t want to?  Ok, it’s hilarious.  But it has nothing to do with her. 

And what is up with all these fake fan videos showing her and every star alive looking like they are ready to make out?  Just goes to show how many erted people are in the world that’s for sure.

And for goodness sake what is with all these Lee Wan and Park Shin Hye fan made videos?  It’s been how many years since she filmed her dramas with him? Do people think they are still a good match? Hummppfff, stupid little girl probably has a crush on him or something.  Stupid girl.  And what is with the video of little girl arriving with Lee Wan and no manager?  Doesn’t she know he is too old for her?  Six years is a lot well it is if you are a baby like her.  She doesn’t even get that she is too cute.  Do I care if she is – no!

He hit the enter key a couple of dozen times to show his frustration with the internet and the stupid videos that kept popping up – so he just turned it off.  He thought Pfffttt!

II Woo is a CNBlue fan and talks about Yong Hwa and Shin Hye as if they are a couple.  Why is he telling me what Yong Hwa said about little girl? Like I care if Yong Hwa said, “We are really too close”.  Really? Then move away and don’t touch.  Stupid girl.

Shin Hye was excited because she got to collaborate with Lee Seung Gi on a music video.  It had been released and was a hit.  She was so excited.  Seung Gi is so good at acting too.  They had fun because they got to go on a pseudo-date during the filming.  It felt like they were on a date because Seung Gi was so good at pretending.  He is the nicest guy.  His future girlfriend will be one lucky girl!

And I got to act with Joo Sang Wook again.  He is such a great friend.  He is always looking out for me.  We filmed a part 1 and part 2.  So much fun!!

Min Ho wasn’t watching music videos but the group in his agency had the top tunes of the week playing and Ohhh and ahhhing over the latest release by Lee Seung Gi.  The girls were going “she likes him she really does or she wouldn’t act that well with him”.  One of the guys said something about look how y that foam on her lips - and I looked at the TV to see who they were talking about and for goodness sake is she in everything?  y my foot.  What’s with the puppy eyes?  And why does Seung Gi act like he is enjoying this too much?  Joo Sang Wook? Again? Why is that old guy always showing up around her?  Aisshhhh he is too old.  He has to be in his early 30s – way too old for her.  What is she now – 19? Maybe 20? 

One of the girls asked how old is Seung Gi?  The other girl said he was born in 1987 so he is 25.  See I am thinking he is too old for her too.  Same age as me and I know I am too old for her.  Then first girl says how old is Shin Hye now?  Second girl says she is 22.  What? She is what?  No way.  She is just at her ending teens or maybe 20.  No way.  That makes her eligible.  Sheesh.  This is not good.  Why am I thinking this way?  Who cares how old she is or if every blasted old guy in Korea likes her?  Who cares?

The crew wondered why Min Ho was in such a pensive mood that day.  He was sort of day-dreaming.

Shin Hye and Manager Jun were looking over a list of promoters that had sent inquiries seeking to hire Shin Hye as either a model or co-model.   Shin Hye was searching the internet for those brands to see the commercial’s finished product.  She typed in Innisfree to check their line and what should pop up but an article about idiot boy being Innisfree brand model in and out of Korea.  Yeah! Hurrah!  Good for him – don’t care.  Then there is an article stating before Innisfree launched their brand in China, dork boy was in a social movie called “Cho Ryun”.  The concept was, and she fell off the chair laughing so hard she cried when she read the next part, “Anyone can be Lee Min Ho’s first love.”  Say what?  OMG – Yah why would they want to be?  Who in her right mind would want to be his girlfriend - she was shaking her head as if to clear the thought.  The article said as soon as the movie was released the host server went down more than once because of the high number of people visiting the site.  Brhahaha – Manager Jun wanted to know what was wrong with Shin Hye.  She told him she had just had the best laugh of the year!!! And then she exploded into more laughter. 

He had been preparing for his March Minoz Japan Second Event Fan Meet for a few weeks.  He had some of the best fans in the world.  Sometimes they went a little overboard but they were just enthusiastic!  He was thinking, I would give them all a hug but some might think I am going overboard. 

Shin Hye had been searching through lines of text searching for information ‘caught’ by her worm.  So far she had pulled in 2 interesting facts.  One she had not taken time to research and the other was a search she was doing for the name of her benefactor.  He was South Korean and a very rich man.  She found a small blurb on an information gathering site that grabbed information from internet subscribers.  Or more correctly anyone using the internet in that household or on that account.  And she had a catch.  Now if she traced it back correctly she might have the name of her benefactor or someone close to him. 

Shin Hye was checking her face book page and why was there a mention of idiot boy on her page?  Hmmm, she thought, better check his page and make sure nothing weird is going on that involves me not knowing it is involving me – oh what the hell sense does that make?  So he has a new drama coming out in August called Faith. I don’t care but good luck if I cared that is but I don’t.

And what the heck is this award?  Ha! The 5th Style Icon Awards has a category for ‘Men That Drive Us Crazy Award’ – for the love of – who comes up with this stuff?  And Lee Min Ho was nominated?  The person who single-handedly can make me want to chew nails?  OK the title is fitting but not the way the promoter is thinking!  Geez – and to think I almost fell for – oh never mind Shin Hye get back on track.

II Woo seems to be getting on my nerves a lot these days.  He likes Yoon Gun of the R&B duo Brown Eyes well so do I.  But now he is telling me I should watch the first episodes of ‘Music and Lyrics’.  II Woo telling me it is a reality/romance show that will show the collaboration of a top actress with an amazing songwriter.  So?  Yoon Gun is good but why do reality shows seem to be so big on including romance?  Oh well that’s show business for you and then II Woo says you will never guess who the top actress is?  No I will never guess.  Who? I would imagine an actress with some sort of musical background.  Wait – I am starting to get a queasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.  II Woo says yep someone you don’t like – hahahaha but something strange I’m thinking.  They came up with a song and it is good.  But it has never been officially released.  I am thinking some sort of something went on behind-the-scenes.  And he asks what do you think?   

“I think you think too much.  To start with Yoon Gun is too old for her.  She is a kid.  And besides – your words – she has a thing for that CNBlue guy.  By the way, II Woo, do you have a thing for her?  You are always mentioning her.”  I made a mental note to look it up on the internet after he left.

II Woo says, “Well she is one y lady.  If I thought I had a chance.  Hey, did I tell you my agency is in talks with her agency about us being spokes models for Holika – Holika.  It would be for next year but I am really hoping it pans out.  She will be one fine lady to work with – my heart!”  He makes a stupid heart gesture which I ignore.

“Il Woo, don’t you realize she is just a kid?  You really shouldn’t think that way.”

I notice he is looking at me strangely. “Man, you should have your eyes checked.  Have you really looked at her?  She is hot, y and beautiful.  You are really strange Min Ho.”  

When he finally leaves I check the web searching for the show with little girl and Yoon Gun.  I found the show and watched.  I think he is too old to look at you like that.  The song they came up with is nice - "I Think of You" so is the song about Sukkie or Yong Hwa?  And she actually got all excited thinking it was all those different idol boys?  Is she brazen or what?  Glad at least Hong Ki told her he wasn’t interested in her.  Not that I care if they all are or not – it is just good that at least one other person besides me doesn’t think she is hot.

Shin Hye’s gown, shoes and accessories for the 48th Baeksang Arts Award Show had been delivered; all that was left to do was decide on a hair style – up or down.  Perhaps she should check her fan club pages and see if her fans had suggestions for hair styles?

April 26 was fast approaching and she always got excited when she attended award shows.  Yong Hwa would be there and so would many of her other friends.  Maybe she would get a chance to catch up on everything with her friends.  CNBlue will be performing ‘Hey You’ and I can’t wait to hear them.  They are so good – can I pick bands or what?

Min Ho was nominated for the popular drama actor but he knew he didn’t get enough of the popular vote.  But he always enjoyed a good awards show especially when he got to socialize with old friends and meet new ones.  He guessed his biggest secret was that he was really quite shy.

He had been enjoying himself until he saw little girl and what’s his face? Oh yeah, Sukkie.  He could see them sitting at the same table and one second they are getting along and the next it seems like they are mad at each other – ohhh, boo hoo for them.

I don’t think I can watch CNBlue any longer.  Is he saying he loves her or something?  What’s with the way he is acting?

Would you listen to Lee Hwi Jae?  Is he partial toward Yong Hwa? What are you implying ‘Sukkie’? Flowers again?  Is this some sort of new trend or are you trying to tell dumb girl something?  She’s a kid what is with these guys? And talk to the other people on stage – maybe we don’t want to hear little girls yap and cutesy guys act like they want to - Yah, what’s with the Sukkie guy?  You shouldn’t be looking at her like that.  I really can’t take any more of this whatever this is or isn’t.  And the fan girl with the dumb sign saying YongShin – stow it somewhere else. 

Oh for Heaven’s sake – the winner’s group photo – what’s with little girl and her flirting?  And don’t flirt back – you really wouldn’t like her if you got to know her.  What the heck – what’s the kid’s name?  Kim Soo Hyun – just stop grinning – she’s like that with all the guys – see she’s doing the same with the new actor winner guy - Joo Won.  He’s bowing to her?  She’s bowing back?  What is this a mutual admiration thing going on?  I have a headache, I really do.

Min Ho was standing beside a small corridor waiting for Kim Bum to finish so they could leave.  He heard some of the crew talking about the YongShin couple.  Stupid, he thought.  He moved farther back beside the curtain hoping to not be seen.  It would be somewhat awkward if he were found sneaking around the halls.  He got tired of waiting on Bummie and decided enough was enough.  He sent a text message to his manager to send a guard to help him slip out the back way.  As they passed by a room close to the back entrance he saw Yong Hwa opening the door and slipping inside.  He told his guard to go ahead and wait for him at the back door.  He knocked on the door of the room opening it without waiting for ‘come in’.  He saw a flustered Shin Hye.  It appeared as if Yong Hwa had just moved away from where she was standing.  Min Ho gave her a cold look and turning to Yong Hwa, “I heard your name being shouted and happened to see you enter this room.  I did not mean to interrupt anything but did not think you would want to be caught.  As such your manager is headed this way and a reporter is only a few steps behind.  So I thought I would help you by giving you an extra person in the room when the reporter enters in a few seconds.”  Shin Hye sat down and ignored him.

Shin Hye was thinking do I have the worse luck of any human being in existence or what?  Now the idiot thinks there is something going on with Yong and me.  I can see it in his eyes.  Geez we were planning something for Yung Shin and you have an absolutely stupid mind.  I can tell what you are thinking and oh why do I care? 

Min Ho opened the door and looked out, turning grabbed Shin Hye’s arm pulling her out of the chair and out the door.  He said over his shoulder, “It would be best if she not be caught with you.”  He kicked the door shut and pulled her down the hallway.  As they rounded a corner one of the crew with the reporter thought how odd, that looked like Lee Min Ho and of all people, Park Shin Hye.  No way and went into the room where Yong Hwa waited with his manager.

Min Ho saw an open door and flipping the light switch saw it was not occupied.  It appeared to be a props room.  He pushed her inside and shut the door.  She was fuming and fussing at him.  “Yah shut up first.  I saw the exchanges between you two all night. I know how bad it can get when reporters get their hands on pictures of a new couple.  I am trying to help you and what’s his name.  If they catch you now and your pictures get taken in a somewhat compromising position – well let’s say it will go bad for both of you.”

He dropped her arm at that point.  “Oh for - off all the numbskull idiots!  For the last time I am not in an anything with Yong.  He is my best friend and we were planning a surprise party for Jung Shin who is also my friend.  Idiot.  I wasn’t worried about being caught because there is nothing to catch. Idiot.”  She moved to leave the room and he grabbed her arm again pulling her toward him.  She was against his chest.  She was looking up into those eyes again and she was far too breathless.  They stood that way for perhaps a moment, perhaps a minute because time had zeroed down to two eyes she was drowning in – nothing had meaning at that moment.   Min Ho seemed to be trying to read something in her eyes.  He was wondering if she lied or just didn’t realize her feelings toward Yong Hwa.  Perhaps she didn’t care for him as a boyfriend but he cared deeply for her.  Men can tell these things when another man encroaches…. He stopped his train of thought and shoving her away he opened the door and left.  Walking away from her in the direction of his guard he was thinking I have absolutely lost it somewhere along the way.  Why am I always trying to help her? Well, not any more.  This was the last time and last straw. She is on her own now.  Little girls that look all y grown-up should not play with fire.

Shin Hye was a mess for several days after the awards show.  Her mind was a mess.  She had sorted and analyzed and then sorted some more; she finally figured she would just have to let it go.  She would never be able to figure out idiot man nor did she want to.  Not one bit and in fact if she never saw him again it would be really the high light of her life.

She was busy with commercial shoots and he was busy with commercial shoots and their paths did not cross.

Min Ho began filming ‘Faith’ in May and he was busy.

July was a busy time because she had so many commitments to honor along with reading scripts.  She was planning several events and it was time consuming and mind exhausting.  She often checked the web and her fan pages to help her lighten her mood and to relieve the stress from work.  She was happily reading about one of her friends when she came across a survey report.

According to the web source, the community portal site DC Inside carried out a survey to find “the most attractive male celebrities in TV commercials for cosmetic brands who make women open their wallets”.  Oh for goodness sake there is some weird surveys out there - wonder who all those women chose?  Let’s see – July 2 they chose – oh my freaking goodness – no way – Idiot boy?  hahahahaha

I guess I have had my laugh for the day and can go back to work.  Hahahaha – she could be heard laughing down the hall corridor had anyone been listening.

She had been busy with her One-Act special, Don’t Worry, I’m A Ghost.  It was ready for broadcast July 15.  She really enjoyed this drama.  She enjoyed doing something different.

Yong Hwa and Shin Hye attended their Heartstrings Fan Meet held at the Tokyo International Forum Hall A on July 16.  Shin Hye thought Yong Hwa is doing so well and the fans really liked some of our impromptu moments.  We both are being rather silly at times but it is so much fun.  Our fans are so wonderful.  I love them so much.  We had 10,000 fans today and decided a large portion of the profits from the fan meet would be donated to charity.  We are so lucky to be able to do something worthwhile and have fun with our fans doing it. 

He saw the blurb on the TV about the Heartstrings Fan Meet with her not boyfriend – hummppfff – right little girl but you better look at the way he looks at you before making comments – maybe she needs glasses?

August 21 was a bright and sunny day.  Shin Hye, Yong Hwa and Hong Ki were on their way to the 'Hopes, Dreams, Happy Trip to Korea' fund raising event hosted by the non-profit organization 'Good Friends Save Children' (GFSC) in Insadong, Jongno-gu Seoul.  It was scheduled for 5 pm and the purpose was to encourage young victims affected by the Japanese Tohoku earthquake in March 2011.

Geun Suk was unable to attend due to previous commitments but the group knew his heart was with them.  The trio autographed anything the children attending wished and took pictures and generally made sure the children were happy.  Hong Ki was such a hit with the children that Shin Hye told him she suspected he would make a wonderful Appa someday. 

The internet news sites were full of her pictures first with Hong Ki and then with what’s his name? Yeah Yong Hwa.  Her not boyfriend. Her not anything. Right. Stupid girl.

Why does his Eomma like to watch these shows?  She says she is going to watch Okinawa K-Pop Paradise because she says she loves Lee Seungi Gi.  Aisshhhh he is an Ahjumma magnet.  What? Is that who I think it is?  Eomma is telling me I should find a cute y girl like her and settle down some day.  Not on your life Eomma.  She is the last person I would want to settle down with – I would feel like locking her in a room somewhere and why am I thinking this way?  Eomma is playing with my mind.  What kind of dance does she think she is doing?  And why did the camera just zoom in on guys looking at her like that?  Geez.  Eomma is excited because Seungi Gi is coming toward the stage.  Yes I am sure he is Eomma.  Don’t ask me stupid questions.  Did he just say what I thought he did?  Yah, you are still too old or something for her.  And would you stop looking like that?  No Eomma they do not look like a hot couple.  They are not couple material.  Why does everyone keep saying she looks good with these guys?  I want to leave the room but Eomma is saying stuff like look how cute she is doing this song sketch with Seungi Gi.  Yes, cute – not.  Aisshhhh – I don’t care if it is rude I am leaving the room.  Stupid girl.

Min Ho has always enjoyed watching Running Man.  He really likes the regular guys that are on the show.  But tonight’s show is rather blah for him.  Seung Gi and Shin Hye.  What is it with those two being together so much this year?  First it was the 2 music videos, then co-hosting the Okinawa K-Pop Paradise show in October and now 2 episodes of Running Man.  Why are they putting them together so much?  People will get the wrong idea.  If I think that way and I can’t stand her what do they think others will think?  Stupid girl.  She is good at this though. 

Whoa she is good with the cutesy stuff.  Bet she is playing the cute poor little me part with all the guys and they are falling for it.  I can tell you right now I don’t fall for it so she would get nowhere with me.  Hummppfff – would you watch her?  What’s with Jong-kook and Jae-suk?  Don’t tell me they have a soft spot for her?  Ahhh this is ruined for me.  I can’t stand it. 

I just knew she was the evil one in the bunch! That sweet little innocent act of hers got them – gets them every time.  Ha-ha!

On October 31 Shin Hye’s agency announced she would star in the third installment of tvN's "flower boy" series called Flower Boys Next Door.  He co-stars would be Yoon Shi Yoon and Kim Ji Hoon. 

Min Ho was at his agency looking over scripts.  He found none that grabbed his attention.  He picked up the entertainment newspaper and saw her again.  She would be filming a new drama with Yoon Shi Yoon – is that the one in Me Too Flower?  And he is the one that is friends with Hong Ki?  Yah he is older than I am.  And Ji Hoon – flower boy for sure.  Wonder if he is one of her fans too?  Who cares?  Again who cares?

Since he was going to be attending the SBS Drama Awards he was looking over their announcements.  Seems she did a cameo appearance in King of Dramas.  It says here that she was asked to appear by director Hong Sung Chang – oh because he directed YAB.  So she is really quite popular.  Director Sung Chang said she played a comical role in the drama.  You have no idea people.  Ha.

Lee Min Ho was spending a lot of time in China and Vietnam filming commercials.  He spent most of the end of the year filming commercials and photo shoots.  His agency was in talks for a new drama.  He figured they would work out the details and then he would see if he was interested.  He had the SBS Drama Awards coming up and was hoping his ‘Faith’ co-stars would be able to attend.

Min Ho was browsing the mwave K-pop news site – sometimes he found interesting tidbits of entertainment news.  Aiisshh why am I interested in Yoon Shi Yoon handing out awards with his ′flower girl′ Park Shin Hye at this year′s Mnet Asian Music Awards?  His flower girl?  Since when? Don’t care - don’t care.

And this information about her stay in Hong Kong – why do they always go into such detail about her every move?  Why aren’t they talking about some of the other presenters?  So she filmed tVn's variety show 'Taxi’ with her upcoming drama's male lead Shi Yoon? Who cares that they toured around Hong Kong?

So on tVn’s taxi stupid girl just made fun of her Yong Hwa or did she?  Who can figure out what she means? And Si Yoon is her ideal man?  Are you for real stupid girl?

Seven days later he just happened to type in MAMA awards just to see what comes up and what do you know?  It is all about the flower boy and his flower girl.  Right.  Red goddess of beauty?  She went to the after party.  Big Bang was there and what? Joong Ki again?  Holding his arm a little too tight aren’t you?  Timez boy band?  Big Bang’s Daesang?  Park Jin-young? What on earth are you up too? Dancing and drinking?  Yah, you shouldn’t be – what does Joong Ki and Shi Yoon think they are doing?  Shouldn’t they be protecting you?  Aiisshh.  Don’t care at all.  That’s right Min Ho you don’t care. Final. Kaput.  Close the computer.

He would never watch Strong Heart again.  She actually flirted.  It seemed to him she was flirting with several of the guys on there.  And what is with all the cutesy actions?  What is she some sort of super hero type girl?  She can do too many things – way too many things.  A guy would be exhausted trying to keep up with her – not that I would care but just a thought that I pity the guy she ends up with – poor guy.

The SBS Drama Awards was bittersweet that night.  Even though he won best actor in a miniseries for Faith, he was sad that the show had such issues.  And too many of their cast couldn’t make it.  It was a sad night.  Se Young came but why did she keep texting Shin Hye?  Right they are friends.  Is everyone I know her friend?  Except me?  Se Young is saying something about Shin Hye winning "Best One-Act Special Actress" Award at the KBS Drama Awards for ‘Don’t Worry, I’m a Ghost’.  That awards show is right next door.  Don’t listen to her talking about how sweet she is because you know she is a royal pain in the – well just smile Min Ho, just smile.  It’s a whole new year in a few seconds.

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Chapter 26: A Very Beautiful Story.....
sarahsusanti #2
Chapter 26: Thank you for yhe whole story and the ending...^_^
mschase6 #3
Chapter 26: They say that love and hate are two sides of the same coin. With this story, you have proven that to be the case. Carefully interweaving career facts of the two characters with the beautifully descriptive story of two people choosing hate as a way of denying their passionate love for one another, you have written a truly romantic story. Thank you for this work of fiction. You are a gifted writer.
avrylle #4
Chapter 26: Thank you for a nice story...^_^
Chapter 26: Wow!Writer-nim,thanks for this wonderful story!Hoping it will come true,,,hehehehe^-^Waiting for your next story!
Chapter 16: Writer-nim,ur really good!:-P,
Chapter 26: Thank you for this wonderful story...
rackyvirgo #8
Chapter 26: Thanks for this wonderful story, hope it will become real.
ikak88 #9
Chapter 26: gomawo chingu~aah....
kenkat #10
Chapter 26: A beautiful wedding and a ever lasting love ending! How we wish that it could come true one day!!! Thank you musoukanomake for all your labor of love! We are so luck to have you and you are an amazing writer :)) will be looking forward to your next story xoxoxo.....