Chapter 24 Our forever will never be long enough

My Heart's Desire

They had become shy with each other after the glorious afternoon and night they spent together.   Min Ho was on cloud nine and wished to announce to the world that he, Lee Min Ho, had just made the y, sophisticated and beautiful, Park Shin Hye, his woman.  And he wanted the other men out there to know she was off-bounds and that included looking at her, thinking about her and especially touching her.  He didn’t want any man near her and the thoughts of locking her up and keeping the only key was a pleasurable pastime.  His joy was evident to see from his snickering laughter. 

He was filming a commercial with Jang Geun Suk and Shin Hye would join them in a few minutes. Sponsors had finally caught on to the magic of having Min Ho, Shin Hye and Geun Suk star together in commercials. There was an indefinable magic about the three together.   Geun Suk was curious about the snickering episodes of Lee Min Ho.  He casually asked, “How is Shin Hye?  I talked to her briefly a few days after the funeral but she seemed preoccupied.  Is she alright?”

Min Ho bristled.  Of course she is alright, she is more than alright, you twerk you – and don’t talk to her – ever again.  Min Ho replied, “Shin Hye is an amazing woman, she is handling all the stress well.  She is fine, thank you.”

Geun Suk thought, Hmmmm, she is fine, thank you?  Now why would he phrase a comment in such words?  And why does he sound so possessive?  Has the great Lee Min Ho fallen for my angel?  Well, well, well – why didn’t I see this coming?  Geun Suk smiled his y, lopsided grin pushing Min Ho, “Oh it’s alright, I will see my Angel in a few more minutes and find out for myself.  Ohhh, got to go see why the PD is signaling me – later man.”  Geun Suk grinned as he walked away.  Take that Lee Min Ho!

Min Ho fumed for a few seconds.  My angel, did Geun Suk just call Shin Hye his angel?  This will have to stop, one way or the other, this will have to stop.  At that moment, Shin Hye entered the sound stage and glancing around she spotted Min Ho.  Her face blushed and she smiled.  She walked toward Min Ho her eyes locked on his.  His smile was as silly as her smile with their emotions bouncing around them and the crew noticed. 

They were in their own world and cared little if anyone noticed.  Geun Suk turned to look at them and shook his head as if his suspicions had just been confirmed.  He started back toward Min Ho when someone grabbed his arm.  He turned to see one of the young members of the crew holding a folder out to him.  He told Geun Suk it was the script for the next film set.  The youngster was staring at Min Ho and Shin Hye.  Geun Suk asked him what was the matter and the kid looked at him and then at the couple looking at each other.  He shrugged his shoulders and went to stand next to another young man his age. 

“Oh man, that is Park Shin Hye, the iest woman in the world.  Does she have a boyfriend?  Maybe Min Ho is her boyfriend because he is looking at her like a man possessed.”

The second young man said, “Told you there was something going on with them.”  He nudged his friend when Shin Hye stood in front of Min Ho her eyes locked with his eyes.

Geun Suk walked between them saying, “Shut up you two.  Give them a break would you?”  Smiling he walked slowly toward the couple staring at each other.

Geun Suk face palmed himself when he heard one of the young men say, “Hey, do you think they do it?”  The two youngsters walked away gossiping about different actors and idols.

Min Ho walked toward a more private area of the room with Shin Hye following him.  He looked at her and said, “So Shin Hye are we?”

Shin Hye replied, “Are we what?”

Min Ho ducked his head saying, “Are we going to have a repeat performance?”

Smacking his arm Shin Hye told him, “Oh for goodness sake! Is that all you think about?”

“Well,” Min Ho acted as if he were contemplating the thought, “do you mean thinking about the act with you? Or just thinking of in general?”  He turned to look at her and moved quickly away before she smacked his arm again.  He was grinning as he made his way back to Geun Suk.

Geun Suk was watching the scenario play out before him.  He nodded to himself sure that Min Ho had fallen under the spell of Shin Hye.  He sighed because he noticed not only had Min Ho fell for Shin Hye but it appeared his Angel had fallen for Min Ho. 

He waited for them to stand next to him and said to no one in particular.  “If you don’t want the world to know how you feel about each other you might consider bringing the emotions down a notch.”  He acted as if he were talking about the weather not about the two hot stars beside him and their obvious attraction to each other.

Min Ho looked at Geun Suk and Shin Hye while shaking his head.  “To be honest, I don’t care if everyone in the world knows.  I would rather the world knows and backs away from the woman I love.” 

Geun Suk looked at Min Ho saying, “Well that is rather definitive.  I think someone sounds very jealous and very possessive.”

Shin Hye looked from one to the other.  She threw her hands up in the air and walked away from them. 

Geun Suk told Min Ho, “You know you will have to be careful that you don’t overdo the possessiveness.  She is one tough woman and she won’t like if you try to put her on a shelf and control her.  She has friends and she won’t give them up.”

Min Ho was watching her walk away.  “By friends I suppose you are talking male friends?  Guys, huh?”

“Yeah, it’s gonna be tough on you.  You really have no idea how many friends she has and how tight she is with them.  Not to say she doesn’t have friends that are girls too.  It’s just really going to be tough for you.  I know her and I know how she is with her guy friends.  She might be all y and feminine to you but have you seen the girl do a gamer night?  She can slay most all her guy friends at video gaming and she is good at a lot of other activities – like wakeboarding, snowboarding, skeet shooting, skiing, paintball fights – really, you name it and she is good at it.  So just be prepared.”

Min Ho was watching Geun Suk watch Shin Hye.  “Yah, don’t watch her.  She is taken.  I mean it, she is really taken. I don’t want other men looking at her.”

Geun Suk laughed out loud and stuck his hand out for Min Ho to shake.  “Man, you are something.  I didn’t think it would ever happen but I can’t wait to see how this plays out.”  Geun Suk walked away from Min Ho laughing softly at the thought of the sleek Lee Min Ho getting jealous over the friendly girl-next-door turned y idol Shin Hye.  It would be an interesting future for those two.   He squashed a feeling of jealousy remembering the look on her face when she was staring at Min Ho.

People talked.  Fans speculated and gossip columnist and bloggers were giving their two-cents opinion.  The odd thing was most were agreeing with a match between Min Ho and Shin Hye.  Both actors had works in progress and they still managed to have on-set chemistry with their co-stars but it was no match for the intensity of feelings between the two.   The two decided to try to date publically.  The first time went smoothly until an eagle eyed reporter spotted them.  A photographer joined the reporter and fans started to gather.  Shin Hye and Min Ho made a run for it disappearing into a café known to cater to the famous.  The staff helped them disappear out a hidden back door.  They knew it was risky and learning how to stay hidden was just the beginning for them.

The two made it back to Min Ho’s apartment and fell onto the couch laughing.  It had certainly been an experience for them.  Dating in public would not happen for them.  They were sure that pictures of them would appear online any minute as they realized they really didn’t care if the whole world knew about them.  If the two had been caught together a few years ago they would have stopped seeing each other.  But something was different now for them.  They were different and this love they felt was different.

Min Ho went to the kitchen for a bottle of red wine.  Shin Hye liked a glass of wine occasionally and although he wasn’t a big drinker he did have a glass of wine once in a while.  He was more of a bourbon or whiskey man.  He handed her a glass and sat down on the coffee table facing her.  He nudged her legs between his saying, “Remember this scene?”

She nodded yes.  He leaned forward letting his fingers lightly skim over her body.  He nudged her neck with his lips and settled on her ear and down to a spot under her chin.  She giggled.  He smiled as he trailed kisses toward her lips.  “Cut it out”, she giggled again. “That tickles.”  He moved back toward her earlobe, catching it in his teeth.

Her brain stopped functioning when he worked his magic.  She was focused on him – the way he made her feel.  She circled his chest with her arms and nibbled at a spot under his jawline.  He shuddered at the sensation of her lips nibbling his skin.  He could never get enough of her – the feel of her – the scent of her – it had become a part of him. 

She crushed to his feeling the heat of the man wash over her.  She needed to feel him.  She ran her hands under his shirt luxuriating in the feel of his taut muscles.  His arms were holding her tightly as the heat encompassed them.  He wanted more and suddenly flipped her around to tug at her pants.  He used the momentum to pick her up and she clamped her legs around his waist and her arms held on tightly.  They made it to the bedroom where he fell with her onto the bed.  She used that moment to slide on top of him.  She was covering his body with kisses as he tugged at his clothing.  His heart was racing as she rained kisses over him and he tensed as she impatiently pulled him to her.  She purred with pleasure as they moved together. 

She drove him wild with desire.  He could not get enough.  They rolled, tugged and pulled at each other.  They set a furious pace for each other and dove over the edge to cries of fulfillment.  She held him tightly as his breathing calmed and he fell asleep.  She kissed his forehead, smiling at the contentment she felt with this wonderful man.   She settled her face into the crook of his neck and breathing easily, fell asleep.  His eyes opened and he smiled down at her.  His arms tightened slightly as he realized he would have to take a big step and convince her they should be together now and not down the road in some distant time and place.  He wanted her to be his now – he wanted this to be permanent – he wanted forever.

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Chapter 26: A Very Beautiful Story.....
sarahsusanti #2
Chapter 26: Thank you for yhe whole story and the ending...^_^
mschase6 #3
Chapter 26: They say that love and hate are two sides of the same coin. With this story, you have proven that to be the case. Carefully interweaving career facts of the two characters with the beautifully descriptive story of two people choosing hate as a way of denying their passionate love for one another, you have written a truly romantic story. Thank you for this work of fiction. You are a gifted writer.
avrylle #4
Chapter 26: Thank you for a nice story...^_^
Chapter 26: Wow!Writer-nim,thanks for this wonderful story!Hoping it will come true,,,hehehehe^-^Waiting for your next story!
Chapter 16: Writer-nim,ur really good!:-P,
Chapter 26: Thank you for this wonderful story...
rackyvirgo #8
Chapter 26: Thanks for this wonderful story, hope it will become real.
ikak88 #9
Chapter 26: gomawo chingu~aah....
kenkat #10
Chapter 26: A beautiful wedding and a ever lasting love ending! How we wish that it could come true one day!!! Thank you musoukanomake for all your labor of love! We are so luck to have you and you are an amazing writer :)) will be looking forward to your next story xoxoxo.....