Chapter 26 How to live a happy life

My Heart's Desire

Shin Hye was happily planning a wedding.  Min Ho had asked her to marry him and she agreed.   Since she was 23 she had told everyone she would marry at 30.  She no longer cared what anyone thought or said.  She was in love, she wanted to be with her man and she was not leaving him single for someone else to try to capture his heart.   Min Ho wanted to get married the very next day but she had talked him into waiting 6 months.  He acted as if it would be the most difficult wait in the world. 

This would be her only wedding.  She didn’t want too elaborate a wedding but she wanted a wedding that expressed her feelings and love for Min Ho.  She decided she would plan the wedding in 3 stages.  The first stage would be deciding a venue for the wedding and reception, decide a budget, guest list, theme, deciding a calendar date and pick an officiant.

She had started a list and asked Min Ho to add to the list so she would be prepared.  He added one item and thought himself clever. 

She asked Min Ho for suggestions and his one suggestion was hire a wedding planner and let them deal with it.  He thought it an excellent idea for he didn’t want Shin Hye to stress over planning a wedding.  He still couldn’t understand why Shin Hye wouldn’t agree to just get married the next day. 

Min Ho looked over her shoulder as she jotted down thoughts on a wedding.  He nudged her head to one side so he could read the list.  He didn’t see the word honeymoon, so he asked, “Huh, no honeymoon?  Why?”

Shin Hye pushed him away and told him to stop nudging her.  She put her finger on his lips to shush him saying, “Ssshhhh, don’t jinx us.  And of course we will probably have time to go on a honeymoon.”

Min Ho bent down so he could look her dead in the eye.  “Do not even think you can deny me a honeymoon.  And don’t write honeymoon down on your list.  I will take care of the honeymoon details.  It will be a surprise!”   He left the room as soon as the words were out of his mouth so she couldn’t make him take them back.  Hmmm, he thought, a honeymoon with Shin Hye.  Ohhhh, this will be so much fun.  Why can’t we just go sign the register, be married and get on with the good stuff?  Like a honeymoon?  Women.”

Shin Hye heard him but decided to ignore it.  She had no problem with him taking over the honeymoon details.  On second thought perhaps she should lay down a few suggestions because she had no idea what the man’s devious mind might think to do.  Aisshhhh, she remembered him making jokes one day about beaches, yep, better talk to him.  She jotted more notes on her list.

The second phase of her list consisted of her dress, asking people to be in the wedding party, bridesmaid dresses, groomsmen measurements, pick a photographer, request no gifts, pick florist and invitations, caterer, menu, wedding cake. 

Send invitations and double check to make sure all vendors still on board.  Make sure to include mothers in planning. 

The third phase would be to select a band or DJ, plan the honeymoon, get the marriage license, make sure all documents in order and schedule make-up for day of wedding for wedding party.

Min Ho again checked her list and sighed.  He told her it was too much even for her.  So he suggested they pick a wedding planner and Shin Hye work with her to make sure everything went smoothly.  He finally convinced her and they hired a wedding planner. 

They haggled over the date for the wedding.  Both wanted a June wedding.  The mothers wanted a June wedding and the fathers didn’t care.  So they wrote each day of June on a piece of paper, folded them and put them in a cap.  They drew one slip of paper out and promised no matter the day, they would go with it.  It turned out to be June 22 – Min Ho’s birthday.  Shin Hye asked if he would be fine with his birthday as their wedding day – it would be their anniversary day also.  He liked the idea and told her he would be sure to get at least one present every year. 

The planning went smoothly, the six months flew by and their wedding day was today.  Shin Hye was excited and scared.  Min Ho was excited and happy to finally have a paper with her signed, sealed and delivered.  He kept chuckling over his thoughts of signed, sealed and delivered. 

Shin Hye and her wedding party were in the dressing room.  The mothers had been in and out of the room; excitedly chattering away about how gorgeous Shin Hye and her entourage were – how glowing Shin Hye was – and how handsome Min Ho.  The guests were seated, the music was playing and flowers were everywhere.  The placed looked and smelt beyond belief.  The wedding planner scurried here and there making last minute touch-ups

It was a beautiful bright summer day.  The temperature for this time of the year was milder than expected.  There was a slight breeze blowing, just enough to keep the guest from feeling sticky with humidity.  The path to the gazebo had been lined with chairs and by the end chair at each row was a huge bouquet of hydrangeas – blue ones with huge gorgeous blooms.  The soft sounds of classical music could be heard in the background, soothing and hinting of the anticipated ceremony.   

The classical music stopped and everyone turned to look at the end of the aisle – the path Shin Hye would walk.   Shin Hye had written her own music for this perfect day – this perfect moment – she had help from a special friend but felt it better to not talk about it for the tabloids would make too much of it.  The sound was romantically soft with a hint of more to come.  She would walk this path alone because her father couldn’t walk with her and she felt it wrong to walk with anyone else. 

She walked gracefully down the aisle.  A slender beauty in a slim A-line white strapless gown; the gown featured a delicate sweetheart neckline, the gown with body contouring pearl-beaded embroidery over top of Alencon lace.  The back was cut low with covered buttons to the end of the chapel train.  The gown showcased her figure perfectly making Min Ho his breath in admiration.  The two-tier veil was gossamer fine like shimmering spider webs in a fairy tale.  The veil held in place with a simple clasp of tiny pearls.  She wore white spike heels – simplicity at its best.  Her neck was unadorned, giving her a vulnerable look.  She wore simple diamond princess style earrings.  The only other jewelry was her engagement ring. 

She held a white rose and blue hydrangea bouquet.  She walked slowly down the aisle till she reached the bottom step of the raised dais.  Her adopted Father rose from his seat and walked to the bottom step.  There he took Shin Hye’s hand and placed it in the hand of Min Ho.  He walked back to his seat.  Shin Hye looked at the man holding her hand.

It didn't matter that she had known him for a lot of years now.  It didn't matter that they had been together for a while now.  She realized that she would always have this feeling when she saw him.  She would get this rush of heat, this deep-to-the-core flash of need, this heart stopping feeling of awe and wonder and she would get it every time she laid eyes on the man.  She was totally, completely in love with him - he had her heart and her soul.

He was a picture from a book of fantasy.  He was the knight of old, the warrior of time immortal, the samurai, the general on the hill, her superman in a cape, her Thor and he was all those things wrapped into one and he was hers.  He was every woman's dream.  He stood there with his long, tall, y body encased in a black tuxedo and her body clinched at the sight.  His face was framed with his silky black hair looking like a model off the cover of a romance novel; she could look at his chiseled cheek bones, his full sensual lips and his glorious mood enhancing eyes forever.  She loved everything about him.

The minister stepped out smiling to the guests.  He spoke, “Honored guests, cherished family members and wonderful friends, the couple before you would like to thank you for coming today to celebrate their wedding.  Let us begin……”

The couple wanted to say a few words during their exchange of rings.  They had decided to keep it simple so that the guests would not feel burdened.  The minister told Min Ho to say his vows to Shin Hye. 

Min Ho placed the wedding band on Shin Hye’s finger saying, “I, Lee Min Ho, take you, Park Shin Hye, to be my wife, my friend, my partner, my lover and the mother of my children.  I promise before our family and friends that I will cherish our union, love you more each day than I did the day before.  I will trust you, laugh and cry with you, I will respect you and will faithfully love you forever.  I promise to care and protect you, to comfort and encourage you and to stay with you for all eternity.  I love you Shin Hye and I thank God each day that you came into my life.”

Shin Hye had tears in her eyes listening to the words she knew were from his heart.  She loved this man.

Shin Hye placed Min Ho’s wedding band on his finger saying, “I, Park Shin Hye, take you, Lee Min Ho, to be my husband.  I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness.  As I place this on your finger, I commit my heart and soul to you; every day I fall in love a little more with you.  I will love and cherish you throughout the rest of our lives.  This ring has no end neither shall my love for you.  May it always remind you that you are surrounded by my eternal love.  I choose you, my love, to be my partner in this life and beyond, I choose you to be the father of my children, my lover, my friend and my companion.  I will love you forever.  My darling Min Ho Oppa, I love you.  My darling Min Ho Oppa, thank you for choosing me from all the women in the world.  I will forever honor you.  I love you.”

Min Ho had tears in his eyes also but his smile was radiant.  At last he had the woman he wanted and they had just promised their undying eternal love for each other. 

The minister was saying, “I now pronounce you man and wife.  You may now kiss the bride.”

Min Ho had been waiting for those words.  He tenderly took the edge of her veil in his hands and tucked it backward so her face was exposed.  He reached for her and pulled her into his embrace.  He lowered his head and placed his lips on hers and she felt his tears.  She couldn’t stop her tears of joy either.  He didn’t spare her the kiss either just because they stood in front of people.  He kissed her with a gleeful passion and pulling away when she responded.  He would save the rest for later.  He made an extra little nibble at her lips before completely pulling his face away from hers.  He kept one arm on her as they both turned to face their friends and families. 

The minister said, “May I introduce Mr. and Mrs. Lee?”

Min Ho turned to Shin Hye and putting his hand out he waited for her to take his hand.  As she placed her hand in his he said, “Mrs. Lee let’s go cut our cake.”

And they walked hand-in-hand down the aisle, leaving the gazebo going toward the reception area.  The best man, maid of honor, the groomsmen and bridesmaids followed them.  The guests walked toward the reception area set-up under a huge white tent. 

The ushers seated everyone and there was the sound of excited voices here and there among the crowd, there was the sound of hushed conversations and there was lots of laughter.  Min Ho and Shin Hye were at the head table with their wedding party on each side of them.  The waiters quietly and quickly served the guests.  There was soft music playing in the background.  The newlyweds kept constant eye contact.  After the meal, the best man, II Woo, stood and approached a microphone set-up to the side.  He began to chit-chat with the audience.  He made a few jokes and the audience laughed.  He got serious.

“I want to thank everyone for coming today.  I want to tell all the bridesmaids how beautiful they are and to thank them for being friends with our beautiful bride.  I want to thank the groomsmen for helping make this a wonderful day for our friends. 

I have known this man since school.  I can say I have been friends with him through it all.  I can tell you that I watched him the first time he saw Shin Hye and I can say with certainty that he fell in love with her the first time he saw her.  These two were made for each other and I have witnessed their love grow daily.  They are truly a match made in Heaven. 

Since Min Ho threatened me before the ceremony to only say good things about him and to keep it short because he wants to leave on his honeymoon as soon as I shut-up, then let’s raise our glasses in a salute and congratulations to our two friends.  Min Ho, Shin Hye our two blessed friends, congratulations.”

The couple rose and made their way to the cake table.   Shin Hye picked up the knife and Min Ho placed his hand over hers.  They made two small cuts and taking the piece of cake, placed it on a small plate.  Min Ho took a small piece offering it to Shin Hye.  He placed it in saying, “I have been warned to not do anything crazy with this piece of cake.  My wife has a strong arm so I will obey her.”  He bent down and gave her a quick kiss as she blushed.

Shin Hye took a small piece of cake and placed it in Min Ho’s mouth.  She said, “I promised not to do anything crazy with the cake also but I lied.”  She took a small swipe at the icing and dabbed it on Min Ho’s lips.  He laughed out loud and hugged her.  She would never put it on his nose or something embarrassing like that but his lips were funny good.  He bent again and kissed her.

The guests had flutes of champagne and Min Ho said, “I would like to thank everyone who came to help us celebrate.  We are going to leave because I have a honeymoon planned and Shin Hye doesn’t have a clue where we will go yet.  Shin Hye will toss the bouquet so ladies get ready.”

Shin Hye and Min Ho stood at the entrance to the tent.  Shin Hye took a separate bouquet that matched her bridal bouquet turning her back to their guests.  Shin Hye let the bouquet fly.  The girls from the guests and her bridesmaids were huddled together trying to catch the bouquet.  Shin Hye’s friend and maid of honor, Se Young, caught the bouquet.  Shin Hye laughed at the expression on Se Young’s face.  Min Ho grabbed her hand and yelled, “There is a band so have fun.  I am officially on my honeymoon!”  The guests filed out after them to release balloons and blow bubbles.  

There was no limo waiting on them.  Some of the guests wondered if something went wrong.  At that moment a racing motor could be heard.  A valet stopped with a screech of tires.  He got out of the sports car and threw the keys to Min Ho who caught them in mid-air.  Holding Shin Hye’s hand he pulled her around to the passenger side.  He opened the door and she got in.  There were paparazzi and fans outside the gates of the park.  But Min Ho didn’t go the way everyone was expecting.  He left by a small access road that lead out the back of the park.  The guests were waving while yelling things like congratulations, good luck, have fun and be happy. 

Min Ho looked over at Shin Hye and grinned.  He took her hand saying, “I love you.  Thank you for today.”

She was looking at him, smiling and asked, “Where are we going?”

Min Ho grinned, “Back to my apartment and early in the morning we are booked on a flight somewhere wonderful.”

Shin Hye settled back, shutting her eyes feeling like the luckiest woman in the world.

They pulled into his private entrance.  He came around, opened the door and helped her out.  They walked hand-in-hand to the front door.  He punched in his security code, opened the door and in a swooping movement picked Shin Hye up in his arms, crossed the threshold, kicked the door shut and using one hand locked the door.

“Finally we are alone and you are mine.”  He walked with her in his arms to the bedroom.  An ice bucket with a bottle of Krug Clos Du Mesnil Champagne and two flutes were on a table beside the window.  A plate with strawberries, a bowl of melted chocolate and whipped cream was arranged on the table.  Shin Hye looked at it raising her eyebrow.  He laughed saying, “My fantasy.”

He pulled her to him.  He literally enfolded her next to him.  They had changed during the meal at the reception.  She had on a short sundress with a long zipper down the back.  He had changed to slacks and a button down shirt.   He pulled her zipper down and the dress pooled around her feet.  She tugged at his shirt pulling it out of his slacks.  She was unfastening his pants and jerking at his shirt.  He looked down and almost lost his breath.  She was breathtaking and he would never get tired of looking at her.

He loved looking at her shape – her small waist, her long legs, her full firm s – he would never tire of looking at her.  Their chest met and the heat began.  She sighed as their mouths met, lips parting, tongues meeting as the kiss went from gentle to urgently needful.  She moaned softly as his mouth moved down her body. 

He made her needy.  He made her want more.  He made her delirious with him.  Her hands moved over him taking as much as she could.  She wanted so much more.  He made her want more than she ever thought she could want.  He made her feel more than she ever thought she could feel.

She knew she would always feel this way with him.  His mouth and his hands moved down her body, over her body making her shudder.  She gripped his shoulders and rode the wave of pleasure that took her body.  She felt herself exploding and swore she saw stars exploding in her mind.  She went limp with pleasure and moved against him in a slow, sensual dance.  Urgency gave way to a gentleness filled with tenderness.  Her hands his body.  She opened her eyes as their bodies entwined and she thought no one had ever looked at her like he looked at her.  He had always looked at her this way.  She remembered her first meeting and the deep penetrating look he gave her, she remembered their Etude House commercials and the way his gazes burned her and she would never forget their Heirs drama days when his gazes literally scorched her and made her want to jump into his arms.  She loved that he looked at her like no man had ever looked at her.

She loved that this dance they performed together was so full of heat, tenderness and need.  Their bodies rose and fell together.

She said his name softly as their lips met again.  She felt him tightened his hold on her.  She felt his need and his love.  He showed his love for her in so many ways. 

They crashed against each other in one last surge and then turned as one to face each other.  He her hair, and then ran his finger down her face to her chin.  He leaned forward placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.  She nuzzled his neck as he softly said, “I love you my sweet y wife.”

She giggled at how wonderful life had turned out to be.  He slipped out of bed, putting a robe on and handing her one.  She slipped her feet onto the cool floor sliding the robe over her shoulders as she belted it.  He pulled her to the table motioning for her to sit.  He pulled the cork on the champagne as they watched it fizzle.  He handed her a half filled flute with one hand and took a strawberry with the other dipping it in chocolate.  He held it out to her smiling.  She thought nothing had ever been so perfect in her whole life – absolutely nothing till now.

They clicked their glasses together and their eyes never looked away.  They were back to talking with their eyes.  She read all she needed to know within the depths of his eyes and she answered him with hers.  The way he looked at her made her skin tingle and she felt herself begin to need him.

He stood and pulled her to him.  He bent his head kissing her softly, tenderly.   She responded to his lips as he ran his hands over her body.  She felt the pull of him. All he had to do was touch her and she became putty in his hands.  She leaned into him feeling his heart beat against her.  She let him move her back toward the bed.  They fell onto the bed rolling as they became tangled together.  She felt the heat start deep inside her threatening to burn her.  Their bodies moved like silk over each other.  She felt the waves of feeling hit her one after the other.  Their bodies rocked with pleasure as they slowly sank into the soft comfort of the bed and each other’s arms. 

He sighed, kissed her as he cradled her against him.  His lips were against her forehead when he whispered, “Every moment with you is a beautiful dream.  I am happy when I am in your arms.  I never want to be far from you.  I love you.”

She softly sighed.  She was happy and she never wanted to be far from him either.  She knew their lives would have ups and downs but she knew they loved each other.  They loved each other enough to put the other first.  She felt contentment as she snuggled against his wonderful body and fell asleep. 

Tomorrow was a new day.  They were happy and their futures were bright because they had managed to do something they always wanted to do – each in their own way had reached their heart’s desire.  They had thought their greatest desire was their success in acting and modeling.  What they discovered in the end was that their true happiness was achieved through love – the love their hearts had for each other – their true heart’s desire.

The End

A/N:  I am writing another fiction and will post in a few days.  Thank you for liking my story.

My new story:


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Chapter 26: A Very Beautiful Story.....
sarahsusanti #2
Chapter 26: Thank you for yhe whole story and the ending...^_^
mschase6 #3
Chapter 26: They say that love and hate are two sides of the same coin. With this story, you have proven that to be the case. Carefully interweaving career facts of the two characters with the beautifully descriptive story of two people choosing hate as a way of denying their passionate love for one another, you have written a truly romantic story. Thank you for this work of fiction. You are a gifted writer.
avrylle #4
Chapter 26: Thank you for a nice story...^_^
Chapter 26: Wow!Writer-nim,thanks for this wonderful story!Hoping it will come true,,,hehehehe^-^Waiting for your next story!
Chapter 16: Writer-nim,ur really good!:-P,
Chapter 26: Thank you for this wonderful story...
rackyvirgo #8
Chapter 26: Thanks for this wonderful story, hope it will become real.
ikak88 #9
Chapter 26: gomawo chingu~aah....
kenkat #10
Chapter 26: A beautiful wedding and a ever lasting love ending! How we wish that it could come true one day!!! Thank you musoukanomake for all your labor of love! We are so luck to have you and you are an amazing writer :)) will be looking forward to your next story xoxoxo.....