I'm Sorry!




When we landed Kyungmin headed straight to BigHits building to sign in, we took her luggage and the rest of us headed to the appartment we were renting for the summer.

"ohhhhh myyyy gawwwdd my FEET HURT !' yelled Yerin as she threw herself onto the bed.

"Im excited but too tired to get up." 

"well we should stop complaining because we have to meet up with Kyungmin at the official BH building in about an hour."

we all looked at each other and nodded in agreement with Jaehwa. So we got up and unpacked as much as possible and hanging up some personnal belongings we brought along with us from home. it wasnt much but the appartment began to feel more homey. 

 We finished early and decided we'd walk around outside by the local shops before we would head out to meet up with Kyungmin. The stores were full of life and color, people of different ages, old, young, little kids on ers, old ahjumma's yelling on their phones and a drunk man throwing up on the corner...ahh Seoul~~~~ But before we knew it, Eunmi disappeared.

"ummm... where did Eunmi go guys?" i asked with a concerned look on my face.

"IM COMIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNGGGGGG!!!!"  was the yell we heard from behind us and what do you know, it was Eunmi coming out of the convienience store with a black plastic bag.

"What did you buy?!" as Yerin tried snatching the bag out of Eunmi's hand.

"I was hungry OuO" slowly devouring the whole packet of pockey.

"Unnie give me one!!!!"

"okay here Yerin now shut the hell up."

 Baesai was getting anxious to leave and decided to drag us along with her. 


We arrived at the BH building and Eunmi with her pockey still in hand, walked in first like a boss biash and we all followed after. We went to the service desk and asked if they knew where Kyungmin was, the lady picked up the phone, called someone than informed us she was in the dancing studio. She also offered us a tour of the building. We excitedly agreed to the tour.  As she walked thru the building we finally got to the studio rooms.

Mai, when the tour guide wasnt looking, began rubbing herself against the wall, "uughhhhhh!!! BTS coukd have possibly rubbed themselves here too *o*!!!!"

Baesai and Jaehwa soon joined her and it just looked hella awkward.

"you es look like hoes!" i laughed 

"Maybeeeeeee~" said Mai as she slowly caressed the wall.

"Okay well ima go use the bathroom real quick!"and sprinted off to the bathroom. As soon as i came out they were gone. "... wut da hayo? ' i wispered to myself looking thru the hall cautiously seeing if they were playing some trick on me. But i couldn't find them or the tour guide...."i guess they left.."i thought to myself and decided to take my time walking thru the various halls. I soon heard music coming from a closed room and ran up to the window to peek inside. IT WAS KYUNGMIN!  i was shocked they had her practicing already because she had only just arrived about 3 hours ago. I op0ened the door and slowly walked in.

"Working hard already huh?"i said with the best encouraging smile i could possibly make.

"Yeah...its a lot of work...but its fun and totally worth it!"she said as she huffed and puffed taking a break from dance practice. "so wheres everybody else?"

"i dont know, i went to the bathroom and then they all left."

" oh, well my time for practice is almost over so you want to stay till i finish?"


i sat down in the far corner giving her as much room as possible so that im out the way. The last 20 minutes of practice ended and we gathered our things and headed out the room. I checked my phone and saw that Jaehwa sent me a text.

"where are you?"

I texted back, "Were on our way out, wait for us outside the building."

We decided to run so we could meet them as soon as possible, and right when we turned the corner to another hall, we were both surprised, and i possibly shat myself. i cant quite remember.

"Whoa! guys gotta watch were your going"

Me and Kyungmin just sat their staring in a shocked gaze.

"Um, is their something on my face orrr...?"

Kyungmin wasnt saying anything and standing their with open. im pretty sure i was too, not wanting to look like a retard, i decided to say something, which i regret.

"D-..Do- do you know who you are?"

i couldnt believe the the stupidity that just left my mouth.

"Yeah, haha. im assuming you do too." he said with a chuckle and a wink-like smile.

I felt  Kyungmin clenching onto my arm as if she was about to faint or something. I could feel my face flushing red at how stupid my question was.

"Yeah, your Rapmomster..."

"Hahaha! 'MOMster'?" 

i felt extremely stupid, i was so nervous i couldnt even pronounce his name properly.

"Yeah, um, well......THIS! This is Kyungmin, shes a new trainee in the company now."

kyungmin bowed to her sunbae respectfully and he shook her hand trying to make her feel comfortable.

"eep!" was the sound that escaped when he shook her hand. He looked confused then worried thinking he was holding her hand to firmly.

"oh... haha no its okay"she wimpered then came back to me and whispered, "my hand is sweaty now...." i kind of giggled at her.

Rapmonster saw that we were nervous and switched to english to see if it would help. "Well you girls look lost, if you were heading out I'd happily lead the way for you, i was leaving the building myself." We said yes and followed him to the main floor. As we made it up to the front door we saw the girls waiting out front and Kyungmin thanked Rapmonster and said she'd hope to see him soon again and ran out to meet the girls. My converse came untied so i sat on the floor tying them.  Baesai then opened the main door yelling inside for me, "Surin, hurry up, we wanna go out and eat! "

"Go on without me! i'll catch up with you guys as soon as im done, i wont be far behind!" i yelled back.

"Well, okay then!."

I saw the girls walk out of sight and soon enough i saw Rapmon again, he was walking out the door but with his little bangtan clan. I couldnt breath. THEY WERE RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME.  I stared at them from afar in awe.I giggled to myself as i named each one off in my head "...Jimin...Suga...Rapmon...Jin...V...Kookie...." i paused. The gummy smile was real. Their stood Jhope giving Jimin a nudgy, huge teeth and all. I dont know what it was, but something about the weirdo made me smile like a . Before i knew it they walked out the building and so happened to be walking in the same direction as the girls. I looked down at my shoes realizing i only had tied one during that entire duration and quickly tied the other one and ran out the door. I didnt want to be an attention seeker but hey, if i was gonna catch up with the girls i would have to run past them right? So i let my hair down to look more presentable and ran as fast as i could. But as soon as i turned the corner-

"Oooof!"i hit something..or someone. i fell on the floor and quickly got up to apologize to the person i ran into. 

"im sorry!" i yelled before i could look up at the person, but when i looked him in the face, i wasnt quite sure how to react.




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omfg! sorreh! finals are coming up and ive been too busy to update T~T


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Chapter 21: I think there should be more (being the major I am) XDDD
Chapter 21: *begins to hypervenilate* *takes out enhaler* ahhhh... Better.... Wait... I don't have asthma... Or an enhaler... Dafuq? XDD but i freaking love this story!!!! It just keeps getting better >~<
Chapter 20: it's really good omg omg xD I spent all day reading this~~
Chapter 20: *random words pour out* holy shiet... That hoe only in boxers ...*boom* my ovaries O-O .... I still like mak doe... But i guess that hoe is ok... O u o
Chapter 18: Nooooooo! My poor baby mak T.T buuut hopie too ...
Chapter 17: ...I-but hopey- and mak- but but but WHA THA FUUUUU!! #TheStruggle T.T i sorta like mak a lil more....
Kissme1626 #7
Chapter 16: Woahhhhh... I practically read this while story in like 2 hours XD it's so interesting that I could stop. I felt so bad and sad of what happened with Surin and J-hope. But wow... her and Mak?! I wonder what's going to happen next! ^-^ update soon author nim
Chapter 16: (;゜0゜)(°_°) hooooly shiet...
Chapter 15: I wanna try commenting every time you update, but by time i'm done reading i'm just...speechless... <3333 대박!!!
Chapter 13: OuO....I just...I...the feels...I just...oh god...its happening again..*feels overload*..