
As I sat their running my fingers threw his hair, I couldn’t help but feel like I was developing feelings for this guy. I smiled as I ran my index finger up his forehead to his hair several times. It was then when I felt another hand grab mine. I kind of jumped because I wasn’t expecting it.
"Mmm, your fingers are so gentle" he half chuckled being half asleep.
"I’m sorry I didn’t mean to wake you, I just” I wasn’t sure what to say after being caught in this situation.
He didn’t say anything but sat up, still really drowsy. He adjusted his sitting so that we were shoulder to shoulder while his left hand was linked together with my right hand.
"I’m sorry I didn’t mean to wake you up, you should get some sleep"
That’s when he turned just his torso to his left so that his right hand was on the bed on my left side while his other hand was still holding my hand on my other side as he leaned over me. He slowly leaned his forehead onto mine as he closed his eyes.
I could feel my heart beat faster and faster, I soon found it harder to breathe.
"Shhh" was the only light whisper that left his mouth.  He leaned even closer until I felt the touch of his lips on mine.
I soon found my hands leave his as I wrapped my arms lightly across his shoulders.  I still found it hard to breathe realizing that my first real kiss was really happening. I felt my cheeks flush red and the back of my neck burn from the slight embarrassment.
It was official, my heart had developed feelings for Mak, and I liked it.
Later the next morning, I woke up to everyone up and just about done packing, most the guys were gone down in the lobby had taken everyone’s luggage with them waiting for the cab. Only Simba was still up there with us girl as he waited for Mai and Eunmi to finish zipping their luggage so he could take them down stairs.
As soon as us girls finished getting ready, we ran down stairs to the hotel lobby to meet the guys. Right when we got there 2 cabs arrived and the guys took one and us girls squeezed into the 2nd one.
We got to the airport kind of late and almost missed the flight. When we boarded we all sat next to who we sat next to previously. But since everyone stayed up really late, everyone was still tired and didn’t say much. As the plane took off, I waved bye to Japan from my window seat. Even though we were only there for about 3 days, I made more memories there then I would have ever expected.
During the trip back to Korea, me and Mak didn’t bring up what happened last night. As a matter of fact, we kind of ignored it and just acted as if it never happened. That or he forgot considering he was half asleep the whole time.
When we landed back in Korea, I pulled Mak to the side. 
“The guys are going back tonight right?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Well, can me and the girls come over later after we're done unpacking?"
His face sort of flustered, "Oh! For what?” it was then when you knew last night clicked back in his head.
"To come oveeerrr. I was thinking maybe we could do something before the guys left I guess." it became awkward.
"Oh yeah sure, just give me a call when you’re about to come."
I slowly nodded and walked back to the apartment with the girls. Ahhh I felt my cheeks turning red.
Walking thru the our bedroom door back at the apartment,
"The guys are leaving tonight" as I sat on the bed next to Kkamagwi.
"Yeaaaahhh~ ima miss them, they were cute" said Yerin as she twirled her hair smiling to herself, day dreaming about San Cheong obviously.
"Annyyyyywayyyyyy... I asked Mak if we could go over to, oh I don’t know, maybe make them or give them a gift before they leave?"
"Ohhhh that sounds like a great idea!" cheered Kyungmin clapping her hands.
"I’d give'em my lips e u e"             
".....what the hell Yerin...?" Mai looked disturbed.
"Ugh nothing" as Mai shook her head into her hands.
Eunmi just ignored them, “Give them like what?”
I stood there kind of bewildered because I hadn't actually thought that far into the plan. “That....that’s a good question. Whatever you want I guess?"  I shrugged my shoulders.
"What are you going to give them?"
"A hug cause its free o u o"
"SURIN YOU FRIKKEN CHEAPSKATE!" Kkamagwi died laughing
"I WAS KIDDING GOSH. But seriously, I don’t know."
3 hours later we met Mak at the dance studio where he walked us back to his place.
"So what do you girls plan on doing anyway?"
"You’ll see" Baesai smirked. Her evil glare frightened Mak slightly almost as if we were going to take them hostage or something.
When we walked in Mak's house he said the guys were sleeping so they would be rested before their long flight.
"Perfect! Eunmi, Mai, Baesai! Bring the stuff in!"
The girls came in with different colored lights that they hung all around in and outside the house. They also brought in trays of different meats and pastries and little bags.
We set up a small bonfire in his yard and brought out a grill as the sun began to set. Kkamagwi brought out her portable stereo and plugged in her phone with the first song playing "Tomorrow" by Tablo ft. Taeyang. Soon enough the noise must have woken them up as they stepped outside rubbing their eyes.
"WH- what is this?" said Simba as they all starred at the lit yard.
"It’s a going away party!  \(^○^)/" Kyungmin hyped up and  threw a little confetti she had held in her hand as it glittered to the floor in the backyard.
"You’re cleanin that up." as Mak glared at the falling glitter.
"STOP RUINING THE MOMENT!" she flung glitter at his face.
Eddy soon started laying the meat on the grill while Eunmi and Kkamagei stuffed their faces with the sweets. The rest of us sat by the fire listening to the music and talking.
"I can’t believe you guys are leaving already, this week went by too fast!" I complained as I hugged my knees.
"Duty calls" San Cheong smiled and swallowed half a bottle of soju.
" Do you know when you’re going to debut?" Baesai asked while she got up to the grill to get some food.
"We're hoping within the next 4 to 6 months."
"Better remember us when you’re famous!" Mai demanded laughing putting bulgogi wrapped in lettuce in .
"It’s gonna be kinda hard to forget you girls! Which by the way thanks for the party,  you really didn’t have to"
"THAT REMINDS ME!" Yerin ran inside the house and came back out with 4 little cloth bags that you pull and tie. She handed one to each member, got pink, San Cheong green, Simba blue, and Eddy red. They opened them with a confused smile.
"Haha what is this?" as Eddy pulled out a small object out the baggy.
"They’re paper stars! We weren’t sure how long it was going to be till you debuted so we made enough for a whole year for each of you. Each bag has 365 stars with different message from all of us ^^" Eunmi explained happily.
"Messages?" became curious and unfolded one of the stars and read it out loud.
"You’re a gift I’m really going to miss. -Kkamagwi"
He laughed at how cheesy it was but gave her a hug for the really sweet message regardless.
We talked and laughed over the small gifts but they each seemed to really appreciate them.
The time flew so fast, when Simba pulled out his phone he stated that their plane was leaving in an hour and a half. We left everything out as we all headed inside to help the guys with whatever luggage they had brought with them.  We decided to go with them to the airport so we could give out last goodbyes for a while to the soon to be idols. When we stepped in the airport they immediately got their luggage checked and stepped in line for security. We each hugged them goodbye while Mak did the same, but you could the forced smile on his face as his friends were leaving him once again for another couple months.
Yerin was the last one to give out hugs, but when she got to San Cheong she looked really saddened.
"Ima miss you most....just don’t tell the other members e u e" she whispered.
"IMA MISS YOU TOO!" he made an exaggerated crying face and threw his arms around Yerin."But I know you won’t forget me!" he made an almost face then kissed Yerin. She blushed but only laughed while he kissed her. He then let go and waved one last goodbye and walked thru security.
Yerin covered laughing, "I think he was drunk but I don’t care!"
After San Cheong, the other 3 followed, waving goodbye and making hearts, then they were gone in the crowd after the security check. It was the end of that. I was really going to miss those guys.
We weren’t just going to leave the mess at Mak’s house so we followed him back and cleaned up the mess. The girls picked up the trash and food from outside and brought it in the house. By the time we finished it was about 1:40am. Mak didn’t want us walking all the way back home this late so he let us stay at his place over night in his 2 guest bed rooms.
I walked out to get the last plate of food from outside since the girls had already gone to bed exhausted.  When I walked out, the bonfire was almost out and I saw Mak grabbing the last things that were out back inside. He had quite a bit so I ran up to him.
"Here let me help", as I took some dishes out his hands and helped him walk them into the kitchen. There was a huge pile of dirty dishes in his sink and I started on them as quick as I good. He stood next to me and pulled up his sleeves as he helped me wash them. The only sound you heard was the sound of running water and scrubbing of dishes.
"Yes?" not taking my stare off of the dish I was cleaning
"About yesterday, I’m sorry, I was just. You know what I don’t know, I guess I was just out of it."
I couldn’t fully understand everything he said under his mumbling Aussie accent. "Haha wait what?" 
He thought I was laughing at his apology. "Ya! I’m serious! "
"So am I!" I giggled, "I wasn’t sure what you said! You mumbled under your accent so I couldn’t understand what you said."
He smiled and hung his head, "oh so now you’re making fun of my accent?"
" Oh you know I’m not!"
His voice softened, "Haha I know.." he dried the last dish and put it away. He then leaned his back against the sink and crossed his arms.
I tilted my head, "What?"
He looked back at me, "Here follow me." he grabbed my hand and took me to his room.
His room was very large and traditional with a small mix of modern furniture. "Stay here" he sat me down on his bed as he disappeared in a large closet. He walked back out with something black and white in his hand.
"Open your hands"
I slowly cupped my hands open. He placed the black and white object in my hand. I smiled at how cute it was. A little origami panda bear. I looked up smiling at him like a little kid would after receiving a Christmas gift that they’ve always wanted.
"Like it?"
"Oh Mak it’s so cute! I love it!" I held it as if it was the most fragile thing ever. "It’s so pretty!"
He sat next to me, " I know something prettier"
I turned my head towards him without saying anything.
" I don’t have to apologize this time do I?" he whispered as he leaned in.
I lightly shook my head as I looked at him lean closer.
"Hm hm~" was his playful laugh as he placed one hand on the side of my face near my ear, leaned forward and kissed me. He leaned in even more having me lose my balance onto my back. I felt the little origami bear fall out my hands. I felt the heat rush to the back of my neck once more. He formed a human cage with my back on the bed, one hand on each side of me, and his torso practically on top of me. When I put my hands on the front of his shoulders to nicely push him off (I was beginning to get claustrophobic) he leaned in again and gave me another kiss. I felt my entire body as it paralyzed.
What did I get myself into...
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omfg! sorreh! finals are coming up and ive been too busy to update T~T


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Chapter 21: I think there should be more (being the major I am) XDDD
Chapter 21: *begins to hypervenilate* *takes out enhaler* ahhhh... Better.... Wait... I don't have asthma... Or an enhaler... Dafuq? XDD but i freaking love this story!!!! It just keeps getting better >~<
Chapter 20: it's really good omg omg xD I spent all day reading this~~
Chapter 20: *random words pour out* holy shiet... That hoe only in boxers ...*boom* my ovaries O-O .... I still like mak doe... But i guess that hoe is ok... O u o
Chapter 18: Nooooooo! My poor baby mak T.T buuut hopie too ...
Chapter 17: ...I-but hopey- and mak- but but but WHA THA FUUUUU!! #TheStruggle T.T i sorta like mak a lil more....
Kissme1626 #7
Chapter 16: Woahhhhh... I practically read this while story in like 2 hours XD it's so interesting that I could stop. I felt so bad and sad of what happened with Surin and J-hope. But wow... her and Mak?! I wonder what's going to happen next! ^-^ update soon author nim
Chapter 16: (;゜0゜)(°_°) hooooly shiet...
Chapter 15: I wanna try commenting every time you update, but by time i'm done reading i'm just...speechless... <3333 대박!!!
Chapter 13: OuO....I just...I...the feels...I just...oh god...its happening again..*feels overload*..