Let's Go On Vacation!





The next day, i spent the entire morning sitting at the desk in our room thinking as to how i was gonna gie Jhope his stuff back. I already told Mr.Bang that i wouldnt go near BTS or Jhope again but, how am i supposed to give it to him if im not near him?! I planned and debated over and over as to how i was gonna do this. The only option i had that didnt involve their manager being too close was a fan meeting. But that would be too risky. Ever since the news of us being caught that one night, my face became well known around here in Korea. It was too risky. Then it hit me, maybe i can send one of the girls to take it to him! yes! wait..,doesnt that seem rude tho? like, thats just like saying "here have your stuff back, didnt mean anything to me anyway". I thought it best if i did it myself, but that brought me back to a dead end.

 I swung back and forth in the chair, nothing. I leaned back in frustration and decided to give up for now. While swinging and starring at the ceiling, i heard my phone ring on the desk. I slowly sat up to see who it was. A picture of the golden arches popped up and the name "BigMak" came on screen.( yeah i changed his name in my contacts hue hue ewe) 




"can i talk to you?"

"your speaking to me arnt you?"

"Surin...shut up, No but like go over?"

"right now?"

"no next christmas."

"mmmm sure i guess, i dont think were going any where. Why though?"

"you'll know when we get their!"

"we? WE!?! whose WE?!"

"surin its just the guys. they're apart of this too!"

"why whats happening?"

"would you stop with the questions?"


"calm down!"

"u cant make me"

"if i show you my back will you calm down?"

"...i aint got time for yo ." and i hung up.then my phone began to ring again.


"hahahahahaha! i was joking! but seriously, we'll be there soon, ok?"

"okay, but bring back food!"



"Surin I ca-!" i hung up on him. OuO

hoe better bring some food


I told Eunmi, Baesai, Mai, and Kyungmin that they would meet Mak's friends today, and that they're very cool. I explained to them that theyre trainees under Jackie Chan and they didnt believe me at first until i showed them the video i recorded of them dancing. They're mouths dropped, and couldnt wait for their arrival.

 The doorbell rang and i ran for the door. I opened it slowly to see a smiling face looking at me. "oh! Hello E.co!"


I opned the door all the way and let all 5 of them inside. I then led them to the living room, letting them sit on the couch while we sat on the floor.

"wow, all 7 of you live in this place? how do you all fit?"Simba examined the small apartment.

"we just manage"smiled Baesai.

"did you bring the food!"

Mak then nudged Eddy. Eddy looked at Mak surprised.

"oh! is that what these where for?!" he had his hand in a bag of chips.

Mak put his hand in his forhead ans shook his head,"well, anyways, bim came here with something exciting."

"you learned korean."

"what? no! Shut up! WE'RE GOING TO JAPAN!"

"so you came to rubt that in our faces?"" Mai crossed her amrs unpleased.

"no~ i was gonna ask if all of you wanted to come along?"

eunmi started choking on the chips eddy brought from ther sudden news.

"how? we dont have any money for that kind of trip!"

"Mak said he was gonna pay for it."San Cheong said as he laid back crossing his legs.

I looked at Mak still really confused. "where do you get all this money? how do you afford where your living with a car and just deciding to go to Japan out of the blue then offer to pay for 7 more plane tickets?!"

"Well, i come  from a wealthy family back home.and where over i go my mom still freaks and buys everything making sure im comfortable, even though i tell her to not buy me anything."

"then why do you work?"

"i like the feeling of earning my way through life rather than just having everything handed to me." he then stood up and the rest of the guys did too. "Well, you girls better start packing, we leave tomorrow morning.Were gonna be their for about 3 days so dont pack too heavy." he winked at me then followed Simba out the door with the rest behind him.


 Later that night when we were packing i was talking to Eunmi about how i wanted to give Jhope back his stuff.

"give it back? already? you over him that quick?"

"No, not even close. But there is no point on holding onto them."

"but for memories."

"painful memories. Eunmi, i still have feelings for him, but holding on to these things makes it hard to let go. I dont see why i should hold on to these feelings if  i cant see him anymore." i began to pout.

"so how do you plan on giving it back to him if you cant see him anymore?"

"i have no idea! thats my problem."

"hmm...wait a minute " Eunmi pulled out her laptop and went to the BigHit website looking at Bangtan's schedule.


"were going to Japan tomorrow right? well, BTS spent last week going thru Korea, this week their going to 2 locations in Japan. Why dont you just go their?"

"which locations? Mak texted me that we're going to Osaka."

"well, they already went to tokyo yesterday, but their having another concert in Osaka tomorrow!"

"well that wont work out, by the time we arrive, the concert will already have started."

"the day after they are having a fan signing. we can all go, then just put his stuff in a bag and give it to him as a 'gift', but just make sure you put a note in it so he doesnt think your some crazy saesang that stole his clothes."

"why would he think im some saesang?"

"well, arnt you gonna go with shades and stuff so the managers dont recognize you just in case?"

"ohhh yeah,...i forgot about that."

"Its just an idea, you dont have to do it." as she closed her laptop.

i slouched on the bed, "yyeahhh but i wont to." i stood up and went to my dresser drawer and opened it and pulled out the hoodie and envelope.

"what in the envelope?"

I looked at Eunmi then pulled out the  ₩800,000.


"he sent it in the envelope the day after we got caught."

"what for?"

"a plane ticket."

she stood up, "to run away with him!? and you didnt take the chance?!"

"haha, nooo. not to run away,...he wanted me to meet his parents when they stopped in Jeolla-do, then take the plane to Jeju to go on vacation with him while they stopped their for a few days." i smilied as i talked about it as i packed.

"and you still didnt go? he must of REALLY liked you, like, loved you! you dont just do things like that for  just anybody!"

"how could i have gone? i was so heart broken, and terrified of getting him into worse trouble with the company. i couldnt risk it, it would have damaged all the hard work he put into his dream because of me. and thats why i cant hold on to these things. His dreams are more important to me than my own. And if it means me having to give him up for him to continue doing what he loves, then i'll do it."

i finished packing and put the hoodie and money in my suit case. i was ready for Japan in the moring.


Next moring we were all packed up and met up with the guys at Incheon airport. We followed them threw security, then to gate E8 where the waiting area was all empty. 

"where is everyone?" asked Kyungmin

"no one else is coming, its just us." Said Simba as he took a seat.

Baesai looked at Eddy, "but, i thought more people wouldd board to go to Japan."

"well its just us because were going on private jet." Mak sat next to Simba as he pulled out his passport.

"really? private jet!? ahh im excited!" Mai began to jump up and down then her cap fell off.

I picked it up for her, then realized it was the same one Jimin gave her. It began to hit me that i was going to really see the boys for the first time since the inccedent. I mean its only been about two weeks, but it was still a big deal to me. I could face the other members, it was Jhope i was worried about. I wasnt sure if he was upset with me or missed me or still liked me. I was afraid of falling all over again. I cant, i couldnt let that happen for his sake. 

 But im assuming that i looked so nervous that it looked like i was going to throw up because Mak patted me on the back asking if i was okay. I nodded and handed Mai back her snapback and we all boarded the first class private jet. it was 2 large seats per row, Mai and Kyungmin sat together, then Baesai and Simba, Kkamagwi and E.co, Eunmi and Eddy, Yerin and San Cheong,then me and Mak.

 It was still really early in the morning and the flight was gonna be 3-4 hours long. So i decided to sleep on the way there. 

 I woke up just before we landed and saw that Mak knocked out right beside me as well, except his mouth was wide open. I was tempted to stuff garbage in it but i chose to be nice instead. 

 We all boarded off the plane and took 2 cabs to a hotel in the middle of the city. 

We all shared this one huge hotel room with six beds. i threw my luggage across the floor and landed on the bed. "how are we gonna get around?"

"yeah who can speak japanese?"

"i dont think we'll really need it, plus were gonna only be here for 3 more days." as Eddy started putting some clothes away.

I began to look around,"welp, i say we get out and go explore, but if some random japanese dude touches my , its not my fault if i end up in jail forn hurtting him."

Mak laughed,"i doubt anything will happen."

 we stepped out of the hotel and into the colorful streets of Osaka Japan. It was like Seoul but at a faster pace. In Korea everyone seemed more easy going, here people were always in a rush.But regardless the business of the city, it was still very beautiful. We all stayed in our own little group so we wouldnt get lost. We were out for hours sight seeing, seeing old temples, trying small street foods here and there, going to different shops, and streets that were full of anime stores and cosplayers. We even took pictures with a few.

Our stomachs later began to make noises, and we all wanted some authentic sushi, so we found a suchi place where they made it fresh and we all took a seat across the long table as we saw the chef prepare the dishes. When the first round of sushi went around, everyone began to laugh and just have a good time. None of us girls really drank, but the guys all ordered alchoholic beverages, when the chef handed them their drink they immediatly popped the cap off and began drinking, except for Mak, i took his drink away from him before he could grab it.


"no! your not gonna end up shirtless again!"

"that was one time!"he tried stretching his arm rying to grab it while i hid it behind my back.

 "okay, i'll give it to you, but can i ask you something first?"

"sure, what?" 

"tomorrow, can you drop me off at the BTS fan signing?"

"BTS? their here? isnt that the group you friend Jhope is apart of?"

"yeahhh, i guess you can say that." i kind of looked away.

"sure i dont mind, i can go with you if you want?"

"oh no! it okay, Eunmi unnie was going to go with me anyway. i just have to tell him something real quick."

"cant you just call him?"

"uh, it has to be in person."

"ah, okay. Then sure, like i said, i dont mind dropping you off"

"thank you  Mak"i smiled then handed him back his drink. he took his drink and chugged it down with the guys. After about the 2nd or 3rd bottle, we decided it would be best to take the guys back to the hotel before they did something stupid. The sun was setting and the city lights were bright and shining. Even though all 5 guys were drunk and couldnt even walk straight, they managed to carry themselves to the hotel, which was good news for us or else we would have had to leave them their haha. 

 We left the guys in the room and locked them in their so they could sober down a bit. And me and the girls made our way to the saunas. We spent about an there and made our way back to our hotel room, but when i opened the door, i wasnt very surprised. Yes, they were all shirtless, laughing, still kind of drunk, and if you were Sancheong, you were pantsless as well. San Cheong, being possibly the most drunk out o them all, ran up to Yerin and threw himself on her, "mmmm your hair smells purdyyyyy ahahahaha~" yup, he was definantly drunk as . Yerin only smiled and blushed, i think her was drunk too cuz she hugged his pretty much self back and said ,"YOUR PRETTY TOOO SAN CHEONG! ahahaha!!!"

 the rest of us girls just starred at her like she was crazy. It was getting late and we all started getting ready for bed. The guys mostly passed out on the floor, so all the girls pretty much got their own bed, except Mai and Kyungmin, they shared almost everything. 

 I went to go turn off the lights then headed to my bed, but when i layed down, i felt another body in it and freaked out!


"shhhhh! cant a guy sleep? hahahaha ahhh~" Mak laid his shirtless self in my bed...AGAIN! but this time he was drunker then before. I rolled my eyes and pushed him off the bed then heard a huge "THUMP" when he hit the floor. I then got into my bed and pulled the covers over me. I felt him crawl back on the bed saying he was cold while laughng. When he layed down he tried hugging me. I WASNT DOING THAT AGAIN! So i pushed his face away from me and he just laughed again as i ushed him away in an awkward position and he knocked out that way. I then turned to face the other direction and covered myself once more. 

 I started to think to myself about tomorrow and seeing Jhope. i began to get nervous. I was thinking about what i would say, how i would say it, would he be angry, or would i get caught? i was just really hoping i wouldnt screw things up even more than i did before. i tried not to think about it so i snuggled into my sheets and closed my eyes.

Tomorrow was going to be interesting.

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omfg! sorreh! finals are coming up and ive been too busy to update T~T


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Chapter 21: I think there should be more (being the major I am) XDDD
Chapter 21: *begins to hypervenilate* *takes out enhaler* ahhhh... Better.... Wait... I don't have asthma... Or an enhaler... Dafuq? XDD but i freaking love this story!!!! It just keeps getting better >~<
Chapter 20: it's really good omg omg xD I spent all day reading this~~
Chapter 20: *random words pour out* holy shiet... That hoe only in boxers ...*boom* my ovaries O-O .... I still like mak doe... But i guess that hoe is ok... O u o
Chapter 18: Nooooooo! My poor baby mak T.T buuut hopie too ...
Chapter 17: ...I-but hopey- and mak- but but but WHA THA FUUUUU!! #TheStruggle T.T i sorta like mak a lil more....
Kissme1626 #7
Chapter 16: Woahhhhh... I practically read this while story in like 2 hours XD it's so interesting that I could stop. I felt so bad and sad of what happened with Surin and J-hope. But wow... her and Mak?! I wonder what's going to happen next! ^-^ update soon author nim
Chapter 16: (;゜0゜)(°_°) hooooly shiet...
Chapter 15: I wanna try commenting every time you update, but by time i'm done reading i'm just...speechless... <3333 대박!!!
Chapter 13: OuO....I just...I...the feels...I just...oh god...its happening again..*feels overload*..