
What are you?

Jin sat down in the reclining chair across from us. Kookie grabbed my right hand and smiled when I looked at him. Jimin then squeezed hand and kissed my cheek. I kissed both of their cheeks and motioned to look at the eldest. 

"The hardest to break the news to is Namjoon. Especially, since I suggested the engagement to him. You must understand the position I'm in. I suggested the engagement because I saw how fond Jungkook and Taehyung were when they were little." He smiled at the memory. "I'm pretty sure Taehyung once said he wanted to marry Jungkook. Namjoon agreed to the marriage thinking they would always love each other. Where we went wrong was we assumed they would always love eachother. Around the time Taehyung turned 13, we rescued an injured werewolf. Taehyung instantly fell in love. I was going to call the engagement off but Namjoon refused saying his decision was final. When Taehyung found out he would abuse Jungkook and sneak out to be with hoseok. I knew something had to be done so he wasn't abused constantly. I sent him to a high school in hopes he could make friends and be happy. I never expected him to fall in love with you Yoongi. When Namjoon found out he was furious. He order Jungkook to stay in the house constantly and dropped him out of high school. You know Jungkook though, nothing stops him. He ran into hiding with you. Namjoon wanted to kill you Yoongi, so he found a vampire who was willing to deal with our problem. Jimin found you and told us where you both were but asked us to not kill Yoongi. We did as he asked. Namjoon still tried to kill you however but Jungkook got in the way. At this action he truly turned into a monster and harmed Jungkook for two months. He then pushed the wedding date closer. Jungkook's beatings got worse and I felt there was no way to help him. On the night he escaped a 'mysterious' person led him to a secret tunnel that led towards your home, Yoongi. Namjoon will turn into a monster if he found I helped him escape. I had to make it look like I hated you so I had to swat at you and I'm sorry for that. He is now back home but he will expect me there. Before I go I will install wolfderm in a bedroom's walls so he can't smell you when I tell him. I will protect you to the best of my abilities. I will bring Taehyung and Hoseok to help you stay safe." Jungkook's grip tightened. "He won't hurt you after I tell him the news." Kookie started to relax but was still tense. "Jimin, you must not make your presence known because you and Yoongi will be the last defense if he goes after Jungkook." He nodded. 

"When will you tell Namjoon?" I asked really hoping it wasn't tonight. 

"A few weeks time. Yoongi, you need to strengthen your powers. Jungkook and Jimin will help you." Strengthen my powers? You're joking right I don't want to be any further from human than I already am. I just nodded and looked at the boys beside me who gave me reassuring smiles. I'm doing this for you both. 

How do you think this will turn out? I promise vhope will be in the story soon! Remember to comment! ^-^

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Chapter 14: I like the idea that creating fire comes from a place of stillness and gentleness rather than a harsh angry place. The gentle beauty is directly juxtaposed to what fire can do.
meNmylifestyle #2
Chapter 19: Sequel sequel sequel!! I vote for a sequel!
Chapter 19: Yes you mysr do a sequel this story was realy good!
HaruKoiUta #4
Chapter 19: ( >♥< )/ Yes! Sequel plzzzz!!!
Chapter 7: Oohhh god...
I i i i just read until chapter 7, but, but, but... This complete now...
Ready or not,,, must ready right..???
Chapter 6: suga half human, vampire quarter, a quarter wolf, suga should have 3 soulmate,,,,, if not, no problem ... and i hope jin not like suga .. ^ _ ~
Chapter 5: What share....?????
Can i'm in....
Chapter 3: Yoongi aahhh
Chapter 2: This chapter
Dae to the bak
Wait jungkook and taehyun..