
What are you?

Jungkook stormed off and didn't look back even when I screamed his name. I broke down crying not know what to do. It was the first time Kookie and I fought. I hated this feeling starting to sprout in my stomach. Anger, guilt, and pain swirled around and I started to get a stomachache. Jimin grabbed a hold of me and held me until I stopped crying. 

"H-hyung, I should have told you exactly what me biting you meant." I looked at him confused and he took a deep breath in. "When a vampire bites someone with the other's full consent, they become mated for eternity. The vampire's mate does not grow old and does not die until it's partner dies. This bite doesn't work on werewolves though so Jungkook could never live with us forever. He does have a long life but, he will never live as long as us." 

He will never live as long as us? I don't want to live eternity without him though. There has to be a way. 

"Hyung! Stop, please. It can't be done. I'm sorry. I was selfish I just wanted you to live with me forever." Tears streamed down his face. My arms naturally wrapped around him.

"Minnie, it's ok. We are all selfish sometimes. I don't blame you. We will figure it out." He looked at me and nodded. I released him from my hug. "I'm going to talk to Jungkook, ok?" Again he nodded at me and I went to find my werewolf. 

I finally found Jungkook in the dance studio. He was dancing like a maniac and I have to say it was beautiful. Every move blended perfectly together. Every step had a purpose. When the music stopped I couldn't help but clap. He looked towards me and glared at me. He took off towards the door, shoving me out of the way in the process. I grabbed his hand turning him towards me. He looked at me in shock and I'm sure he was more shocked when I grabbed his face and kissed him. We only let eachother's lips go when we had to breathe.

"Hyung, you already chose Jimin."

"No I did not! I chose both of you! I will find a way to spend eternity with you as well!"

"Hyung! It's impossible!"

"Then I'll spend as much time with both of you as I can!" I hugged him tight. "I will always have you in my life." 

I heard a knock on the wall next to me. "Hyung, I don't mean to interrupt but, Namjoon found out."

I looked at Jimin, fear in my eyes. Jungkook and him had the same eyes. It's time to set everything up before Namjoon gets here. 

"Get Taehyung and J-Hope," I said panic in my voice, "we're going to make a plan."

We sat down around the table with a map of the house on the table. "J-Hope, we need you to put sensors on every door and window in the house. When that's done I want you to hook every single one magically to the map so we know which entrance he will use. Jimin will teleport you and Taehyung to his entrance as our first line of defense. Jimin, Jungkook and I will be in th movie room as a safe house. Alert us if he gets through. Every one know the plan?" They all nodded. "Let's get ready for his arrival."

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Chapter 14: I like the idea that creating fire comes from a place of stillness and gentleness rather than a harsh angry place. The gentle beauty is directly juxtaposed to what fire can do.
meNmylifestyle #2
Chapter 19: Sequel sequel sequel!! I vote for a sequel!
Chapter 19: Yes you mysr do a sequel this story was realy good!
HaruKoiUta #4
Chapter 19: ( >♥< )/ Yes! Sequel plzzzz!!!
Chapter 7: Oohhh god...
I i i i just read until chapter 7, but, but, but... This complete now...
Ready or not,,, must ready right..???
Chapter 6: suga half human, vampire quarter, a quarter wolf, suga should have 3 soulmate,,,,, if not, no problem ... and i hope jin not like suga .. ^ _ ~
Chapter 5: What share....?????
Can i'm in....
Chapter 3: Yoongi aahhh
Chapter 2: This chapter
Dae to the bak
Wait jungkook and taehyun..