Chapter 12

Miracles do happens when time is right.

Yoseob POV.

"It's time for you to wake up Sooyeon!" I said and i jumped onto the bed, making her to wake up. It was about night time and i'm going to send her back home.

"Ouhh..Yoseob! Stopped your jumping! I'm waking up!" Sooyeon sits up and yawned.

"You looked so cute when you wakes up Sooyeon!" I said as i pinched her cheek. She blushed but...her face looks so pale..

"Okay! Stop pinching me! You're hurting me!" She screamed. As she was about to stand up, I pulled her wrist and make her back lie on the bed while i was on top of her.

"Y...Yoseob...What are yo-" Sooyeon was about to finsh when I kissed her lips. I bring her hand up to her head and continue to kissed her. Then i slowly moved down and kissed her neck. I break the kiss and said.

"Sooyeon....You are very weird now of this days...and i don't like it....but i'm just trying to tell you that you definitely can trust me with all your heart..because i only love you and always..." I kissed her lips again and said "Saranghae..."

Your POV.

"Saranghae..." Yoseob said this to you after he break the kissed.

I kissed him back and said "Saranghae..." And both of us stood up and are getting ready to go inside his car. Our whole journey is quiet when he suddenly asked me.

"Sooyeon...What's wrong with you?..Why are you keep on fainting and your face is getting paler and paler.." Sorry Yoseob....bear with me for 4 months and i'm going to say goodbye...just bear for it...Saranghae...

"Well....nothing is wrong with me! I'm just fine.." I managed to give him a smile. He blushed again and i pinched his cheeks. When we reach my house and as i want to get out, Yoseob pulled me again and give me a kiss again. I kissed him back and both of us said "Saranghae..." in the same time, and we smiled at each other.

Next morning!

I was going to prepare for my breakfast when suddenly my phone rang.

"Hello?.." I picked up a call.

"...let me tell you this..better stay away from Yoseob if not you will get it. I'm sure your BIG crush will be back by today and you will find out why..." And the person hanged up. Who is the caller? Why does she asked me to stay away from Yoseob and how did she get my num? And the worse of all...My BIG crush will be back by today...Crush?..Does she meant....JONGHYUNG?!

Inside the class...

I settle down and stare blankly at the door. Well, if Jonghyung is really coming back today i'm going to asked him for sure what's wrong...And he did! Jonghyung come RIGHT in and stare at me with his sad eys. I immediately stood up and went to his table.

"Who is the one who is calling me this morning and how she know that i'm your crush?!" I shouted at him.

"......I don't know..." He replied this three cold words and looked away from me. Jonghyung is so weird today..He won't act like this...

"What's wrong Jonghyung? Why are you sad?" I asked him and patted his head. And that's when something blows up..

Yoseob..standing there looking at me when i patted at Jonghyung's head.

"Yoseob..I can explain.." I walked towards him, but he just moved back.

"NO! Don't...come any closer..." He said and walked past me with his sad eyes. I heard him talking with another biy, which is Minho.

"'Excuse me, may i change sit for the time being?" Yoseob asked and Minho agreed. So the WHOLE lesson Yoseob hasn't talked to me a single word. What's wrong with him? I'm just patting on Jonghyung's head and he get fed up? What if it's him and IU?!...I shouldn't be fierce...I guess i'm going to apologised to him..

It's recess time!

I was about to walked to Yoseob when he just walked past me with that sad eyes again. I wanted to chase him but i couldn't. Doojoon is holding on to my hand, preventing me to chase Yoseob.

"Don't chase him. He needs time.." Doojoon said. I cried and cried and cried and cover my face with my hands.

"I..just don't get it...i'm just patting on Jonghyung's head and he just get angry at it.." I cried.

"Well, it's not the reason Sooyeon. It's because you don't trust him. Your face is getting paler and paler and you keep on fainting, yet you don't even want to tell your trusted boyfriend and instead you actually tell your secret to Dongwoon." Doojoon said. I looked up at him. Did he just say Dongwoon?... Oh !

"You know got...cancer right? Yet you don't even tell Yoseob..." Doojoon said with a sad tone.

"I didn't meant to....I have no choice....Please don't tell him! I don't want him to worry...." I begged Doojoon. Doojoon hesistate for a while, and he nodded.

"I promise you but you must take care of your body okay?.." Doojoon said as he patted on my head. I cried somemore and hugged him. Sorry Yoseob...I'm really sorry for not telling you....Please understand me...just bear with me for 4months...just this 4 months....

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TilDeath #1
Omo! I didnt want it to end!
@miliaaa Thanks! ^^ I will write somemore! Must go and see! ;)) I'm waiting for your comment! ^^
Such a sweet ending :')
@LOrd_JY_ Okay! Stay tuned! xDD.
LOrd_JY_ #5
omo!i like the end of the chap*giggles*but she have to love jonghyun*frown*anyway update soon!
@LOrd_JY_ Thanks! ^^
LOrd_JY_ #7
i will support u^^update soon!