Chapter 7

Can you make me feel again?

Yongguk' s POV

We never let Joon hee be alone any more then could be helped.  One of us always tried to be with her.  I spotted one of Meeyon's friends walking toward Joon hee.  Because I couldn't get to her, I nodded to Himchan and then nodded in Joon hee's direction.  Himchan ran over to Joon hee, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"Hey beautiful.  Are you going to our next game?"  Himchan asked her.  I noticed Meeyon's friend duck into a class that I knew wasn't hers.

"You know I am."  Joon hee answered.  She still had her stone-face on but I saw a little bit of pink on her cheeks.

As soon I was able I rushed over to them.  I picked up Himchan' s arm and unwrapped it from around Joon hee's shoulder.

"You know she always goes to support us."  I reminded him.  I ducked my head and whispered.  "Meeyon's friend ducked into a classroom."

"She just went to her class.  Why all the fawning all over me?"  Joon hee asked.

"The class wasn't hers.  She was heading in your direction."  I replied.

"Besides."  Himchan added.  " I like fawning all over you.  It's good practice for when I get a girlfriend."  

"Now I'm a guinea pig."  She muttered. 

"I know you and Yongguk like each other so I would never make a move on you."  Himchan explained.

"Who said I liked Yongguk?"  She asked.  

"We do."  Himchan and I said together.  Himchan and I looked at each other in disbelief.  Joon hee just cracked a smile.  It was sort of like a semi-smile but not quite as big.  It was definitely bigger then the last time she tried to smile.  Himchan and I fist-bumped behind Joon hee's back.  We were so proud of ourselves that we wore big silly grins all the way to class.

Joon hee's POV

The guys were always around me.  Yongguk was so worried that Meeyon or one of her friends will try to hurt me that one or more of them is always around me.  It makes me uncomfortable.  I'm not used to all this attention.  I really needed to have a talk with Yongguk. 

The only time they weren't around me was during classes we didn't have together and when I went to the bathroom.  That was where I was headed now.  Jongup was trialling me.  He would stand at the door.  One of them always did.  

I was washing my hands when the hairs on the back of my neck stood out up.  Three girls walked in.  Two I recognized as Meeyon's friends.  I didn't know the third one.  She went into the stall as one of Meeyon's friends pulled me away from the sink and shoved me against the wall.  She laid her arm across my chest to keep me pinned to the wall.

"You trying to become more popular then Meeyon?"  She asked.

"What!  Are you being serious?"  I asked back.

"We see you tutoring Yongguk, the most popular boy.  Hanging out with his hyungs.  She could let the tutoring go but you moving in with him?  That's too much.  Are you his until he gets a girlfriend?  Because that's all your good for."  She sneered.

"His Omoni offered me a room.  We're not even going out and I most certainly am not a ."  I replied.

"Right.  This is your only warning.  Stay away from Yongguk and his friends.  You don't and one of them, or yourself may have an accident."  She warned.

"No.  You will not tell me what to do."  I argued.  I was getting angry.  I don't remember ever being angry before.  "You will not go anywhere near my friends!"  

I don't know how it happened but I found the strength to push her off me.  I pushed her so hard, I knocked her down.  I stomped to the door but was grabbed from behind.  I grabbed the arm that had a hold of me and flipped them over my back.  I turned towards her friend but the third girl who came in had her pinned against the stall.

"Don't ever bother my friend again."  The girl warned punching Meeyon's friend in the stomach before releasing her.

"Joon hee has no friends."  The girl gasped, holding on to her stomach.

"She does now.  Two against one.  So pathetic.  Go crawl back to your friend and leave mine alone."  She said.  "Go!"  I watched her and her friend leave.

"Thank you."  I said.

"No problem.  I hate when people fight dirty."  The girl said.  "I'm sorry.  My name's Park Eun hee."

"I'm Joon hee.  Thanks again for the help.  Jongup's liable to come in.  I don't want to get him in trouble so I need to let him know I'm okay."  I said.  

I walked out of the bathroom to have Jongup grab me by the shoulders.

"You okay?  I saw two girls come out.  They looked hurt."  Jongup said.

"Joon hee's fine.  She took care of one and I took care of the other."  Eun hee answered for me.

"Who are you?"  Jongup demanded.

"Park Eun hee."  She snapped back.

"What's going on?"  Yongguk asked just walking onto the scene.

"That's what I'm trying to find out."  Jongup replied.

"Joon hee.  You tell me what happened please."  Yongguk said.

I told Yongguk about how Meeyon's friend threatened me if I didn't stop hanging around them and that if I didn't that one of them might get hurt.  

"Paleeeeeese!  Joon hee isn't telling you everything.  When the girl threatened you guys , she got angry, shoved the girl so hard she fell on the floor.  Joon hee started to walk out the door when the girl she shoved, grabbed her and Joon hee flipped the girl over her back.  It was so cool."  Eun hee said.

"What about the other girl?"  Yongguk asked.

"I took care of her."  Eun hee replied.  

"What did you do?"  Jongup asked.

"She tried to hit me so I punched her in the stomach."  Eun hee replied.  "I don't like violence but I will not tolerate dirty fighting.  Nor will I allow anyone to hit me."

"Thank you for helping Joon hee."  Yongguk told Eun hee.

"No problem.  You guys constantly guard Joon hee?"  She asked.

"Just recently."  Jongup replied.

"Why?  You want to help or something?"  Daehyun asked, having joined the conversation.

"Sure."  Eun hee replied.

"You don't have to help or pretend to be my friend anymore.  I really do appreciate what you did."  I said.

"Who says I was pretending?  Are you always like this?"  Eun hee asked.

"Like what?"  I asked.  I didn't understand what she meant.

"Detached.  Wait!....your the human robot."  She said.

"Wait a minute!  You watch how you talk to Joon hee!"  Jongup growled.

"Cool your jets.  I'm not calling her that.  Aish!"  Eun hee growled back.

"It's okay."  I assured her.

"If you want a friend, just let me know."  Eun hee offered.

"She does need another friend."  Yongguk said.

"What would you know about my needing a friend."  I demanded.

"All girls need at least one girlfriend."  Yongguk explained.

"Who says?"  I was a bit confused about that.  

"You can't just be friends with just us.  You need a girlfriend to do girl stuff with."  Yongguk replied.

"What happened to you?"  Eun hee asked me.

"Nothing happened to me."  I replied.

I saw Yongguk get on his phone and then turn it around to face Eun hee.  "This is why she is the way she is."

I saw that it was a picture of me with my parents.  

"I can see why."  Eun hee responded.

"What's the big deal?"  I asked.

"Your parents don't show you any emotion do they?"  Eun hee asked.

"Not all parents do."  I replied.

"Your parents only acknowledge you when they have to.  Don't they?"  Eun hee asked.  I refused to answer.  "That's what I thought.  I think we will be friends.  Your not one of those girls who spend half their day in front of a mirror and your not afraid to say what's on your mind.  We'll get along just great."

"Who says I want to be friends with you?"  I asked.

"You will.  I'll just give you time.  See ya later."  Eun hee walked away.

"I don't know if we can trust her."  Zelo said.

"We'll just have to wait and see."  Yongguk replied.

Youngguk's POV

I liked the idea of Joon hee having a girlfriend but I didn't know yet if she could be trusted.   My hyungs and I had to stick with our plan of not leaving Joon hee alone until this Eun hee proves that she is trustworthy.  Right now I didn't trust anyone but Joon hee, Omoni and my hyungs.



*I thought it would be nice for Joon hee to have a friend.  Will Eun hee prove to be a true friend or is this a set up?*


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Chapter 15:
wanna try to apply as a staff??
@ wanna request for poster|background|trailer??
come visit us at
Chapter 14: It's sooooooooooo cute the way yonguk is already thinking about the family!
Zelo is such a cute baby!
Can't wait to find out what happens! Please update soooooooon!
Chapter 13: I do hope omoni gets better T T
Also yonguk plan is a good one
Also i am sorry but i find the detective hot if that is weird >////////<
Chapter 2: You are such a great author, and the story is really great! I wonder how this plan will work out... Looking forward to the next chapter! Thanks for all your hard work!
Chapter 1: I can't wait for the next chapter! Update soon!
Ihatemygrandma #10
Chapter 1: i really love this storry!!! <3 update more chappiee pweasee..looking forward the storyyy ^^ you're great ! ^-^