
Everything doesn't go as planned
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Kai's POV


Why did I do that?


Was I out of my mind? 


I'm really confused right now.  Well let me Ask somone.


He fished out his phone and. Searched through the contacts for his bestfriend's number.

Oh here it is.



*ring* *ring*




Oh, hello Kai? Is something wrong?


Uhm.. actually I want to know your say about my friend.


Okay what is it about?


Uhm.. my friend suddenly kissed a guy even though he was a man.


He did not know why he did that. And on top of it was that guy's first kiss and  he apologized to the other man to just forget it which I think hurt the other guy's feelings.


Oh is that so? If that's the case, I would suggest that you ... oh I mean your friend to apologize properly to the other guy.

And I think you ... No your friend has feelings for the other person.


Because no one in the right mind would kiss a person without a reason.


I would tell your friend to sort out his feelings.


Because there are only two things why he did that. It could be that your friend was ually in need and on the other part it could be that he found the other guy attractive or in other words maybe your friend is starting to like the other person.


Ah.. okay Channie.. Thanks I'll tell my friend about what you have said.


Then the call ended and Kai was silent for a while. 


Me? In love with Kyungsoo? I mean there are times when I feel that Kyungsoo is attractive but not to the extent to kiss him.


No! Im not gay ... Okay Im straight! Maybe I should call some chick because I think I was really ually deprived or something. I haven't done it since we started the lessons.


Kyungsoo's POV


I don't know how to face him. 


Why is my heart going crazy when I think about him? 


Oh right, I like him now. But I know he will not return my feelings, last night was just a mistake. He even apologized because he was spacing out, maybe he took me for someone else.


Right! Let's do this. I should lock my feelings so that I will not end up being hurt but I know it will not be easy.




Where's Sehun? I want to talk to him so that I will forget my worries.


He lined up on the cafeteria to get his favorite meal. Kimchi spaghetti and a pack of milk.


He situated himself on his favorite spot in the cafeteria.


"Yo!" and here comes Tao and his gang. 


"Uhm H-hi .... Its been a while" Kyungsoo replied.


"So how was things between you and my bro? Did you get used to teaching him already?" Tao asked.


"Y-yes... Don't worry we understand each other a lot" Kyungsoo replied.


"Before I forgot, Can you give me your account number so that my parents can deposit the money on your account?" 


"Yes.... Here it is" Kyungsoo wrote the info on a piece of paper and handed it to Tao.


"Thanks for keeping up with my bro... and if he will do something that will hurt you, don't hesitate to tell me okay?" Then Tao and his gang walked away.


"Hey my cute penguin!" he hurriedly ran and sit in front of Kyungsoo.


"Oh Hi Sehun-ah" he was down.


"Who were those people? I heard that they were a gang here in our school" 


"Ah... them ? Just some acquintance" he replied while staring at the pack of milk.


"Could it be that they're extorting money from you or blackmailing you?" Sehun clenched his fists.


"Oh... No its not like that. They are just ordinary acquintances nothing more" Kyungsoo stood

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esther_noyel #1
Chapter 54: Oh no no no! That's it
I want more of this... This is proper cliff hanger
Will you pls update more in any chance
Chapter 44: Baby jongsoo!!!
Chapter 29: Kyungsoo is such a cute squishy penguin //v//
ozwalkr #4
Chapter 53: *Virtual hug back* We understand. Life has a habit of tossing out curves. I hope you do get to update this year, we miss you. Happy New year to you as well.
Chapter 53: Happy New Year!!!
Chapter 53: Happy new year. Thank you for not dropping this.
diviekai #7
Chapter 53: Ill be waiting...please update soon.. I have been waiting for you for a long time.... I even follow you in WATTPAD!!
Hollafloqa #8
Chapter 52: author-nim stay strong! *sends a virtual hug*
Chapter 52: I really am not emotionally invested in their relationship. That relationship you don't see or even know anything about. I see Kaisoo, even if it is through shows and fancams. If you understand what I am saying. I don't hate that Jongin is dating Krystal; I just don't even care.
Chapter 52: Es un dolor inexplicable, necesito un abrazo, porque mi corazón está roto en millones de pedacitos, no me espere así, sólo hoy no lo asimilo.