Chapter 38

Everything doesn't go as planned
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Jongin and Kyungsoo was just lost for words. Kyungsoo looked down to hide his embarrasment.


"Eomma... are you sure?" Kai whispered to his mom.


"Of course ! You should get married soon! and the sooner the better" Mrs. Kim smiled.


"But Eomma, aren't we taking this a bit too fast?.. I mean what if Kyungsoo will not accept it" 


"Stop this nonsense, of course its obvious that Kyungsoo will marry  you... you are the father

of the child and he's obviously head over heels for you" Mrs. Kim was starting to get annoyed by Kai's questions.


Kai kept silent for a while and Kyungsoo broke the awkward situation.


"Luhan-sshi..!" Kyungsoo called Luhan and told him the food he wants to eat.


" Kyungsoo-sshi you sure eat a lot.. be careful not to get indigestion okay?" Mrs. Kim was worried how Kyungsoo was eating a lot.


"Eomma, let him eat a lot.. its good for the baby too.. don't bother him too much" Kai told his mom.


"Aigoo... my son is very considerate to his soon wife.. I'm starting to get jealous.."

Mrs. Kim let out a chuckle making Kai blush by his own statement.



After eating, Mrs. Kim excused himself because she had other things to take care.

The restaurant was left in an awkward silence between Kyungsoo and Kai.


"Jong-  I mean Kai.." Kyungsoo broke the silence.


" Its Okay.. you can call me Jongin" Kai replied.


" Was your mom really sure about the whole marriage plan? I mean, I'm not opposing but-"

Kyungsoo stopped because he realized that he might say something weird.


"What is it?" Kai asked.

"I mean its a bit fast" Kyungsoo lied. Sure he wants to get married fast but he thought it

would be more romantic like the movies. Where someone will propose in a romantic place with flowers and etc.


" Yeah.. I think so to. But mom said the sooner the better" Kai noticed Kyungsoo spacing out.


" Kyungie.. kyungie?" Kyungsoo snapped out from his deep thoughts and looked back at Jongin.


" Ah.. yes.. I'm sorry I spaced out" Kyungsoo spaced out from thinking about the romanti proposals in movies.


" Is something bothering you? ... You look like you want to say something" Kai looked at Kyungsoo's eyes.


" Its nothing.. I'm just a bit tired" Kyungsoo diverted his attention and stood up.


" Can we go home now?" Kyungsoo felt a bit uneasy.


" Already? But I was planning to shop baby items with you today" Kai felt something's not right.


" I'm sorry.. but can we do that next time? I'm a bit tired" Kyungsoo was avoiding Kai's gaze.


" Okay.. you should get some rest since you're nearing your 5th month it must be tiring.

If only I can also experience your pain now" Kyungsoo just let out a weak smile and Kai felt that Kyungsoo was indeed avoiding him.


Kai drove Kyungsoo to Sehun's apartment. Driving Kyungsoo to another man's home is indeed making his blood boil. 

He wants Kyungsoo to move out as soon as possible but Kyungsoo still did not mention about that matter.


"Thanks Jongin.." Kyungsoo turned around and went inside the apartment leaving Kai in a dejected state.


"What's wrong? Did I make him angry?" Kai wondered while driving. 

*ring* *ring*




Kai fished out his phone and saw Chanyeol calling. What a perfect timing, he should ask Chanyeol.


"Hello Channie?" 


"Yes.. I called because Mom told me earlier that you will get married to Kyungsoo and she seemed happy about it"


" Ah .. yes .. Mom said it out of the blue earlier at the restaurant and Kyungsoo was also shocked"


" Wow! that's good news, but I'm wondering how did you drop the bomb to mom?" 


" About that.. its a long story but the good thing now is that everything is alright .. I'll tell you about it all if you come back home tonight"

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esther_noyel #1
Chapter 54: Oh no no no! That's it
I want more of this... This is proper cliff hanger
Will you pls update more in any chance
Chapter 44: Baby jongsoo!!!
Chapter 29: Kyungsoo is such a cute squishy penguin //v//
ozwalkr #4
Chapter 53: *Virtual hug back* We understand. Life has a habit of tossing out curves. I hope you do get to update this year, we miss you. Happy New year to you as well.
Chapter 53: Happy New Year!!!
Chapter 53: Happy new year. Thank you for not dropping this.
diviekai #7
Chapter 53: Ill be waiting...please update soon.. I have been waiting for you for a long time.... I even follow you in WATTPAD!!
Hollafloqa #8
Chapter 52: author-nim stay strong! *sends a virtual hug*
Chapter 52: I really am not emotionally invested in their relationship. That relationship you don't see or even know anything about. I see Kaisoo, even if it is through shows and fancams. If you understand what I am saying. I don't hate that Jongin is dating Krystal; I just don't even care.
Chapter 52: Es un dolor inexplicable, necesito un abrazo, porque mi corazón está roto en millones de pedacitos, no me espere así, sólo hoy no lo asimilo.