Private Investigators Look Uptight

Little Bang

Seung Ri’s POV

“Man, it feels like it's been ages since we've gone on a variety show!” Ji Yong shouted as our manager unlocked the door to our apartment.  We had just come back from a shooting and it was close to midnight.  “I forgot how much time it took to film, but I also forgot how much fun it was!”

“Shhh!  Quiet down!” hissed Dae Sung as he motioned behind him.  We looked to where he was pointing to.  Our television was quietly showing a commercial while Kang Jung Ah, Dae Sung’s cousin, was sleeping on the couch.

“The girl’s asleep...” Seung Hyun mumbled as he walked over and turned off the T.V.

“Should we just leave her on the couch?” asked Ji Yong as he raised an eyebrow.  I caught him sneaking a look at Jung Ah’s sleeping face.

“You should take her back to her room,” began our manager.  “One of you should carry her to the room she’s currently staying in.  I’m going home since I’ll have to wake up extra early tomorrow morning to greet the private investigator coming here.”  And with that said, our manager closed the door and left the apartment.

I looked at my fellow members.  “Uh, I’m not very strong, so I’m not going to carry her to Dae Sung's room.” I pointed at my nose.  "NOT IT!"


Dae Sung’s POV

I gave Seung Ri a look.  “Of course you aren’t going to carry her.  Remember what I said?  Don’t even think of making a move on my cousin.  That includes touching her, which includes carrying her.”

Ji Yong smirked.  “You’re acting like an overprotective oppa~” I shot him a glare.

“She’s my cousin, I think I have the right to be overprotective sometimes.” I looked at each of my members.  "Especially since she's like a lone sheep in thrown into a pack of wolves."

As Ji Yong and I exchanged looks in the form of a staring contest, I heard someone clear his throat from a few feet away.  I turned around to see Seung Hyun peeking his head out of my room.  “While you two argue, I’ll just leave Jung Ah here...  Okay?”


Jung Ah’s POV

“Mom... Dad...”

A tear silently ran down my cheek as I tossed and turned in my sleep.

“Mom...... Dad......”


Ji Yong’s POV

As Seung Ri had figured out, the next morning when I woke up, I was a kid again.  “Of course, our maknae was right...” I mumbled as I walked out the room to get some clothes out of the shopping bags that we had all brought home the day before.

“Woah!  They really are young again!”

I turned my head to the source of the voice to find an uptight-looking female in (what must be) private-investigator-like attire standing next to our manager.

“Who’s this?” I asked as I looked the female up and down.

The manager sighed.  “I’ll explain after everyone else wakes up.”

That was my cue to wake everyone up, I guess.  That is, everyone but Dae Sung, since he started sleeping in the living room couch ever since his cousin began living with us.  He was already wide awake and alert.

I decided to start off with our genius maknae’s room.  I walked in and immediately began to bellow, “WAKE UP, SEUNG RI!  IT’S TIME TO RISE AND SHINE, MAKNAE!”

“Hrmmmmmph...” Seung Ri turned in the direction opposite of me and clenched the blankets tighter to himself.

I walked over and yanked the covers away and onto the floor.  Seung Ri immediately stood up and picked the blankets up.  “How could you throw my covers onto the floor, hyung~?” he whined.

“Get up, the private investigator has arrived.  It’s a lady.”

“Oh, really?  Noona-sshi...” Seung Ri took a look outside his door.  “Ah...  She looks kind of mean...  I don’t think I want to wake up and meet her...”

“Stop acting like a kid."

Seung Ri rolled his eyes.  Oh, right.  We were kids.

“Anyways, our manager is making us meet her, so get up.” I stated simply as I walked out to wake up Big Bang's oldest member - one Choi Seung Hyun.

“HYUNG, IT’S TIME TO-” I was cut short when I noticed his door was locked.

“I’m already awake and changing, so leave!”

I guess someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning...  I shrugged and went to Young Bae’s room to continue the waking up process.


“I get the picture...” he mumbled as he slowly sat up and got out of bed.  Young Bae took one look at himself before blinking and making his way to the bathroom as lethargically as humanly possible.

“Alright, everyone’s up.” I said to myself as I began returning to the living room.

“Everyone but one...” mumbled Seung Hyun as he made his way past me to the group's second bathroom.


“Jung Ah-sshi, Dae Sung’s cousin, remember?”

Ah right...  That girl.  Memories of last night when she was sleeping on the couch began to resurface.  She kind of looked angelic and pretty sleeping there on the - I shook my head rapidly, clearing whatever thoughts were about to come to mind.

“You don’t need to wake me up, all your shouting did the job.” scoffed the girl in question as she walked by me with a yawn.

So much for angelic and pretty.

“Well excuuuse me for doing what I’m told.” I retorted as I blew a raspberry in her direction.  “PHBBBT!”

Jung Ah smirked.  “You’re such a child, oh wait, I forgot.  You really are one.”

I glared at her as she turned around.  I could already tell today was going to be a great day...


Jung Ah’s POV

“Everyone, listen up.  This lady is Shin Eun Joo; she's the private investigator who will be trying to figure out who transformed all of you guys into children.” Big Bang’s manager said with a wide smile, as if he was introducing a famous celebrity or something.

“Good morning, Big Bang and Co.  As your manager introduced, my name is Shin Eun Joo, but you will refer to me as Eun Joo-sshi or Eun Joo-noona.  Call me anything related to "ahjumma" and I won't hesitate to quit." The lady smiled at all of us.  Funny, she was smiling and yet...  I could have sworn I felt killing intent coming from her...  "First things first, I need to take all of your prints.” The private investigator snapped her fingers and the manager looked up in surprise.  “I need all of you to hold out your hands outstretched.”

“What about the fact that we're currently little?  Does that change anything?” Young Bae questioned as he stared at his fingers as if he had somehow grown an extra one.

Seung Ri chuckled as he answered, “No, it doesn’t.  A person’s fingerprints stays with them throughout their entire life unless something out of the ordinary happens...  For example, if a person accidentally or purposefully burned off their fingerprints.”

“Hmph, you're a smart one, aren’t you?” Eun Joo grunted as she lifted the edges of her lips into a sly smile.  Seung Ri quickly averted his eyes.  “The boy is correct, so unless you all have burned off your fingerprints, please do as I command and hold out your hands.”

Big Bang, their manager, and I each held out our hands with our fingers outstretched.  The private investigator then proceeded to dust a strange powder onto each of our hands.

“Now, please place your fingers in each of their respected boxes in the paper in front of you.”

I looked down at the paper in front of me.  It was a regular sheet of 8.5 x 11 paper with a chart drawn on it.  There were boxes labeled right thumb, right index finger, right middle finger, etc.  I hastily did as directed, and then waited for the next orders.

“And that’s it.  Now you can leave it all to me to find out who did it.” The woman began collecting all our fingerprint papers.

My jaw dropped.  “That’s it?!?” I exclaimed in unison with the rest of Big Bang.  We all exchanged questioning looks.

“Wow, when you said it was a simple procedure, I didn’t realize it was this simple...” Big Bang's manager nervously laughed as the woman shrugged.

“Just pay me once I tell you who did it.” And with that said, the strange private investigator left.

“So now what?” Ji Yong had a bored expression on his face.  “Do we just wait for her results?”

“Yes, now all we can do is wait and hope Eun Joo-sshi quickly finds out who did this.” replied the Big Bang manager as he looked thoughtfully at the door.

“So what should we do?” asked Seung Hyun.

We all sat in silence as we wondered what we could do.  Suddenly, I was struck with a brilliant idea.  Brilliant in my opinion, anyways.

“Let’s all go to the amusement park!”

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LucidHeart #1
Horreh shet, you updated! <3
OMO LOVE THIS STORY! so cute and fuuny! update soon please!!!!
LucidHeart #3
Yeah leave SEULONG OUT OF THIS AND KILL EUN JOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
LucidHeart #4
W-w-why 2AM.. w-why S-seulong. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! XD<br />
Just what is happening? XD
LucidHeart #5
Sorry manager but no matter how many times my ringtone goes off like that, I would still love it. LOL. XD
@u_karu - Really? Hahaha, it's actually one of my ringtones too XDDD "Hey y~ CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK!" XD
LucidHeart #7
Poor Seung Ri, all tied up :(<br />
But I laughed at the 'CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK' part. XD That's my ringtone too. XD<br />
LucidHeart #8
perirue #9
This is pretty interesting so far! I hope you'll update again soon! :)
LucidHeart #10
I tried to hold back a squeal. XD Sorry, I just love Wooyoung too much. LMFAO. <br />