Tonight - Such a Beautiful Night

Little Bang

Young Bae’s POV

It was late; we had just returned from an eventful day at the amusement park.  We barely went on any rides after we lost track of Ji Yong and Dae Sung’s cousin, because there was an awkward tension that hung in the air that made it difficult to have fun (“All that money down the drain...” grumbled our manager as we drove out of the amusement park).

After entering the dorm, I noticed that it was getting dark outside.  Crap!

The other members, noticing me running in the direction of my room, looked out the window.

“Uh oh...” murmured Seung Ri as I heard a poofing sound behind me.  I closed my door shut just as I heard a scurry of feet go past.  I felt my body shift and change in temperature.  I heard bones crack and I heard the seams of my T-shirt rip.  Before I knew it, I was all grown up again.

I sighed.  Another shirt ruined...  Not that I wasn’t used to ruining shirts.  After all, some performances I gave as an idol got pretty intense, if you know what I mean.  I chuckled to myself as I exited the door when I noticed Jung Ah sitting somberly on a couch with our manager sitting sternly across from her.

Jung Ah looked up at me with an expression of embarrassment on her face.  “You guys need to remember when you're supposed change back.”

Ah…  That poofing sound heard earlier must’ve been some of the other members changing back...

“We’ll try,” I replied with a chuckle.


Seung Ri’s POV

“Guys...  There’s something I need to tell you all so that you won’t be surprised tomorrow by any mysterious headlines.” Jung Ah began seriously as we surrounded her.  I noticed Seung Hyun, Ji Yong, and Dae Sung stiffen from the corner of my eye.  “Aish, I don’t know how to say this...  But do you remember seeing 2PM at the amusement park today too?”

I remember seeing 2PM fan girls; manager-hyung, Young Bae, and I had never actually laid eyes on the group 2PM themselves today.

“Well...  When there are stars, there are paparazzi...  And they took a picture of me and Wooyoung 'together.'” Jung Ah added some of her own air quotes to the last word.

Putting two and two together, I ventured a guess at what Jung Ah was going to say next.  “Are you saying there might be a scandal involving the two of you tomorrow morning?”

Jung Ah nodded slowly, turning and making eye contact with our shocked manager.  “This is not good; this is not good...” Our manager began to babble.  “If people find out that you’re Dae Sung’s cousin and find out you’re living with Big Bang, there will be another scandal involving you living with five young male celebrities.”

Jung Ah winced.  “I’m sorry...” she apologized.

“What’s done is done.” Young Bae stated simply with a shrug of his shoulders.  “Does Boss know she’s living with us?”

“He knows...”

“That’s good, it’s better than having him not know.  Can you imagine what would happen then?” I shuddered at the thought of an angry Yang Hyun Suk.

Suddenly, Dae Sung’s stomach growled.  We all looked at him.  “Eheheh...  Sorry...  We haven't eaten dinner yet and I can't help it!  I'm getting kind of hungry.”  Dae Sung allowed a sheepish grin to spread across his face.

“Let’s order out today...  Jung Ah must be stressed; we shouldn’t make her cook for us like we always end up doing.” Seung Hyun suggested.

The aforementioned girl shook her head violently.  “Ah, no...  It’s fine, I like cooking!  I’d rather you don’t waste money!”

“I want pizza!” Ji Yong interjected.

“Let’s order ramen!” I yelled.

“I think you’re outnumbered.  We’re ordering food.” Seung Hyun laughed with a wink towards Jung Ah.

I personally think he likes her.


Jung Ah’s POV

After we ate dinner (we ended up ordering pizza per Ji Yong’s and Dae Sung’s request), everyone went to their rooms to get some sleep except for Dae Sung, Ji Yong and I.

Well, Dae Sung sleeps in the living room anyways.

Ji Yong was on the balcony.  Curious, I walked onto the balcony to find him deep in thought, looking up at the stars.  Looking stoic like that, it wasn’t that hard for me to remember that he was actually a world's away from me, as a celebrity.  Sometimes I forgot that fact when he acted (and looked) like nothing more than an immature kid.

“Long day?” I asked him.  Startled, he turned around to face me.

“Yeah, a bit...” Ji Yong mumbled.

An uncomfortable silence seemed to settle around us.  Ji Yong awkwardly cleared his throat.  “So...  Now you know who 2PM is, huh?” He attempted, jokingly.

I sighed.  “That Jaebum is just like you...  Claiming I live under a rock...”

“Well you didn’t know much about Big Bang either.” Ji Yong laughed, which was nice because the only other times he laughed was when he was picking on me.

“Whatever...” I shrugged.  “Pardon me for being ignorant.” I stuck out my tongue.

Ji Yong laughed again and I laughed along too before our laughter died out.  “So..." The boy shifted his position a little.  "How do you feel about him?”


“How do you feel about Wooyoung?” Ji Yong repeated, acting nonchalant.

Why was he asking me such questions?

“He’s a good guy, I guess.” I turned to Ji Yong.  “Why do you care?”

“No reason, just curious.” He replied defensively.


“Anyways, you should get some sleep.  Tomorrow feels like it’s going to be a long day.” I hesitated before I patted Ji Yong on the back.  He seemed to tense at the touch of my hand.

“You should too...” He mumbled.  Then, a second awkward silence seemed to pass between us as I debated whether or not to leave the balcony and leave the young man alone.

Why the heck is Ji Yong being so quiet tonight?

“Good night,” I nodded slightly before leaving and heading inside.

Ji Yong returned a “Good night...” so quietly I almost didn’t catch it as I was heading to bed.


Dae Sung’s POV

I pretended to sleep as Jung Ah walked by on the way to my room to go to bed.  I then sat up and went out to the balcony myself to find Ji Yong coming in.

“Are you going to bed?” I asked.

“Yeah, I’m feeling a little tired.” He replied as he yawned to prove his point.

“Are you jealous?” I asked Ji Yong as he walked away from me.  He stopped walking.

“What are you talking about?”  He didn’t turn around to face me.

“Concerning the scandal of Wooyoung and my cousin..." I repeated my question, "Are you jealous?”

There was a pregnant pause before Ji Yong let out a heavy sigh.  “I don’t know...” he replied with a hint of finality as he walked to his room.

Author's Note: I always appreciate comments...  So thank you for commenting, BiGbAnG541 and u_karu! ;u;

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LucidHeart #1
Horreh shet, you updated! <3
OMO LOVE THIS STORY! so cute and fuuny! update soon please!!!!
LucidHeart #3
Yeah leave SEULONG OUT OF THIS AND KILL EUN JOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
LucidHeart #4
W-w-why 2AM.. w-why S-seulong. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! XD<br />
Just what is happening? XD
LucidHeart #5
Sorry manager but no matter how many times my ringtone goes off like that, I would still love it. LOL. XD
@u_karu - Really? Hahaha, it's actually one of my ringtones too XDDD "Hey y~ CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK!" XD
LucidHeart #7
Poor Seung Ri, all tied up :(<br />
But I laughed at the 'CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK' part. XD That's my ringtone too. XD<br />
LucidHeart #8
perirue #9
This is pretty interesting so far! I hope you'll update again soon! :)
LucidHeart #10
I tried to hold back a squeal. XD Sorry, I just love Wooyoung too much. LMFAO. <br />