Oh to be young again...

Little Bang

Jung Ah’s POV

“Dude, you are SO lucky!  Who would have thought that your cousin's Dae Sung of Big Bang?” my friend, Kim Su Mi, exclaimed out loud in exasperation.

“I don’t know what's so cool about that.  To me, he's just another cousin...” I mumbled as I brushed my long hair behind my ears.  “To be honest, I can only picture him as my cousin Dae-Dae, not as some big-shot Big Bang member.”

“Man, but you know...  I totally wish I was in your shoes right now.” Seeing me look uncomfortable, she quickly changed her mind.  “I mean, without the whole dead-parents-thing.  I am really sorry, okay?  I didn’t mean it.”

“I know you didn’t, Su Mi.  I know...” My voice trailed off as I remembered the airplane accident that had happened only last month.  It seemed so clear and vivid, as if it only had happened yesterday.  My parents perished in a flight heading towards Korea.  Apparently the pilot had been slightly intoxicated when he had flown the plane, ignorant of the fact that there was a mountain in front of him.  The rest is history.

My mom and dad were going to Seoul for business negotiations.  My family really lives in Los Angeles, California.  Make that lived in Los Angeles, California.  Now it's just me in our spacious apartment.  That’s when, after the funeral, my aunt and uncle in Korea called.  They offered their condolences and also offered me the chance to stay with their son, Kang Dae Sung.  My aunt and uncle would have offered their home, but they thought it would be more comfortable if I lived together with someone around my age and someone I was close to.  In any case, my rent for my apartment was overdue, so I graciously accepted their offer.  That’s why I was currently in the Los Angeles International Airport with my friend Su Mi.

“Make sure you call me when you land, okay?” Su Mi said as she looked over my luggage.

“I will, don’t worry.” I said with a reassuring smile.

“Did you pack everything?”

“Everything I need for the plane ride.  The rest has already been shipped over to Dae Sung’s place.”

Flight 014768 is now boarding.  I repeat: Flight 014768 is now boarding.

“That’s me…” I said with a gulp.  It was going to be my first time riding in an airplane again after my parents had passed away.

“Don’t forget that I am always here for you to talk to.  Just don’t forget the time difference!  You know how I hate getting waken up!” Su Mi spoke in a teasing tone.  I smiled and gave my best friend in the whole world one last hug.

Last call for Flight 014768…  Last call…

“All right, you don’t want to miss your flight do you?  Go, go!” Su Mi said as she pushed me away.  I nodded and hurriedly ran towards the boarding gates.

“Korea, huh…” I mumbled quietly to myself.  “I wonder what Dae-Dae’s been up to?”


Dae Sung’s POV

“So…  Explain to us again why we just received three huge packages that contained nothing but heavy suitcases?” Kwon Ji Yong asked with a slightly aggravated facial expression.  I noticed him take a few seconds to glare at the luggage stationed beside him.

“My cousin is going to be staying with us for a while.  Her parents have just passed away and she needs a place to live...  So my parents suggested she stay here with us.  It’s only going to be until she finds her footing again, okay?” I replied with a sheepish smile.  I began to worry that my members were not going to take this well...

“So your cousin's a girl?” Dong Young Bae asked questioningly.  “That seems a little awkward, you know?  For one girl to live among five guys, I mean.”

“And just what are you suggesting, hyung?  Hmmm?” Lee Seung Hyun, or Seung Ri as he was more popularly known, said with a smirk.

“Young Bae’s such a ert…” Choi Seung Hyun, more popularly known as the charismatic T.O.P, said slyly as he high-fived Seung Ri.

“I am not!” Young Bae retorted with a flushed face.

“In any case, I think Young Bae has a point.  So, listen up you guys, don’t even think of making a move on my cousin, okay?” I said pointing my finger at each of them.  “She can stay in my room; I’ll sleep on the couch.”

“Well, I guess if Dae Sung’s going to sacrifice instead of us, it's cool.” Ji Yong said with a shrug.  “What about you guys?”  The other three nodded in response like bobble heads.  “Okay, now that we're all in agreement...  What is she like?” Ji Yong continued with an amused expression.

“Does she have any talents?” asked Seung Hyun raising an eyebrow.

“Can she cook?” asked Young Bae as he his lips in feigned hunger and rubbed his stomach.

“How old is she?” asked Seung Ri with a playful smirk on his face.

I slowly collected my memories and thoughts on my cousin, Kang Jung Ah.  The last time I had seen her was when her family had visited mine for Christmas – back when I was a second year in high school and she was a first year.  “Well...  Her name’s Kang Jung Ah and she’s a year younger than me...  She always called me Dae-Dae back then, so I guess she'll probably still call me that...”

“‘Dae-Dae’?”  Ji Yong repeated as he stifled his laughter.  Seung Hyun and Seung Ri both giggled like school girls as I gave them both a look.

“We both liked Doraemon back then,” I continued, ignoring them.  “She's obsessed with cute little trinkets, so she’s a bit of a pack rat.  Last time she visited, Jung Ah had brought her sketchbook with her so I assume she’s the artsy type.  And finally, yes, she can cook.  Pretty well, might I add.”



“Aish...” Seung Ri said with a snort.  “She doesn't sound attractive; she sounds a bit like a nerd.”

“Man, why couldn’t she be some hot half-American supermodel or something...” grumbled Ji Yong.  “You would think living abroad would broaden her interests or something...”

“Come on guys, don’t be like this...  Don’t you know the saying, ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’?” Young Bae said with an exasperated sigh.  “Let’s wait until we actually meet her to form our opinions, okay?”

Suddenly the doorbell rang.  “Is that her?” everyone asked at once.  We all scrambled to the door.  When we opened it, however, there was a strange masked person standing outside the door.

“Who are you?” I asked in confusion.

The masked person merely laughed like a maniac in response as he sprayed us with a mysterious gas.

I looked around me as my fellow members began to drop to the ground like flies.  “Hooooly crap, is that gas poisssonous?!?” I asked, my speech starting to slur.  I feel nauseous…

“That’s for me to know…”

I collapsed onto the ground.

“And for you five to find out…”  The masked person finished as he closed the door.


Everything went black.


Ji Yong’s POV

“Ugh…  Turn off the alarm clock, Seung Hyun…” I grumbled as I opened my eyes.  The apartment doorbell was ringing endlessly as I got off the floor.  The last thing I remembered before passing out was the masked figure spraying some sort of knockout gas before we had all fallen asleep.  I picked myself off the floor and tried to reach for the door.

“What the- Why does the doorknob seem higher than I remember?”  I gasped.  Suddenly I looked to my left and right.  There were four sleeping little kids on the floor next to my feet.  Wait a minute – Little kids?!?  “HOLY...” I shouted aloud as I opened the door, only to look up and be greeted by a young girl who seemed around Seung Ri’s age.

She was wearing sunglasses atop her head and her long black hair cascaded below her shoulders.  She had a small face accentuated by sharp eyes and a petite nose.  Her lips were pursed as if she was thinking hard about something important and one of her hands was resting on her hips.  Tall (but still shorter than my normal height), casually-dressed, and lean-looking...  To sum it up, she would probably be considered above-average in the looks department.

The girl finally noticed me staring at her and her face seemed to break into a small smile.  “I didn’t know Dae-Dae had kids living with him...” she murmured under her breath.  “Why hello there, who are you?” she asked me playfully.

“Are you Kang Jung Ah?  Dae Sung’s cousin?” I asked while looking her up and down.  She has to be, who else would call him ‘Dae-Dae’?

“Why yes I am.  Do you mind if I come in, little boy?”

“Yah!  I’ll have you know I’m- Oh jeez, that’s right I look like a little boy.” I trailed off with a grunt.


“Nevermind, just come in and close the door behind you, woman.” I said with a snarl.

“Hey!  Don’t snarl at your elders!” she responded as she clicked her tongue.

“I’m your elder!” I retorted.

“What?” she replied.  She shook her head and laughed.  “What an interesting child you are...”

ARGH!  She doesn’t believe me!  I imaginarily pulled out all the hairs atop my head.

Suddenly, I heard groaning and looked to see that the other kids, er, Big Bang members were waking up.  They all exchanged glances with one another before screaming.


“Did you four hurt yourself?” asked Dae Sung’s cousin in concern.  “Why are you guys wearing such over-sized and loose clothing anyways?”

The four Big Bang members merely continued screaming.

Oh boy.  What a day this was shaping out to be.

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LucidHeart #1
Horreh shet, you updated! <3
OMO LOVE THIS STORY! so cute and fuuny! update soon please!!!!
LucidHeart #3
Yeah leave SEULONG OUT OF THIS AND KILL EUN JOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
LucidHeart #4
W-w-why 2AM.. w-why S-seulong. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! XD<br />
Just what is happening? XD
LucidHeart #5
Sorry manager but no matter how many times my ringtone goes off like that, I would still love it. LOL. XD
@u_karu - Really? Hahaha, it's actually one of my ringtones too XDDD "Hey y~ CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK!" XD
LucidHeart #7
Poor Seung Ri, all tied up :(<br />
But I laughed at the 'CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK' part. XD That's my ringtone too. XD<br />
LucidHeart #8
perirue #9
This is pretty interesting so far! I hope you'll update again soon! :)
LucidHeart #10
I tried to hold back a squeal. XD Sorry, I just love Wooyoung too much. LMFAO. <br />