Young or Old?

Little Bang

Young Bae’s POV

“Wow, you are a good cook, Jung Ah!” I exclaimed after taking a bite from the omelette in front of us.  It was currently 7:45 PM and the we were all sitting down at a table where Dae Sung’s cousin was serving us dinner in the form of a ham omelette.

“Thank you for the compliment, Young Bae.” Jung Ah replied as her cheeks tinged pink at my compliment.  “There’s also some rice in the cooker if you guys want some.”

“Rice,” shouted Dae Sung in glee.  “The basic staple of every day Asian cuisine!”

“Big deal, it's just rice and an omelette…” I overheard Ji Yong grumble.

Funny, half an hour ago it was Ji Yong himself that had been asking for an omelette...  Hm...

After we all finished dinner, the six of us headed into the living room to watch some Star King.  Ji Yong and Seung Hyun argued that the winner of Star King was probably going to be the Mongolian who sang in two voices.  Jung Ah and Seung Ri argued back that the honor would instead go to the old man who was as flexible as an al-dente strand of spaghetti.  Dae Sung was simply enjoying the show while I watched the argument unfold with an amused expression on my face as the show named the Mongolian the ultimate victor.

“Che, I thought for sure the old man would win!” Jung Ah mumbled as a pout decorated her face.

“Same here,” Seung Ri piped up with a sigh.

Ji Yong and Seung Hyun both smirked as they exchanged high fives with each other.

“Now what should we do?” I asked as I stifled a yawn.

“I guess we should get ready for bed.” Dae Sung responded with a hand over his mouth.  He was eating some candy that was probably sent in from our fans.  “Jung Ah, you're going to be staying in my room for the duration of your stay with us; I hope that it's okay with you...?”

Dae Sung’s cousin shook her head quickly.  “Oh no, you should stay in your own room.  I can sleep on the couch.  After all, I’m the one imposing on you guys.”

“It’s precisely because you are our guest that you should stay in my room.” Dae Sung replied as he continued munching on a chocolate bar.

“If you say so…” Jung Ah began walking away when she abruptly turned to look at us with a sheepish grin on her face.  “Um, which room is yours, Dae-Dae?”


Jung Ah’s POV

The next morning, I woke up to the shrieks of the Big Bang members.  “What the heck is going on…?” I grumbled as I walked out of Dae Sung’s room in my Doraemon tee and a pair of large boxers.

“WE’RE KIDS AGAIN!” Ji Yong angrily shouted as he pulled and tugged on his face in front of a mirror.  I looked to my left as the same little kids from yesterday began running toward me.

“I guess that gas actually did work...” Seung Ri muttered softly.  He looked down at his hands and his eyes began to tear up.  I noticed all the other kids beginning to cry as well.  Unsure of what else to do, I pulled them all into an embrace.

“Shh, shh, everything is going to be alright...  We'll get to the bottom of this, okay?” I crooned as I patted some of their heads.

Seung Hyun sniffed as he regained whatever composure a little kid could muster.  “I can’t believe that I'm tearing up.  I guess even our emotions are becoming child-like...”

“You can say that again,” scoffed Ji Yong as he wiped at his eyes.  “And, uh, you can let go of us now.” He continued with a slight flush.  Embarrassed, I let go quickly.

“I’m hungry…” whined my cousin.

“Sometimes I wonder if all you think about is food…” Young Bae said with a chuckle as he ruffled Dae Sung's hair.

“I know what I want for breakfast: YANG-GAENG!” Seung Hyun shouted with a hoot as he pumped his fist in the air.

“Che, yang-gaeng?  That isn’t something you should eat for breakfast!” I replied with a half-smile as I pinched Seung Hyun’s cheek playfully.

“... Don’t forget that I’m actually older than you.” Seung Hyun mumbled.  I let go of his cheek remembering that these five little kids were actually older than they appeared at the moment.

Young Bae cleared his throat.  “In any case, we shouldn’t worry about this right now.  We should eat breakfast first.”

“Then we worry about being turned into little kids?” groaned Ji Yong as facepalmed with both hands.

“Well...” I began with a sigh.  “You guys have basically nothing left in the fridge, so we should go out to eat breakfast.”

“OUT?!?” The members all shouted in unison and exchanged looks.

“We should go out to eat when we're currently in this state...?” asked Seung Ri with a look of surprise on his face.

“Well, it isn’t like you guys are dying or anything.” I shrugged.  “And food is an important source of energy, especially breakfast!”

“We might as well be...” mumbled Ji Yong.  “We have no idea what's happening with our bodies...”

I ruffled Ji Yong’s hair.  “And maybe with some food you'll be hit with inspiration and know what is.  Come on,” I glanced at everyone’s attire.

“And we should buy some clothing for kids too while we are at it.” I joked.

Who knows how long they'd be stuck like this?

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LucidHeart #1
Horreh shet, you updated! <3
OMO LOVE THIS STORY! so cute and fuuny! update soon please!!!!
LucidHeart #3
Yeah leave SEULONG OUT OF THIS AND KILL EUN JOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
LucidHeart #4
W-w-why 2AM.. w-why S-seulong. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! XD<br />
Just what is happening? XD
LucidHeart #5
Sorry manager but no matter how many times my ringtone goes off like that, I would still love it. LOL. XD
@u_karu - Really? Hahaha, it's actually one of my ringtones too XDDD "Hey y~ CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK!" XD
LucidHeart #7
Poor Seung Ri, all tied up :(<br />
But I laughed at the 'CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK' part. XD That's my ringtone too. XD<br />
LucidHeart #8
perirue #9
This is pretty interesting so far! I hope you'll update again soon! :)
LucidHeart #10
I tried to hold back a squeal. XD Sorry, I just love Wooyoung too much. LMFAO. <br />