Ham Omelette, Anyone?

Little Bang

Jung Ah’s POV

“Okay, let me get this straight...” I began as I furrowed my brows.  “A mysterious masked person came earlier, sprayed you with mysterious gas, and now you are all mysteriously young again?  What kind of freaky mystery fantasy is this?”

“It’s true!” shouted the little kid with a large red and black cap overshadowing his face.

“I mean, don’t I look familiar at all?” pouted a small kid that kind of looked like-

“Okay, I admit, you do look a lot like Dae-Dae did when he was little.” I answered as I held my hands outstretched in front of me in defeat.  “This whole situation just seems so...  ridiculous...” I sighed.

“How can we prove to you that we are actually Big Bang?” asked the rude kid who had opened the door for me.

“Hmmm..." I pondered his question over until an idea popped itself into my head.  "I guess I can ask this Dae-Dae lookalike stuff that only the real Kang Dae Sung would know.”

“That sounds like a good idea!” interjected the child with slight bags under his eyes.

“All right then!  The last time I visited you, it was Christmas.  What did you give me as a present that day?” I asked as I motioned to the Dae-Dae lookalike to answer.

“That’s easy,” he scoffed.  “I gave you a Doraemon bento set.”


“... And I accidentally broke the fork that came with the set.” He answered with a cheeky grin.

“All right, I concede." I sighed and held my head.  "You really are Dae-Dae, so I suppose that you all really are Big Bang.” Then I glanced over at the rude kid from earlier.  “... Though I wish some of you had better manners.”

“Yah, watch who you're talking to like that!  I am the one and only G-Dragon otherwise known as Kwon Ji Yong!”

“And I’m the one and only Lee Seung Hyun, but you can call me Seung Ri!” added the kid with dark bags under his eyes.

“And I’m T.O.P. otherwise known as Choi Seung Hyun!” added the kid with the extremely puffy jacket.

“And I am Dong Young Bae, but you can call me by my stage name, Tae Yang, if you want.” added the kid with the hat quickly.

“And of course, you're Dae Sung.” I said with a small smile as I pointed at my mini-cousin.  I reached into my backpack and pulled out a box of-

“POCKY!” exclaimed Dae Sung in glee.  He immediately took the box from me and hugged my leg.

I pet his head, like he was a cute pet or small animal (which he kind of was acting like at the moment, probably due to his new-found appearance).  “I wanted to bring you a souvenir, but I figured that you would just prefer Pocky.”  I giggled as I watched him run off to the trash can to dispose of the box that held the Pocky.  “I guess I was right.”

“You didn’t think to bring any souvenirs for the rest of us?” Ji Yong responded incredulously, his mouth agape.  “That’s a rude way to treat the people allowing you to stay with them.”

I frowned at the kid in front of me.  “Hey, so far it seems like I'll be baby-sitting you all, so don’t you be talking about how I should treat you.”

We locked eyes in a fierce glaring contest until Seung Ri intervened with a pout.  “Noona...  I’m hungry...  Can you make us a snack?”

I smiled at the child and picked him up into a hug.  “Aw, you're so cute; I just want to pick you up and store you in my pocket!”  Seung Ri seemed to blush slightly as I set him down.  “In any case, I'll go make you something to eat.”  I glanced outside as the sun seemed to go down.  “It’s getting dark, so it's probably around dinner time right about now.  Do you guys have anything specific you want me to make for dinner?”






I sighed.  “Aish…  I only have two hands.  You guys need to agree on a dish, okay?”  I pouted as I began to look through their refrigerator as the kids, I mean, Big Bang members bickered over what to eat.  “Oh wait, never mind…  Out of all the choices you guys shouted out, you only have the ingredients to make a simple omelette.  I think I can also add in some ham, what do you guys think?”

Suddenly, I heard a poof sound behind me.  I turned around and my eyes nearly bugged out of my head.

“What the-?!?”


Seung Hyun’s POV

As we all argued over whether or not to eat pocky, omelette, jjajangmyeon, hamburger, or kimbap, I suddenly stopped talking.  My body began to feel both uncomfortably warm and weird.  I noticed the other members with confused looks on their childish faces too.  Suddenly, I heard a poof sound, and everything went temporarily white.  The next time I opened my eyes, I saw my fully grown members in front of me.

... We weren’t children anymore.

“What the-?!?”


Dae Sung’s cousin, Kang Jung Ah, suddenly dropped the pan she had been holding in one hand.  “Y-Y-You guys are big?”

“That’s right, we are Big BANG!  Again!  Now who's older than who, hm?” Jiyong smirked as he adjusted his clothing.

“I’m me again!” exclaimed Seung Ri in a mix of surprise and contentment as he felt his face all over.

“I was getting annoyed of wearing an extremely large hat on my head,” Young Bae smiled as he adjusted his ever-present red and black cap.

Dae Sung shook his empty Pocky packaging.  “Aw man, I ended up eating all the Pocky!” he wailed.

I flexed both hands and smiled inwardly to myself.  “I guess we are all back to normal.”

Jung Ah slumped down and groaned.  “Oh boy, I feel a massive headache coming... So this is what you all really look like, right?  I mean, I recognize Dae-Dae, but as for the rest of you...”

“Have you never heard of Big Bang before, woman?  Where did you live - under a rock?” questioned Ji Yong incredulously.  He looked as if his pride was hurt, and honestly, my pride did sting a little at that comment.

I mean...  We are Big Bang after all.  I'd like to think that we've become rather internationally renowned.

“Well, I only knew that Dae-Dae was in that group."  That group?  "That’s about it.  A lot of my friends are fans of you guys though...” Jung Ah answered wistfully.  She then reached into her back pocket and took out a cell phone.  “That reminds me, I need to call my friend Su Mi and tell her that I've arrived safely...”

Jung Ah hurried off to a separate part of the room and began quietly conversing on her cell phone.  Meanwhile, the Big Bang members and I huddled together to go over what had happened in the last few hours.

“So we aren’t small any more...” Dae Sung began.

“I guess that gas was a failure at whatever it was supposed to do,” Seung Ri responded thoughtfully.

“In any case, forget the gas, am I the only one who thinks Dae Sung’s cousin is different than expected?” Ji Yong asked with a raised eyebrow.  We all looked in the direction of Jung Ah, who was still whispering into her phone.

“I did tell you guys not to form false assumptions before actually meeting her, you know...” Young Bae answered with a smug look on his face.

“I think she’s kind of pretty...” I murmured.  I could feel my cheeks warm, which was slightly embarrassing.  I'm the charismatic rapper, T.O.P!  I'm not a silly child who blushes over calling someone pretty...

“On a scale of one to ten, how would she fare?” Ji Yong continued with a smirk.   “With ten being hot as molten lava and one being...  Not hot.”

“Hey guys, I told you not to make a move on my cousin.  Rating her based on her looks counts as making a move on her." Dae Sung shot us each a look.  "Got it?”

“Got what?”

“GAH!”  We all nearly jumped out of our skin when Jung Ah had suddenly approached our little huddle.

“You scared me!” I breathed.

“You scared us too,” Seung Ri added as he smacked his chest out of shock.

“In any case, I was just going to ask if you guys still wanted to eat an omelette...  And if you did, if you guys wanted to make it an omelette with ham mixed in.” Jung Ah replied indifferently as she walked over to the refrigerator again.

“Er, an omelette sounds fine, right guys?” I responded as I looked over at my fellow members.  They all had begun heading off in different directions; Daesung to the pantry to look for snacks, Ji Yong to the couch in the living room to watch television, Seung Ri to the bathroom for, you know, bathroom needs, and Young Bae to his room.  “Uhhh…” I trailed off.

“It’s okay." The girl sighed as she tied her hair up.  "Whether they like it or not, they're going to be eating either a ham omelette or nothing then.” Jung Ah took an egg carton out of our fridge.  “You can go off and do something by yourself too, I suppose...”

I merely nodded and looked outside the window.

It was dark.

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LucidHeart #1
Horreh shet, you updated! <3
OMO LOVE THIS STORY! so cute and fuuny! update soon please!!!!
LucidHeart #3
Yeah leave SEULONG OUT OF THIS AND KILL EUN JOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
LucidHeart #4
W-w-why 2AM.. w-why S-seulong. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! XD<br />
Just what is happening? XD
LucidHeart #5
Sorry manager but no matter how many times my ringtone goes off like that, I would still love it. LOL. XD
@u_karu - Really? Hahaha, it's actually one of my ringtones too XDDD "Hey y~ CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK!" XD
LucidHeart #7
Poor Seung Ri, all tied up :(<br />
But I laughed at the 'CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK' part. XD That's my ringtone too. XD<br />
LucidHeart #8
perirue #9
This is pretty interesting so far! I hope you'll update again soon! :)
LucidHeart #10
I tried to hold back a squeal. XD Sorry, I just love Wooyoung too much. LMFAO. <br />