
Little Bang

Seung Hyun’s POV

As I watch my dongsaengs leave and head for the cafeteria, I release a tired sigh.  I think Dae Sung’s on to me.
But what can I do?  You can’t always choose who you like.  It’s not like I want to like Dae Sung’s cousin.  Agh!  I’m writhing in agony just thinking about what Dae Sung will do once he confronts me about my crush on his cousin.
Scenario 1:
He comes back from the hospital cafeteria with the rest of the members.
“So...  Hyung...  I heard that you like Jung Ah.” Dae Sung says slowly.  He cracks his knuckles.  “That’s a mistake on my part, right?  I heard wrong... RIIIIIGHT?”
“No, it’s true.  I like your cousin.”
[Insert violence here]
Scenario 2:
He comes back, but only with Ji Yong by his side.
“So...  Hyung...  Ji Yong told me that you like Jung Ah.” Dae Sung says with an unsatisfied expression.  “That can’t be, right?”
“It’s true!  He told me last night!” Ji Yong responds while pointing his finger at me like a tattletale. The bastard.
“Oh my...  Is this true?  It can’t be, RIIIIIGHT?” Dae Sung asks with a raised eyebrow.
“Actually, it is.  I like your cousin.”
[Insert violence here]
Scenario 3:
He comes back with the whole Big Bang crew.
“So...  Hyung...  You like Jung Ah, don’t you?” Dae Sung asks while the rest of the members line up behind him and nod.
I nod back in reply before clasping my hands before me, as if in prayer.  “I’m so sorry!  I didn’t mean to fall in love with your cousin!”
“Yah, it’s okay, hyung!  I trust you with her.  In fact, you two can get married right after she wakes up, honeymoon in Tokyo, and have 2 kids.” Dae Sung says with a genuine smile on his face.  The rest of the members shout things like, “CONGRATULATIONS, HYUNG!”
“Really?” I ask in shock.
“Really.  But first...” Dae Sung’s eyebrow twitches.
[Insert violence here]
Urgh...  All of the scenarios end violently.  As I writhe in agony at the prospect of Dae Sung beating me up, people passing by give me weird looks.  Don’t worry. I am not some psychotic freak.  I’m just a guy waiting for his friend’s cousin to get better. Yep.
Suddenly, I decide I should walk into Jung Ah’s hospital room before I end up looking like a creepy stalker (which I am not).  Almost inaudibly, I enter the room and shut the door, trying to make as little sound as possible.  I pull up a chair and sit down by Jung Ah’s side.  Seeing her sleep peacefully on the white hospital bed, in a white hospital gown, in a white hospital room...  Her content face among all the white made her look like an angel.  I could feel my heart beat quicken the longer I stared.
Aish, Choi Seung Hyun!  What is wrong with you?!?
I slap my face before shaking my head left and right in an attempt to calm down.  I look down at Jung Ah’s serene face and find words slipping out of my mouth on their own accord.
“I love you.”
Ji Yong’s POV
“I love you.”
I nearly drop the tray of food I was holding to give to Seung Hyun.  What the?  Did he just confess to Kang Jung Ah?
Let me backtrack a bit as to how I ended up caught in this circumstance.  While eating dinner in the hospital cafeteria, Dae Sung burped.
“Ah...  That was a good dinner.” He sighed, clearly satiated.
“I agree, hyung.” Seung Ri commented, also sighing dreamily.
“I bet Seung Hyun’s probably hungry waiting up there all by himself.” Young Bae stated as he continued to slurp some naengmyeon.
“Ji Yong.” Dae Sung looked me in the eyes as he called my name.  “Can you go up there and deliver some dinner to hyung?  I bet he’s hungry.”
And so...  I had brought the tray of food up to room 310 for Seung Hyun.  And what do you know?  I overhear him confessing his feelings to Kang Jung Ah.  It’s a good thing it was me who came up.  If it was Dae Sung, I bet he would have kicked down this door by now and been grabbing hyung by the collar.
I quickly lower my foot.  I wasn’t Dae Sung.  Hell, I wasn’t even related to Kang Jung Ah.  So why did I suddenly get the urge to kick down the door and grab Seung Hyun by the collar?
I shake my head.  In any case, it didn’t matter whether or not Seung Hyun had confessed, because the girl in question is still unconscious.
“Seung Hyun?”
Or so I thought.  I tightly hold the tray in my hands, restraining myself from tearing it in half otherwise.
Jung Ah’s POV
I was dreaming that I was in an airplane with my parents.  I'm seven again, and we're eating airline food.  Then, they both look at me with kindness in their eyes before mouthing inaudible words to me.
“We love you, Jung Ah, but you need to wake up now,” is what I am able to discern from the movement of their lips.
I stare at them, puzzled by why I need to wake up when I'm already awake.
"You need to wake up now.  You need to wake up now."
"I love you."
Who just said that?
I slowly open my eyes and see Seung Hyun’s face turn from one of concern to one of extreme shock.  His mouth is open and it almost looks like he's gasping for air, by the way he's opening and closing it so much.
“Seung Hyun?”
He suddenly stands up and covers his mouth with his hands.  At the same time, he knocks over the chair and causes it to clatter loudly on the floor.
Seung Hyun’s POV
She just had to wake up right as I spilled my feelings, huh?
Dae Sung’s going to beat me to a pulp.
Wooyoung’s POV
We are all called into the meeting room again.  I'm already steeling myself for a huge lecture from JYP-hyung.  This time around, we were doing a video conference with him; the minute we had set foot inside the room, we were greeted by the back of his head on a large screen on the wall.  Once we're seated, he swivels around in his chair.
“Good day, boys.  Or should I say, good night seeing as how it is nighttime over there?” he asks us with a wry smile.
“Good night, hyung!” responds Chansung with a bright smile.  We all give our naïve maknae a look.
“Did the news already reach American shores?  The press conference only ended, like, five hours ago.” Taecyeon asks curiously. "Damn, scandals sure spread fast..."
“Actually, no.  Your manager called and told me what had happened.”
“It’s a good thing he did too.” JYP cleared his throat.  “The press conference was live, so I wasn’t able to stop that from airing, however I have been able to stop the presses from printing articles and such.  For the time being, you guys can relax.”
We all let out an imaginary breath we didn’t know we had been holding.
“So what now, hyung?  This is probably going to get out into the open one day; what should we do when that day comes?” asks Jaebum with a raised eyebrow.
“We tell the truth: The girl was suffering from a fever and collapsed in the middle of the press conference.” JYP states blankly.
“Will the press buy that?” I ask weakly. The press does have a penchant for making drama out of nothing, after all. Such a simple reason wouldn't satisfy them.
“They will if we say the reason for the fever was because the girl is actually a trainee and has been working very hard for the past few weeks.” JYP answers back with a confident grin.
“Oh,” we all chorus in response.  JYP-hyung always thought of everything. Wait – a trainee?  As in training under JYP? Her?
... What?

Author's Note: What's that? Is that a bird? A plane? No, it's an update! Um, let's just say that transitioning into uni is hard, and that... At this point... Irregular updates will be a usual thing... I apologize... m(_ _)m In any case, as always, constructive criticism and other comments are forever welcome~


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LucidHeart #1
Horreh shet, you updated! <3
OMO LOVE THIS STORY! so cute and fuuny! update soon please!!!!
LucidHeart #3
Yeah leave SEULONG OUT OF THIS AND KILL EUN JOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
LucidHeart #4
W-w-why 2AM.. w-why S-seulong. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! XD<br />
Just what is happening? XD
LucidHeart #5
Sorry manager but no matter how many times my ringtone goes off like that, I would still love it. LOL. XD
@u_karu - Really? Hahaha, it's actually one of my ringtones too XDDD "Hey y~ CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK!" XD
LucidHeart #7
Poor Seung Ri, all tied up :(<br />
But I laughed at the 'CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK' part. XD That's my ringtone too. XD<br />
LucidHeart #8
perirue #9
This is pretty interesting so far! I hope you'll update again soon! :)
LucidHeart #10
I tried to hold back a squeal. XD Sorry, I just love Wooyoung too much. LMFAO. <br />