Hello there, Manager!

Little Bang

Seung Ri’s POV

“I think this would look cute on you, Seung Ri.” Kang Jung Ah, Dae Sung’s cousin, winked at me as she held up a black sweater with a panda on it.  Did I mention the sweater was a small in kid sizes?

We were all currently inside the children’s clothing section of a department store.  Jung Ah had just taken us out to eat fast food for brunch (“Well, it’s fast...  And it's cheap!”) and now we were shopping for clothing while wearing our now-too-large pajamas.

It was a tad bit embarrassing to say the least.

“Uh…  As much as I love pandas and the color black…” I began.

“Seung Ri over here is trying to say don’t pick something childish and immature for him to wear.” Ji Yong said as he snatched away the sweater from Jung Ah’s hands.  He held up a silver puffy jacket.  “Now this is something that I myself would wear.”

Jung Ah and Ji Yong exchanged glares with each other when Jung Ah finally sighed in defeat.  “Alright, you guys go and pick your own clothing.  Just don’t buy too much, because we don’t know how long or how short of a time period you guys will be spending as kids.”

Hopefully, it would be a short time.  I was getting tired of having older women constantly pinching my cheeks every time they saw me.

“AIGOO!” they would squeal as they murdered my face with their thumb and index fingers.

Ouch!  Is what I would be thinking as they did it.

“Come on, Seung Ri.  You come with me.  Let your hyung pick clothes for you since this fail-female has no idea what is considered fashionable!” Ji Yong said haughtily as he pulled on my arm and stuck out his tongue at Jung Ah.

She merely rolled her eyes in response to his antics.  “Whatever,” she mumbled.  “I will be following Dae-Dae, I guess.  Just don’t forget to keep your cellular phones on.”

“Do you even have our numbers?” Young Bae asked with a raised eyebrow as he took out his own phone.

“Actually, I don’t." Jung Ah replied with a sheepish grin.  "Can I have your numbers?”


Jung Ah’s POV

“OMO~  LOOK JUNG AH!” shouted my cousin from across the store.  I ran over to him as fast as I could, worried that something had happened.

“What's the... Hah...  Matter?  Hah...  Did something happen?” I asked between breaths.

“LOOK!  LOOK!  LOOK!” Dae Sung waved a childish Doraemon sweatshirt in front of my face.  “I am so getting this!”

“No way!” I replied as I snatched the sweatshirt out of my cousin’s hands.  “I'll buy it for myself.  This is just too cool.”

“YAH!  Give it back~” Dae Sung whined as he attempted to give me a familiar puppy dog pout.

I giggled.  “I was just kidding,” I said with a smile as I threw the sweater back at Dae Sung.  We were all still inside the department store.  So far, the things inside Dae Sung’s shopping basket consisted of:

-A Doraemon pajama set

-A pair of jeans with Doraemon on its back pockets

-Several Doraemon-related t-shirts

-A few neutral-colored sweatpants

-And the latest addition, a Doraemon sweatshirt.

“If you buy anymore Doraemon stuff, you'll end up turning into Doraemon himself.” I joked as I rummaged around his shopping basket with a smirk.

“As awesome as that would be, I don't think I want that to happen.” Dae Sung laughed.  He started pulling on his hair as we walked over to the cash registers to pay.  “Speaking of turning into something, I can’t believe that I'm a child again...”

I his hair in an attempt to comfort him.  I was doing way too much comforting lately.  “Aw, don’t worry, it's not that bad...”

“Easy for you to say, you aren’t the one who has to live through puberty all over again.”  I looked behind me to see a slightly ticked-off Ji Yong standing behind me with Seung Ri, Seung Hyun, and Young Bae.

I ruffled Ji Yong’s hair (because I noticed it annoyed him when I did that).  “In any case, are you guys ready to pay?  I'm sure you guys don't want to stand around in your pajamas any longer.”  I proceeded to take out my wallet when Ji Yong stopped me with his hand.  All the Big Bang members proceeded to take out their own wallets.

“You don't have to pay for us.  We'll pay for it ourselves.” Seung Hyun responded with a straight face as he took out a couple bills.

Ji Yong smirked.  “Don’t get me wrong, I love receiving gifts.  But I'm already in your debt enough as it is, hm?  Babysitter-noona?

My only response to that was to mess up his hair again as he scowled.

Ha. Take that.


Dae Sung’s POV

When our dorm began coming into view, we noticed a familiar person standing in front of its front door.

“Manager...?” Seung Ri murmured under his breath quietly.

“Oh shi- I forgot all about our promotional activities!  We have a variety show recording to do today!” Ji Yong said suddenly as he smacked his forehead.

“So what do we do now?” asked Jung Ah.

“I guess we just tell our manager the truth.” Young Bae responded as he shrugged.

I led the Big Bang members (and Jung Ah) to the door when the manager finally looked up.

“Who are you?” he asked Jung Ah as he backed up a step.  "Are you one of those saesang fans?  'Cause if you are I'm going to go and call-"

Jung Ah bowed 90 degrees as she opened the door with a key I had slipped into her hand.  “I'm Kang Dae Sung’s cousin.  You are their manager, correct?”

Our manager looked in wonder at her and then looked over at us.  “Why do you have kids with you?”  His eyes seemed to be asking how a young girl like Jung Ah could possibly have had five children.

“They aren’t mine, if that’s what you’re thinking.” Jung Ah coughed slightly and threw the five of us a look.

“Eheheh...  Greetings, manager...” trailed off Ji Yong as he looked up at our manager with a shy smile.

“Greetings, child...  Wait, there's something about you that's familiar..."


Ji Yong’s POV

“So let me get this straight…  Dae Sung’s cousin is currently living with you five to sort out some personal family matters.  As for the five of you, an unknown perpetrator managed to gas you all and now you randomly transform between younger and older versions of yourselves?”  Our manager seemed to have a defeated look on his face as he leaned back on our couch.  “AISH!  How are we supposed to do the Star King shoot tonight at 6:30?”

After everyone had entered the dorm, changed clothing, and eaten a snack, we discussed with our manager everything that had happened both yesterday and today.

“I think, first things first, we need to figure out how to get back to normal.” Young Bae suggested with a frown.

“Young Bae’s right,” I began with a shrug.  “Nothing productive is going to happen if we just sit at home moping around wondering how to get to the Star King shoot.”

“If only we could miraculously figure out a way to change back to normal, even if for only temporary…” muttered Seung Hyun as he looked down at his feet.

“Do you guys remember how you guys changed back to normal last night?” asked Jung Ah with a raised eyebrow.

“Well, if we did, we wouldn’t still be young...  Isn’t that obvious?” I scoffed at the girl's obliviousness.

She rolled her eyes and let out a sigh.  “Well, excuse me for trying to help!”

“You're excused~” I smirked.

Jung Ah threw her hands up in defeat and then folded them across her chest.

“Hey, I just remembered something!” Seung Ri suddenly interrupted.  “Right before we opened the door, wasn’t our doorbell ringing?”  We began to see where our maknae was going with this as we listened intently to his next words...  “Maybe his fingerprints are still present on our doorbell!”

And, of course, our maknae is a freaking genius.

“Seung Ri, you are, without a doubt, a genius!” responded our manager as he emphasized the last word and gave the kid a quick hug.

Seung Ri, looking modest, just scratched his head.  “Well, it just seemed like common sense, you know?”

Jung Ah stifled a laugh.  “I guess some people here have none...” she murmured with a chuckle as she nodded her head in my direction.  I scowled.

“In any case,” began Young Bae anxiously, “We should find a way to get prints off of our doorbell as fast as possible.  I am sure that at least one of those prints will connect to the masked person from yesterday.”

We all nodded in agreement and proceeded to think in silence.  After several minutes, Jung Ah broke the silence.

"It's no use trying to think on an empty stomach. Why don't I make an early dinner since you guys will be heading off soon?"

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LucidHeart #1
Horreh shet, you updated! <3
OMO LOVE THIS STORY! so cute and fuuny! update soon please!!!!
LucidHeart #3
Yeah leave SEULONG OUT OF THIS AND KILL EUN JOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
LucidHeart #4
W-w-why 2AM.. w-why S-seulong. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! XD<br />
Just what is happening? XD
LucidHeart #5
Sorry manager but no matter how many times my ringtone goes off like that, I would still love it. LOL. XD
@u_karu - Really? Hahaha, it's actually one of my ringtones too XDDD "Hey y~ CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK!" XD
LucidHeart #7
Poor Seung Ri, all tied up :(<br />
But I laughed at the 'CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK' part. XD That's my ringtone too. XD<br />
LucidHeart #8
perirue #9
This is pretty interesting so far! I hope you'll update again soon! :)
LucidHeart #10
I tried to hold back a squeal. XD Sorry, I just love Wooyoung too much. LMFAO. <br />