As Different as Night and Day

Little Bang

Seung Hyun’s POV

“I guess you and Dae Sung really are related; always thinking about food.” Ji Yong stated with a smirk pasted on his face.

Jung Ah ignored him and continued asking us what we wanted to eat for dinner.  “Considering we actually went grocery shopping today, we have quite an array of foods to choose from.”

Once again, just like yesterday, we all began to argue over what food to eat.  And then, strangely enough, just like yesterday, I began to feel uncomfortably warm and weird.

Within seconds, I had grown back to my normal self.  Except why did I feel so cold?



Jung Ah and our manager were covering their eyes.  We all looked down and realized we were stark , because our childrens' clothing had ripped in the process of our transformation.  Embarrased, we all ran to our respective rooms to put on clothes.  Minutes later, we returned back to the kitchen - properly dressed, of course.

"I can't believe the new silver jacket I bought for Seung Ri broke..." whined Ji Yong as he held up the tattered remains of what used to be a jacket.

"My brand new Doraemon shirt..." whimpered Dae Sung as he held some blue and white rags to his face.

"Just forget about the clothing for a second!" interrupted our manager.  "Why don't you guys think about why you all have happened to change back to normal again?"

Seung Ri cleared his throat, preparing to sound like an intelligent person again.  "I believe we become normal whenever it gets dark and become children whenever it gets light."

Sure enough, I looked out the window.  The sun had set early today.

"Once again, Seung Ri...  You are a genius!" Our manager proceeded to whip out his cell phone.  "I have to make a call to our boss and tell him this.  He has a right to know before scheduling anymore appearances for you five."

Yang Hyun Suk, our boss, the CEO of YG Entertainment.  When he's in a good mood, he's in a good mood, but when he's in a bad mood...  Watch out.

Meanwhile, I looked over at Jung Ah.  She still had her hands over her eyes.

"Just so you know, we're fully clothed again." I chuckled.

Jung Ah peeked out from beneath her fingers before breathing a sigh of relief.  "Do you know how shocking it is to see five men?"

Ji Yong smirked.  "Oh, don't deny it...  You know we’re y."

Jung Ah hit Ji Yong in the shoulder before going into the kitchen.  "Just because of that statement, you all don't get to choose what to eat for dinner!"

We all glared at Ji Yong.

"I'm... Sorry?" he responded with a timid smile.


Young Bae's POV

As Dae Sung’s cousin cooked us an early dinner, our manager began to tremble as he shut his cell phone.

“Boss is just a little angry that we didn’t let him know earlier about your aging problem.” Our manager flashed a happier look towards us.  “On the other hand, he has hired someone to come over tonight to get prints off the door bell.”

“Cool,” I responded meekly.  I felt sorry for our manager, having to be yelled at by our boss.

“Oh, wait...  Considering I rang it yesterday, do you guys think you could exempt me from the prints you guys extract?” Jung Ah interrupted.

“Oh that’s right...” mumbled Ji Yong.  “You rang the door bell yesterday...  Sheesh, always making things difficult, aren't you?”

“Well, we can’t really exempt your prints..." answered our manager with a shrug as he stared at Jung Ah and raised an eyebrow. "Who knows, maybe you really were that masked person!”

Jung Ah cleared .  “Except I only landed in Korea about half an hour before I came here, which doesn't place me at the time of the crime.”

We were all silent for a second before our manager mumbled, “Alright, I’ll tell the fingerprint-guy to not worry about your fingerprints.  But that still means we need to take your prints.  And the Big Bang members’ prints too, now that I think of it...”

I saw the members sigh (or curse in the case of Ji Yong) at the hassle before the manager held his hands up in mock defeat.  “We can take prints later; I think right now you five should eat dinner quickly so we can get to the shoot as soon as possible.”

Jung Ah shook her head and proceeded to sigh.  “If you guys eat too fast you won’t be able to fully savor the taste of my food.”

Ji Yong snorted.  “Who said we would like too?”

Jung Ah replied to him with another swift smack to his left shoulder.

Sometimes I worry about our leader.


Jung Ah’s POV

Once the Big Bang members thanked me for the meal (except for that Ji Yong...), they hurriedly left the apartment and left me alone.

“What should I do...” I pondered aloud to myself.  Suddenly, an idea hit me like lightning striking a tree.  “I know!  I’ll go find the mysterious masked person who gassed Dae-Dae and the rest of Big Bang!”

I smiled at my ingeniousness and proceeded to call my friend in America, Kim Su Mi.

“Yuhbuhsaehyo?” I heard a tired voice answer on the other line.

“Su Mi?  It’s me, Jung Ah!”

“Jung Ah…  I told you to be wary of time differences...  What time is it over there?”

“It’s...” I stared at the clock.  Whoops.  “... six at night?”

“Is that a question or a statement?" I heard a moan on the other end.  "In any case, it’s waaaaay early in the morning for me here.”

“I’m sorry!  I just wanted to ask you a question.”


“Do you know if there are any celebrities that strongly dislike Big Bang?”

“Hmmm…” I could hear Su Mi getting out of her creaking bed and opening drawers.  “None that I can think of.  Why?”

I sighed.  “I was hoping for a lead on the whole big-turned-little case I told you about last time we conversed.”

“Oh, that’s right…  Big Bang isn’t quite so ‘big’ anymore.”  Su Mi giggled before composing herself with a cough.  “Ahem, well, sorry I wasn’t any help.”

“Oh no, I’m sorry I woke you up.”

“Hey, I can almost imagine you bowing to me with an apologetic expression on your face right now.”  She was right; I really was kind of bowing to the air in front of me...  “In any case, anything else you want to tell me?  Like maybe about how the boys really act like?  Last time we talked you said you didn’t know them well enough to form an opinion.  Anyone you can form an opinion on now?” I could almost see Su Mi smirking in front of me as she asked this.

I pouted.  “My Dae-Dae cousin is still obsessed with Doraemon, Seung Hyun and Young Bae seem to act as the mature ones in the group, Seung Ri is a pretty amiable guy, and that Ji Yong-”

“‘That Ji Yong’ makes it sound bad already.”

“He’s just so…  GRAH!”

“I see.  You know what my advice to you is?”


“I think you like him!” I could definitely tell that Su Mi was smirking now.

I laughed, for lack of a better response.  “Oh really?”

“I don’t know; you always seem to go for those types-”

“Alright, I’m ending the call right now.  Long distance calls are expensive you know.  I’ll call you later.”  And with those final words spoken, I hung up on my friend.  Me?  Liking Ji Yong?  How absurd.

I sighed.  “I guess I’ll go see what's on T.V.”

So much for my sleuthing.

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LucidHeart #1
Horreh shet, you updated! <3
OMO LOVE THIS STORY! so cute and fuuny! update soon please!!!!
LucidHeart #3
Yeah leave SEULONG OUT OF THIS AND KILL EUN JOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
LucidHeart #4
W-w-why 2AM.. w-why S-seulong. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! XD<br />
Just what is happening? XD
LucidHeart #5
Sorry manager but no matter how many times my ringtone goes off like that, I would still love it. LOL. XD
@u_karu - Really? Hahaha, it's actually one of my ringtones too XDDD "Hey y~ CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK!" XD
LucidHeart #7
Poor Seung Ri, all tied up :(<br />
But I laughed at the 'CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK' part. XD That's my ringtone too. XD<br />
LucidHeart #8
perirue #9
This is pretty interesting so far! I hope you'll update again soon! :)
LucidHeart #10
I tried to hold back a squeal. XD Sorry, I just love Wooyoung too much. LMFAO. <br />