XVII. truth

Music Sheet



“what happened to her, eomeoni?” jaejoong asked as he rushed toward mrs. Song. A while ago, he was so worried about soohee. he kept contacting her but she wasn’t answering it.  and when it was already past six, mrs. Song called him and said that soohee was in the hospital.


“she lost her conciousness a while ago.” Then she cried. “jaejoong, she fainted because of me.”


“eomeoni. What do you mean?”


“she heard us talking about my fake hospitalization.”


“fake hospitalization? You mean you’re not sick really?”


Mrs. Song even cried more while shaking her head.


“why did you do that? She was so worried and she even felt bad at that day, eomeoni.”


“I know, I know. But I cant help  you, she  was hiding you from me.”




“I just wanted you and her to marry again but I know she wont agree with that.”



Soohee opened her eyes from a deep slumber. Her body was weak. She cant even move her body. Then she tried to move her hands slowly until she can already move her whole body. She forced herself to stand up and took away every apparatus from her body. She changed her clothes and went outside the hospital room. Outside, she saw her mom crying at jaejoong arms.  Both raised their heads when they heard the room opened.


“soohee!” both came to her and tried to help her but she refused them. She limply walked to the hospital corridor. But her mom stopped her.


“soohee! stop! You are not yet healed. Let’s go inside your room.”


“NO!” soohee shouted.


“i’ll call a doctor to…”


“if you don’t want me to be even mad with you, you will not going to do that.” Soohee threatened her mother.




“it’s okay eomeoni, I’ll take care of her.” Then jaejoong immediately carried soohee like a sack of rice.


“let me go! Let me go!!!!” soohee shrieked.


“what’s your problem?” jaejoong asked her when he put her down inside the room.


“you, my mom are my problem! And dad!!! I hate you all! I hate you!”


“what did I do with you?”


“don’t act like you don’t know, damn you! I trusted you, jaejoong, I trusted you! But all this time you are only deceiving me. I hate you! I hate you!”


“what?! I don’t understand you, soohee make it clear.”


“I don’t have to. From now on jaejoong, I am breaking up with you. Get out of my life. I don’t need anyone of you!” then she tried to went outside the room but jaejoong caught her again.

“where do you think you’re going? You still owe me an explanation. I need to know why you are mad with me. I want to know why you are breaking up with me. I don’t want to lose you so tell me why. I need to know the reason why because if you wont and you douldnt give me any good reason then I am not letting you go.”


“why wont you?! You already had what you want! You already had the part of our bargain. You already made your friends’ bet and you even successful of making me your girlfriend. I even started to love you, damn you.”


“bargain? Friends’ bet?” jaejoong uttered in confusion then suddenly it already became clear with him. “how did you know that? Who told you?”


“why would I tell you? Just let me go, jaejoong.”


“tell me who the hell told you that and I will beat him to death. He is only making our relationship in stake. Tell me!”


“don’t tell me that it isnt true because I wont let you fool mo again.”


“I am not going to deny it, soohee. okay, that is true. I agreed to make a bet. But everything that I made for you are all true.”


Soohee just keep quiet.


“you know what soohee, hearing you telling me this today, knowing that you are doubting my love for you right now, makes my heart hurt so much. I don’t need to pretend that I am in love with you because I already do and really love you. I already love you since 3 years ago, soohee.”


Soohee still not speaking.


“that bet means nothing with me. It was just for fun and no money involve at all. I wasn’t know that it was you not until I saw you and top talking I couldn’t help but to come to you. I was jealous I guess.” Then he cupped soohee’s face with his palm and made her looked at him. “soohee, I wont just say that I love you if I don’t mean it. I wouldn’t kiss you if I don’t love you. There are so many thing that I want to mention just to prove to you that this is not for a bet.” Then he took her hand and brought it near with his heart. “feel me. This is the true. This is what I am really feeling for you. I love you, soohee and I don’t care if you don’t believe me know. Just don’t close your heart for me and I’ll take all the days and nights just to prove to you that I love you and I am honest with you.”


“I am hurt. I don’t know if I could still let myself believe you. It is hurt really. It is traumatic, the hurt is so much that I don’t think I can still handle another of it. I don’t want to hate you though. You are the most precious thing for me besides from my parents. But, but…”

Soohee didn’t finish her sentence because jaejoong already captured her lips by his. The kiss was so gentle that soohee’s mind almost fly and forget everything that happened. He loves this man so much that no matter how she tried not to believe him, he still made her heart thinks that he is right and she shouldn’t doubt him.


“I love you, soohee.”

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redblossom07 #1
Chapter 18: ohhhh Jae is so sweet kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
LeeJinkiLovelove24 #2
I regret not reading this. This is really good~! ^^;; No matter how short is it, it's still good~! ^^ Good job, author- nim! ^^;;
aww. how sweet! :))it's good even though it's short. good job, author-nim! ^^
awe i so loved the ending ^_^
I read this in one go too! ^^ It's so cute and sweet!
Happy birthday! :D
koreankendi #7
Awww! I read all in one go! :)<br />
This is a sweet fic. ^_^<br />
good ending too!
caryl28 #8
if you wanted to listen for the song that i used in this story, just look for 98 degrees' ALWAYS YOU AND I... i used this song in this fanfic because this is one of my favorite... hope you like it too... ^^
caryl28 #9
i am almost done here... but you must wait for new fanfic. again, it is dbsk but this time, let's look up for their comeback... heheheheheh this would very a full of action ff... and twisty, i guess... it is still on process on my mind... and i hope you like this...
caryl28 #10
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