Day with U-KISS~

You Ruined Your Chance

When Stephanie woke up, she walked out of her room to the kitchen rubbing her eyes and yawning. She walked to the kitchen getting ready to cook breakfast until she saw food on the table with a note. She took the note and read it:

Hey! Morning~ Have a good sleep?

Me, Taemin, Minho, and Onew have schedules and had to leave early, so I decided to make breakfast since you have been making us breakfast these past weeks. (I decided to be nice!)

And uhh I think Jonghyun left before we left... dunno where he's going. Don't care.

U-KISS is probably still sleeping in the living room...

I made enough food for them too.

we might be back late so don't wait for us!


                     -Umma~~ <3

Stephanie smiled at the end with the 'Umma' part. She actually didn't think of him being her umma, but now she might call Key her umma. Stephanie put the note back on the table and sat on a chair and started eating. Half way done, Dongho woke up.

"Morning! I'm hungry... Is this food for us to eat also?"

"Morning. Yup, Key made it."


"It's 11:30, don't you guys have schedules today?"

"Hmm? Oh no. Remember we told you yesterday that we didn't?" Stephanie was tapping her chin trying to remember, but all she could remember was Jonghyun's words in the 'Truth Game'.

"Babo!" He said lightly flicking her arm.

"Ow! That hurts!"

"Seriously? You must be crazy!"


"So, wanna hang with us later?"

"I guess. There's nothing else to do."

"Yay! I'm gonna go wake up the other members." He jumped off his chair and ran to the living room.

"YAHHH WAKE UP! WE'RE GOING OUT!" She could hear him kicking and yelling. She laughed and went to change.


[A/N it's bubz!]  [She's so pretty .]


When she walked out of her room to put her shoes on, everyone was already ready. 'Hmm. Dongho probably rushed them.' She thought in her head. Everyone was staring at her once she walked near the dorm to get her shoes.

"Umm, hellooo? You guys ready to leave?"


"Ok. I'm gonna go now. When you guys are done spacing out, tell me" She walked out of the dorm with everyone following her.



"Soo... Where do you wanna go?" Eli asked.

"Umm" Stephanie was looking around at the stores.

"THAT ONE!" She yelled, pointing to a store with a glass window, letting you see all the stuff inside.

As soon as they entered, Stephanie ran to the Domo section.

"AHHH! This is so cute! Wanna buy it for me?" She asked with puppy eyes and a pout.

Domo Kun Cute Trifold Wallet 

Domo Kun Cute Trifold Wallet 

"Depends. How much is it?" Kevin asked hoping it wouldn't be too much.


"Sounds fair." He took the wallet to pay for it.


"Where you wanna go next?" AJ asked while they were walking out of the store.

"ICE CREAM!" Stephanie and Kevin yelled then high fived each other.

"Uhh okay..."

After they got their ice cream, they decided to walk around and go to a park. When they arrived they saw no one there except for a couple (which were on the swings) and a few kids running around while their parents sat on the benches talking to each other, looking to see if their kids were safe. Stephanie sat two swings away from the couple, not looking at them because it would've be rude to stare at people making out. She pushed her legs off the ground and started swinging. Hoon walked over to her and started pushing her. When the guy from the couple saw who sat two swings away from them, he quickly walked out of the park, leaving the girl he was with confused. He walked to the bar that was at the corner of the street across from the park.  

'Hmm... Why does that sweater he's wearing look so familiar?' Stephanie thought as Hoon kept pushing her, following the guy with her eyes.  She got of the swing as soon as she saw him walk in the bar.

"Hey! You could've told me you were getting off! You could've fell!" Hoon scolded her.

"Sorry? Guys! Wanna go to the bar?" She said pointing at the bar the guy walked into.

"Umm... Why...?"



"Because I want to!" with that, she dragged everyone with her.




I know,this chapter is boring.. ):

I'm sorry I said i was gonna update but didn't..I was lazy busy..

Who knew high school could be so hard? :3 hope you guys are doing well in school! <3

I PROMISE I will update as soon as I can. If I don't,you guys can hit me..D:

comment/subscribe? I shall give you a cookie if you do~~

Mucho Love! <33333333333333333333333333333333333

-Chubz O3O

Crazysujufreak: MEL, or Chubz... YOU SHOULD GIVE ME A COOKIE TOO :)


@1say16: THANKYOU! <33

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1say16 #1
Chapter 21: cant wait for the next chap :)
crazysujufreak #2
Chapter 21: of course you're making me edit it -_-
crazysujufreak #3
1. LuHan is 23 .
2. I'm not lazy, you never ask for my help -_-
1say16 #4
who could it be ? hmmm update soon
--nsyoo #5
Looooovveeeee that second gif. XD
1say16 #6
Yeah I guess
Those flashbacks were so sweet~ :C
please update soon... i love your story!!!!
1say16 #9
update soon jonghyun pls change already be good bf
-jeiraz #10
ing soehyon. HU DA FECK R U GURL TO CALL STEPH A ?! .YOU.<br />
and jonghyun, she doesn't care, DINO-HEAD.