You Ruined Your Chance

"Key Oppa... Tell me the truth." Stephanie said with a straight face. 

"Jonghyun actually did this for me because he knows something and decided to set the whole thing up for me." Key's hand went behind his neck.

"And what is this 'something'?"

"I can't tell you now, I'll tell you later."

"Um ok... So what are we gonna do?"

"Wanna eat?"

"I guess..." Key pulled a chair out for Stephanie so she could sit.

"Thanks." Key replied with a small, nervous smile.

  While they were both eating, Key would glance at Stephanie once in a while. Stephanie just kept her eyes on her plate as she knew Key was looking at her. No one talked, it was all silence. So Key decided to break the silence.

"After we finish eating, I'll take you somewhere, kay?" Key wasn't sure what Stephanie would say. She actually didn't know weather to accept or not.

"Hello? Are you listening to me?" Key waved his hand in front of her face.

"Huh? Oh um, sure" Stephanie continued to eat her food.

  Once they finished, Key payed the bill and led Stephanie outside. While they were walking, he noticed her shivering. Since he didn't have a jacket or a sweater on, he put his arm around her and hugged her. Stephanie jumped a little and blushed, but softened up as she began to feel warm. They kept walking, not saying anything while Key's arm was around her. Key stopped infront of the park Stephanie was at. [A/N the chapter before this if you forgot]

"We're here!" Key let go of Stephanie and held her hand running all around the park.

"Yahh!" Stephanie yelled as Key pulled her and kept running.

When Key stopped, they were both trying to catch their breath.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" Stephanie yelled.

"I thought it would be fun"

"Ehh. I'm going on the swings." She ran towards the swings like a little kid.

"HEY! WAIT!" Key ran after her and sat on the swing next to her. Stephanie had a big smile on her face as she kept swinging. Key just sat there staring at her.

"Stop staring!" Stephanie said as soon as she caught him staring.

"What? I can't stare at a beautiful girl?" Key had an innocent smile on him. Stephanie stopped swinging and stared at him. Key got up from his swing and lifted Stephanie to her feet. Both of them were staring at eachother's eyes.

"Stephanie, I don't think you know this but I like you, I have for a while now. I just didn't want to tell you because of Jonghyun." Stephanie didn't know what to do. He just stood there staring at Key.

"I knew you were gonna do something like this." Key stepped back from Stephanie and sat back on his swing, Stephanie was still standing there.

"UGH! Babo! Why did you tell her, she might not want to talk to you anymore." Key kept saying these things to himself.

"How about I think about it and we go back to the dorm?" Stephanie suddenly said. Key raised his head to look at her.

"WHAT? REALLY?" Key jumped from the swing and waited for an answer.

"Yup, I wanna go home, it's too cold here." Stephanie shivered.

"Ok! Lets go!" Key grabbed Stephanie's hand and ran all the way to the dorm.

At The Dorm

"NOONA!! YOU'RE BACK!! I WAS SO BORED!!" Taemin screamed, running towards Stephanie as soon as she walked in the dorm.

"Woah,Taemin calm down! You are gonna knock me over one day."

"Heh... Sorry... Noona, I'm hungry!" Taemin pouted.

"Alright, I'll make some-"

"No! I will make something for my son. Stephanie, you go rest." Key said and patted Stephanie's head.

"NOOO! Noona's cooking is better then umma's." Taemin was disappointed and walked to the couch.

"How about I make you something to eat for dinner? Araso?" Stephanie said and hugged Taemin.

"YAY!" Taemin hugged her back.

  Stephanie walked to her room after the hug. Once she opened the door, she saw Jonghyun kissing a girl. 'Wait... Why does that girl look so familar?' Stephanie thought to herself and looked at them kissing until Jonghyun noticed. Stephanie stormed out of the room and on her way out she banged the door shut. Stephanie walked to the couch and sat next to Taemin. Tears started to roll down her face. Taemin sensed something was wrong and he knew what she saw.


Jonghyun put his key in the key hole and walked in the dorm with a girl. Taemin, Minho, and Onew were in the living room staring at who came back.

"Hyung, I don't think you should bring her here again. Remember what happened with Stephanie?" Minho told him.

"No worries, Stephaine forgave me. Plus she's out with Key." Jonghyun winked and started to walk in the room that Jonghyun use to share with Stephanie. Taemin ran to Jonghyun and told him that this wasn't a good idea.

"Come on guys, it would just be for a while. She will leave before Stephanie comes back." Jonghyun continued to walk.

"Jonghyun! You know Stephanie still loves you, why are you doing this?" Onew asked him in a serious voice. Jonghyun thought and said,

"You guys are just jealous I have a hot girl to bang anytime." With that, Jonghyun closed the door to his room and locked it.

"Stephanie isn't gonna like this." All 3 of them said.

-Back to the present-

"Come on, I didn't do anything! I thought you already forgave me." Jonghyun said as he sat down next to Stephanie.

"I did forgive you, you just took advantage of it. I don't wanna talk to you, so you can go back to making out with your girlfriend."

 Girlfriend... That was the one word that made Jonghyun's heart sink. He opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Minho spoke.

"WTF HYUNG! If you don't love Stephanie then don't do this and try to get her back at the same time." Minho took Stephanie's hand and told Taemin to take her out.

"No." Stephanie said.

"What?" Minho asked her.

"I want to stay here and deal with this problem."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, this is my problem to deal with, but thanks for helping out anyways."

"Uhh, ok..."

Stephanie turned to Jonghyun and looked him in the eyes and said,

"I do not want to see you again." Those eight words were all she said before she left to another room.

A/N yey! i updated! I have been VERY lazy so sorry! *bows 90 degree* I might update around Saturday because school starts in 2 days & I have to go get my schedule and student ID tomorrw :3 Subscribe/Comment! Love, Mel(;

@1say16 updated! btw thanks for subscribing! <3

Crazysujufreak here :) i really dislike Jonghyun right now -___-  but that one part was funny xD

"you guys are just jealous I have a hot girl to bang anytime" LOL . 

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1say16 #1
Chapter 21: cant wait for the next chap :)
crazysujufreak #2
Chapter 21: of course you're making me edit it -_-
crazysujufreak #3
1. LuHan is 23 .
2. I'm not lazy, you never ask for my help -_-
1say16 #4
who could it be ? hmmm update soon
--nsyoo #5
Looooovveeeee that second gif. XD
1say16 #6
Yeah I guess
Those flashbacks were so sweet~ :C
please update soon... i love your story!!!!
1say16 #9
update soon jonghyun pls change already be good bf
-jeiraz #10
ing soehyon. HU DA FECK R U GURL TO CALL STEPH A ?! .YOU.<br />
and jonghyun, she doesn't care, DINO-HEAD.