Nothing to do..

You Ruined Your Chance

"Good. Anything else? I sorta have to shower since Onew took me out."

"No. Thats all the news for now. Bye!" Stephanie's mom and dad hugged her before leaving. They left without Donghae since his dorm was near and he wanted to have some time to catch up with everyone.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Guys! Remember to read this chapter's A/N at the end! It's important!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As Stephanie went to shower, the four of them decided to catch up on life.

"So you know who Stephanie's gonna marry?" Taemin asked while opening the bottle of banana milk, plotting down on the couch next to Donghae.

"Nope. But if he's some ganster or something, I will make sure she doesn't marry him." Donghae said calmly as he switched on the TV. 

"Ahh I see." Taemin nodding his head, enjoying his banana milk. 

"I'm gonna back you up." Key said as he was walking into the kitchen, getting something for Donghae to drink since Taemin rudely didn't offer him anything to drink. 

Key took one of Taemin's banana milk and threw it to Donghae. Donghae quickly opened it and drank half of it. Fortunetly for him, Taemin didn't notice, he was too busy drinking his own to notice. As they were peacefully watching TV, Taemin let out an ear-splitting scream.

"HYUNG!!!" Taemin yelled. 

"WHAT?!" Donghae yelled back since Taemin yelled right next to his ear. 

"WAE?! WAE WAE WAE WAE WWWAAEE?!" Taemin sobbed, dropping his knees to the floor.

Donghae, Key and Onew looked at each other with a 'WTF' face. Stephanie ran out of her room, worried someone might be hurt.

"What happened here?" Stephanie asked once she saw Taemin on the ground. 

"No idea. We were just watching TV and Taemin all of a sudden yelled." Key said, slowly walking to the kitchen. 

Stephanie walked up to Taemin, patting his back.

"Its okay, its okay. Tell me what happened and I'll fix it." Stephanie still patting Taemin's back. 

Before Taemin could answer, Donghae noticed something. It was shiny. So he asked what it was.

"Hey baby sis, whats on your finger?" Donghae pointed to the shiny thing on her hand.

"Hmm? Oh this? Taemin gave this to me while I was in the hospital, something about him being the one there for me whenever I needed anything." 

Taemin's head lifted up and he grabbed her left hand. 

"OMO! YOU STILL HAVE IT ON?!" Taemin got up jumping all around the living room.

All Stephanie, Onew, Key and Donghae could think of was 'PMS much?' 

"Uh Taemin, calm down and sit next to me." Stephanie patting on the empty space next to her, on the floor. Taemin quickly stopped and sat next to her. 

"Is this why you were having a fit and the idea of me getting an arranged marriage?" Stephanie pointed to the ring on her finger. Taemin blushed and looked down. Everyone was quiet, waiting for Taemin to say something. 

"Uh..75% of it.." Taemin still looking down. He started playing with his fingers. 

"And the 25% is what?" 

Taemin got up and pointed at Donghae, glaring at him. Donghae was surprised. 

"What? What did I do?!" Donghae quickly said.

" took. my. banana. milk." Taemin said. After each word, he would walk a step closer to Donghae. 

"Damn Taemin, chillax. I gave it to him. Since someone here didn't offer the guest anything to drink." Key said walking closer to him.


"Dude, go check if theres anything else to drink." Key said before Taemin could get the chance to charge Donghae. Taemin quickly ran to the kitchen to check if there was any beverage. Anything. There was nothing. No OJ, milk tea, milk or water. 

"Fine. I'll let this one slide because there wasn't anything else to drink AND because you're Stephanie's brother." Taemin muttered dragging his feet to the couch.

"So.." Stephanie said to break the awkward scilence because of Taemin's random break-down.

"Donghae-oppa. Are you gonna stay to eat dinner? I'll start cooking dinner."

"Sure. Theres nothing to do in the other dorm. So many people in one dorm is just..too much." Donghae said scretching out on the couch, pushing Taemin off.

"Yah hyung!" Taemin yelled at Donghae, rubbing his from the fall.

"Opps?" Donghae smirked at him.

"Key-oppa, wanna go out with me to buy grocery? There's barely anything to eat." Stephanie said checking the cupboards and refrigerator.

"Kay, lemmie go grab my wallet." Key went to his room to grab his wallet.

Stephanie was only wearing sweats and a t-shirt. She didn't bother to change since the supermarket was nearby and they would be gone for a few minutes anyway. While Key went to get his wallet, Stephanie lectured Donghae and Taemin about not killing each other and that Onew was supposed to watch them in case anything happened and to contact her if anything happened.  When Key came back, they left. 


Minho accompanied Jonghyun to go to his parent's house. Earlier, Jonghyun got a call from his mom telling him to go over because they had news to tell Jonghyun. Minho wanted to leave the dorm and visit Jonghyun's parents since he hasn't seen them in so long.

When they arrivied to Jonghyun's parents house, they got out of the  van and walked to ring the door bell. A few seconds later, Jonghyun and Minho were greeted by Jonghyun's mom.

"Jonghyun, you arrived. Oh Minho, hello. Almost didn't notice you there with the hair change. Please come in." Jonhyun's mom let them in and closed the door.

"Your appa's in the living room." Jonghyun's mom said. Telling him to go to the living room. Minho didn't know where to go so he just trailed behind Jonghyun.

"Anneonghaseyo." Jonghyun and Minho greeted Jonghyun's dad who was sitting on the couch. "Ah, Jonghyun, you're here. Minho, how have you been?"

"Deh, appa." Jonghyun answered his dad.

"Good. Been busy but good. Hope you're doing well." Minho said after Jonghyun.

"Yup, yup. Many kids have signed up for the art school. Oh, come sit." Jonghyun's dad signaled for Jonghyun to sit next to him. Jonghyun's mom sat on the other side of Jonghyun's dad and Minho sat on the one-seated couch.

"So appa, umma, what did you want to tell me? Umma said something about telling me news." Jonghyun said curiously.

"Well.." Jonghyun's mom started then stared at Jonghyun. Jonghyun's dad continued. He knew that Jonghyun's mom couldn't say it.

"You're an idol. I know but, you can't be one forever right? And you know how me and your umma owns an art school right?" Jonghyun's appa paused. Letting Jonghyun sync in everything to his head first.

Minho knew what was about to happen. Jonghyun's parents have contacted Minho before-hand to tell him to go with Jonghyun here. You know, just in case.

"Anyways.. a famous artist went by there a few days ago and offered your umma to open a bigger and better art school because she liked the artwork  done by your umma and her students.." Jonghyun's dad explained. 



Hey guys! ^^ I haven't updated in FOREVER and.. tbh, I don't know where I'm going with this.. All my ideas just.. vanished :( 

-sigh- But If any of ya'll would wanna like.. help me (because the lazy bum named Christina wouldn't help..) I'll be more than happy to hear your ideas and Don't worry, I'll credit you(:

Also, School's almost over! In a week then..I gotta take the regents >.< I'm gonna fail the bio one.. the geometry one I might get like an 80 something..

Esh. So much work. I seriously don't know what to do with this fic.. I don't wanna delete it but I have no idea what to do..

Again: If you guys wanna help me out, I'll be glad to kick Christina out and add you instead. 

LOL Sorry Christina, I love you!<3

Anyways.. bye~ Hope you all are doing well(:

                                             -Te Amo,Melissa<3 (Just because I was listening to U-Kiss - Te Amo.. I was hoping they would sing in Spanish but guess not.. BUT they say they go 'Te Amo' is so cute!<3 I'm ramlbing..)

GIF Spam for me not updating :D Btw.. Most of these are EXO cuz.. I have been obsessed with them lately..ESPECIALLY LUHAN AND SEHUN<3 HUNHANFTW!


LOL AWW<3 Look at dem dorks xD 


Kai just got the chills xD


That smirk is just so..unff. The 20 (not sure is he's 20 but..) year old man who looks like a baby.


Everybody just.. doing their own things..THEY CUT KEY OFF. WHY?! If you look at the other Etude House pictures of this, on their shirts Onew's says 'ON' , Jonghyun says 'JH' , Minho says 'MH' , Taemin says 'TM' and Key says 'KEY' because noone dares to make 'Key' short. LOL I'm so weird.. >.< 


I'm pretty sure Minho leanred this from Taemin.. 


And I quote from Chonny; "Joon, you cutie." 


I like this one better<3 

KPOP Insults! (Excuse my comments xD I just added it in there for fun.) 

1. "You're so short, even Jonghyun looks down on you." (I'm actually shorter than him but.. w/e. xD) 

2. "You make sasaeng fans look normal." (BURNED.) 

3. "I'd say you have Onew Condition but that would be an insult to Onew." (OHOHOHOHO.)

4. "You're more of a diva than Key." (This isn't really an insult if that person wants to be a diva but, if they don't, ohhhhhhhhh.) 

5. "Even Boyfriend doesn't want you as their girlfriend." (Well.. unless you're a guy and you're stright but.. other than that, You go girl!) 

6. "That's not fantastic baby." (Boom. Insulted by BIG BANG.) 

7. "You’re so cold even Ice Princess Jessica can’t stand you." (Jessica's crying. LOL IDK..)

8. "The english parts in SM songs make more sense than you." (Go back to school!)

9. "Your English make's Mir('s English) look smart." (That's sad.) 

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1say16 #1
Chapter 21: cant wait for the next chap :)
crazysujufreak #2
Chapter 21: of course you're making me edit it -_-
crazysujufreak #3
1. LuHan is 23 .
2. I'm not lazy, you never ask for my help -_-
1say16 #4
who could it be ? hmmm update soon
--nsyoo #5
Looooovveeeee that second gif. XD
1say16 #6
Yeah I guess
Those flashbacks were so sweet~ :C
please update soon... i love your story!!!!
1say16 #9
update soon jonghyun pls change already be good bf
-jeiraz #10
ing soehyon. HU DA FECK R U GURL TO CALL STEPH A ?! .YOU.<br />
and jonghyun, she doesn't care, DINO-HEAD.