The mysterious one.

How my life changed in Seoul. (Hiatus)


Author’s POV

So, the summary for those who might not have understood the situation, here it is. The desperate Dino called Asma, spazzed a little upon hearing her caller tone, got to know about the other dorks hanging out with her at the zoo, panic stricken upon the realization; nearly skipping of a traffic signal in an attempt to reach the zoo in a record time only he could register along with the other 4 dorks and now in a silent battle with the other Dino he calls Donghae hyung. In short, Jurassic Park part 4 is being silently filmed while the one it’s being filmed for is totally oblivious of the whole situation and is enjoying the site of the cute pandas in front of her.

OK. From now on, I’m going to behave like a matured author and will allow no silly interruptions from any of my character. I’m going to behave very responsibly now. That was meant to be a side note but whatever.

Asma was happily enjoying her time at the zoo when suddenly; a little boy of around 8 years old appeared in front of her with a stalk of a beautiful rose.

“Noona, this is for you.” He said after pulling her scarf a little to get her attention from the pandas. Asma smiled after looking at the little boy and bent down to his level.

“For me?” she asked with a smile and the little boy innocently nodded.

“So beautiful. Who gave it? You?” she asked after taking the rose from his tiny hands. The boy shook his head and pointed at a place where nobody was.

“But there is no one over there.” Asma pouted cutely.

“A hyung gave that.” Saying this, he hurriedly kissed her left cheek and ran away from there. All she did was smile. She got up and gave the stalk of rose to MiNa who was standing and watching it curiously.

“Why are you giving that to me?” MiNa asked with an eyebrow raised.

“As a thank you for being my bestfriend.” Asma chirped.

“But it’s a gift from someone else.” MiNa retorted.

“I’m still not over the nightmare of those anonymous bouquets. I’m suffering from rose-a-phobia recently so accept it.”

“You can gift that rose to me MiNa-ssi. I’d be more than honored to be accepting a girl’s proposal when sober.” The evil maknae smirked.

“Proposing you? Not even in my deadliest nightmare please.”

“We’ll see.”

 The KyuMin couple (Kyu+MiNa=KyuMin but I’m fantasizing about the real Kyumin couple too btw *wink, wink*) halted their bickering when another little boy approached Asma with 2 stalks of roses this time.

“Noona, noona. These are for you.” said the cute little boy with a smile reaching his tiny eyes. Asma just smiled but didn’t accept the roses. “Why the roses little one?” she gingerly asked.

He pointed at the same direction as the previous boy had done but found no one. He innocently scratched his head and said, “But a hyung was standing there a while back and promised to buy me an ice cream cone if I gave you these flowers.” He became sad.

“Ok. Give me the flowers then.” She smiled and pat the little boy’s head to which he beamed and skipped off happily in hopes of getting his promised reward. And to those wondering if he got one or not; stay relieved because he did.

“I’m not accepting the roses anymore.” MiNa eyed the two beautiful thorn-less stalks in Asma’s hands.

“I’m willing to!” the two dinosaurs chorused and glared at each other upon the chorus by the other. Sure, the dinos do think alike after all.

Asma just shrugged and gave them a stalk each. The two hybrids were not even done with their mini celebration when a crowd of little boys started approaching Asma and the creases on the foreheads of the two older admirers showed that they had sensed what was happening. They finally registered into their little child-like brains that a certain someone was hidden behind the shadows; watching it all. A certain someone, who remained a mystery. And the dinos weren’t the only ones who frowned. The two girls found themselves giving out similar expressions too.

The crowd of 20 kids had a stalk of a beautiful rose each in their small hands. Panic and amusement was now evident in Asma’s eyes as she started to get the hint of what might be happening after all. “The owner of these roses, why do I feel, is the same one who owned those bouquets?” she thought.

She tried not to accept the flowers but the kids were persistent too so that they would get their ice creams as promised too. After a good minute of struggling to not accept the roses, Asma gave in to the sulked faces of the kids in front of her and accepted the roses nevertheless.

Much to her delight, 19 hands took them away from her after the peppy kids disappeared from the scene. Yes, 19 hands I said, one by one, including Lady Hee Hee, The evil maknae, The cool horse, The killer-smile ice prince of Super Junior, the mysterious rapper of SHINee and how can we leave behind the only female bestfriend of the naïve girl here, right?

“It’s ok. Two roses won’t make any difference. I’ll take the second one as a way of thanking you for being my bestfriend too.” the serious girl commented and ended it off with a genuine smile.

Of course, the extra ones were being battled upon by the so-called Romeos. The last stalk, oh how I pity that little soul. Poor stalk of the ‘fought over rose’ couldn’t help but shred into pieces.

Yes, people familiar to Asma there smiled but someone in a corner was rather fuming with fury and rage while crushing a stalk of rose full of thorns. Blood was trickling down of the now injured left hand but that didn’t really hurt the person as much as the rejection of his affection in the form of roses did by the person he had grown to get drawn to and had made his centre of obsession now.

I’ll make you accept my rose Asma. And I’ll make you accept it now. He thought determined.

A little girl arrived this time to the now cheerful Asma with a note and a stalk of rose carefully held between her thumb and her index finger.

“Unnie, please take this.” She politely said making Asma turn her attention to the cute little girl. Asma quickly noticed the rose whose stalk has sharp thorns all over it. She also noticed the little girl’s thumb slightly bleeding due to the injury the thorn caused. And so, she did what she or any normal adult would do to protect a little kid on the verge of tears, whimpering out of a slight pain caused by a thorn. She abruptly took the stalk in her hand and winced in pain when her skin came in contact with some thorns while doing so. Yes, the blood did start to show itself, but so did the worry on the only person’s face who noticed it, the mysterious person behind the scene. The others were too engrossed into the animals the zoo had to offer them to get them amused at; to notice what was going on behind their backs.

Asma excused herself from the ‘crowd’ and guided the little girl to a small shop which could be mistaken for a mini convenience store. There she got the little girl’s little wound dressed up and sent her off after giving her a few chocolate treats.

Asma then spot an empty bench after exiting the store and finally checked what the note had to say.

If not for you giving out the harmless ones from earlier, a rose full of thorns wouldn’t have been hurting us both. If you don’t want more people to get hurt like the little one here, better accept this rose as a form of my affection towards you. Hurting you wasn’t out of my will but you left me no other option but to use it as a last resort. From now on, I’m going to make my presence obvious little by little. But don’t panic my dear one. Stay the way you are; happy, cheerful, kind, innocent and beautiful.

From yours and only yours,

To mine…..And ONLY mine.

The mysterious one hid behind a tree nearby and said out the note to himself that he had copied into his own memory. He smiled at the last sentence. “Mine, and only mine.” He repeated to himself as he saw Asma reading out the note, getting conscious of her surroundings and showing an expression he had never seen on her face before, fear.

******************************************************************************** ^_^ ************************************************************************************

So there, how was the change in my writing style? It’s my very first time using this style and I actually liked it. It let me view the whole thing as a reader and not writing any of the character POVs gave me a little room for improvements I couldn’t come up with when with POVs.

Anyways, Woo~~ wondering who that mysterious one might be? Was that something you guys weren’t expecting? Well, I had been giving out hints about such a person ever since the swimming pool incident but I guess u all failed to notice it.

I’m creating a poll regarding this twist coz honestly; I STILL don’t know who that mysterious person should be. I have a few names in my mind but I’m not sure if they fit in the character I’m trying to portray.

1)    Joon (MBLAQ) (but I don’t really want him because Asma actually knows a few Kpop artists and not knowing Joon is really illogical.)

2)    No Min Woo (the HOT guy from ‘My GF is a Gumiho’ I didn’t know about him until I reached the 4th chapter or so hence it also means that Asma doesn’t know him either. He REALLY fits into the character I’m trying to depict here.)

3)    Yoon Ah In (or Moon Jae Shin in Sungkyungwan Scandal. He has the same story as that of No Min Woo here.)

4)    Other recommendations.


Comments, comments, COMMENTS. I actually liked this chapter for real. The story might start to get to a little serious point from here on. It’s not really going to be Rom-Com, after all every story needs to have something cliché and some drama too. Hence, prepare yourselves for some here too. Also, I noticed that I was really successful at avoiding the author/character interruptions and rather stuck to the point of the whole chapter. Anyways, this is where I end my A/N

OH! B4 I forget, So, a new story has started cooking up in my busy yet useless brain and apparently, my proofreader (my sis) liked the first 2 chapters of it. All I can do for now is to let u guys know the title. It is...Drumrolls please...

The 200 pounds beauty...goes slim.

So? what do u guys say? I'm currently working on chapter 3 (GOSH! I HAVE 3 STORIES TO WORK ON NOW!) but I'm quite loving the flow of it myself. So I’d be creating 2 polls regarding it.



I’m gone crazy due to the happiness of my 1st anniversary as a writer on AFF on 6th of this month of the fic called HMLCIS! So don’t mind my crazy self.

I realized that this A/N has gotten longer than I had originally planned. Hence, this is where I take my leave for now.

Till the next update, this is Ashmy, signing out. :D

P.S.: Cringing at the ridiculous title of the chapter. Suggestions for a better one?


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ali1993 #1
Seriously women your fic is amazing. Best fic I've read so far, and reading this fic i can tell that your writing has hugely. Improved. No joke but I've lost count on how many times I've read this fic. And the stalky no min woo is a brilliant idea. And at the same time sooooo hot :D keep it up and update and good luck :D
Chapter 35: ANNYONG! :D
Stalker is back *narrows eyes

The chapter was great, sorry didn't comment before. Your writing has really evolved over time. And I just can't get over how you can put humour to make it haeppy haeppy :D

Keep it up unnie!
Chapter 34: WOOO!
I really loved the chapter! After so long and so amazing that too, I loved it :D
Do continue! Let's see what this obsessed person does next! *biting nails
- Sasaeng halmoeni
Hi dee! *waves frantically
First of all congratulations. I've seen you only improving with each chapter and this one was no exception. Things happen to us when we least expect it don't they? In the most unexpected ways possible.
I loved his part of the story, he seems so obsessed with her! *squels
Keep up the good work Dee! ~Hwaiting and Fighting!
Good luck for college, i'm sure i'm gonna see your picture in the newspaper next year getting that prize from Sheikh Mohd.! :D
:O gorgeous stalker! No, seriously! O.O

Nice chapter by the way, filling in stuff helps explain everything better! You've improved heaps! Your description of No Min Woo was excellent if I may say so myself :)
The stalker is pretty impressive! I liked the chapter, it clearly shows how obsessed people act. (Ask me if I were in korea and i had the chance to meet Suju i'd turn into a sasaeng as well) (then again, no, just no :P )

I loved the chapter dee! Keep up the good work :D
Take care and keep writing xD
Chapter 6:
Auther-nim you are so mean!! \(>.<)/!!
aww getting the stares eh? x'D I know that feeling :P (But in a different situation)
Dawww Asma finally made a friend!
Chapter 5:
It looks like the story is going ahead now!
Loved the JongKey part x'D
love the way how you gave the songs to listen while reading ~ ^_~
Yeah, so this chapter is cute and all. Still awaiting to find out who the stalker is. Found two typos while reading.

1. Likening. You have a liking for dogs.
2. Weak instead of week.
It's so well written! :D
Unnie is becoming better and better every time I see her! It was so good of MiNa to take care of Asma, she's a good friend.
I thought for a second there that the old doctor is the stalker but NOOO, and I found a speciality of our very despised stalker, he smirks a lot, but who smirks a lot.
Aish! I'm wondering who it is :P

Keep the good work up