Stalker No. 2???

How my life changed in Seoul. (Hiatus) (Please DO click on it. It REALLY goes well with the coming situation :D)

(A/N: OK i know that this update took LONGER than usual to be updated, but i was facing some health issues past 1 week and I wrote THIS chapter while I had a fever. I still did some big changes to make it less boring..but This is all my little mind with less curves could come up with. And I need to confess...though I had fever and health issues, I STILL advertised my story SHAMELESSLY. But HEY!! I got 49 SUBSCRIBERS guys!!! thnx a lottt!! OK I think it's time to begin the boring yet continuing chapter now. hope u enjoy ^_^



Wednesday 6:00am

Author's POV

Asma finished up her morning chores except having her morning shower. After having her shower, she decided to dry up her hair in the balcony while admiring the surroundings & the good weather. Now let's begin the day with Donghae's POV. Yes, that's right. It's Donghae's POV =P

Donghae's POV

I donno how & I donno why I ended up jogging in this same park from yesterday. that I'm here, why not take a look at Ms. Pretty eyes? I wonder if she's awake by now. It's still early though. But if she's up, I hope she shows up in her balcony.

*Asma shows up in the balcony*

WOW!!! I must be psychich!!

She's awake & has had her bath already I suppose, since she's drying her long black hair.

She looks even prettier than last night due to the clear sky. Her wet hair down is enhancing her beauty even more. She's made me really curious about her. I can't stop myself from staring at her. If passerbys happen to look at me right now, they might mistake me for a stalker.

"You're already becoming one yourself."


"MHM *nods*

O.O OK, back to my thoughts. 

I'm in a proper disguise, that is, in a hoodie & a track suit today. The track suit is 'cause I usually wake up early & jog in parks to lighten up my mind & keep myself fit. And that was the case today as well. 

I jog without the hoodie inside the parks but I make sure to be properly disguised before exiting them.

Oh no! She's going in. Hmm...she's gone.

I feel hungry now. A little breakfast in a near cafe won't hurt.


Asma's POV

I was drying my hair in my balcony when I noticed a guy in hoodie & Huge & HUMUNGOUS spectacles gazing at me. I din't think he was looking at me at first. But when I noticed he din't divert his gaze, I got pretty freaked out. I don't know why, but for some reason, I felt that the guy was Donghae from SuJu. I found his facial features a bit similar. But I'm sure I'm wrong here for 2 reasons:

1) He was standing on the other side of road making it difficult to see clearly.

2) Why the HELL will Donghae stare at me!?? I can only dream about it.

But is wearing a hoodie a trend these days? It's such a good weather yet people go around wearing hoodies and sunglasses and what not.

So....I got really freaked out by the constant staring and so, I went back in my hall. Time to get ready for the day =D


7:00 am

Author's POV

Asma got ready & wore another Indian styled dress ------->images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQo96k8A5Ok476nxn_udmk (A/N: Ignore the an A/N during my own POV feels so werid though =p)

She's kind of patriotic you see. Though she spent her entire life in Dubai, she still loves her birth country more than Dubai.

It's time for her to leave her apartment for SNU. She still has the pain in her ankle but it's better after some home remedies she tried. Now let's get back to the day with Donghae's POV again. That's right. It's Donghae's POV again & not Asma's POV =p

Donghae's POV

It's been half an hour since I've had my breakfast. but I'm still sitting in the cafe that's right next to Ms. Pretty eyes' apartment building. I donno why, but I want to see her more. Don't think my interest in her is just because of her beauty. She caught my attention even before I noticed her beauty. It's rare to see a girl teaching a jerk a lesson That painfully & also making him address her as a 'sister'. Her crossing the road while limping yet cheerful, her simplicity & then comes her beauty.

It's 7:00am, & I think I should get going now. We're quite busy after our comeback. So if I don't show up at the dorm now, Teuki hyung will get worried since I don't take this long to jog usually. It's not like we, apart from me, wake up this early usually. But since we got schedules now a days, we wake up quite early.

Author's POV

Donghae exited from the cafe & was Just about to leave, when Asma comes out of her apartment building & gets on her bike.

Donghae's POV

Is that her? Is that Really her???So she isn't a Korean?

"DUH! Is your IQ lower than Jjong's?"

Show some respect. I'm your oppa.

"Pshhh. As if. Show some respect. You're My character and I'M your author =p"


She's wearing some different sort of pants & shirt & it has some matching scarf along too.

"It's Indian styled dress Pabo.Not ' some different sort of pants & shirt & it has some matching scarf ' *sarcastically* "

Will you STOP interrupting me & let the story go forward?

"Ooops! OK. Miane...hehehe,,*laughs nervously* carry on =D "

This author...I'll continue with my thoughts anyways,,

She is so simple yet beautiful. She's a natural beauty. Now I know why that jerk from yesterday tried to hit on her.

Should I follow her? Or should I not? It was 7:00am a while ago though. I wonder what time is it now.

*gasps* It's 7:20 am!!! IMPOSSIBLE! I spent 20 minutes observing her just Leave? I better rush back to the dorm or Teuki hyung will seriously kill me.


8:00 am

Asma's POV 

I reached the University long back, did some 'cover up' MiNa is helping me out with & am waiting for our first lecturer to arrive & begin the important lecture. I din't visit the Lollipop Ahjumma today since I was already getting late due to my ankle sprain =( 

Oh! There comes the lecturer. Time to get serious :D


Jonghyun's POV

It's 8:15am & I'm still waiting here near the lollipop stall for my mystery girl. She's late today. I wonder how her ankle might be. I wanted to go & help her yesterday but Key stopped me. I still donno the reason though.

'Kaabu isso ...(Lucifer)' *phone's ringing*

Oh! My phone's ringing. This reminds me, I din't change my ringtone to 'Romantic' yet. I'll do it after attending this call. Who's it anyways? Oh! It's Key-ah.

*Phone conversation*

"Yoboseyo? De Key"

"YAH! Hyung. Where Are you?"

"I'm at the lollipop stall."

"Lollipop stall? Wae?"

"Waiting for my Senorita. What else?"

"BWOH!!! Hyung are you STUPID?"


"Your Senorita, or Mystery girl or whatever, is already busy attending her lectures in her lecture rooms right now."

"BWOH!!! How do you know?"

"I saw her today DUH! How else?"

"I'm coming Now! Anneyong."

"Palli, palli. Anneyong."

*End of phone conversation*

She's attending her lectures & din't come to the lollipop stall? Ottokhae??? I missed seeing her today. I should hurry to SNU right now.


1:00 pm Lunch time

MiNa's POV

I'm currently having my lunch with Asma, but something seems wrong with her today. She din't do or speak anything stupid today, but kept on either wincing or concentrating in the lectures. I also noticed her limping on her right foot & it's making me worried. I should ask her.

"Asma-ah. What's the matter with you today? You seem to be injured.", I ask her concerned.

"OH! Nothing. it's just that I sprained my right ankle yesterday while beaiting up a jerk.", she replied. She Beat up a Guy??!!! WOW!!!

"Why? Why did you hit a guy?", I'm really curious now.

"Oh! Yeah! I nearly forgot telling you about it. Actually, he had tried hitting on me & din't let go off my hand even after I had warned him of the outcome. So I used my defense skills on him & went all Karate mode on him. *giggles*. I kicked him on his private area many times. I wonder if he'll ever have kids. I twisted his hand & flung him on the ground, punched his pretty face & finally made him address me as his 'sister'. Poor guy, he promised he would never hit on his own girlfriend either hehehe.", she said excitedly and laughed. Her voice is so loud...I doubt she ever needed a mic before. But..

"You know how to defend yourself physically?! WOW!", she's impressive =D

"My dad's a cop in Dubai & there was this one time when he forced us daughters to learn such skills to protect ourselves. I'm really glad I know to pull off a little Karate & normal street fight. All thanx to it, I cango all 'Haayya..hush,push,dush,fush' on jerks like him. She said excitedly while doing gestures and actions with her hands at the end. You can imagine it right? Right =D

But wow! This girl isn't an ordinary one.

"That's why she's my lead O.C. =P"

Will you stay silent? or she'll hear you.

"oops! I'm going crazy 'cause of Jjong"

Can I get back to my conversation with Asma now?*sarcastic*

"Oh! Yeah. sure."


Where was I?? Great!! I forgot.

"MiNa, your food is getting cold. Eat it up.", she said pointing at my pasta while eating her Lasagna. Doesn't she get tired of eating the same thing since past 3 days?

"De.", I reply & continue eating.


Key's POV

Ooooooh O.O!! So she learnt self defense skills from her Dad~~ Impressive.

You might be wondering why did I stop Jjong hyung from going & helping Asma-ssi yesterday. That's right. I know her name now. I used my Almighty skills you see *smirks*. But I'm not telling Jjong hyung yet =p. And you might be wondering how I know that you guys know that I stopped him from helping her yesterday. right? That's 'cause I know he has a big mouth so he told you guys already. RIGHT!!!

So what happened was, when she was leaving the park limpingly, I noticed Donghae hyung hiding behind a tree Just next to ours, but it was 4 feet far & nearer to the exit/entrance. I noticed his every move & that he was observing her very carefully. Other members were all in a daze after looking her beat that jerk up. So they din't notice this.

I donno why, but I felt like preventing Jjong hyung from helping her.

I noticed Donghae hyung following her after that, Seems like Jjong hyung got a rival now. I guess we'll soon witness Jurrassic Park 4 between Dino Jjong & Dino Hae.

"Yah Key-ah! I want to go & talk to her.", Jjong hyung said while whining.

"Umma...Isn't that noona from yesterday?", Taeminnie asked all excited.

"De.",I casually replied.

"AIGO~~! Noona Neomu Yeppo~~ I want to go & hug her! I feel like kissing her cheeks. OMO! I'm blushing now.", Taeminnie said even more excitedly.

"I feel like doing that too. ...Wait..YAH! She's your sister-in-law.", You know who that is. My Yeobo =p

"Hyung~! When did you marry her? *gasps*", whoelse, my Son Taeminnie *sighs*

"I din't marry her yet. But I'll soon ^_* =D", Jjong hyung said smilingly with sparkling eyes.

"YAH! Key-ah! I want to talk to her~~", Jjongh hyung again. Aaargh!!

"But it's public hyung. Are you sure?", I ask him. Actually, we don't really care if it's public or not for such simple matters. I'm just torturing him by preventing him. bhuhuhhaha.

"Jebal~~ Please, please~~~", Jjong hyung said literally begging on his knees.

"But she's gone already.", I simply say.

He looked at her now empty table and..

"Gone!!! No~~~~~~~~", Jjong hyung.

"Gone. You're~~ gone. Baby you're gone. You're gone.", Onew hyung sang.

But I guess it's time to give another shock to Asma-ssi soon. *smirks*

************************************************************************** ^_^ *******************************************************************************************

Hey friends!! OK I know that this update took like Forever to be updated..and I'm REALLLY REALLY SORRY...but I was suffering from some health issues and fever since past 1 week. But I still advertised shamelessly hehehe..ok...apart from that..I'm REALLY SORRY. so..apologies accepted right? :D

now about the chapter. I know the chap was a bit tiny miny boring but HEY wasnt that bad either right?.

I GOT 49 SUBBERS NOW WOWOWWWW!!! THNX A LOTTT my subbers. please do keep reading and supporting me.

Do comment on how this chappie was on the comment box DOWN. and keep supporting me by reading, commenting and subscribing to it if u havent yet. sure silent readers and welcomed but try to comment atleast once in a blue moon when u feel like :D 

Did I miss anything? OK...i guess I'll do replies for the latest comments here then

@kurosecret: THNX A LOTTT for liking my story and giving me such encouraging comments :D

@SCANDALICIOUS: THNX ALOTTT for liking my story and AARGH!! I guess I'm going to give the same response to all of my commentors here..hehe

@KxJshineelovers: Hehehehe..U're the first person to say that "Ashmy_ash FTW" hehehe..THNX ALOTTT :D

@SuperEunAe: AWWWW...thnx A LOTT for ur sweet comment. please stay addicted to it hehehe =p

@Anncho: THNX alot for ur motivating comment :D PLease do keep supporting me and my fic. And by the way. I'm sorry but I'm not into so I neither read them nor do I write them. sorry again :D

@hana_key: THNX A LOTTT for liking my story and giving me such encouraging comments :D

@ChickenPipi:THNX A LOTTT for liking my story and giving me such encouraging comments :D

@blausaphir15:THNX A LOTTT for liking my story and giving me such encouraging comments :D

@Onew11:THNX A LOTTT for liking my story and giving me such encouraging comments :D

@tihikix33: THNX THNX THNX for that comment. U're 1 of my favorite writers here on AFF. And your praise MADE my day!! :D By the did u come to know abt this fic?? I'm getting curious u c :D

So I guess that's it for now.


Till then..this is Ashmy..signing off :D

Jaljayo..Anneyong ^^

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ali1993 #1
Seriously women your fic is amazing. Best fic I've read so far, and reading this fic i can tell that your writing has hugely. Improved. No joke but I've lost count on how many times I've read this fic. And the stalky no min woo is a brilliant idea. And at the same time sooooo hot :D keep it up and update and good luck :D
Chapter 35: ANNYONG! :D
Stalker is back *narrows eyes

The chapter was great, sorry didn't comment before. Your writing has really evolved over time. And I just can't get over how you can put humour to make it haeppy haeppy :D

Keep it up unnie!
Chapter 34: WOOO!
I really loved the chapter! After so long and so amazing that too, I loved it :D
Do continue! Let's see what this obsessed person does next! *biting nails
- Sasaeng halmoeni
Hi dee! *waves frantically
First of all congratulations. I've seen you only improving with each chapter and this one was no exception. Things happen to us when we least expect it don't they? In the most unexpected ways possible.
I loved his part of the story, he seems so obsessed with her! *squels
Keep up the good work Dee! ~Hwaiting and Fighting!
Good luck for college, i'm sure i'm gonna see your picture in the newspaper next year getting that prize from Sheikh Mohd.! :D
:O gorgeous stalker! No, seriously! O.O

Nice chapter by the way, filling in stuff helps explain everything better! You've improved heaps! Your description of No Min Woo was excellent if I may say so myself :)
The stalker is pretty impressive! I liked the chapter, it clearly shows how obsessed people act. (Ask me if I were in korea and i had the chance to meet Suju i'd turn into a sasaeng as well) (then again, no, just no :P )

I loved the chapter dee! Keep up the good work :D
Take care and keep writing xD
Chapter 6:
Auther-nim you are so mean!! \(>.<)/!!
aww getting the stares eh? x'D I know that feeling :P (But in a different situation)
Dawww Asma finally made a friend!
Chapter 5:
It looks like the story is going ahead now!
Loved the JongKey part x'D
love the way how you gave the songs to listen while reading ~ ^_~
Yeah, so this chapter is cute and all. Still awaiting to find out who the stalker is. Found two typos while reading.

1. Likening. You have a liking for dogs.
2. Weak instead of week.
It's so well written! :D
Unnie is becoming better and better every time I see her! It was so good of MiNa to take care of Asma, she's a good friend.
I thought for a second there that the old doctor is the stalker but NOOO, and I found a speciality of our very despised stalker, he smirks a lot, but who smirks a lot.
Aish! I'm wondering who it is :P

Keep the good work up